HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-069TBUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit Type Commercial Miscellaneous Site Address 3 PERSHING AVE. Project Description RENOVATE COMMANDER'S QUARTERS Names Associated with this Project Type Name Applicant Washington State Parks & Owner Washington State Parks & Contractor A H R Builders Contractor Global Contractors Lie Fee Information Permit # BLD08-069 Project Name COMMANDER'S QUARTERS Parcel # RENOVATION 101351001 License Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Robert (253) 861-4714 CITY 007532 12/31/2008 Steve Muller (253) 606-8716 STATE GLOBACL940110/23/2'008 Project Details Commercial Deck 128 SQFT Project Valuation $1,318.40 Building Permit Fee 50.95 Plan Review Fee 50.00 State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 3.00 Permit Total Fees $I13.45 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. � Print Name Date Issued: 04/08/2008 Issued By: FRONTDESK CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG MAR-26-2000 08: 23Fa FROr•I: C IT`f JF PORT TOW GEPJ 360344,g619 ,O: 2P2535091279P326201 E6P. i Development Services Z60 Madison Street, Sulte 3. �r F,*or1 T"'ownsond 98368 phone; 60-119 : •� " Fax!" 3 0-344•�46 v/wwcltyof'pt,us _ Commercial Building Permit Application t� Acorm wDistrict: Addition:egDescription (or Tax 4) � - o Use. . I,v rr e.t Address On w Parcel X /� 5")00 1 Associated Permits: Project description: Applications accepted by mall must Include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 a See the "Commercial Building Permit Application Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements, property Q��r: 1 blame: "r• :� �� ..' � � Address: Phone.:. IErnail: ContacVRepresentative: Address' CitytShcip, Phone Lender Information., Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation per RCW 19-27.095. Project Valuation: $ Construction ypoM Occupancy Rating: �_,-,.,-,,,._m._-, Building Information (square feet): I" floor � Restrooms: „_— — 2"`'floorM._.__ 3`d floor Storage:_,___ -- Basement: Is it finished? Yes No ORier Contwractor. .. e� Name: " w. �� �� ,L..°�,.. .�..�.,. Nsw C3 Addition Ci Remodel/Repair C] Change of Use 0 Phone" - Total Lot Coverage Joullding Footpdrat Email: 1s {� w ... � . r � �� �.,��.»� Square feel.,,.,. Ste a License # � ,> �..� � p" impervious Surface- City Business License ft��: .��.��. �,,._.. mm�..�. Square teet:� I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities assoclat®ri with [his permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the fort rownsand Municipal Code. Print Signz 4 Date: acu a APPR(,,,,,,'IV E,D NrV PEll"' R M �T # . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ......... ......... ...... . ,x o0l' M (BUIL910 V G 'OFFC11 0 F lj,,", R. R "ll"' TOV, Steve Muller From: Larry Covey [CoveyL@energy.wsu.edu] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:41 PM To: russell.hendricks@parks.wa.gov Cc: Larry Covey; Ward, Joseph (PARKS); Kate. Burke@PARKS.WA. GOV; Bob MacKenzie; Steve Muller Subject: Porch Repairs at Bldg 1; Start of construction Russ, Per a voice mail this morning, the contractor that is contracted to repair the porch and other items on Building 1 is ready to start work. Typically for a JOC contract I like to perform an informal pre -construction meeting with the contractor, Fort Worden and myself. Unfortunately due to snow and other event I have not been able to get this meeting scheduled. The contractor has requested to start working on the porch starting Monday 11 February 2008. Since I have not heard from you today, as of the 1:OOpm this afternoon, and it appears as though the Museum is closed till March I have approved the contractor to be on site and to begin work next Monday. They are intending on being on site starting between 9:30 and 10:00am and would be glad to meet with you to go over any additional parameters that you may have. I will be traveling to Fort Worden in the morning so that I can be on site at approximately 10:00am. The contractor has provided me the linear schedule as follows: Make repairs to front stairs 2. Repair/Level porch decking from underneath 3. Repair railings including pickets 4. Repair columns 5. Repair porch decking 6. Make repairs to back stairs The contractor will be providing me a project schedule for review and to be given out to stakeholders. If you have specific people that you would like for me keep in the loop regarding the construction phase please forward me their contact information and I will make sure that I include them in my communications. Best regards, Larry Covey, N...EED AP Project Manager GA/VVSU Team 905 Plum St. E, Bldg 4 P.O. Box 43165 is �; � , �� m�� (I: x') 360.236.2056 36.2056 w ww . w. M.goy�pl�jj Yahoo! Mail - robert@ahr-builders.com 3/27/08 2:19 PM 'V%14C�011 SMALL BUSINESS �r Subject: FW: Ft Worden Bldg 1 info Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:01:48 -0700 From: "Ward, Joseph (PARKS)" <Joseph.Wa rd @PARKS. WA.GOV> To: robert@ahr-builders.com -----Original Message ----- From: Ward, Joseph (PARKS) Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2008 9:01 AM To: 'robert@bhr-builders.com' Subject: Ft Worden Bldg 1 info Importance: High Address of Bldg .... #1 Officers Row Parcel #: 101351001 Let me know if you need anything more.. Thanks! Print - Close Window http://b10.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ahr-builders.com/ShowLetter?box=lnb...9&y5beta=yes&y5beta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b Page 1 of 1 Yahoo! Mail - robert@ahr-builders.com 3111/08 7.38 AM 905 Plum St. E, Bldg 4 P.C. Box 43165 Olympia, WA 98504-3165 (Wk) 360.956.2056 (Mb) 360.239.0504 (Fx) 360.236.2056 www.ga.wa.gov/plant -----Original Message ----- From: Steve Muller [mailto:stevem lobalcontracto's11c. om] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 10:34 PM To: Larry Covey Cc: 'John Price' Subject: FW: Ft. Worden Bldg. 1 Larry we can look at this Monday morning, and go from there. Thanks Steve m -----Original Message ----- From: Robert Crossland [mailto:rcbex°t ahr-btzilders.cor] Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 8:18 AM To: steve muller Subject: Ft. Worden Bldg. 1 Steve, The following is a quick summary of this weeks progress and our findings at the museum Bldg. at Ft. Worden. Our crew performed the removal of the stair treads at all staircases and removed the decking at the Back Porch on Monday and Tuesday. Today (Thursday) one of our lead carpenters and myself performed a comprehensive evaluation the building components I felt where in need of attention ie. rotting. During our evaluation we found the following items which we feel should be addressed in addition to the work we are performing during the course of this project. Items: 1: At rear decks we have found several joist which upon visual inspection appear to be in usable shape, however when we performed a density test with a screwdriver we where able to poke most of the way thru the joists which indicates they have rotted from the inside out. 2: At the stairs ( All three sets) we found rot at the point of contact with the cement walks. I noVe that not all stringers are rotted but each set will need to have some work done to repair or replace as may be determined. http://blO.rnail.yahoo.com/ym/ahr-builders.com/ShowLetter?box=lnb.__9&y5beta=yes&y5beta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b Page 2 of 3 Yahoo! Mail - robert@ahr-builders.com a 3/11108 7:38 AM 3: The final area of concern is at the newel posts at the front stairs these appear to be hollow boxes which where set in place and filled with concrete to about a foot in height and then capped with the decorative top,these have significant rot and can not be fixed by injection. There may however be the possibility to remove the top and rebuild the lower portion and then place the top back onto the new base. I would like to meet with all parties at your earliest convenience to discuss how to proceed. Thank You, Robert Crossland AHR Builders No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.21.6/1316 - Release Date: 3/6/2008 6:58 PM No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.518 / Virus Database: 269.21.6/1318 - Release Date: 3/7/2008 2:01 PM http://b10.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ahr-builders.com/ShowLetter?box=lnb_._9&y5beta=yes&y5beta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b Page 3 of 3 C TY'OF PORT" TOWNSEND 250 Madison Street, Sulte 1 Port Townsend, WA 9836s • (360) 379-4409 ^ BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION PLE:48'E TYPE oR PR11Wt° Ca'.FfARLY.,RE 8'1>RE A 1jVF0, T10N F$ NRR—TO. _ . Business Name,. BUSINESS LICENSE NO. ...m_..._. Business Location EXPIRATION DATE ---- _ --_. (NG1P0,Bac) TOTAL AMT. PAID$,._.Wm Crry state ZO DATE PAID _W........ ,_. , r.,.... Zoning Designation I Legal Description (required), RECEIPT NO. m •. - .... unkrwwnl .. ....... (On-e pac w iw. d orner inb"naYon w nkr~i APPROVAL$: Mailing Address 0 fMarent) Bus. Fact (W) 5611It I�Cs Bus. Phone Describe vrhat you do: Opening date of business in Baas of operations PortTownsend: within City li Its? -� �Mae,(moJdayhr.) 0 Yes o „ Are you operating out'of a residence? O Yes tdNo Ownership: 0 Corporation U Ltd. Liability Company U Partnership V8oie Proprietor t.7 Trust Type of Business: 0 Retail ❑ Wholesale 0 Services )(Construction U Printing & Publishing 0 Miscellaneous Federal I.D. No. Ln , 2 WA State UBI No. DER 6ELOW NAMES OF OWNERS, PAR9'NER60R C(,?F7PO1 AT 21"PI0�)1 �Fs ate Tit K > Owner Name � Phone � ���7!/7�7/V Horne Address.a city state ' xi P Owner Name Title Phone (' ) Home Address City State Zip EIOE'1 CENC'Y CONTACT: Name Phone( ) Address Cell Phone city State ZIP Annual Fee:. $25.00 (January 1 -December 31) BusinesssquereFootaDe: „... Partial Fee:: S12.50 (July 1 - December 31) Did you purchase an existing business? D Yes ❑ Noi r f- , a days) rp-, 1(90 This business was 2,.00 formerly o Lirnae s Aerated by: _._.. �_.__... _.._.__._..�. w sent . er tecold Did you Whose take over: U Entire business ❑ Portion thereof eec reverse 4 ) letentlon lee _s Date at Makeover: 'i Yre $ Gi� of Pope alto) nµ . iruwrw�.u.wryMwi.nn.....nn� rAL AMouNT nun s 28.00 a I here c tify, u t al per) r the a Infomtation conlained In this application is true and complete to the best of mg knowledge. I ag(ee to eom � th all I nd mina a rsgptating the operation of this business: ter. r 3-5/y(�2." Sig aature of r spresenta ve Title Date RETURN OMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO A00VE ADDRESS WIT" A CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO THE CITY OF PORT TOW NSEN1) IR N <4 R " ��Fa, uV��Iu1��1�uZ�N1UI��Iuu1���NN 1lZv��Uuu��� F- ° 0 7 7 7 DOZIDDDO I z F l099V 9 ED M(D M Q 66,4A4 I 4 4 A 4 m d- W W z ° Ir Z ° i �4 �t 3S 1 god a- = 1m �' w wo °4 LLi d=0 x9 W°.W 4U q V, qy m and>�QF-3U1d o s� i�2 a t `rj ZQ °q�Qj W w Z t e q x L Z N 7K g d Od� FO + y >»rrrrrr> >r z rc¢ rczm< 5Z"G pQ xQ�UUU111s<7 1< p xpr0+ uw ���WWW�WW Q�.WdF� rm�p iiL.SZ TE,: O N��lm'lli-, , � 7o x7 m O << < <<<k « 0 ° 0"90 9 9� 9 ���999N �<9< mmmmr�mmm�mmm 3u �m u°ou]�O�,O°d0 u°o°� aOz 30 -4knNN10 ooryryPNNlNN�mgqmaonONwoo�oO� WNOIb�'oo CNN N N N NNNNNNNNNNN PIM VIMMfl I•f Pl rl l'1 ION m.m. "4 'kj,l.M r. % mu" 7,. ``i..;• ,a fir^^._., •• ^w '". - r" Oµ z �u111.5,08 a1 ' a� an Q . ® V M1 + b �] py .J z 4 mO n �F- W K L IL V $ O > fib' 00 Z' N? 2 0.z BPb Z h z O 0 Z � W.1 3 .. << g) y •V Ira �a zYdI�I c Yahoo! Mail - robert@ahr-builders.com 3/11 v iewoof,,SMALL BUSINESS Print - Close Vv.. Subject: RE: Ft. Worden Bldg. 1 Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 11:34:17 -0700 From: "Larry Covey" <CoveyL@energy.wsu.edu> To: "Steve Muller"<stevem@globalcontractorsllc.com> CC: "John Price"<johnprice@globalcontractorsllc.com>, robert@a h r- builders. corn, "Larry Covey" <CoveyL@energy. wsu.edu>, "Ward, Joseph (PARKS)" <Joseph.Ward@PARKS.WA.GOV> Steve, To confirm our conversation from today's on site meting. Please provide me a line item estimate for the following items. I will prepare a Field Authorization (FA) for this work today to be signed by all parties. Rear Deck: � f Provide and install five (5) 2"x8", dimensional, floor joists. - 2)(7,6/7 Joists need to be repaired due to dry rot f Provide and install one (1) V'x8%, dimensional, rim joist at Z - �x% ' stair entry. Joists need o be repaired due to dry rot Rear Stair to Main Porch Area: Provide and install one (1) set of risers, left hand side. .-Provide and install one (1) fascia to be installed on outside R M. face of new riser Front Stair to Main Porch Area: 1V Repair newel posts at front stairs by removing approximately 8" % �`r - of material (nearest to the concrete stoop), splicing in pressures,141&V40 treated 2"x8l'Kappearance grade) and V dd trim at -splice joint location. Research and provide additional anchoring of post to concrete f stoop to ensure structural integrity. Emmv—' Remove first kick board arW i0tall new to match existing I �rovide and install one (1) set of risers, left hand side. 1Reuse existing fascia found on risers. `xl�.- ✓*� Provide vapor barrier (felt paper) between concrete at risers to assist in preventing the future deterioration of new and bld Asers. Joe - These items need to be addressed for both cosmetic and structural. These items were presented to me by Steve Muller with Global Contractors today on site and solutions were jointly created. If you have any comments please reply all to this message. Global will install VG Fir for the treads, please disregard cedar treads as originally proposed. Best regards, Larry Covey, LEED AP Project Manager GA/WSU Team m w http://b10_mail_yahoo.eom/ym/ahr-builders.com/ShowLetter?box=lnb.._9&y5beta=yes&ySbeta=yes&order=down&sort=date&pos=0&view=a&head=b Page 1 of MPR-2G-f2000 00�25A FROM:CITY or PORT TOWNSEN W2344460 �j I ' I �1 : OP253509 i 279F.3262016P., 3 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation .1 Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures -1 If architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature D If engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application poser you r Receipt Number: 03 039 e1Pt;i t , 4',0012 O8 `„ Cashier, FRO1 Its = P�/Pa ue Original Fee ' mountFe'e. l'er.rritlt Pile i= ecritptlon J mount 0e14, saia In c BLD08.069 10135100/ Plan Review Fee $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 BLIID08-069 101351001 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5,00 $5.00 $0.00 BLJCN0-069 101351001 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD08-069 101351001 Building Permit Fee $M95 $50.9�5 $0.00 BLD08-069 101351001 Record Retention Fee for Building P $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total. $113.45 P ymer t c1r 1 y n nr 40tttod t+urnttt r Amount CHECK 5043 $113.45 Total $113.45 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 `FORT 0 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECT. -ION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION PERMIT NUMB ER: SITE ADDRESS: WVi A 41-1 Cc CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION OaW 0 APPROVED Inspector Acknowledgelnetit 0 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked, at next inspection 0 NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. Date _,­..? ... . ............ Date Approvedplans andpermit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fie may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. oAv ro DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND INSPECTION REPORT wF For inspections, call the Inspection Line at 360-35-229 y 3:00 PM the day before you want the inspection. For Monday inspections, call by 3:00 PM Friday. ATE OF INSPECTION: _ l PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: L l PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: CONTACT PERSON: NE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: - _..._..._.�. _...... .. C o Pe c!; a a, E "y, a t�ytao us u -- .................-.................-� �...m ::.........���... ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector .d" - to L _ ............................................... Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. O W w � 0O U,, z z a� w z 00 g w w m ag oa Up w °° U' z � wZ �g a D Qw IL IL Z Q �93 LU v a z N m } = ,jZ Q w a O U M W U w O F w 00 Z LL w w O a J d IL Q Z O z Q o J 0 m � x 0 ~ U z aQ m� Z U0 O of = Q ya Q W F _Z Q O � W a Q 2 U U a 2 Q F Lu F F O� a m 00 C) 0 0 N o p o Q O J H z Q a CO w p z z � O a cn LU w ❑ w a 00 O o U. o O w Op 0 O 0 fn Z O w U p O Q p w p a p w D U cn co in p v CI a m co O 00 0 J m O z H W a 0 0 LO LO z O z J W Q a CD z_ U) af w LL Cl) W p p Q od Y I w Q co z O I � O z_ 2 Q i Of W z O U) z Z W U w I 0 IL U) z Z O w IL U) z U) W U W Q p a z Z Z O F U W IL N z C7 Z_ p J z m � J z LL LL Z O F- U W a z Q 0X W rn Z N M LL O � aa a CD 0 J M QO U Z 02 ~a U W aW ?w Z W Q w ~ W WD F- m w D w 2 OU) W D d W z O H U W a U) z Sff e Lj L Gov.-f act p �Y,,ri �� a, cw.Ag-L>c) 2.q PaPe,r w o r k so we- cave - von .�; n� I 5 •s •o� �� o � - 13�' I