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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD08-177BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend .. Development Services Department WA 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD08-177 Permit Type Residential - Addition/Remodel Project Name DORMER/REMODEL Site Address 1238 3RD ST Parcel # 948327604 Project Description Add second floor bath and dormer Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Applicant Crow Kathryn S Owner Crow Kathryn S Contractor C & C Builders Llc Steve Campbell (206) 200-9273 CITY 007065 12/31/2008 Contractor C & C Builders Llc Steve Campbell (206) 200-9273 STATE CCBUICB944C 02/06/2010 Fee Information Project Details Project Valuation $8,375.40 Dwellings - Remodel @ 80% 110 SQFT Building Permit Fee 167.25 Units: 1 Heat Type: Plan Review Fee 108.71 Bedrooms: 0 Construction Type: V - B State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Bathrooms: 1 Occupancy Type: Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 8.50 Permit Plumbing permit manual input 78.00 Mechanical Permit 40.00 Total Fees $ 411.96 Conditions 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of f000ting inspection to verify setbacks. * * * SEE ATTACHED CONDITIONS * * * Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1 further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Date Issued: 08/07/2008 Issued By: FRONTDESK Signature �t .°m�""� �"'�b LA) Date i `" LJ Date Expires: 02/03/2009 CITY OF PORT TOWNSE, PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT tf 1717 DATE RECEIVED R M � 00 V1 3 O V o a� C O �y V N O W W != O co N O w Q F Wz O aw Wm a J U) a Oa U m W F a N N Z�i w U 5 5 Cy a Cy at W a LL. J d z a 7 O LLI U d O F z rn Nr = Z w a W a O U W U l F O O z LL 0 W QW O W IL IL J d a cn z V O Z Q o J of m 0~ U Z IL a z Z 0 O W = LL 7 as a u' _z a o w 0: a a M U N a 2 a r- W F- Or a m m `o IL > u� L (6 W } o` O ~ � CDz N O o O o U o W O Z O w U a O a J 0- a o w U co co U 0 U LU co 0 J m O z H Q' W IL O O N ch W v rn O Z J w a a N z z W O U W Q a N z z O H W a in z z z w O U Ti t i U J J d U) co U) p J m Y U O w � � c�7 p w of O a. U) U U) W Z H Q O OU z a O Z O o C9 Q LL Z a Q Z _ a z�0 a J Q�Q W v=i Z O in ? m C9 J z O N O Z w z O m a LL Z O H U W a co Z Q H rn Z N w Ln oo LL O M CD d p J M JO a� U Z it 02 ~a U W IL w z W Z U a W ly H W ULu m Q F- a C0 W D Q'a O w D C'1 W Z O H W 0- U) Z ,?OUT ' O 01 Receipt Number: 8-07 8;: Receipt Date. 08107/2008 Cashier: FRONTIDESK Payer/Payee Name: CROVVKATHRYNS Original Fee aAmeurtt Fee Perin it # Parcel Fee Description ,Amount Paid Bal 'nc BLD08-177 948327604 Plan Review Fee $108.71 $58.71 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 Technology Fee for Building Permit $5.00 $5.00 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 Mechanical Permit $40.00 $40.00 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 Building Permit Fee $167.25 $167.25 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 Record Retention Fee for Building P $8.50 $8.50 $0.00 BLD08-177 948327604 Plumbing permit manual input $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 Total; $361.96 Previous Payment History Receipt # Receipt Date Fee Description Amount. Paid Permit# 08-0730 08/04/2008 Plan Review Fee $50.00 BLD08-177 Payment Check Method Number CHECK 2556 Paym a int Amount $ 361.96 Total $361.96 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Development ,poRT 260:MadisQni v '! ■ 95 60n I f 9 wWwXityofpt.US Residential Building Permit Application Legal Description or Tax # w m ( ) ffice Use Orel Project Address Addition: °� Zoning: Block: ®p BLD,Perm7 #'13L D �` Parcel # Lot(s):_ Associated Permits: Project Description: l � 2140oe- / 0 ➢ Applications by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 for projects valued over $15,000, See Page 2 for details on plan submittal requirements. Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects Owner/Applicant: Property Owner/App over $5,000 i n valuation per RCW 19.27.095. Narne: � r r,° Name: Address:!,3 v J . 1 CitylStl zip: '--- i ) ^ N �, t r Project Valuation: $ Z 0 Phone: -- " t, Building Information (square feet): Email: 15t floor Garage: ontact/Rep ti : �.� resentar, nd 2 Deck(s): rd Name:. � Cor � � L t' tw � „r + t. :i+Rt � .� 3 floor Porch(es): Address: q 141 •Q Jh R L�?C-L,t,0 Basement: Is it finished? Yes No OA- Carport: Other: Phone: I [ n Manufactured Home ❑ ADU ❑ Email: New Addition ❑ Remodel/Repair Contract r: ame as Owner Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):" Name: t ice~~, Square feet: % Address: Impervious Surface:* MIA City/St/Zip: l µ 9 0 Square feet: "Total existing proposed Phone: IT Email: _ What year was the structure built State License #: f�9y E,p. If work includes demolition, see Page 2. City Business License Any known wetlands on the property? Y CN) Any,s�teep slopes'( 31,5 r' )? Y v hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I ri°i eGtl�ei° the owner o a��" � �c on behalf of the owner th i, l ize and that all activities this " `rt associated with permit will be in acc r r q with State Laws nd the i T�wnsend Municipal Code. Print Name: S��rSignature: � �g � Pagel o 2 7/31/2 Og RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. ❑ Residential permit application. ❑ Washington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms ❑ Two (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than %<" = 1 foot: ❑ A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4. On -site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on -site 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location 10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers ❑ Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam. sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns 5. Foundation venting ❑ Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7. Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing ❑ Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9. Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation ❑ Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures ❑ If, architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature If engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature ❑ For new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application If you are proposing partial or full demolition of a structure that is at least 50 years old, per Ordinance 2969 Historic Preservation Committee (HPC) review is required. If within the National Historic Landmark district: $58.00 for full committee review. If outside the National Historic Landmark district and not on the Historic Register: $30.00 for HPC Administrative review. Complete HPC Form. Partial demolition includes exterior demolition for additions and remodels. Page 2 of 2 7/31/2008 Parcel Details Page 1 of 2 Parcel Number: 948327604 Parcel Number: � 1 � 61111 )1 Owner Mailing Address: THRYN CROW 1240 W SI S WAY PORT TO iVSE D WA983683058 Site Address: 1238 3RD ST PORT TO SEND 98368 Section: 10 School District: Port Townsend (0) Qtr Section: S 1/4 Fire Dist: Port Townsend (8) Township: 30N Tax Status: Taxable Range: 1W Tax Code: 100 Planning area: Port Townsend (1) Sub Division: EISENBEIS ADDITION ss, q-s,,s r" Land Use Code1100 - HOUSES (single units, non -farm) Property Description: EISENBEIS ADDITION I i3LK 276 LOTS 5 & 6 1/2 OF EA Click on photo for larger image. �iIf�IGIe No Permit Best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later Windows. - Mac NO=948327604 8/4/2008 Look Up a Contractor, Electricl . '�, Plumber or Elevator Professional Lic 1e Detail Page 1 of 2 Information in Spanish I Topic Index I Contact Info I Search Home Safety Claims & Insurance Workplace Rights Trades & Licensing Find a Law (RCW) or Rule (WAC) Get a form or publication Close this Page > S Help General/Specialty Contractor A business registered as a construction contractor with LEd to perform construction work within the scope of its specialty. A General or Specialty construction Contractor must maintain a surety bond or assignment of account and carry general liability insurance. C Et C BUILDERS LLC Business and Licensing Information Verify Workers' Comp Premium Status Name C Et C BUILDERS LLC UBI No. Phone No. (206) 200-9273 Status Address 19232 YEW WAY License No. Suite/Apt. City SNOHOMISH State WA Zip 98296 County SNOHOMISH Business Type LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY Parent Company License Type Effective Date Expiration Date Suspend Date Separation Date Previous License Next License Associated License Specialty 1 Specialty 2 M Printer friendly J,+ 602577028 ACTIVE CCBUICB944CF i CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR. 2/6/2006 2/6/2010 J i) GENERAL UNUSED Business Owner Information Hide All Name Role Effective Date Expiration Date CAMPBELL,STEVE T PARTNER/MEMBER 02/06/2006 s Bond Information i) Bond Bond Bond Company Account Effective Cancel Impaired Bond Received Name Number Date 7Expiration Date Date Amount Date 1 CBIC SG5427 01/31/2006 $12,000.00'02/06/2006 8/1/2008 Business License Search Page 1 of 1 Wino -.. tp1rodooti, R iuroer„s -... t'LAv HA b W"trrl- t rw'orimat t *srO'w ___t fin .^7:�ltureN 'taatpt4r r City of Port Townsend 250 Madison St. Port Townsend, WA 98368 City Business License Database Search (360)379-5047 The City of Port Townsend Tax Ft Business License Records Database provides you with public information for businesses registered with the City of Port Townsend. It is a free service provided for informational purposes only. Creating a list from this information for commercial purposes is prohibited by law. Use this page to search for "Active Status" businesses to get business name, owner and location information. News - Post.ed'. Date stfeet'.$<ape P'oIct.t - 7121'108 NO Dovuee . 707 OS Business Name: C & C Now PhO Tax Info • 7i"J "08 The Carnegie ChAlenpa If the complete name is not known, pp p 3 Search I U27/09 you can enter a partial name. For , OrlrriMinq Water Rpt - 4/7840'8 example, if you enter the word Water t,ffd�,leh�, Rpt. 412gfof, House, every business with that word in it's narne will. appear. Business Name: C& C BUILDERS L L C City of Port '1f'cwn5eitd Site Address: 19232 YEW WAY Matnn' ',It Code Owner: CAMPBELL, STEVE 6 ..'-J Ownership: License Number: 007065 UBI Number: 602577028 City Plans ft Engineering Design Standards Shoreline Master Program Webslte Disclaimer 8/1 /2008 ,pceT rc Receipt Number: Q -017 0 F.Rocel,�^t'ate- 001�04/20O8 Caaltle7r, �T�' Pa�r�Paar Mama t�t�t3"!I"i�'HI"k'II+�B �... ... _.�, . Crt o,s] Fee Arnouat Fe 0f Permit Parcel Polo Msvirtpffton Amnolunt Paid Balance BLD08-177 948327604 Plan Review Fee $50.00 $50 00 $0 00 m—Wn— . -fi —W lW M 44. K alpt Receipt Data, Foo Doaortptlon ... Pm,+�ttt� heolt ��. P�a�n � rcl m st oun CHECK 2555 $ 50.00 Total ..................�$50.00 Total: � mIT�mm�mm$50.00 Amount Paid Perm It genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 QL v Inspection Report Project __..._ ._ _..__ �! _... Permit # r 17 Date �, Inspector Inspection & Notes �...��.__.� �..._��.._..., lti ........ i °° Kirk Boike ARCHITECT * 4601 Mason Street 0 PortTownsend WA, 98368 + 360 385 6140 architect0sudbe t.not l'HE"dRA4'yINGS AND PLANS SET FORTH ON THIS SHEET AS INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE ARE, AND SHALL REMAIN, THE PROPERTY OF KIRK BOIKE, AHCHITECT- Vo ''UMENYS SHALL BE USED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONE DWELLING ONLY, ADDITIONAL USES OF THESE DOCUMENTS IS FORBIDDLN WITH OUT THE ARCHITECTS WRITTEN APPROVAL. WRITTEN DIMENSIONS ONTHIS DRAWING SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, CONDITIONS, ETC, PERTAINING TO THE WORK BEFORE PROCEEDING. THE ARCHITECT MUST BE NOTIFIED OF ANY VARIATIONS FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND/OR CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. ANY SUCH VARIATION SHALL BE RESOLVED BY THIS OFFICE PRIOR TO PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACCEPT FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COST TO RECTIFY SAME- NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ACTS OF GODS STFZUCrTUYZ�L ��-l�.L`(:�1� (�OKI�IZ DECaIG►-JW.r.�r{.1�� IC/�T1� LtZC��✓ t��`��U1=,��-� ..w.., MEW nort:l�t�� a 6548(asz�:. '1Eli KIRK E. VOIKE STATE C F IIY>'ISHINGT4N lbH>=.hIZ fS.LcS-1G C�21p' 1` ; 22 I2X►4i 3(0q(0 2Pp69LF < 2Cra o,IL 4 - H f-aD E tZ LP to pF 4 2 OF ' N' To W&LL N N 9 cv N N q 7 V7 0 r� �. H��2 E►��s wl 1�2'' SLY tQl, S a's �„ o, �. "t -10 VNIWVN� wx ssn& ,111V ��111v ........... � -R i ............. ....... ............. 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