HomeMy WebLinkAboutFeb 2 1PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. February 2, 2009 I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Changes to the Agenda IV. Proclamations A. Mentoring Month B. Reading Month C. Black History Month V. Special Presentation: Main Street 2008 4th Quarter Report VI. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment — City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.) A. Public comment B. City staff response VII. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes: January 5, 2009 C. Resolution 09-005, Confirming Identified Expectations, Challenges and Opportunities and Priorities from the Council Retreat D. Resolution 09-008, Revising Resolution 00-058, Concerning Right -of -Way Acquisition Procedures, Appraisal Waiver Procedures and Designating Staff Authority Limits in Making Administrative Settlement Offers. Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. VIII. Public Hearing(s) A. Street Vacation (2nd, 3rd and Spring Streets) 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move (1) to approve the street vacation of 2nd, 3rd and Spring, based on the City staff position without any changes, and (2) in the alternative, provide that if the vacation is not acceptable to the Scouts, then approve 3rd Street vacation only on the basis of 1 SF of vacated 3rd Street ROW for I SF of ROW or, Discovery. 31 B. Ordinance 3000, vacatingm portion of tip Haines Street Right -of -Way lying between Discovery RoadOnd 30th Street, subject to exchange of properties 1. Staffpresentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberatibu and action Action.' Move to approve first reading of 0r&nance 3000, vacating a portion of the Haines Street Right -of -;Way lying between Discovery Road and 30th Street, subject to exchange ofproperties I L Unfinished Buslams A. Ordinance 2999, amending Port Townsend Municipal Code dung pal Chapter 29.05„and , Sections .040, .050, and .1?0 relating to Critical Area Appeals 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council delibeta tko and action Action. Mowe to adlopt'OMnance 2999, amending Port Townsend Miade4ral Code ChV&er 19 65,- Sect ons .040, .050 and .170 relating to CriticaiAred Appeals. B. Resolution 09-007, Authorizing Acquisition of a Public Access Easement from ' the Noxthvwest Maritime Center, and Payment for Streetscape'Design Services 1. Staff presentation Public comment ± 3. Council deliberation and action Action; Move to approve Resolution 09-007, Authorizing Acquisition of d Public Access Easement from the' AiorthwestMaritime Center, and Payment for Streetscape Design Services X. New Business; A. : Resolution 09-006, sudiarizing the City Manager to award and execute a contract for tbe;pgtehmse and installation of the Jefferson Audio Video System (JAds) and allocate meads from *e EquipmenUlkental hind for the purchase. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to approve Resolution 09-006, authorizing the City Manager to award and execute a conowt forthe purchase and installation of the Jefferson Audio Kdeo System (JAVs) and allocate funds from the EquipmenMwalfund for the -purchase. )a. Presiding OfWs Report A, City Manager Evaluation 1. Council presenution 2. Public -comment 3. Council deliberation and action\ Action: Move to approve City Mawgtrperformance evaluation XII. City Manager's Report XIII. Standing Committee Reports A. Alternative Electric Management Committee Recommendation XIV. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session XV. Comments from Council XVI. Executive Session XVII. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk's Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045. City of Port Townsend Meetings Update January 28, 2009 All meetings will be held in City Hall conference rooms, 250 Madison Street, unless otherwise noted on the schedule Thursday, January 29 5:30 Arts Commission Special Meeting (Council Chambers) * De -accession of Tidal Clock and surrounding site commonly known as the Jackson Bequest Monday, February 2 LOAM City Council Community Development & Land &Use Committee (Cancelled) 1:00 Arts Commission (I st floor conference rm) 6:30 City Council Business Meeting (Council Chambers) Tuesday, February 3 3:00 Historic Preservation Committee (3rd floor conference rm) 4:00 City Council General Services Committee (Ist floor conference rm) RESCHEDULED 5:30 Teardown & Bulk/Scale Task Force (3rd floor conference rm) Thursday, February 5 4:30 Non -Motorized Transportation Advisory Board (1st floor conference rm) Monday, February 9 6:30 City Council Workshop Meeting (Council Chambers) Tuesday, February 10 3:00 Historic Preservation Committee Special Meeting (1st floor conference rm) * Water&ont Streetscape 3:00 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (3rd floor conference rm) 3:30 PEG Access Coordinating Committee (Gael Stuart Bldg., 1610 Blaine St.) Thursday, February 12 7:00 Planning Commission (3rd floor conference rm) Monday, February 16: HOLIDAY — City offices closed Tuesday, February 17 3:00 Historic Preservation Committee (3rd floor conference rm) 3:30 General Services Committee 5:30 East Jefferson Fire Rescue Joint Oversight Committee (FS 1-5, 35 Critter Ln) 6:30 City Council Business Meeting (Council Chambers) Saturday, February 21 1 PM Jefferson County Parks & Recreation Planning Workshop (Port Hadlock Inn) (Meeting is noticed because more than a quorum of City Councilors may attend this meeting; no city business will be conducted.) Monday, February 23 3:30 Housing Action Plan Network Committee (San Juan Baptist Church, 1704 Discovery Rd) 4:00 Library Advisory Board (Pink House, 1256 Lawrence St.) Wednesday, February 25 3:30 Climate Action Committee (Pope Marine Park Bldg.) Thursday, February 26 4:00 City Council Finance & Budget Committee (1st floor conference rm) 7:00 Planning Commission Monday, March 2 10 AM City Council Community Development & Land Use Committee (1st floor conference rm) 1:00 Arts Commission (Ist floor conference rm) For up to the minute meeting updates and City Council meeting agendas, please visit our website at www,citvofnta City of Port Townsend Office of the Mayor 250 Madison Street, Suite 2, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5047 FAX (360) 385-4290 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, everyone remembers someone special — a neighbor, teacher, relative or friend who broadened our horizons and made a big difference in our lives; and WHEREAS, one way to return the favor is to mentor a child; and WHEREAS, every adult has something to offer, and a few hours a couple of times a month can make a big difference in a child's life; and WHEREAS, research has shown that children engaged in the one-to-one, professionally supported mentoring programs of Big Brothers Big Sisters are more likely to finish high school and less likely to begin using drugs and alcohol, skip school, or be involved in violence; and WHEREAS, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound provided over 200 children with mentoring matches in Jefferson County last year and has a vision to provide successful mentoring relationships for all children who need and want them, contributing to better schools, brighter fixtures, and stronger communities for all; and WHEREAS, January has been designated as National Mentoring Month, calling on adults across America to get involved with mentoring programs, NOW THEREFORE, I, Michelle Sandoval, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim January 2009 as MENTORING MONTH and encourage all our citizens to support mentoring and give young people in our community the gift of time and friendship through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound or other mentoring programs in our community. Michelle Sandoval, Mayor February 2, 2009 OF PORT rO� City of Port Townsend Office of the Mayor 250 Madison Street, Suite 2, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5047 FAX (360) 385-4290�w PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in cities all across America people are coming together to read a single title as a unified community; and WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of Port Townsend are coming together in such a city-wide reading effort, thus declaring with one voice that reading is not only a source of individual pleasure, but a tool for community -building; and WHEREAS, Bruce Barcott, author of The Measure of a Mountain: Beauty and Terror on Mount Rainier, this year's selected title, will journey to Port Townsend to address an audience of readers and interested fans; and WHEREAS, the people of Port Townsend are inspired by spectacular views of mountains on three sides; and WHEREAS, this book will explore mountains in terms of their beauty, holiness, power, anger, flora and fauna, as well as factors that impact long term sustainability including recreational use and natural disaster, thus making The Measure of a Mountain the perfect choice for the library's fourth Community Read; and WHEREAS, the Port Townsend Public Library has secured assistance and support from the Port Townsend & Jefferson County Leader, Friends of the Port Townsend Library, Port Townsend School District, William James Bookseller, Mt. Rainier National Park, Main Street, Fort Worden State Park, Northwinds Arts Alliance, Wildernest, and a grant from the Washington State Library with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to develop and promote the broad -based reading effort; and WHEREAS, an exciting series of events, programs, and discussions is planned for the month of March 2009, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michelle Sandoval, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim the month of March 2009 as Reading Month in the City of Port Townsend and urge all citizens of the community to join me in this endeavor to promote reading and literary discussion. Michelle Sandoval, Mayor February 2, 2009 City of Port Townsend Office of the Mayor 250 Madison Street, Suite 2, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5047 FAX (360) 38542904 w PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, African Americans have played significant roles in the history of Washington State's economic, cultural, spiritual and political development while working tirelessly to maintain and promote their culture and history; and WHEREAS, in 1976, Black History Month was formally adopted to honor and affirm the importance of Black History, which goes back thousands of years and includes some of the greatest, most advanced and innovative societies in our history that we can all draw inspiration from; and WHEREAS, Black History Month is a time for all Americans to remember the stories and teachings of those who helped build our nation, took a stance against prejudice to build lives of dignity and opportunity, advanced the cause of civil rights, and strengthened families and communities; and WHEREAS, during Black History Month all Americans are encouraged to reflect on past successes and challenges of African Americans and look to the future to continue to improve society so that we live up to the ideals of freedom, equality and justice, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michelle Sandoval, Mayor of the City of Port Townsend, do hereby proclaim the month of February 2009 as BLACK HISTORY MONTH in the City of Port Townsend and encourage all residents to join me in honoring the many contributions made by African Americans throughout this region and our country. Michelle Sandoval, Mayor February 2, 2009 DRAFT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION OF JANUARY 5, 2009 CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City Council of the City of Port Townsend met in regular session the fifth day of January, 2009, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port Townsend City Council Chambers of City Hall, Mayor Michelle Sandoval presiding. CZ97IS9_\44 Council members present at roll call were Brent Butler, David King, Michelle Sandoval, George Randels, Catharine Robinson, Laurie Medlicott and Mark Welch. Staff members present were City Manager David Timmons, City Attorney John Watts, Public Works Director Ken Clow, Planning Director Rick Sepler, Police Chief Conner Daily, and City Clerk Pam Kolacy. CHANGES TO THE AGENDA Mr. Butler asked to schedule discussion of a memo he distributed at the beginning of the meeting regarding affordable housing issues. Ms. Sandoval stated the discussion could come later in the meeting under "future agendas" or "Council member comments". COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC (consent and non -agenda items) Paul Richmond asked the Council to oppose the presence of the Border Patrol in our area and asked them to look at long term solutions for affordable housing. Pete von Christierson, representing Homeward Bound, referred to Mr. Butler's memo and asked the City to review options for asking developers to partner with non-profit organizations to provide affordable housing. Susan Langlois spoke regarding critical areas regulations. She provided a map for the council showing properties in the Kate's Meadow area. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Randels noted a typo in the minutes of December 8 (Council met in Council Chambers, not third floor conference room). City Council Business Meeting Page 1 January 5, 2009 DRAFT Ms. Robinson moved for adoption of the following items on the consent agenda with correction to the December 8 minutes. Mr. Randels seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Approval of Bills. Claims and Warrants Vouchers 106543 through 106667 (plus EFTs) in the amount of $504, 232.06 Vouchers 106669 through 106758 in the amount of $288, 592.53 Approval of Minutes: December 1, 2008 December 8, 2008 — Special Meeting December 8, 2008 - Workshop Resolution 09-001, Initiating a Street Vacation Process (concerning a portion of Haines Street near Discovery Road) and Fixing the Time for Hearing on a Street Vacation (February 2, 2009). UNFINISHED BUSINESS PURCHASE OF KOSEC FUNERAL HOME — POLICE STATION RE -LOCATION; AUTHORIZATION FOR WATER TRANSMISSION TAP Mr. Timmons reviewed the packet materials. He noted that there is an opportunity to apply for funding to the US Department of Agriculture and staff needs authorization to put the paperwork together. Regarding the water tap, the purpose would be for a hydrant only. Public Comment: David Goldman asked why funding for this project would come from the Department of Agriculture. Mr. Timmons explained that USDA funds are available only to rural areas and that is why Port Townsend is eligible. Ms. Robinson stated she is not comfortable taking an action that links the purchase agreement with the water tap authorization. Ms. Sandoval agreed, noting authorization of a water tap outside the service area would set a precedent. Ms. Sandoval stated she has received questions from citizens and asked Mr. Timmons to review alternative locations for the Police facility. Mr. Timmons replied that various sites have been studied, including Mountain View, and the Kosec site has emerged as the most cost effective and accessible location. Police Chief Daily added that moving the station out of the downtown area will assure better access City Council Business Meeting Page 2 January 5, 2009 DRAFT during events that tie up downtown streets. He also added that the call volume is increasing on Upper Sims and neighborhoods that are nearby the Kosec site. In response to Mr. Butler, Mr. Timmons stated that neither the potential third floor of Historic City Hall nor the Post Office Building have ever been considered for a Police station. Staff will make the police facility study and the updated appraisal of the post office available. Motion: Mr. King moved to authorize the City Manager to arrange necessary financing and to execute a purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of Kosec Funeral Home for not to exceed $1,250,000 including authorization for Kosec to tap the transmission line for fire service, subject to Council approval of financing. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. Motion to amend: Ms. Robinson moved to strike the reference in the main motion to tapping the transmission line. Motion to amend was accepted by consensus. Vote: (authorize the City Manager to arrange necessary financing and to execute a purchase and sale agreement for the purchase of Kosec Funeral Home for not to exceed $1,250,000 subject to Council approval of financing.) Motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr. Randels moved to authorize the City Manager to meet with the applicant and other parties as necessary to consider a recommendation to the Council for tapping the transmission pipeline for fire service for the new Kosec facility. Mr. Welch seconded. Ms. Robinson stated that she is not sure she wishes staff to talk with the owners prior to some Council process on the issue of water taps outside the City's service area. Ms. Sandoval agreed, saying she would rather slow down and formulate a policy to be used for all such requests. Mrs. Medlicott stated the business owner will need fire flow to operate the business; she is reluctant to completely stop consideration of the water tap. Ms. Sandoval noted that there are alternatives for business owners, such as sprinkler systems within the building. Mr. Timmons suggested delaying action until staff has more information to present to the Council. Mr. Randels stated he would suggest tabling the motion until staff can bring forward further information. There were no objections. Motion was tabled. City Council Business Meeting Page 3 January 5, 2009 DRAFT ORDINANCE 2998 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 2.32, AND SECTION 2.32.020 RELATING TO PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF OFFICE Planning Director Rick Sepler reviewed the packet materials. In response to Mr. King, he noted there are currently six seated Planning Commission members. Public comment: David Goldman: regarding relationship of Granicus system and reduction in number of Planning Commissioners. Mr. Timmons noted that there will be voting stations and set up for seven members after the system is installed as well as standardization of agendas and minutes; it is easier to standardize with the same number of members in each body (Council and Planning Commission). Motion to amend: Mr. Randels moved to amend the language in 2.32.020 Membership as proposed by replacing "The committee" with The Planning Commission" and by removing the words `not less than" before "seven" so the sentence would read., "The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members. ` Mrs. Medlicott seconded. Vote: the motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Motion: Mr. Randels moved to waive Council rules and adopt Ordinance 2998 as amended. Mrs. Medlicott seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by roll call vote. ORDINANCE 2999 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND AMENDING PORT TOWNSEND MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 19.05, AND SECTIONS .040, .050, AND .170 RELATING TO CRITICAL AREA APPEALS City Attorney John Watts reviewed the packet materials. The ordinance changes an existing appeal to the City Council (on whether critical areas are present or not) to an appeal to the Hearing Examiner. The change also consolidates any appeal by third parties on the issue of presence of wetlands with an appeal of the project. This removes potential multiple appeals (one to City Council on the presence of critical areas, and another to the Hearing Examiner on the project permit). The owner would still have an intermediate appeal on the issue. Public comment: David Goldman stated he believes the example provided in the agenda bill is factually incorrect. He suggested an amendment to 19.05.040 (E) (1), in the ninth City Council Business Meeting Page 4 January 5, 2009 DRAFT line, add the words "or its buffer" after "area" so the phrase reads "that a site is, or is not, within a critical area or its buffer," to provide internal consistency. In response to a question from Ms. Robinson, Mr. Watts replied that there is a different process for appeals by property owners and by third parties. Letting third parties have more than one appeal is contrary to the Growth Management Act, which allows only one open record appeal per project. An intermediate appeal of the decision is available to the property owner and does not violate GMA (and saves the owner the cost of CAO permitting and special studies if the owner successfully appeals a requirement to obtain a CAO permit). Mr. Watts stated he would rather not amend the ordinance per Mr. Goldman "on the fly" but wait for a more reasoned answer when the ordinance comes forward for second reading. In response to Mr. Welch's question, Mr. Watts stated that the buffer is considered a component of a critical area. Motion: Mr. Butler moved for first reading of Ordinance 2999. Mr. Randels seconded. The motion carried, unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. PRESIDING OFFICER'S REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT Motion: Mrs. Medlicott moved to accept the Mayor's recommendation and confirm the reappointment of Kristen Nelson to the Planning Commission (Position #4, term expires Dec. 31, 2011). Mr. Randels seconded. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0, by voice vote. Mayor Sandoval also acknowledged the loss to the community of Dr. Bill Medlicott and offered condolences to Councilor Laurie Medlicott. She reminded the Council of the joint meeting with the Board of County Commissioners scheduled for January 12 and the Council retreat scheduled for January 24. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Timmons reported on: Washington State Ferries: meetings are beginning on options for the future. The city will be scheduling a meeting with the ferry partnership group and then reporting to the Council City Council Business Meeting Page 5 January 5, 2009 DRAFT The City is high on the list for economic stimulus funding from the Department of Transportation for the Upper Sims project; there is potential to add the stretch from Sheridan to the ferry terminal. Regarding the Tidal Clock, the City is recommending partial de -accession; the Arts Commission will hold a hearing on the subject and the proceedings and process should begin within 30-45 days. Mr. Timmons complimented the Public Works crew members on their excellent performance during the recent winter storms. Council members also expressed their appreciation. SUGGESTIONS FOR NEXT OR FUTURE AGENDAS Mr. Butler referred to his memo dated January 2, 2009 regarding Affordable Housing Opportunities. Mrs. Medlicott asked that the discussion be postponed until a future meeting or retreat when Councilors have had time to read the memo. Ms. Sandoval suggested that this specific recommendation should be routed through the Housing Action Plan Network so that the proper protocol is followed. She added that the memo and process can also be discussed at the retreat. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Mayor announced the Council would go into executive session at 8:25 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter involving an employee performance review. She stated the session would be about 15 minutes, with no action anticipated at the end of the session. Mrs. Medlicott was excused from the session. RECONVENE The meeting was reconvened at 8:45 p.m. ADJOURN There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Attest: Pamela Kolacy, MMC City Clerk City Council Business Meeting Page 6 January 5, 2009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND City Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2009 _ X _ Regular Business Meeting _ Study Session Other: (specify) Department: Legal Contact: John Watts Agenda Bill: AB09-010 Agenda Item: VII. C Date Submitted: 1/28/08 Phone: #385-5991 ..................................................................................................................... SUBJECT: Resolution 09-005, Confirming Identified Expectations, Challenges and Opportunities and Priorities from the Council Retreat ....................................................................... CATEGORY: X Consent X Resolution _ Ordinance _ Staff Report X Business _ Proclamation Contract Approval _ FYI ............................................. BUDGET IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $ Expenditure Amt: $ Contingency Req'd: $ Supplemental Req'd. .................................................................................................................... SUMMARY STATEMENT: The City Council met for a retreat on Saturday, January 24, 2009 and discussed possible work plan priorities, and individually identified expectations, challenges and opportunities and priorities. The attached Resolution documents the process and outcomes, including, plans for a follow-up retreat for re -assessment sometime shortly after the next 120 days. ATTACEMENTS: Resolution 09-005 ..................................................................................................................... CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A ..................................................................................................................... RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve Resolution 09-005, Confirming Identified Expectations, Challenges and Opportunities and Priorities from the Council Retreat. If adopted as part of the Consent Agenda, no further action is needed; this effectively represents unanimous adoption/approval of ..................................................................................................................... ALTERNATIVES: Remove from Consent Agenda for discussion, take action as Council deems appropriate; take no action; refer to committee or staff for further action; postpone action. APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL BY: Department Director or Name ouncil Co ittee &Date of Motion City Yanager CITY CLERK'S USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Resolution No. Continued to Ordinance No. Referred to Approved Failed Other ` J )✓� - DISTRIBUTION AFTER COUNCIL ACTION City Attorney RESOLUTION NO.09-005 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, CONFIRMING IDENTIFIED EXPECTATIONS, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES AND PRIORITIES FROM THE COUNCIL RETREAT WHEREAS, the City Council met for a retreat on Saturday, January 24, 2009 and discussed possible work plan priorities, and individually identified expectations, challenges and opportunities and priorities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Port Townsend confirms the work plan priorities, and expectations, challenges and opportunities and priorities as set forth on the attached Exhibit A. The City Council states its intention to hold a follow-up retreat for re -assessment sometime shortly after the next 120 days. ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend at a regular meeting thereof, held this second day of February, 2009. Attest: Pamela Kolacy, MMC City Clerk Michelle Sandoval, Mayor Approved as to form: John P. Watts City Attorney Resolution 09-005 C ƒ 2}}ƒ \ c E ` $o@3 / a / '0 e-aa c E /°(D} q . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. ...... . �ƒO#/§ 0>0 \CDCDw \000M0 FA, 0) ��,,�=m CD o-CD(D CD -n0EK2 , oq EtEGmr zEa ƒ�Qa %o GEm§me „ �,Qom,�-, gmco0°= oaCLm ±0»g C-m,,;# -0 @��a3 §�E®�4.m2aa CD E< ƒ/�§° o®� m §k/e e4m@° D 7 � =CDW -r- _ {{ $ -n �g E2 =r m \ �§ -/_ \o < cn \ /ƒE :*CD 2% 2\±a±0(D(no &0fa oc0E}E)#±J\# m / 2 + (on) :3 m n �ƒE � \ 0 ® ,m , 7 77 m3ƒƒ272EgE7 / 9 o°mF==<C-0:2 =-o / « E�EE®ECD-0--a 0 ( o ]E 0 KEo=�2 °=Mm2- @ mE O k =2�E]}f\I>m00& 2 - 3� 22�Kr2�-0_g / i §/\ %\/�/e{�/ \ \ \ J(n o e$m $,@°§ \ ! - G �cm aei 0�E , = o - a 7 H®- =S. En / c CD m\ % Co 0 / � \ / ( < 2 _ z $ \ ƒ ° #e ® \ j / / . \ ) 0 CDf . - Public Investment Logistical Issues More preparation for meetings; Infrastructure Ambitious program access staff with questions or (Economic Capacity: Council/Staff time need for background Development) Economic uncertainty Regs (ie stormwater) Reserve capacity "Herding cats" in Olympia/ DC Work already done Unanticipated issues/actions Accomplishments - community is Things outside our control better Not deciding Development of Waterfront - Communications - get message Mooring, customs, boating out Granicus Granicus Education "Punishment of good deeds" Success! Better Schools! Communication Communication Housing Fractionalized delivery capacity Encourage next setp Roles Other jurisdictions/agencies Funding - Resources (Port, County) Can help direct, empower, enable Quality of Life Not visible - perhaps more Communication important! Town meeting - economic Nexus -Funds strategy? Individual preference - Paint the whole picture competition Visioning Changing nature and economy Open for business Capacity CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND Agenda Bill: AB09-018 City Council Meeting Date: February 2, 2009 Agenda Item: VII. D _X_ Regular Business Meeting _ Study Session Date Submitted: 1/30/2009 Other: (spec) Department: Legal Contact: John Watts Phone: #385-5047 SUBJECT: Resolution 09-008, Revising Resolution 00-058, Concerning Right -of -Way Acquisition Procedures, Appraisal Waiver Procedures and Designating Staff Authority Limits in Making Administrative Settlement Offers CATEGORY: BUDGETIMPACT: _ Consent X_ Resolution Amount Budgeted: $ _ Ordinance _ Staff Report Expenditure Amt: $ X_ Business _ Proclamation Contingency Req'd: $ _ Contract Approval _ FYI Supplemental Req'd. _ Other Dept/Budget Code: Public Hearing (see note below) Legislative _ Quasi-judicial closed record Quasi-judicial open record _ Quasi-judicial closed record appeal NOTE: If the Public Hearing is quasi-judicial in nature, then the appearance of fairness and conflict on interest rules apply. Except at the public hearing, communicating with other councilmembers, and contact with proponents or opponents must be avoided ..................................................................................................................... SUMMARY STATEMENT: This matter comes before the Council to approve minor changes to Resolution 00-058 on the City's right of way (ROW) acquisition procedures. The City is in the process of starting negotiations to acquire ROW in connection with the upper Sims Way project. Council authorized upper Sims Way project right of way acquisition by Resolution 08- 039 (Nov. 10, 2008; 5-1, Medlicott opposed, King excused). The City reviewed its existing procedures with Washington State Dept. of Transportation (WSDOT), and WSDOT recommends the changes as shown on the draft Resolution. Adding the City Attorney to section LD allows the City Attorney to perform acquisition/negotiations (to save costs on outside contractors). The other changes are consistent with updates to WSDOT guidelines adopted since the City's prior Resolution in 2000. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution 09-008 ..................................................................................................................... CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A ..................................................................................................................... RECOMMENDED ACTION: Move to approve Resolution 09-008, Revising Resolution 00- 058, Concerning Right -of -Way Acquisition Procedures, Appraisal Waiver Procedures and Designating Staff Authority Limits in Making Administrative Settlement Offers ALTERNATIVES: Take no action. Refer to committee or staff for further action. Postpone action. ..................................................................................................................... APPROVED FOR SUBMITTAL BY: Department Director or Name of Council Committee & Date of Motion City M pager �� t) City Attorney CITY CLERK'S USE ONLY COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN Resolution No. Continued to Ordinance No. Referred to Approved Failed Other DISTRIBUTION AFTER COUNCIL ACTION RESOLUTION NO. 09-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND REVISING RESOLUTION 00-058, CONCERNING RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION PROCEDURES, APPRAISAL WAIVER PROCEDURES AND DESIGNATING STAFF AUTHORITY LIMITS IN MAKING ADMINISTRATIVE SETTLEMENT OFFERS WHEREAS, City of Port Townsend, desiring to acquire Real Property in accordance with the State Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (Ch. 8.26 RCW) and State Regulations (Ch. 468-100 WAC) and applicable Federal Regulations adopted the procedures in Resolution 00-058 to implement the above statutes and Washington Administrative Code, and now desires to update and modify that Resolution by this Resolution (with changes shown in strike underline), and WHEREAS, the City Manager is responsible for the real property acquisition and relocation activities on projects, administered by the City of Port Townsend, and WHEREAS, to fulfill the above requirements, the City Manager will acquire rights -of - way in accordance with the policies set forth in the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Right of Way Manual (M26-01) and Local Agency Guidelines Manual (M36-6), and WHEREAS, the following Right -of -Way Acquisition Procedures appoints staff responsible for the various elements of the right-of-way acquisition process, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Port Townsend that the City adopt the following Right -of -Way Acquisition Procedures, Appraisal Waiver Procedure and Administrative Settlement Offer Authority Limits for the acquisition of real property: Section 1. Right -of -Way Procedure. City of Port Townsend has the following expertise and personnel capabilities to accomplish these functions: A. Program Administration - City Manager Project Managers under direction of the Public Works Director B. Appraisal- WSDOT and/or Consultant C. Appraisal Review- WSDOT and/or Consultant D. Acquisition Negotiator - City Attorney, WSDOT and/or Consultant E. Relocation- WSDOT and/or Consultant Resolution 09-008 F. Property Management - Public Works Director / City Engineer Project Managers Any functions for which the Agency does not have staff will be contracted for with WSDOT, another local agency with approved procedures or an outside contractor. An AGENCY that proposed to use outside contractors for any of the above functions will need to work closely with the WSDOT Local Agency Coordinator and Highways and Local Programs to ensure all requirements are met. When the AGENCY proposed to have a staff person negotiate who is not experienced in negotiation for FHWA funded projects the Coordinator must be given a reasonable opportunity to review all offers and supporting data before they are presented to the property owners. Section 2. City of Port Townsend Appraisal Waiver Procedure. The City of Port Townsend desiring to acquire Real Property according to 23 CFI?, Part 635, Subpart C and state directives and desiring to take advantage of the $10,000.00$25,000 appraisal waiver process approved by the Federal Highway Administration for Washington State, hereby agrees to follow the procedure approved for the Washington State Department of Transportation as follows: RULES A. The City of Port Townsend may elect to waive the requirement for an appraisal if the acquisition is simple and the compensation estimate indicated on the Project Funding Estimate (PFE) is $18, )00.0025.000 or less including cost -to cure items. B. The Agency must make the property owner(s) aware that an appraisal has not been done on the property and that one will be completed if they desire. C. Special care should be taken in the preparation of the waiver. As no review is mandated, the preparer needs to assure that the compensation is fair and that all the calculations are correct. 19019-111181.i0 A. An Administrative Offer Summary (AOS) is prepared using data from the Project Funding Estimate (PFE). B. The AOS is submitted to the City Manager or designated representative for approval. C. The City Manager signs the AOS authorizing a first offer to the property owner(s). Just Compensation includes amounts for the value of the lands and improvements acquired for the project, uneconomic remnants, damages, and deductions for special benefits. Section 3. Administrative Settlement Offer Authority limits. Administrative settlements may be required, in addition to Just Compensation in order to acquire needed Right -of - Way. Administrative Settlements can help mitigate or eliminate costly condemnation litigation and project construction schedule delays. The Project Resolution 09-008 0 Parcel Negotiation Diary shall contain rationale, justification and/or documentation for the Settlement Offer. The authority granted to City officials to provide Administrative Settlement Offers is as follows: A. Acquisition Negotiator A counter-offer of Just Compensation plus an Administrative Settlement up to 20 of the just r,,mpen...at:..„ r $5,000.00, whiehever is less. B. Project Manager A counter-offer of Just Compensation plus an Administrative Settlement up to 3 nod of the just t'.....„,,nsation or $10,000,00, whiehever is leas. C. City Manager A counter-offer of Just Compensation plus an Administrative Settlement up to 50o of the ust ram,.„,„e„s do ft - $15,000.00, -^r"��s. D. City of Port Townsend Citv Council Members exeeeding 50 of the just r,empe„s atieB a n counter offer of Just Compensation plus an Administrative Settlement uP to or exceeding of $15,000.00,orgrea4er. Section 4. All projects shall be available for review by the Federal Highway Administration and the State of Washington at any time. All project documents shall be retained and available for inspection during the plan development, right-of-way and construction stages and for a three (3) year period following acceptance of the projects by WSDOT. Section 5. WSDOT approval of City of Port Townsend's procedures, contained herein, may be rescinded at any time should City of Port Townsend be found to no longer have qualified staff or is found to be in non-compliance with applicable WSDOT regulations. The rescission may be applied to all or part of the functions approved. APPROVED BY the City Council and signed by the Mayor this 2nd day of February 2009. ATTEST: Pamela Kolacy, MMC Mayor Sandoval APPROVED AS TO FORM: John Watts, City Attorney Resolution 09-008 Approved by: WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Real Estate Services Date 4 Resolution 09-008