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PERMIT # t �'� d w z ..__.. SCOPE OF WORK: CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG DATE RECEIVED 2 "" < o o 9ptti BUILD .N SER I" ,T� City of Port Townsend W w Development Services Department et 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD08-028 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Project Name NEW SFR Site Address 308 FILLMORE ST Parcel # 989705904 Project Description NEW SFR Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Applicant Fiore Joan Owner Fiore Joan Contractor Little And Little (360) 385-5606 STATE LITTLLC157C' 02/28/2009 * * * SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as alaproval to viohte ;iny provisions of the PTMC or otlaet laws or i-egulations.. I eeniiy that the information provided as a part of the apl)lication lits this pea'nnit is treae and aeeuntte to the best o f iny'knowledge, l further c~coil'y that I am the owner of the prop. *11 t cra- r�autholl izzecl ,age eat rol'the owner. PrintNaril� •--- � "I lr ""''-- IssDatued By: 07/0]/2008 ]sued By: SWASSMER Project Information BUILDING Elf .T City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 308 FILLMORE ST Project Description NEW SFR Permit # BLD08-028 Project Name NEW SFR Parcel # 989705904 Fee Information Project Details Decks — Residential 112 SQFT Project Valuation $239,434.26 Dwellings — Type V Wood Frame 2,370 SQFT Site Address Fee 3.00 Private Garages — Wood Frame 520 SQFT Building Permit Fee 1,777.75 Energy Code Fee - New Single 100.00 Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee 1,155.54 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit 35.56 Record Retention Fee for Building 10.00 Permit Total Fees $3,386.35 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Naa _____ Date Issued- 07/01/2008 Issued y: SWASSMER Project Information e wl"D -groom 11410 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 308 FILLMORE ST Project Description NEW SFR Conditions Permit # BLD08-028 Project Name NEW SFR Parcel # 989705904 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. 20. Temp. erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections. 30. Studio above garage is not permitted to be rented for transient use. See PTMC section 17.16.020. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name _ Date Issued:: 07/01/2008 Issued By: SWASSMER Development Service, o goer r 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368 * Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax: 360-344-4619 �c www.cityofpt.us Residential Building Permit Application Project Address: SO& flAopf; Zoning:—] Parcel # 41$1105104— Project Description: N6W 21(0,3 Legal Description ( r Tax ft Addition: I - T Block: 1 Lot(s): 5 4 % i srt7�� W Ii fW AJTA61H60 4ffie Nese Only Permi #'6, ") 6 Associated Permits :, ff ➢ Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 ➢ See the "Residential Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. Property Owner-. Name: d Voltt Address:230(? 51-14tAq M.6 - City/'StlZip: WA 1 Phone: VXZ • (� + • t) 614 Email: 14 r1r11 . k r 1t;Z- 6) • w 6& Contractor: ❑ Same as Owner Name: LLMO wl<`r GoiUnfl¢ CT40h) Address: /T"# l" . City/St/Zip: ^ in/ Phone:I_ (! Email: 14 16- h*&. ('0M State License #.14"t ) ','Z,01 Exp: City Business License #: e' Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Name: l`Jb AJ 6 °,. Project Valuation: , J,� Building Information (square feet): 15t floor �� Garage: 45-w 2nd floor Deck(s): 10 17 1 3`d floor Porch(es): (('L Basement: •-- Is it finished? Yes No Carport: Other: Manufactured Home I ADU I New ► Addition ► Remodel/Repair I Total w wverage (Buillding •• • w Impervious Square -"t._ !*Total existina & Proposed Any known wetlands on the property? Y Any steep slopes (>15%)? 69 N I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: teevw D Signature: d Date: 12 ' '✓ ' �� �;PoRr o� City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 ' Port Townsend WA 98368 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 k af REVISION TO BUILDING PERMIT # F�LQQJ3 - Revision # _ OWNER: O ✓t.'�r """°' }--z.. SITE ADDRESS: —' I Iwt a �L Total Value of Revision: $ Impervious Surface Change? ❑ Yes ,><No Revisions require 2 sets of plans and a written scope of workthat fully describes the proposed change plus any additional information that will be of assistance in issuing your revision. If your plans were stamped by a design professional, all revision submittals require a stamp with a wet signature. Be avere that changes to the existing approved plans may also require yqu to revise your original building permit application (lot coverage, impervious surface, structure square footage, etc.) and energy code documents (changing windows, heat source, etc.) to conform to your proposed changes. Scope of work: RM _ ..... ....... ...... dg Applicant Signature Date OFFICE USE ONLY: Submittal date: Two sets of plans for revision: Approval of engineer of record (if original plans engineered): ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ NA PADSMDepartment FormMudding Forms\Application-Revision.doc E., SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Transmittal To: Alex Little Address: Little -Little Construction 2009 4" St Port Townsend, WA 98368 Phone: Fax. Copy to: Date: September 16, 2008 Pages: From: Scott Hufford Project Name: Hurwitz/Fiore Residence Project #. 0036-2004-02-00 Attachments Wet Stamped CMU Details for Garage Remarks Alex, Kevin Gent requested I send these wet stamped details directly to you so you could submit them to the city. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, Scott Hufford 206-956-3728 2124 Third Avenue. Suite 100 . Seattle . WA 98121 www.swensonsayfaget. com Office: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 I I 1 If "` 2008) 0 F P't [�I 1'UN NS N1b DSI) 6 ,4 ,�A &-G �AN Puoject SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Thlyd Avenue • Suite 100 -Seattle -WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway -Tacoma • WA 98402 Tel: 253.284.9470 Fax: 253.284.9471 m Nr F,E� 12, Fe-.ANt zxP-i-,tom' w/ A2& Pc:�2 s� ,se-- p'- Ut.-4E7 V_"0 . e. VES% F(A-t-y G! --o ' v,1A �-L <S.0. G . C ON(c. QTc. M, OF POR 'Too, M VERT. C 0 p-. N1 e �¢x Evl 17-41 P_w1T ANMSWENSON SAY FAGET ASTRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.4436212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98402 Tel: 253.284.9470 Fax: 253.284.9471 r,DNe. \h/4t1L- p P, fL�Ar_P No. P Structural Calculations For: Fiore/Hurwitz Residence &Garage SAM Fillmore Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Client: KdG Architecture PS January 15, 2008 EXPIRES 9/11/ W MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STNUCTUM ENGINEEIIING CON►ONATION 2124 Third Avenue . Suite Too . Seattle . WA 98121 Office 2o6.443.6212 Fax 206.443.4870 Seismic Design Loads ASCE 7-05 for a Wood Framed Structure OCCUPANCY CAT. II USE GROUP I IMP. FACTOR 1.00 SITE CLASS D R = 6.5 SEISMIC CAT. D Ss= 1.34 S1= 0.49 Fa = 1 F„ = 1.5 SDS= 0.893333 SD1= 0.49 Cs= 0.137 CSASD= 0.096 Vertical Design Loads ASCE 7-05 IBC 2006 Table 1-1 Table 11.5-1 Table 20.3-1 Table 12.2-1 1996 USGS Latitude/ Longitude (http://egint.cr.usgs.gov/eq-men/html/lookup-interp.html) 1996 USGS Latitude/ Longitude (http://egint.cr.usgs.gov/eq-men/html/lookup-interp.html) Table 11.4-1 Table 11.4-2 Seismic Dead Load: 15 psf Roof 10 psf Floor 10 psf Wall Eqn. 12.8-2 Roof (Composite) 2.2 psf 1/2" Ply 15 psf Rafter/Truss 2 psf Insulation , 1 psf 5/8" GWB 3.1 psf Misc./Mech. 1 2 psf Use 11.8 psf Use 15, Dsf Snow (roof) 25 psf Live (floor) 40 psf Soil Bearing 2000 psf r rAdSWENSON SAY FAGOT A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION 2124 Third Avenue. Suite 100. Seattle WA 98121 www swensonsaylaget.com 1r ke. 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Wroof 20 psf Wfloor 20 psf Flooring 1 psf 3/4" Ply 2.3 psf Joists 2.6 psf 5/8V'GWB 3:1 psf Misc. Mech 1 psf 10 psf Use 10 DSf Project: Fiore/Hurwitz Res. Port Townsend, WA Date: 11/14/2007 Project #: 1797-2007-01-00 Design: SKH Sheet: Criteria 1 Wind Design Loads ASCE 7-05 Method 2 - Analytical Procedure Exposure D V= 85 Kd= 0.85 1= 1.00 G= 0.85 Terrain= H Site= UP H= Lh= X= Z= P= Y= K, value = K, = K2= K3= H/Lh= Elevation= H/Site= Kn= (1+K1 Pressures: Roof Angle = 40 degrees mph Ground to top of roof 26 ft Table 6-4 Bottom of roof to top of roof 6 ft (mean roof height) h= 23 ft p'hy, from Figure 6-4 (Ridge, Hili, Escarpment} (UPwind or DOWNwind) 121 ft height of topography 1166 ft distance from H/2 to crest>0 667 ft distance from crest to site Pressure Coefficients 25 ft Height from bottom of structure to top from Figure 6-6: 1.5 1.03 Bldg Face CP 4 18.48 Windward Wall 0.8 1.15 11.55 Leeward Wall -0.5 0.12 20-25 Windward Roof 0.4 0.62 11.971 Leeward Roof -0.6 0.92 25-30 *Note= Cp values are conservative 0.10 <0.2? If so, Kzt=1.0 if H/Lh <0.2 per worst case values 18 ft Elevation of site from bottom of topography 1.221 0.15 <0.5? If so, Kzt=1.0 if site on bottom half of slope per 7.481 1.00 Ht 11 KZ Qz PwwwallsPlwwalls Design: Pwalls (psf) 0-15 1.03 16.19 11.01 7.48 18.48 15-20 1.08 16.98 11.55 7.48 19.03 20-25 1.12 17.61 11.971 7,48 19.46 25-30 1.16 18.24 12.40 7.48 19,88 30-40 1.221 19.18 13.041 7.481 20.53 WMW SWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORA110N 2124 Third Avenue. Suite 100. Seattle . WA 96121 www. swensonsayfagetcom Office: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4670 Proof (pSO 14.97 Project: Fiore/Hurwitz Res Date: 11/14/2007 Project #: 1797-2007-01-00 Design: SKH Sheet: Criteria 2 I - 1 31 G fillmore st port townsend, wa - Google Mir (-- I http://maps.google.c� naps? f--q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&., Z*Nk Address Save trees. Go green! 310 Fillmore St Download Google Maps for mobile Mal S Port Townsend, WA 98368 Text maps to 466453 Conterminous 48 States 2003 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 48.11401 Longitude = -122.75951 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.05 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.336 Ss, Site Class B 1.0 0.486 S1, Site Class B Conterminous 48 States 2000 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 48.11401 Longitude = -122.75951 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa =. 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.1 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.261 Ss, Site Class B 1.0 0.448 S1, Site Class B Conterminous 48 States 1997 NEHRP Seismic Design Provisions Latitude = 48.11401 Longitude = -122.75951 Spectral Response Accelerations Ss and S1 Ss and S1 = Mapped Spectral Acceleration Values Site Class B - Fa = 1.0 ,Fv = 1.0 Data are based on a 0.1 deg grid spacing Period Sa (sec) (g) 0.2 1.261 Ss, Site Class B 1.0 0.448 S1, Site Class B 1 0 0 0 L; a N N -1 It W N C7 N C; 0 ... LATEgA L ANA LYst 5 e=-- /sem I C GN T = ZO PsF <56017� �-/292n� = 37.0 k \,/'= 6,0c/6 (37.0k� = -'e. 4, k \,-/ I h/ D ' vEc- 7A 1 8 )4,T 40,/ -�- Ro©F I /92- 19 Z^) lD 187 39, 7.1 43 8,,f 15� 7 1Z4 36 9.9 -q 5- 5, r, WAMP MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Thlyd Avenue -Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98402 /.51-r K Z-0, 6 k �✓� tii GovcLN S BoTN DRE-CTION S <i�Ty ELA1`1_1 3t FP,I A16 d _W.. rr�]ax't Date Pro]. No. Beslgn L/ ti. SN-EA-Rw��� ��srGtit X10 I2T1-F - SD UTy D I'R EGTI ON O� EA Vk,1.7 /,-7 I- C� s 18 q6 zr�O 1,5 -7 LC-> 3 zs r3.s 5 ,ki. 5W� Sv,i'Z SW 1 FF �- H b P 4 ► 47T2-2- w,,/&x6 wApd ho -up w1 1�_16�-07 Prpled f Date MASWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Prol.No. Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Design Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway- Tacoma • WA 98402 ®° �f4eA(zw. L.c JJc'SIG ►-/ !Zo © F 8 v ✓.4 c.� tD ' \-✓A LL E� s -f- - �-✓ E's T- D I �t �cr r O n� g�oe14 p to . i T zo ........... -� r S,4 7 19 a.s 46 -47q sw I Sw9 SW 3 SW4 ' I18 7'�� 77- /,4 s,63 S,4 7 /s,s !Z Z73 .363 qc-6 S>.✓ Z SW 3 SW4 hF 7TZZ H 7T ZZ. r}DQg MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue -Suite 100 -Seattle -WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 8402 ^ Tacoma: 932 Broadway rvTacoma - WA 9 o' T �,8 7 woo'P FRAME WSEE L-1 It E26 (/12wIT-a //- M -p 7 Project Date Proj.No.��� Destari L "sheet G 0 NN Er-T)ON1 7> -SL O%yx ) I7/? &-Y p ) &-- To IOC �1`r 7 E G T IAN A >\IT, AT- BASE. qiBASE. USc sTk� Ps To I (�=1,-') k d = 6,-7 G 0,0zk = z.4a oK Mar MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98,402 USsL-7P,4 TO TRANSr eg PeAk V =0-q k =i USE (Z) L.'TP4 = 900 # I' (Z) NA IL S /'/Z " FoR 12 �. T= 3.I k 'rp?.q L = l(. Zk USC 14-772_2- FOA D7HEI2 G✓NP- I IOQE Uj> \1 / 2--4-o 7 Project Dale Prof. No. SKN Deslgn, J V -602 -TI GAL ANA(_ysI cz OOF FI INC_ RA a=rE 12s: L= 8S Z43 PS1 W = 800% 1Z 0,31: T -L` o A. _1D GE j? EAM ,. w= 28o�i� R' Z,ok -}x / -L L, = 6 W o = P = 1,3 k M = 2 •+O 6 = I I Zo Ps I L1rt_= o• �F'= x/461 4L = 37SPst -ry ' 26 Ps I dre.= O Zx / Z -sZops1 3SpsI W MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seaf fle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98402 SCGOhI't� [�t,� ��AMlnlCr ZO l ST �x -14 J�eGIe 3`01S7_' =6 7#1/1 - w X19 ps I I r rL. P/3 i4 Low ROOF Sc`A/A,, r s" 7 s, 1,6k 7foPsr 0.1l L_ �'.. = 60 Ps ! = 1.04 M = 1.6 2k err.' G CZ) 2x S W MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seaf fle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98402 SCGOhI't� [�t,� ��AMlnlCr ZO l ST �x -14 J�eGIe 3`01S7_' =6 7#1/1 - w X19 ps I I r rL. P/3 i4 Low ROOF Sc`A/A,, r s" 7 s, P=z.�k �b,6G3Ps! _-5 PSI '51'112 0o 6xia IHI � P � I,,.C7 �r.�iP CTd7+�' • , I = !960V, ^(4,z 706 Psi A Z /Z RE,4M BL-tCtl\A/ Sw+, rp., 100*/, �t = 3.gk •(z.$)(�'6�z,,� = 1.%k 5e15 3.8 k wfNp FL = 3. S k =7 z •Rk x •9k Ki' 4.2k fib= Is��Pa I rk..' 16.1 PS L _A) P-\-/ / __1� 11 -2 -I -o7 Proled Date Prol. No. SKH Design vl eaT7G4L /ANALYSIS S�cdN� FcAotz Fk.Ar�ING�m�rr.) S7-,4 I R A e -A M: Lz : s' Psf P = z,6k 1,7k Z Z r� '- 70 P5I K 5^ 6 k .Pb z 6 3 P51 . -I` s-, 6 I� ' 4tL~ O, 2' e�$00 Rte- 6. 11- M = Z.S. Z k = 13 3 Ps I L --SL- 3'-x // 7/6 PS I_ 5TAI6? TItA-•/SFt=r-: 0 11 _Tr Z o�- `q a 1'' c.l G l� 7 FRAME ^. ' > r i w 1,C)1 �I v �' 0-51 w z Igp�`/, A''M Id6 R 1,Z/L Art-- I''=�/`tv (SSL 3,/2-., 11,1/S L-13' P /Oo#/. I P 'C6= 861 psi r1- s.qK , PSL %yam 1/7/8 LOtilG 69Al pOC4G L✓- 17 '6 = /s81 PS I 100/, „ : a I Ps1 PSL 7x IlYB Zxs,@ ,,,, 4 P ^r -{^v = Z2Psl Aro = O 16 wApd MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway- Tacoma • WA 98902 F IF I 1-Z I- 0'7 lo4,Q�i Date Prol. No. SKN Design VZ rfASWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Pro]. No. yy Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 � "^ 1`""� Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 VIeogn , 4 Tacoma: 932Broadway•Tacoma •WA98LI02 �✓ —, �'A k 4Gt `A 1'E kA L ANALYSIS SE 16/U 1C dc��/bZ Arz.E , WCrtrFdT 4EiGs4T- I vz Cvx V ROOF 18!5,- 117 19 70 , 1'7 o . s (9PP�+e 6Bo 30, Z I) 33,-7 33.9 9O2 3 3k LevcL 7-916 7. /, N— S G E w 2 ,VLO Zoo F 8 V P pet I I Iso zo 3 .1 -Z 4 Z B. sl,�� U1'm� rq z.o ►, ? 1.72- �.��xrnn�rxxx.w '1 d V sLr 1 sl,�� 13 V(0 2,0 117 1.7 1zr) 2,25 1-5 g.s Zrzw,) 66? 376 376 $.V,, 5445_ iw 3 -4 U13 T(k) 7.1 3 40 s.v N ,D , (z)ems-rcpt U1'm� �y r4M �A z.o ►, ? 1.72- �.��xrnn�rxxx.w '1 d V sLr 1 sl,�� tr(wl logo 161 S sw 5w6 Sw7 T(-.) g.-7 lzrQ 14 4D. 14/4DQII f{HAQ1�{ r MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway- Tacoma • WA 98402 r,olc 1.o k T -1.2 It, 7- Z3 2-3 '1 d sLr 1 sl,�� it , r�rleet Dale Prol. No. SKS DesIgo p C;A PAlr c VE -RTI Cil- L- /SNA t_YS 1 s RAF -F -e --RS (� = 0,3k L=11�' -f6 = g43 Psi w =260/" v = SSP5 t R=1. 7k- -Ix / 2- L :76%5 , Fb = 1063 Rsl WC/o0 , P 1-7k JZ 1.1k A4 =Z,7k- --I x --Ix 8 52TO ,5 7"1501-L"' P .. 45rkw r.7k M='3.6kI P ChsPc F Cz "J�7"zsm / Zk (Z) �I7JC� / `/ �v� leo. WAS MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seattle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax., 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway -Tacoma • WA 98402 T'oISTS; U_". - I00*6 P = 0,gk Ri� 1.3k M' 1,`fk' I17/8 TZ -_L z 10 C2 Dec*- zo I s - M QrL- 0.4 "- 4i�i 7�1' 2.10@16'a�_ * fL 41lre +e t -OA D S 12-" PC1MiCE 16P:"f 12- s 0 t L- = 12SFsi SNbI.v �� f P-00 0-- — /C.9 1s fµ 17d PS =~13 , = 15-g -1P" t 1 6 W,Ok mil M 16 3 O Ir 1.6 - /38 6 Ps! i= 7-7k=76 Ps 1 Al = /0"I k dTC.= &"5". PSL S%yx I/�� 12►PPt� Nood Dale Prof. No. SKN Design -Vt elk -41" 193 Ps't C,fP" X°?'4 �-s,—�er 8 F, � L 8,51 .fib s /6Sc� Psi G✓ ' /, Zf,%i M= Io.SK art -'0,2 PS I` ,S�/+x q%Z W MSWENSON SAY FAGET A STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CORPORATION Seaf fle: 2124 Third Avenue • Suite 100 • Seattle • WA 9812 Tel: 206.443.6212 Fax: 206.443.4870 Tacoma: 932 Broadway • Tacoma • WA 98402 N bf - r µ- Ga RA C—F 141A4 --L- - t, -f- PGA € 6v,/ l /CSf6 Date Prol. No. D I n at, ,..r KdG Architecture P.S. Transmittal mail „Xµµµµ_ Courier Fax _______ww_ Papa ems .........-_ (including cover) Project: Fiore / Hurwitz Res. No. SF07-010 Date: February 12, 2008 From: Kevin Gent Attention: City of Port Townsend Fax No.: Development Services Description / Remarks: Enclosed are the structural calculations to be included with the building permit application for the above named project. The permit number is: BLD08-028. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you. Kevin Gent �w Ji .t^ )�))Y () F F1 01s'.I. 724 Ericksen Avenue NE Suite 204 Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 TEL (206) 842-1613 FAX (206) 780-3913 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. Residential permit application. Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than '/4" = 1 foot: VfA site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3: Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On-site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on-site 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9. Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures If architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature V If engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature 1 For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application o qpoaT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 a Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OF PROJECT: New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing building for WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft. does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING — Please check all that appI Electric Wall Heater Baseboard Forced Air Furnace J Radiant Floor (Boiler) Other Non -Electric: Propane: Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler)ALPG Stove "'a LPG Furnace Other LPG Heat Pump Oil Furnace Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: Floors: Plywood with exterior glue Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) Backed batts • Walls: Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) >6 Face -stapled, backed batts Low -perm paint • Ceilings: >( Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation Face -stapled, backed batts Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) Low -perm paint SEE BACK http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application- Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page I of 2 WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY 2000 Code): �e ol`ventilation used th ougl1out the 11oa�rse: X HVAC Integrated Option ' "& Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": • In what room is your whole house fan located? • What size is the whole house exhaust fan? "'50-75 CFM (1-2 bedroom house) 80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced -air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of 1/2 inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through -wall vent, these openings must: • Have controlled and secure openings • Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. • Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. What type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) Window Ports Wall Ports http:Uptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application-Residential Energy Code Checklist,doc Page 2 of 2 ff City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 Fax (360) 344-4619 Washington State Energy Code 2006 Edition Climate Zone 1- Type R-3 and R-4 Changes for Single Family and Duplex Construction The following is a list of code changes that will effect construction of single family and duplex homes in Climate Zone 1. This is not a comprehensive list of changes. To see all the changes, download a new copy of the code and look for a vertical bar in the margin indicating a change in the code. Building Envelope: Prescriptive Options Table 6-1 • Option I, the U -factor for windows changed to U-.032. Glazing is limited to 10% of floor area. • Option 11, the U -factor for windows changed to U-.035. • Option IV, the U -factor for windows changed to U -.035 - There may be an increased use of window U -factor averaging when using the prescriptive method. Applicants may show compliance by providing area weighted average U -factor for all of the windows. With a more stringent standard the use of averaging may increase_ The applicant must submit a detailed window schedule demonstrating compliance. Component Performance Table 5-1 • The target window U -factor changed to U-.035, • The target wall U -factor changed to U-.057. Doors: 602.6 Exterior Doors • One unregulated door up to 24 square feet is still allowed. • Glazed doors are considered to be windows. • All opaque doors must meet the door U -factor requirement. In the past, any door could be called a window when included in the glazing percentage. Now, when using the prescriptive options, opaque doors must meet the U-0.20 requirement. An insulated fiberglass or thermally broken steel door will usually meet the U -factor requirement. Single Rafter Joist: Table 6-1, footnote 3 Table 5-1, footnote 3 • If there is room in the joist for R-38 insulation, R-38 is required. This applies to all single rafter joist 13" or greater in depth. • R-30 single rater joist now limited to 500 square feet of roof area. Additional rafter area must use R-38 insulation. 0 The following table shows typical insulation requirements for single rafter joist. If the table notes R-38, then R-38 is required. Footnote 3, Table 6-1 or 6-2 Prescriptive Rafter Insulation Based on Fiberalass Batts A take off noting rafter area will be required. Identical rules are included in 5-1. They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet. 502.4.4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures: • Must now be tested for air leakage using ASTM E283 • A gasket or caulking must seal the fixture to the drywall • Other options for fixture air sealing, including field inspection and a sealed box have been deleted. This has been an option in Washington since 1991. California mandated testing for air tight can lights two years ago. Since then, every major manufacturer has come on board. The fixtures are readily available. Look for the label in the can. If the can is not labeled, it does not comply. 505.3 Outdoor Lighting: • Requires high efficiency lighting or controls for all porch lighting • High Efficiency Luminaire is defined in Chapter 2. Typically requires a pin based compact fluorescent fixture • As an exception to the High Efficiency Luminaire, a motion sensor + photo daylight control may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Fixtures: • This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures • Linear fluorescent fixtures must be fitted with T-8 (1" diameter) or smaller lamps (but not T 10 or T-12 lamps) Max depth with First Over Nominal Actual 1 " ventilation 500 SF 500 SF R -value R -value 2X10 9 114" 8 1/4" R-30 HD Note' 2X12 111/4" 101/4 R� -30 R-38 HD 2X14 13 114" 13 1/4" R-38 R-38 -Joist 9 1/2" 8112' R-30 HDZ Note' oist 11718" 10 " 718' R-30 i R-38 HDZ L 14" 13"R-38 R-38 6" 15" R-38 R-38 Mote' Upsize joist or provide an alternative method meeting U-.027. HDZ Refers high density fiberglass batt or equivalent. A take off noting rafter area will be required. Identical rules are included in 5-1. They will be incorporated into the UA trade off spreadsheet. 502.4.4 Recessed Lighting Fixtures: • Must now be tested for air leakage using ASTM E283 • A gasket or caulking must seal the fixture to the drywall • Other options for fixture air sealing, including field inspection and a sealed box have been deleted. This has been an option in Washington since 1991. California mandated testing for air tight can lights two years ago. Since then, every major manufacturer has come on board. The fixtures are readily available. Look for the label in the can. If the can is not labeled, it does not comply. 505.3 Outdoor Lighting: • Requires high efficiency lighting or controls for all porch lighting • High Efficiency Luminaire is defined in Chapter 2. Typically requires a pin based compact fluorescent fixture • As an exception to the High Efficiency Luminaire, a motion sensor + photo daylight control may be used. 505.4 Linear Fluorescent Fixtures: • This rule applies to typical fluorescent tube fixtures • Linear fluorescent fixtures must be fitted with T-8 (1" diameter) or smaller lamps (but not T 10 or T-12 lamps) N TABLE 8-1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS"' FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIMATE ZONE 1 Reference Case 0. Nominal R -values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601.1. 1. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example, if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor area of 13%, it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 15% glazing option (or higher). 'Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings complying with note 3. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum l -inch vented airspace above the insulation. Other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling" requirements. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10; or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to the manufacturers specifications. See Section 602.2. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions, 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to manufacturer's specifications_ See Section 602.4. 7. Int, denotes standard framing 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U -factors from Table 10-6C. 10. Where a maximum glazing area is listed, the total glazing area (combined vertical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U -factor of U=0.40 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. 11. Overhead glazing shall have Ll -factors; determined in accordance with NFRC 100 or as specified in Section 502.1.5. 12. Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5" are exempt from this insulation requirement. Glazing Glazin U -Factor wall Wall, Wall* Slab s Option Area": Door 9 Ceilingz Vaulted Above int" ext° Floors on % of Floor Vertical Overhead" U -Factor Ceiling Grade Below Below Grade Grade Grade 0.320.58 - 0.20 _ R15• R-15 R-10 R-30 I 10% R-38 R-30 II ' 15% 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 _R-10 R-10 IIL 25% 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 / R-301 R-21 I R-15 R-10 R-301 R-10 Group R-1 U=0.031 U=0.034 U-0.057 U=0.02 and R-2 9 Occupanci es Only N, Unlimited 0.35 0.58 0.20 R-38 R-30 R-21 R-21 R-10 R-30 R-10 Group R-3 and R-4 Occupand es Only V. Unlimited 0.35 0.68 _ 0.20 R-381 R-30 R-21 ! R-15 R-10 R-30/ R-10 Group R-1 U=0.031 U=0.034 U=0.057 U=0.02 and R-2 g Occupand es ON Reference Case 0. Nominal R -values are for wood frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 601.1. 1. Minimum requirements for each option listed. For example, if a proposed design has a glazing ratio to the conditioned floor area of 13%, it shall comply with all of the requirements of the 15% glazing option (or higher). 'Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirements of a listed option above may calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 of this Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings complying with note 3. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling. 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings where both (a) the distance between the top of the ceiling and the underside of the roof sheathing is less than 12 inches and (b) there is a minimum l -inch vented airspace above the insulation. Other single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings shall comply with the "ceiling" requirements. This option is limited to 500 square feet of ceiling area for any one dwelling unit. 4. Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R-10; or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to the manufacturers specifications. See Section 602.2. 5. Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions, 6. Required slab perimeter insulation shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed according to manufacturer's specifications_ See Section 602.4. 7. Int, denotes standard framing 16 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R-10 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U -factors from Table 10-6C. 10. Where a maximum glazing area is listed, the total glazing area (combined vertical plus overhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U -factor of U=0.40 or less is not included in glazing area limitations. 11. Overhead glazing shall have Ll -factors; determined in accordance with NFRC 100 or as specified in Section 502.1.5. 12. Log and solid timber walls with a minimum average thickness of 3.5" are exempt from this insulation requirement. t Chapter 9 Prescriptive Space Heating System Sizing Deleted. See IRC M1441.3. • 503.2.2 Size limited to 150% of heating load Replaced by IRC Section M1401.3. Heating and cooling equipment shall be sized based on building loads calculated in accordance with Air Conditioning Contractors of America Manual J or other approved heating and cooling calculation methodologies. Manual J is a heating and cooling heat load calculation method. This method takes some training. See their web site for details- httpj tau p or Ite�lpf WSU has developed a spreads sheet for WSEC Chapter 5 code qualification. We call this the CPworks eet. This spread sheet will also provide a simple heating system size calculation that is roughly equivalent to manual J. Limit the use of this spread sheet to electric resistance or combustion equipment sizing. Do not use this spread sheet to size heat pumps or air conditioners. This spread sheet is available on our web site. Washington State University Extension Energy Program Energy Code Support Email: ener code ener wsu.edu Phone: 360 956-2042 • Gary Nordeen • Mike McSorley • Chuck Murray Residential Energy Code Support • Energy and Ventilation Code 'Text • Residential Component Performance Worksheets • Residential Builders Field Guide h"p:/Iwww.eneLqy.wsu.edtj/cGdelcode_stipport,cfm For Non residential energy code support, Visit the NEEC web site. lett :lvvw.rieec.netlresour eslresoures.htrxrl u Receipt Number. 08-0862,-":,, .. WAM Receipt (Date: 09123120,08 Permit # Parcel Fee Description PayerlPayee Name,M PN Jr AN Amount Pei Paid Balance BLD08-028 989705904 Revision to existing Building Permit $25.00 $25.00 $0.00 Total: $25.00 Previous Payment History Receipt # Receipt Date Fee Description Amount Paid Perm it# 08-0625 07/01/2008 Building Permit Fee $1,777.75 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Energy Code Fee - New Single Family Unit $100.00 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - t $150.00 BLD08-028 08-0145 02/06/2008 Plan Review Fee $150.00 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Plan Review Fee $1,005.54 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling Unit - Ne $150.00 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Record Retention Fee for Building Permit $10.00 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Site Address Fee $3.00 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 BLD08-028 08-0625 07/01/2008 Technology Fee for Building Permit $35.56 BLD08-028 Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 27059 $ 25.00 Total $25.00 genprntrreceipts Page 1 of 1 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Receipt Nurrber:-$=` d�..,.,, eceipt liPaW, 071011 008 Caehl6rA ER' a erlPayee Names 11lttie+ Kittle Construction t rigirnai Fee Amount �± , Pernxnit Parcel Fee eecriptiorn Amount paid Baiatne BLD08-028 989705904 Plan Review Fee $1,155.54 $1,005.54 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Technology Fee for Building Permit $35.56 $35.56 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Energy Code Fee -New Single Famil $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling L $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Building Permit Fee $1,777.75 $1,777.75 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Record Retention Fee for Building P $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 BLD08-028 989705904 Site Address Fee $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total: $3,236.35 Previous Payment History Receipt;# Receipt Date tree Description Amount Paid Pero nit 08-0145 02/06/2008 Plan Review Fee $150.00 BLD08-028 payor 6"t Check' Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 26702 $ 3,236.35 Total $3,236.35 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Receipt Number: 08145 ReDate : 0210612008 Cashier: $FOSTER PayerpPayee Name: FIOREJOAN Original Fee Amount Fee Permit Parcel Fee Description Amount Palet Balance BLD08-028 989705904 Plan Review Fee $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 Total: $150.00 Previous Payment History Reeeippt # Fteeelpt mate Fee Description Amount PapuaPermit Payment Cheep P'a rnetu letbod Number ,ernrauant CHECK 1542 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Parcel Details lthr station Parcel Number Parcel Number: 989705904 Owner Mailing Address: JOAN FIORE LARRY J HURWITZ 2330 SHORELAND DR S SEATTLE WA981445629 Site Address: 308 FILLMORE ST PORT TOWNSEND 98368 Section: 11 School District: Port Townsend (50) Qtr Section: NE1/4 Fre Dist: Port Townsend (8) Township: 30N Tax Status: Taxable Range: 1W Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: PORT TOWNSEND O.T. Assessor" Lgnd..U5gL C .d:... 1100 - HOUSES (single units, non-farm) Property Description: PORT TOWNSEND O.T. I BLK 59 LOTS 5 & 7 1 1 Click on photo for larger image. Page 1 of 2 fir -a r Permit . =..[ Plats . ,,Available AIII/ i%r /ON,.419 Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Windows - Mac http://www.co.jefferson.wa.uslassessors/parcellparceldetail.asp?PARCEL NO=989705904 1/17/2014 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND REQUEST FOR PUBLIC RECORDS Submit request to: City of Port Townsend City Clerk Phone: (360) 379-5045 250 Madison St. Suite 2 Fax: (360) 385-4290 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Date received : W" -- d Received REQUESTOR'S NAME (PLEASE P RIN1")=1. ( o.. 1 1'"t i d m ... ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NUMBER: E-MAIL: STREET HOME CITY 7, WORK (IS = CC/1— --7- 1-1 _ i CELLULAR 96-37 WISH TO (CHECK ONE) Review a Record X Obtain photocopies of a record Please describe the records you are requesting and any additional information that will help us locate them for you as quickly as possible: I understand that there may be charges for duplication of these specific records. If the request exceeds 9 pages, a minimum of $0,'f 5 per page for standard photocopies will be charged to the requestor'. I understand the Public Records Officer may require a deposit from me in an amount not to exceed ten percent of the estimated cost of providing copies for a request If a request is made available on a partial ar installment basis, the Officer may charge me for cacti part of the request as it is provided. If an installment of a records request is not claimed or reviewed within 30 days, I understand that the City is not obligated to fulfill the balance of the request. I certify that any lists of individuals obtained through this request for public records will not be used for commercial purposes. (RCW 42.56,070) understand that pursuant to RCW 42.56.520 the City will respond within five (5) business days, either by providing the information �equested, providing a reasonable estimate as to when the records will be available, or by denying the request. Five day response begins ane workina,, day after receipt o e test ;janative ;Staff to Complete the following) �j )ate Requestfulfilled:,,,., _j . _ W`m„_.. Date Request Written explanation of denial attached, pursuant to RCW 42,56.520: Other information and record of contacts with requestor. G. I City Admin IClerkl Records l rules (form. doc LETTER -SIZED COPIES t Previous Payment h a pt , t c ipt 5 1+rption P ytrti nt paiyr ehV 4d Aniotint, CHECK 1217 $ 41.85 Receipt Number. 0�$7 of hka�,i. $41.85 Total: Amount Paid' $41.85 $0.00 $41.85 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 4-1 E wLu ® o u d 0 V 4J al p U) v" s n m QZ ® R. J .� ® a. LU Q ry U F- w u LLQO F ® i w ujp v � t e d D CY °V ui F0 c a Li w ai ® = oCL ._ a U E a w LU ' }� 41, u = cu 0' v mom® o 4aw� = w 10 ui ro O c d i rn a CYZ V) C ui fp d.. E Q Q dl° C L " V5 c d 41 J VS C L w H 4% O � v = u w n' a I O- c o d M E 3C '® �.+ sn v DLn w ui -iz ® O u E Y ce Q UJ = O. w a N 'S d Q D w `' C c O t a Q n. c0 0- I— T w F- rn U F- Z) VoRT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY, 0 DATE OF INSPECTION: 2, PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: LLN rai7_ CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE- -1-1- X-) ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection 7 Inspector tst�_/'P_Y Lo Date Acknowledgement Date ❑ NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. 90RT, CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:OOpm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE 1N "PEC". FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. hI iN DATE OF INSPECTION: 6 �6 PERMIT NUMBER: CIEa SITE ADDRESS:a CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE: I u. 1 ,20VR_. F _. ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection p ._.. Ins ector ...... %Date......�.�.� Acknowledgement Date .1,V ❑ NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: z?l PERMIT NUMBER: L LL,�.Lni SITE ADDRESS:, b CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: Az r , I _4 A > L, S� ............. . . . . .. 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be cheeked at next inspection Inspector Date AcknowledgementDate 0 NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. /67 Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready fbr inspection. Inspection Report Project N�� 0Permit # ®� �O zo CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: 2 k) PERMIT NUMBER: L& 82 I J1 .'F SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: 0 APPROVED Inspector Acknowledgement [I APPROVED WITH 0 NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Date Date Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. 4 re- inspection fee may be assessed i work is not ready far inspection. if 00 00 N � H o, W 4cn + c MM U O 3 o "Zcn� b � O m a° a C7 ❑ 4z �O v a 0 a o LIUz C) w p, -= `~ qF a GO �a C�� t� �X y� W o CZa a � ID. 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For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. ATE OF INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: PROJECT NA E:CONT CTO: ........�_...� .. CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: 01 TYPE OF INSPECTION: -� ..................................... M 0", _e' ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector,_ v_ Date Call for re -inspection before lr� oceeti;Maa���. 5 . . .......... - Approved plans and permit card must be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-385-2294 by 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. F Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. DATE OF INSPECTION: "� PERMIT NUMBER. .,.,o SITE ADDRESS:., ..�,, ��, r'"° ,. P"ROJECT N M;E: CONI'RACI OR: � I CONTACT PERSON: C �, � � PlJ � 4:INI��. f° TYPE OF INSPECTION: r, ..............�. i I EII `APPRO N'l� D ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED �' CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. InspectorJ'w Date Approved plans and permit card rntv, t be on-site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection.