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BUILDING DING PERMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 439 HASTINGS AVE Project Description Build new SFR in Alt Short Plat Names Associated with this Project Type Name Contact Applicant Alt John D Owner Alt John D Contractor Owner Builder Permit # L 08-145 Project Name Alt/Breeding Short Plat (Parcel # to Parcel # change) 957900104 License Phone # Type License # Exp Date (} - STATE exempt 12/31/2008 * * * SEE A TTACHED CONDITIONS ** * Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. 1 certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. i further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name 11 Date Issued: 08/22/2008 11 Issued y: FRONTDESK Signature Date 00 , Date Expires: 02/18/2009 '2081 to BUILDING PERMIT Al City of Port Townsend ' Development Services Department A 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD08-145 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 439 HASTINGS AVE Project Description Fee Information Project Valuation $114,992.55 Site Address Fee 3.00 Building Permit Fee 1,077.75 Energy Code Fee - New Single 100.00 Family Unit Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Unit - New Residential Plan Review Fee 700.54 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling 150.00 Unit - New Residential State Building Code Council Fee 4.50 Technology Fee for Building Permit 21.56 Record Retention Fee for Building 10.00 Permit Total Fees $ 2,217.35 Project Name Alt/Breeding Short Plat (Parcel # to Parcel # change) 957900104 Project Details Decks Residential 299 SQFT Dwellings — Type V Wood Frame 1.184 SQFT Units: I Heat Type: HYDRONIC Bedrooms: 2 Construction Type: V - B Bathrooms: 2 Occupancy Type: Ca11385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner.. Print Name Signature Date Date Issued: 08/22/2009 Issued By- FRONTDEsx Date Expires: 02/18/2009 BUILDING PRMIT City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BL 0-145 Permit Type Residential - Single Family - New Site Address 439 HASTINGS AVE Project Description Build new SFR in Alt Short Plat Project Name Alt/Breeding Short Plat (Parcel # to Parcel # change) 957900104 10. Property corner survey pins must be located at time of footing inspection to verify setbacks. 20. Electrical permit required from WA State Labor & Industries (L & 1); contact L & I @ 360-417-2702 30. Temp. erosion control measures must be installed and maintained prior to approval of any building inspections. 40. Provide copy of L & I factory assembled structures inspection approval on -site for field inspection. Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this pennit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. I certify that the infon—ation provided as a part of the application for this penuit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that 1 am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Signature Date Date Issued: 08/22/2008 Issued By: FRONTDESK Date Expires: 02/18/2009 ITY OF PORT TOWNSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # �.� LOOS ILIS DATE RECEIVED Z SCO PE OF WORK:.. 39 _. _. Z�Z('JUU a oom� z iN 'NW�W ,apN� -H.0 z wa�z a 2-8 N'z.9.N zQ 4 rp4r�/.� �4m r8 zzoa4 mwxz ¢t z'm¢ �wd Nw� 2,90 U W N LL (!) Z N (D m I.L <W F c, rnMr 4V (!I m Q r. WDOo Q 3:v0 Z o N ZW 7=W'Z i/ioF Q o6 �� U)_�O�a 00p .1 F JO 6im=) LL�dp ¢ O W Cn 'gQay ,� " �— cr 0 2 NCO Q O w LU do CC F- (.7 0 W F- Z OON�cWn(a Q"¢a-jzoo Lu .,pia ,66=--'------ W C N p C m ° 0 N Z N A a ` ¢ ZW w O 0 at> N �¢N Q _�O o j 0 m 'm U5IW-Z � 29 J O Q w E 6 <aaIL U cU h M wdcm c o �UON _ro. °E 0 0. 0 aac ID ) roa QqMo a. O—f0 dWIf Fm>°> �ccow;:- 0 03 E u �N34HY�J I— OH Ad3AOOSio t 0 Q 'RF 1��ED At- ITECT A An "-y LT W N RBY ALT SRA' F WASHINGTON Avp,?,) I*/ " V#ZOW� 7Wl'W Nac,Wlr� -/- 5NIPS. 2- -31� 5:vw Aott-- IhA6�ap�a (f 7, ;��4,� Pt-PC*&r- 10f '5qu5�- 9.,tvw.94 erll�q 4:5�oppl rOK XW&JA4, P/'&/M 7'0 IW7D-bll P� P"01,r PJAII, Dev,91,6:�-rqe, WI&I&PAAlt��y NwL e4cg 6;�Dwpe;- re),r"X�7', P F"141 6;e&0-W11) erYr SST IPA-7-YnW- QM* -��75-rq V-x 5XMVP,& 6 " a, 6. A-or� w? EI� ARCITEC a. JO ARBY ALT Cc o 1-\I-r,) � WASNINGTON rzo ZX( VL-rzT CAS 51Pr UST �7Di.07'JA; �t J7W gC-i , JVAL 57'Vl?.5 704-�C57� bull( P rIJa U LAr6� 0;fNV ef)l /Z- 0/ 13A-77 ; , 06 e-� e�/ems LA r3DMO a �l p re NISI Lc-P (. 5-M-p -e G Sipe 140RIP- 1n RE( "EKED ABUOTECT HN DARBY ALT S ATE OF WASHINGTON CA C-Ia5 Q P"v Tn4&-r- jEx-r. gHln I Q NAI Lleb pit 13t,� C6 L CMG" `�D "YP-(MC- f Xl o 13 Czo�s (<it 5 ebb WC3) � -ll,4psotj 2 3 A+J qL6- CX-4 rS -ro t3+ VV C31.15 eLA- --r-7 c-BU -5 c- � 6m-vrn5 OAS �� ►�� °' (®�� ©, G� -E-I� S °' o, G. -C* SSA-t-c, Rf TERED MuHITECT HN DARBY ALT STATE OF WASH INGTON Pea [-1 s1i6 61VPU167110-/J uje-p�I< CSC ATr/,� -r( r( 01,,J -rd �b CAL 6�1 /44151Q oY, 11 11J T E rv� T51Z W ( U- G15 6 l,C C-("f"Zl c I tj fl;OAP 6V, rPl&f--A-wl6 1\-5 use N 9 �(T6- F-yz&r"'15-, ol;�'C,-(j e,�j *f- U-6-�N G Aj- r,,t,,&votz- MO I ram, COS 0 e'Grl cYN �a ►� s The Factory-Bufft unit Identified below requires lwg- I V " kg g�X56,Et> ec completion work at the site as specified. 1. chymeii name mfges serial no. Dept aerial no. �0 x fristallstion addsm Cype of construction Occupancy ETA at site 7 AV City State ZIP+4 County Phone numtwr Installation site is in: 0 city D County DESCRIBE ITEMS REQUIRING COMPLETION WORK AT THE SITE P623-013-000 notification to local enforcement agency 11-98 mqodWie nommumm �Z- wjY ... F.. -- n Electical section Canary - Inspector Pink - Building department Goldenrod - CUStOnMT H L LJ O N N',N F NN �•IO In IO�Va N NN WW N NN.N M n r r W W W co J C 0 3 '0) O't n N N W N N l7 1q W M N W O) V r 'WV r O O W W W N O If1 n M V V W N O) I� N OD w U) O L T� S, Cr L U N C N O i0 r p � N m U F .— L x -_ W W JJ O � O s _- - - x "` t0 x f0 lD x W - - c x �W 17 _ _ _ I.fO m l0 x0 O a fD ID (D s�i l3 !$ If) lf3 l0 i0 t7 l7 l�) ca A Angles and Z Clips Page 2 of 4 Tht!.se produeN are ilvoilabfv ivith addifrorral vortesion prolecteorr Additfonal pro(Muls of? delis p.tf)a mly Mso be avidabfe with lffis opfian, Oreek with .Simfzoo troag-Tie far de,Wifs. Dimensions Allowable Loads Model DF/SP No, I Base Post 060) Wi Wz L l Bolls„ Nails BotlsF Nails Fi F2 M ill, A21 1 2..,.1`'r i:% 210dx1..?.. �....�.. 21adx1'r. 2���....... 1 .: A23 2 1'�'2 � 410dx1'� — 4.1Odxl .... 585 '�. 565 A33 3 3 1'111 , 4-10d I 4-10d 2�50 330 A44 .. *4 ,; 44'a a.. 1 � ..F m,.,.. 4 1{Dd ....... 4-10d .... ......, / 11 ...___.. „) ._.. o- Atria 5f� 5?Iti 116, 2- l 2-,� yy 8 p .y Ya ........ A24 f 3 N, 2 2f 11� w,, ..,o _ " .� 1 5, 2-tOd A31'1 .. 11 31A 2 1 , .. 1 �1h i 4-10d 1. Allowable loads have been increased 60% for wind or earthquake loading; no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 2. For SPF/HF lumber use 0.86 of table loads. 3. NAILS: 10dx1 1 1/2" = 0.148" dia. x 1 1/2" long, 10d = 0.148" dia. x 3" long. See other nail sizes and_information. Z Chip I oad "'III"'ma1)1e: See rode it li oift Ilu;;tings below .top Model J Da Dimensions _ Fasteners' Allowable? Download No. W H B TF (Total) (125) Z2 20 <,y 1:h I'/B 13r 4-10dxllb 465 Z4 12 1" 3lb 2'k 1 /r 2-16d 465 Z28 28 14 . 1% . 1t9WIV � Z38 t 28 2 ', 2'rr 1 s� 1 10dx1'1h Z44 I, 12 i ..2!/, 3'1 2 13 , ,. 4-1Bd 865 1. Z28 and Z38 do not have nail holes. Fastener quantity and type shall be per Designer. 2. Allowable loads have been increased 25% for roof loading (Z clips), no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 3. Z4 loads apply with a nail into the top and a nail into the seat. 4. NAILS: 16d = 0.162" dia. x 3 1/2" long, 10dx1 1/2 = 0.148" dia. x 1 1/2" long. See qthernall,pl s,arl agafarrnala rt,. Lade Reports (RDFS); A, top LEGACY REPORTS HAIR C pl ' 1-IIES F.SVI1"", S ni'Arli':. III"IIC' d 1F ILOS AINGIh w@. ES Il. lf� ..lr::s Vcl •-::.S II°: P� lt� ..-0I!:S I�.�;: lu::ll �' ui..olulDA Nlu::al'. I.m:1 A See specific model numbers for code listings. A21 ESR-2606 / ESR-2523 RR25076 / RR25716 FL10446 ER-5275 A21Z ESR-2606 / ESR-2523 " RR25076 / RR25716 / RR25489 ER-5275 A23 ESR-2606 / ESR-2523 RR25716 FL10446 A23Z ESR-2606 / ESR-2523 ' RR25076 / RR25716 A24 No code listing: Please contact us for test data. http://www.strongtie,com/products/connectors/a-z.asp 6/27/2009 r (,2e4AJ N L I o t- 036 ---"ov-� -�(- 1� u dvt dj Choosing The Correct Respirator V0547 Efin.%19A n1i4h haadoaa*ty oroditiosthat eig and0 aateotoas atortie'+f ai*fptos #ied aiwj%toQ d. elf bathigt ataalogth Rios filtesad atidgsad hat typsof ptetiotthey pide.f'MoAmd bdily daag ads pvted � ig the i#t ld of ai*fppitor Safety Vffi Seies "a sae haig Safety lb)fi Confined Space Atmospheric Testing V0638 Elelowd hetto tet ad ale hat to do heraiiimfe.lree ae thee aidek4hat ill idetify the ato*eidtaadsof a ofind pe: Wuteq&id ity;ad Tifdy. I"fo"4 tetig; OW Video 6intioa 6#n Confined Space Entry: Inside Maneuvers V0639 rheinyee4w akmfind p s ik taWosloo*, hop# hapitong hi fletifieshanteitidW haad ad ovsttoeitteggtdother haad otnlpfiad pe pit; Jbmtiolea eipg teampifiitiesad otatos Had orthe ES Aata hta. Oatal Video 6intion 61w Indoor Air Quality V0609 fo*yeesof potaifltafh effetsasell asmthodso pvtl idetify ad oet;aiglity pleat 6vESomof airotaiatiop dheee*lvtsad $hile eha4 HosJu,,,jjpif#d hidifief ad Sypamd *)f pominoity. td lfdtiogn Indoor Air Report Breathe Easy V0610 NhAdiWdoOdig elated illimsad einoW tobo sk H hasfod that the pup awof Ith;me: indegte $tilatiointaintiodom otede the lidigid inW otaintiotfodidigak OaWl Video 6intion 60n Monitoring Airborne Contaminants V0303 Eliale onotO An oriantsae iffitfowletig peal ptetiv eipgdehnatig aeashee ptetiodsaeded,asig ptetial health effetsof eps; addeteiiRmfiatdial dieteadiat*Rite ad pinkemitoilpiodigvnl, ad viale oitoig %*d Bdtio0n Respiratory Protection : Air Purifying Respirators V0724 fed Ohlsth the apation of ai*fp#itodm eiRtoy ptetiotpgt1hejnyeesn sletiolfit tedgdoliiitatioa ad aitena tti;tif{;os,� in ALCOHOL, DRUG AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE Achieving A Drug -Free Workplace: What Every Employee Deeds To Know V0705 Itt N kady At Rt 2Sik Ehotiire EellftXe litWs 4 My i **,AisN A Aft 3ithe Noirk hta And thehot hae theittaoy oteatigi dfte ale. '9thr:if�n� on Drivers Alert : Over -the - Counter & Prescription Medications and Impaired Driving V0890 ddeeshe ®iFlemf diig derthe iflaa of legl adiation "djpiWffi(Safety UuOn Drug Use & Abuse V0486 Iishe ptetially ody pleat hih old ch fotdgtb. fletifiesthe dg)t only sd, theitypnfad the pih� logid holtetplrmiated ith their a ad ah.Safety Wh Seies Sgtaed to jentorasefeher taiif thtlia k*e Eaip Safety Wh)8n DUI : Choices And Consequences V0340 iisdantiatiormthe ostmf dhlhjeatit tllladlola yog)lleg Wetiho deidesto id forthe pssof hool,ak ad faiiy life P haifp fe)beg Iblllia}3n Maintaining A Drug -Free Workplace: A How -To -Guide For Supervisors V0706 pr LIP Wt ft 0bRRe;pt ate f Stellit 4 HoftfW 5MM I lylAn lewd epffiiity oridetifyifpatigtd defedigt dgee *e. in Safer State at .08 : Washington's New Drunk Driving Laws V0857 'Ire legl food alohol liitihasben edad to ffotdivdMdjpn dket*igttlikle toper paltiesfotepat Ihffedejfin� ad the pififty of doifpil timor bi*d to homnitoig WIpi (Safety GfiD*t Videos.LNI.wa.gov r� t. Development I P ori T » WA 98,,3i68i 4, WA • •, Residential Building Permit Application Project Address: Legal De scri ton (or Tag): Office Use Onl Addition: atr Zoning: Block: — Parcel # Lot(s): 17 sjo at ils Project i0e cri ttoo�p: � � ; '�' � n n a n � 1 ➢ Applications accepted by mail must include a check for initial plan review fee of $150 ➢ See the "Residential Building Permit Application ➢ Requirements" for details on plan submittal requirements. 0 Contact/Representative- eo Name: Address: City/St/Zip: Phone: Email: Contractor: Name: Address: City/St/Zip: Phone: Email State License #: City Business Lice S ame as Owner it u p , Lender Information: Lender information must be provided for projects over $5,000 in valuation aluation perR�,CrrW 19.27.095. Name: VA6Fllj Project Valua tion: �50, olio Building Information (square feet); ,t V5 floor � Garage N Ix 2"d floor 191 Deck(s): 2 �� 3`d floor Porch(es): Basement: Is it finished? Yes No Carport. Other. Manufactured Home ❑ ADU X New Addition ❑ Remodel/Repair ❑ Total Lot Coverage (Building Footprint):* Square feet: % so Impervious Surface:* oC.1, 3?kxwl, ) Square feet: F +'Total existing proposed t C�' ,.` � 9 If an existing structure, what year was it built? Any known wetlands on the property? Y Q Any steep slopes (>15%)? Y V I hereby certify that the information provided is correct, that I am either the owner or authorized to act on behalf of the owner and that all activities associated with this permit will be in accordance with State Laws and the Port Townsend Municipal Code. Print Name: Signature: Date:. i �. REGISTERED �<' IACI-1ITECT 91N DARBYALT E OF WASHINGTO JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT 209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-570-4614 PROJECT: e DATE: SHEET: t�(C,dPc� C�R�DITtB�.15 -j"o Cyr - A -iIT1411"Ill Tr 51 w " aliod W'00�� .... '�"a �".". fir, ', 'y✓.�N ��.. �. �w�''��"„•iN/ �:... �. i MIMAl 'im •���EMUrmawd s m �- rr sfr m ► I =if �'t C 3SA) 0? 0 f) r- L t2-O #.: r JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT REGISTERrL) IITECT 209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-570-4614 H DARBYALT PROJECT: ATE OF WASHINGTO DATE: l E ET: c u Cl� , ,, r --- 8822 REGISTERED JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT ARCHITECT 209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 . 410-570-4 14 N DARBYALT PROJECT: TIC OF WASHINGTO DATE: HEFT: i F 8922 JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT REGISTERED 209 Main Street ARCHITECT Annapolis, Maryland 21401 rs. � . 410- 70-4614 r' PROJECT: 1 DARBY ALT DATE: tVT r �1.E OF WASHINGTON SHEET: &A:;> r7l REGISTEkzU JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT RGIiIT G 200 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21.401 10-; 70-4614 HN DARBYALT ROJECT: VrE OF WASHINGTO 4 ATE: 10 HEET: 641 lob ul 8922, REGISTERED JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT R REGISTERED T 1209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-570-4 14 �., PROJECT: I4 DARBY ALT 1 PATE: ^-1 � 1OF WASH110"I0. 00 SHEET: 1 _ .. W t"1 /_,.... .P�..... . - Nlv�lw 8922 JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT REGISTERED - ARCHITECT 209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 2.1,401 410-570-4614 DARBY ALT PROJECT: *' S 'E OF WASHINGTO DATE: 1"c SHEET: ----- ----- 2'." Cr" REGISTERED I JOHN ALT, ARCHITECT ARCh11TECT 209 Main Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410- 0-461 1111, DARBY A OPROJECT: ft' LT DATE: ATE OF WASHINGTON �W055fe2,n SHEET: (v wm.mmr : _cMJ91voe Cups-- U;ArLG 'Mamieof PRE HO NE / HDQ8 HOLDOWNIPHDLD These product are preterable to similar connectors be6ause of a) easier installation, b) higher loads, c) lower installed cost, or a combination of those fealiffes. The Predeflected Holdown (PHD) is a revolutionary development in holdown connections, Predeflected during manufacturing, the PHD virtually eliminates deflection from material stretch. PHD SPECIAL FEATURES: • Wood screws reduce slip due to overdrilled bolt holes. • Smaller centerline reduces eccentricity in the stud. • No stud bolts to countersink. • The slot in the seat provides anchor bolt adjustment. • Fits easily on a 4x stud, MATERIAL: See table. FINISH: Galvanized. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • Place the PHD or HDQ8 over the anchor bolt. • HDQ8: 5/a" of adjustability perpendicular to the wall. • HDQ8: 11/a" center line for reduced eccentricity. * HDO& Use: in vertical and horizontal applications. • Install Simpson"s oodeTreoognized SDSr/4x3 wood screws,. which are provided with the holdown. (Lag screws will nol achieve the same load.) • For an smprovod connection, use a steel nylon locking rout or a thread adhesive on the anchor bolt. (No washer req uirefl • See SSTD Anchor Bolts page 24, for anrwllorago opfions, The design engineer may specify any alternate anchorage calculated to resist the tension load for a specific job. Anchorage Iength should take the hearing plate/washer height into account„ to ensure Adequate length of threads to engage the nut, For 3x sill plates use SSTRL. • To tie double 2x members together, the Designer must determine the fasteners required to bind members to act Washer as one unit without splitting the wood. provided with See Simpson Anchor Systems for tested, load -rated anchors Holdown and request T-Anchorspec for more information. CODES: See page 10 for Code Listing Key Chart. HANGER NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY Horizontal HDQ8 Installation It Available with additional corrosion protection. Check with factory. Dimensions Fasteners .n J ' No of Model Ga Anchor Simpson Ni, H B Dia. SDS1/4x3 Wood Screws PHD5-SDS3 i 14 1 3 11 / y i 1a; % 14 PHD6-SDS3 12 3% 13tru 1/e % 18 PHD8-SDS3 deleted — see HDQ8-SDS3 No. of Model Ga j W H B i CL Anchor' SDS1/4x3 o Dia, Wood Screws HDQ8-SDS3 PHD5 (others similar) US Patent No. 5,979,130 i-treated may be ired. Typical PHD Installation as a Holdown (shown "flush", touching sill plate) For holdowns, per ASTM test standards„ anchor bolt nuts should be finger -tight plus'/3 to 1/2 turn with a wrench, HDQ8 with consideration given to possible US Patents 6,006,487 and 6,327,831 future wood shrinkage. Care should be taken to not over -torque the nut. Allowable Allowable Holdown' Holdown' Tension Loads Tension Loads g De4leetlon Deflection Avg 2-2x and 2-2x and at Highest at Highest Code Ult GreaterVerlical`GreaterVertical Allowable 9 Allowable Ref. Wood Member Wood Member Design Load Design Load DF/SP (133) SPF/HF (133) ` Flush Raised 063 081 12,5201 3610 ...� ,", 3375 077 077 31 98 15,670 4685 4380 122,140 18,250 5860 � 5480 � 068 � 073 - Avg Compression Ult Load10 Tension (Ibs) 7/a j 20 ( 27192 1,Allowable loads have been increased 33% for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 2,The Designer must specify anchor bolt type, length and embedment. See the SSTB and SSTBL Anchor Bolts, 3. See page 16 and 22 for retrofit anchor bolt. 4. Loads are based on static tests on wood studs, limited by the lowest of 0 12�' deflection ulf mate divided 1'4' 3 or the weed strew value. 5 D+,81e¢ tion at Highest ANNowablc Desrttn Load The def Nolan of a holdown omof the holdw.) tr9aO tru 0w n it lwsrrl J, ,nw, Vr nl a , W h r lilr d w i t ; n ir,,vmNncrot is Onr Hy r1m., tc' the hntddt:ta,gr Gunder „u SMUGr lfl;ld 7175 Allowable Holdown " Allowable Tensiom 1 Tension y Deflection at Highest Code (lbs) (Ibs) Allowable a Ret 133 133 Tension DF,ISP SPF/HF Design Load 8325Ammµl 7210 052 � 45 106, 126 126 6. Installs best with a low speed 1/2' right angle drill with a 3/e" hex head driver. 7. SDS1/40 screws are required for PHD's. See T-HDLA04 for PHD loads using shorter screws. 8, When using structural composite lumber columns, screws must be applied to the wide l'nace of the c0urnia. 9, Foi 11008 double installation, offset hrAdOWM toe ellnlinate scuew' Insr,,rIerenv, Tlau tairrde, double the load c4acitV (16650 Mr,), 10 HOW , 10"Id ur,grturus an urr itionai ,f,m(klyd nsut and rills a ruler nTMCr 1 r ,uu i rc^r+u , I a ArI; ¢ i� a r1. r Id u . ,,kr : �,qr r drsdrtauts unapds io djmck irfpJ to r bOc!HWi C01, cufir SDS1/4x3 Sun US Patent No. 67109,850 See Screw InIU on page 13 Steel -Strong-WaM: I st Story Wood Floor S,,stems lawn -pm AM Dalt"tiolch lifts way Aso V� rup4nd) Hfto MIM Z1410"g-mm BLDCMNG'X,,0NNECTMN DETAIL 0 W ulmlfio -widicv raw l,,3 �ste amm lmssm? wid o0monimb hok forperpertOnqu'r MM,� (PrWjdid){fi PrV 6904 M rvjurrM, has mt hmi mqp6o.0 toe I' mit AEURNATE IST ROOR MMLLATION fv''NO, Nwir, r7nwd Nary gat drwurr 5,podtij ImMerkmit., ffijud'�� 10 Avp) Moir Mou tM11*1110, http://www.strongti- -,om/products/strongwall/steel-strongwall/Ist-stor Altadt tray top phi,41w, of wA SMS, 4mMdm6,D rti Ir 00 NOT j �A Lut or 0111mge 44011g holes M Shwe TMTrAt, r FlAg R , 100 mlff*� r1110 11m rirmr f0ka mid fl"0101, lwchw' 14 um"ImIling wmus twh tklo 440 ow sfe)1,1104 vy�vOwNIv�S,Y v"'Ut (skltprx1144 INV,, Mfg M, v ,mV Y gp . ... ....... 1, I N M Sfoar him0r by Mhm, p1mv,6A UP4, Wympul) EXTERIOR VJEW OF SHEAR TRANSFER PLATE I&I ifkpjon ,it 0)"Wh **", CM NAN mod "n, J", tl pm CNIVY SSo"NAD F00011000f) D844 [,gn (sin, '100 try others 6/ P 8/7008 2° 1'6 11"vl Steel -Strong -Wall®: 1st Story Wood Floor F- -tems http://www.strongt* ',om/products/strongwall/steel-strongwall/1st-stor "'hll'iti111 �w11� Model Contents 12 8SW1%T C () � �. fe r 1�1�1.1e 1� SSW 15-1KT f,wi1lr #14 selt tlrl<111ng rtscr � vs) (2) Coupler U.'A 21 �.... SS 1 1 � A"� (2)11,6Mj:Vy Ilex � �.u1s �....�._...� SSW24-I ��_�.�..�r--_... CrurtaIla11o11-l11SCIt➢r,,fiG1nz._......_.��._���............... 1. Two heavy hex nuts included with each wall, Product Data: Atom, 1 .....-� ,rnclwnr tlaar�tlltlr w I W It l" i1 of Screws w tiny limy lin � 4tY .. - 01a in TDp� Of Wall 5 =24u 24 . 8 t1. 3'. 1' 14 12'" � SS1r� 1.a � 2d� „;N U 2 1 S5�°115�4 1S Sys 4 2aa 1-2 1 SSV1121X?1r4 4 21" if 5i* X"''r" 2 ➢ 1_ 12 SpNNX 4 mmm24 851,5'. 3�,' . 2.._„ _ 11 ld SSW 1rN 15, � �ss,W1SX'S r�bro w ar1R 1W . ��: i , I�'° S�,'WT27 ., 12" i 1171�"'"""m 21^Vi"" 2 14' 15, i 1 5" Sly, � 1 1y1t1 15'_w 11VK7 31S,' 2 1 wwW, SS1'i121xr1 21" t1lprpw.<.. .. „.. 12 SEW1240 241 105% 31? 2 11 p 11 '35�117a1rt 1 G1 rt 1w S SW15X O 15' 111 2 7 1r..� ------------ $$W18X10 1F 1171° 3X1111 z . o 11 _ Sri"1121 111 21' 1179 2 1' 12 SSW2010 147 � .ii ,e � 1 14 .. SSWIWI 18C 1N'A 2 1 I S'121x1'1 21' 5�1 1 12 SSYY 011 4' 1291,4' 51 v* ., 2, 1' A. 14 S"aIN115-xl? 15 14 1W 5'A 2 1 S r w..1 Sat��1c 1S 11 6 9. SS 121 k ° 1" 141', Yi " 1 12 SSIN24U12 21 141 , ��mi r' 11 14 SSWX1 i Is, ,. �1 q,.. �_ �� I �.. SSA"121112 ( 21 153W 2 1� 12 . Y�r�i11„� 21' 1"29 �Alk 1me1 Product Information: .tom Material: Vertical Panel - 10 gauge Steel Strong -Wall®: 1st Story Wood Floor S—tems http://www.strongti- -om/products/strongwall/steel-strongwall/1st-stor... Finish: Vertical Panel - Galvanized; Top and Base Plates - Simpson. gray paint Naming Scheme: SS 24x8 Stet Strang WEE[ � L,F&ti€ U1,11Height Width (ft.l {€a.l Wall Profiles: Pre -attached wood.studs are 2x4 for walls 7' - 10' tall, and 2x6 for walls 11' - 13, tall. Mv" K'ZM SSW12 SSW15 SSW15 SSW18 SSW21 M'K' 11 F-I - \ - / � � SSW24 611-IM -1 SSW24, x Load Tables: ..tom • 1997 UBC and 2000 IBC Allowable Shear & Drift Values (PDF) • 2003 and 2006 IBC Allowable Shear Drift Values (PDF) Load tables list values based upon results from the most recent testing and/or calculations and may not match those in current code reports. Where code jurisdictions apply, consult the current reports for applicable load values. Related Catalog Pages (PDFs): .top C-SW07 (Strong -Wall Shearwalls). pages 19-21 (391 k) Order frog catAiggs by mail t r Printed June 18, 2008 from http:/Iwww.strongtie.com/products/strongwall/steel-strongwall/1st-story,asp © 2008 Simpson Strong -Tie® 6/ 1 "i /201f18 2;16 Pr 4 011yr 2/ L 2003 AND 2006 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE Seismic' Wind Wall Model Allowable ASD Drift at Allowable ASD Drift at Shear Load V Allowable Shear Shear Load V Allowable Shear (Ibs) (in) (Ibs) (in) SSW12x7 515 0.23 515 0.23 SSW15x7 1370 0.25 1370 0,25 SSW18x7 1815 0.18 1815 0.18 SSW21x7 _ 2100 0.13 2100 0.13 ___.. SSW24x7 "" ,_ 2450 ......._ - 0.10 _ 2450 0.10 SSW12x8 ...,.. .� ......... 445....__ � _..... .. ..� __. 0,29 ..,... ..r_�.�.._v...��� 445 .._..m-..._�.�..._�._--.. ... 0.29 SSW15x8 1175 0,33 1175 0,33 � I) S'S49166 ��/ („/ �„ / 17 )r ,r✓ ! % y aa� J / / / /// I //r" // X/ X �7f17!!Ct / /,,,u ✓ SSW 1x8'r, .. , fi910) N/sB6 of r,,.l ,. ,..-r °fb0 OrB✓Nr...!a .r SSW24x8 2320 0,15 2320 0'is SSW12x9 395 0.36 395 0.36 -.� �. SSW15x9 � _.......W. 1040 _ ....._ ....�__.. .... _. 0.41 �.._..... �.. 1040 � .._w 0,41 SSW18x9 1380 0,29 1380 0.29 SSW21x9 1720 0.23 1720 0.23 SSW24x9 2055 019 2055 0.19 SSW12x10 355 0.43 355 0.43 ..vSSW15x1.0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,� ..,,,...............................915..........._.�...............;..................................0.48_�.......................... ..�................ 935................................. 0.50............................. SSW18x10 �1240.,a.e_...........0.35...................._..........��.���������......�.� 40...._......._....e... 0.3.5..........................-.-- - SSW21x10 uwSSW24x1�0_,...._........_.._........-......1845..�-...._�....-....� 1540 _ �... 0,27 ..................................U...�2.._.._.�.�-.......-.. 1.5�... w......-... 40 �... �._--.............1�845 ,..-....-....... w. _.. , 0.21 .......�.�-�...�-�. 0�.�22.............._�..... ..-..--.... SSW15x11 ..................�.,.... 8................10 .�..�.-..._�-� ....�...�0.56.-..........r...-� ..�.� ...�.....-� �.._.�...�....-._-..r...�....--.m�.... ......._�.._..� _.�850 0.59 SSW18x11. ..-_ 1125 0.41 1125 0.41 SSW21x11 1400 0.32 1400 u 0.32 ..._............. SSW24x11 1675 0.26 1675 0.26 SSW15x12 705 0,63 775 0,69 SSW18x12�_ ...�.__.�._�1030.,�m.�......_.0,49 ..�......_�__ _..........._....._-�-�1030................�_.�.�.....-.........��..0.49�.�......�.___�,. SSW21x12 1280 _......._. US .....................�__...0,31........ 1280 _........___..1530..._......._..._.._......_.._.._..._.._...N.o.31..................._....... 0,38 SSW24x12 1530 _..... 3 _w � ...........� SSW18x13 950 0,56 950 0.56 SSW21x13 1180 � ��... OM 1180 0.44 IT� SSW24x13 1410 0.36mm�IT� 1410 0.36 1. For seismic design using R = 6„5. 2. Loads applicable to designs using the ASD basic (Section 1605.3.1) or alternate basic (Section 1605.3,2) load combinations. 3. Minimum ASTM A36 anchor bolts required 1 st Story Wood Floor installations. See pages 38-41 for SSWAB anchor bolt information and anchorage solutions. 4. Loads are applicable to 1 st Story Wood Floor installations supported on minimum 2500-psi concrete. 5. Anchor rod tension at design shear load can be determined using the following formula: T-VBh-P/2 where: T = Anchor rod tension force (lbs.) V = Design shear load (Ibs.) h = Strong -Wall height per page 11 (in.) P = Applied axial load (Ibs) B = Anchor bolt centerline dimension per page 41 (in.) 6. Allowable shear loads assume a maximum first floor joist depth of 12". For allowable shear load with 14"-16" joists, multiply table values by 0.91 for SSW12 models, and 0.95 for all other SSW widths. 7, Loads based on a 1000 lbs. total axial load acting on the entire panel in combination with the shear load. For shear loads at 2000 Ibs. axial load, multiply table values by 0.92 for SSW12 and SSW15 models, 0,97 for all other SSW widths. 2i I Y� �u ! M II�Ml%oar The LCE4's universal design provides high capacity while eliminating the need for rights ar' lefts. For use with 4x or 6x lumber. LPC—Adjustable design allows greater connection versatil MATERIAL: LCE4-20 ga; AC, ACE, LPC4-18 ga; LPC6-16 ga FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in Z-MAX and stainless steel; see Corrosion -Resistance, page 5. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners. See General Notes. • Install all models in pairs. LPC-21/2" beams may be used if 10dx11/2" nails are substituted for 1 Od commons. CODES: See page 10 for Code Listing Key Chart. ID Available with additional corrosion protection. Check with factory. Model Dimensions Total No. Uplift Allowable Loads Code No. Fasteners_.._. �t ... ��9 U�11 it.&�.60) ��..��� Rel, 1 W L Beam Po p Lateral �- 6y 1216d 816d 4467 1430 715 4 37, 87 tcl e - n� . a n) ) 4 CY �14 16d 1416d �10000 2500 mm1070 AC4 (Mm) 3/ AC4 (Max) 3� 467 1430 715 3r AL4R (Max) 4 j 7 14 16-d 000 2500 k 1070 w AC4R (Mi 7 12 16d 114 16d „?0„ m m _ _ . .. 21 y 8 16 616 (Max)4, 37, 87, 1...— 215 1070 38 1785 1070 715mm — 2 ACE4 4y - 0 16d 10 16d 6238 _LCE4 5� 14 16d w 10 16d 5518 1800 1425 160 AC61Maxlm 5r.,. 8 �. j 14 16d ? 14 16d 10000 2500 107 4 37 87 i?I AC6 (Min)y 112 16d 8_16d 4467 1430 71 0 9 12 16d B 16d 4467 1430 715 a _46 70 7170 6 in 6 ACE6 (Mlnl) 6 10 16d 10 16d 6432 27805 1070 4 37 87 1 LPC4 (Max) r 3 6Y, 1 ... _ ....-.-p.., LPC6 s 8 10d ...._8 10d 2333 mmmm760 325 7 5/� 5y 810d ... 2833 8. 36 1.Allowable loads have been increased 33% and 60% 4.MIN nailing quantity and load values for earthquake or wind loading with no further increase - fill all round holes; allowed; reduce where other loads govern. MAX nailing quantities and load values 2. Loads apply only when used in pairs. — fill round and triangle holes. 3. LPC lateral load is in the direction parallel to the bearn. 5.Uplift loads do not apply to splice conditions. A custom connection for post -beam combinations at medium design loads. MATERIAL: PC-12 gauge; PC-16-16 gauge FINISH: Galvanized. Some products available in Z-MAX; see Corrosion -Resistance, page 5. INSTALLATION: • Use all specified fasteners; see General Notes. Pilot Hol • If 9/16" pilot holes are bolted, no additional load is achieved. (T,04 OPTIONS: • For end conditions, specify EPC post caps, providing dimensions are in accordance with table; see illustration. • Some PC and EPC models are available in rough sizes. • For heavy duty applications, see CC and CCQ series. CODES: See page 10 for Code Listing Key Chart. ID Available will) additional corrosion protection. Check will) factory. Typical LCE4 Installation (For 4x or 6x lumber) AC -.--,_ .-. Fasteners Uplift Allowable Loads Model Size es Ult Uplift PC/EPC 1 Lateral' Code Min D M ON each side V W1 Wz L1 L2 L3 ��.e..—_ Rel. _.ALL 60) C EPC i ( 0) i 11 75 4-16d 6-16d 4-16d 3433 1000 1000 192560) (110/ 6 3/ 2/ /s 00 PC44 4x4 3 9 16d 6 16d 4 16d 4933 1470 1700 925 1070 PC44 16 .,4x4 3/s 3%s �2'/e 11 7/� 4...... ... _. _.. A p ... .m ,m. .. 2% 13 925 pC46 16 44x6 3y E. 5Y y 25 13 ! 9y 4-16d 6-16d 4-16d 4933 1470 17700 Nm 925m— 1070 mm C 6 x6 /c Y /a —+ 5 PC48 16 4x8 3/6 7ymm N...2% . 15 11 y 4-16d 8-16d 6-16d 4933 1470 10700 2075 16aOWW W P y tie � 1 1 17/ 4-16d 4 6-16d 4-16d 4933 1000 r 1000 925 1000 7, 90, PC64 16� 4x6 5y 3/,s 11 7 4-16d 6-16d 4-16d 343^^IT m — 4x6� � 3 1?I 49/,s 3 1470 1700 925 1070 z ..r.. 9 Y.. ,. �..,. ..6d 6 16d 4933 1470 i�.e — PC6616 6x6 5y 5y 4/,� 13 9 4-16d 616d 616d 3433 1000 10 00 925 1285 PC66 6x6 5y Sy 4/� 13 9y, 4-16d 6-1 00 926 _ m 610 e ? � 6d 6-16d 6-16d 4933 1470 1700 92 5 1610 PP084 4x8 5� 6g, 13 4_�6d 8 16d 6 16d 4933 1470 17 I PC68 6 6x8 1 7Y Y / Y 00 925 1610 6d i 6 16d 6 16d 4933 25 1610 PC68 y 8x8 7yw 7y -6/� 1511y„4-16d 8 16d 6m16d 4933 1470 1700 20751610 1,Allowable loads have been increased 33% and 60% for earthquake or wind 4.Uplift loads do not apply to splice conditions. loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. 5.Spticed conditions must be detailed by the specifier 2, Lateral loads are in the direction parallel to the beam, to transfer tension loads between spliced members 3 1 Rl ,wiNl taus a, ter iai�s only by means other than the post can. LPC Typical EPC End Post Cap Installation Typical PC Post Cap Installation 1 y a USP Structural Connectors I Nails I USP Sur '-�s Quality Products to.,, a 0 196P"ItODUC'I'6 CIONTINUINO ED CAT,]ON INDU.I.1T'R,Y Litt LiTERATU Ar REIhUW PRE86RtLEASE TEt H OCAL QCOURtES WHAT'S NEW Receive an email when USPConnectors.com is updated with new content! http://www.uspcon.nectors.com/nails.shtml USP Supplies Quality Products GBRALTAR to BuildStronger Safer Structures kg 9 V o 4 k. E$ rW:al ".'1fl"! a r ar f WFU g printthis page Proper fasteners are a critical component in a sound wood frame structure. To ensure successful installations of its connectors, USP offers a full range of structurally -rated nails. All galvanized nails supplied by USP are Hot -dipped for greater corrosion resistance. Stainless steel nails are available on a stock basis in the size of 8d x 1-1/2" (see product chart). Any USP connector requiring a NA16D-RS, NA20D, NA25, or NA250 nail is shipped with the nails attached to the connector in convenient poly bags. Finish: See chart Installation: • Allowable shear values assume nail embedment into the wood of the entire nail or 10 nail diameters (whichever is less). Otherwise, the nail must be embedded at least 6 nail diameters, with the load reduced using the following equation: Reduced Load = Published Load x Actual Penetration Nail Diameter x 10 • Load reductions may occur if nails are used other than those specified. See the chart Optional Nails for Face Mount Hangers and Straight Straps for load reduction factors regarding nail substitutions. NAIL SPECIFICATION TABLE .. ... r arl. St ck nm J)Irt, 6F, 4, RS wa✓w$ruk ara IU4wa8rrolrtf nvftrem�4i6 Ie Ph}'k u^.::14:wr,ry ro9x �1�Por .. _.�... 10 ( IxtwY »ir'da16 A$ :kp aa..... "P Ilw& tiati U t^ sad a 1 I1 ks X3 t'i 0 I a" i. s t y d N 6 t9€1.. P4 C�ArI lity rr Y 3 ro Ya t4 p i YOf. }psf4i 0+D rOdw1112 iL � � Otis � Y gt� .E4 lon. � 9 Qt� 9 1G6 it S1'?I112� 1Y lav c7 z k `Yn I01 1Utdi .°TM hl "' ro 1� pt9 U I�It fIl13 1f3 PP u... ....,�,,. ., tdid9n f to a. 1 i J! ca 9 :6 sa Grid 9 § hm� �... f#A 1,. J 17d N 1. 1p r katl4 U 19 P 7 9 0'1 & s jzll 9FJ'! :I ll ik13Y Is 1 tre �a P 1'k �ru.,„F dB 1�. �....,.m w...�.._wr� ,..., Cf2 521. �,,, 2,1,..I SAb 1'Ya 8�„°N NA20 1 p �^ 11 19 1 U 92 { ff ,t 9 ill 1 i Yaat% 71ds1 tk aP Ij u � 3 pg3 �" di`d 1l . tl 2k , �....._ dr 4hmiBun,�Pa r la ww�r"•t b{fi"YJ'sa- cut om.... .. S 2 wd. ,-�., i ,9+1 3,, ( 54 aw� I'�,.nrnntnr I I � l ¢!ti9 104 ff JHmikpkkC0O1Ps, H 7'rf'� � 7f1 f fq lil.xd yPd Y1t +18� 19. ��U �41 t�Yt" 6r r Ar..,.tivaam ,,...,.. i'~er Y'b 1lrt 99iJidS pp 3 fir N'k +" j >G tool ;11=1r �V 1Y'N tf.z 37a 1Y H� ..n 7tB . un i5,1o,� �.w .f.: ; Et n3 �1nn�l17�I t�'�&•+i� 7-t,n,1 n t)4b�1'2 �... 9Ci1-. i'n f �„ (,c i Mnan t ........... .. q_ O12 �... .. t7 ? d,'"" �x O71li.#�Ca kart .... ? . .... ..m ..........�..,, qpr �... iSy ..1) Lra,,e ara tr. a� tuck 31 of kb Ha „c,n.nI II Spazaficakialr, iar L'1aa+rS Con: ou ,,on ..� (r!D!�.60, 20" FdM6II,,. x) Uo ,io appk1l to Ar I ar h 1, -�r�; 'L,f, and5 oirraerr Ping 'IG=e0.5:5)j� ,b".. Malxc. by e,,U, loot rkhv^r mood kp .o� r Np k,-x Fdt Ss & av . r—I O F}, .. "V,;Afo frsll of. &t, 1p a k: 1.3 nA rJtari���tarx. Aot°rblp 'alua Iz d S -x f& :inlee 8:� Ij rsvi, *n Ff rt„-oig.Mr, s1 AaK .aka et aiktr 85.f - t,r ktv0 (+.tl, a-d zo Na9 ftiitai+' ov,i t h ere n�*o1 0 Q F. sterar w'k— may be,r 6n rs i:`a6 for &.rwV.on crf foad. 7) bad 43avmnU. pan.&tr,,U:rn. 0 -:onnectors I Nails I USP Supnllles Quality Products to... http://www.uspconnectors.com/nails.shtml MA25 NA250 NA" NA NA14Dd RS NA16D NAW NAII -saxal J92 2 V2" J46 3 MY' .14 t3 Y. I VZ" 260 2 lVe X 314�1 J02 x 2 Ile 134 x I 9.:22' y. MINIMUM FASTENER PENETRATION TABLE -11111-- - ---, , , . "I'll-, -1111 11 1 11 1 ................ Minimum Minimum Penetration for Penetration for Shank Diameter Full Shear Load Reduced Shear Load2 Nail Penny Wire Gauge (inches) (inches) (inches) 6d 11-1/2 ga. 113 1.13 1 0.68 Bd 10-1/4 ga.. 131 0.79 . . ..... Od/16d Sinker 9 ga 148 1.48 0.89 2d 9 ga, .148 0.89 . . ....... .. .. ........ ... ....... 8 ga j 162 1 62 0.97 Od 6 ga.192 , 1.92 1.15 .......... 1) Less than the specified nail penetration shall be multiplied by the applicable adjustment factor. 2) For penetration less than this distance, the nail has no value. 3) Penetrations are derived according to the 2001 NDS@. Reduced Fastener Penetration Example: HD210 - listed load is 1680 @ 100% for 16d common nails. Reduced HD210 capacity if using 2x DF-L or SP header: 1680 lbs. x 1.5 = 1555 lbs. @ 100% 1.62 OPTIONAL NAILS FOR FACE MOUNT HANGERS AND STRAIGHT STRAPS LOAD TABLE 11-111 ............ Allowable Load Adjustment Factor Catalog Nail Replacement Fastener' DF L SP S-P-F LVL 16d common . . .. . ........... "8d common 0.70 0.75 0.60 tl 0.70 16d common a 10d Box 0.67 0 72 0.58 0.67 1 1 6 1 d comm I on 1 1 0 1 d common , , I I 11 ...... F -6.83-- 0.91 0,72 0.83 16d common 12d common 0.83 0.91 0.72 0.83 16d common 10d x 1-1/2 0.81 0.88 0.70 0.81 16d common 10d Sinker 0.59 0.64, 0 51 0.19 16d common 16d Box 0.74 0.80 , 0.64 - 16d common.0.74 16d Sinker 0.83 0.91 0.72 0.83 16d common 16cl x 2-1/2 1.00 1.00 0.86, 1.00 16d common No. 8 x 1-1/2 Wood Screw 0,60 0.66 0.52 f 0.60 6/181')008 1:11 connectors I Nails I USP Supplies Quality Products to... http://www.u,spconnectors.corh/nails.shtml 10d common ( 8d Box 0.63 0.68 0.54 0.63 10d common SOd Sinker 0.70 0.77 1 0 61 0.70 8d common 0 83 f 0.90 0.72 0.113 common 10d common ,. 10d Box 0.80 0.87 0.70 0.80 a lOd common 8d x 1 1/4 0 64 ®,... 0.69 _..., 0.55 m,.. 0 64 10d common No. 8 x 1-1/2 Wood Screw 0.72 0.79 0.63 0.72 10d common 10d x 1 1/2 „„ 0 97 1.00 .. 0.84 0.97 lOd common 16d Sinker 1 00 1 00 0 86 1.00 10d common e,w _ m. No. Wood Screw 8 x 1 1/2 0 72 0 79 I 0.63 va 0 72 12d common 10d x 1-1/2 e. 0.97 1.00 0.84 0.97 12d common 16d Sinker 1.00 1 00 0.86 1.00 12d common No 8 x 1-1/2 Wood Screw .., ,w. 0.72 0.79 0.63 0 72 8d common 8d Box .... ,..m , 0.75 0 81 0.65 .� 0.75 8d common ..... .............. Scl x . , -------.. ..... ,........... -- 8d common No X81x 1 1/2 Wood Screw 0 86,,,,,,., 0.95 0.75 0.86 8d x 1 1/2 8d x 1 1/4 0.76 0.83 0.66 0.76 Sd x 1 1/2 No 8 x 1 1/2 Wood Screw w ...... .s ..._. ._,,.. 0 86 1 .. a,...... 0.95 0.75 0.86 10d x 1-1/2 18d x 1-1/2 0.86 1 0.93 0.74 i 0.86 lOd x 1 1/2 No. 8 x 1 1/2 Wood Screw 0.74 0.81 0.64 4 0.74 1) No. 8 x 1-1/2 Wood Screw has a shank diameter of 0.164" and shall conform to ANSI/ASME Standard B18.6.1-1981. How to Use: The base value is the catalog listed nail in Douglas Fir -Larch and the adjustment factor is the multiplier for the applicable replacement nail and wood combination. • Adjustment factors may vary with some custom hangers or steel thicker than 10 gauge. Contact USP for exceptions. • Roofing nails shall not be substituted for any nail size or type. Optional Nails Example: JL210 - listed load is 1595 lbs. @ 100% for 10d common nails If substituting: 8d common nails with DF-L or LVL: 1595 lbs. x .83 = 1323 lbs. 8d common nails with SP: 1595 lbs. x .90 = 1435 lbs. 8d common nails with S-P-F: 1595 lbs. x .72 = 1148 lbs. No further reductions aa� reggir�.dm USP Products I About USP I Continuing Education I Industry Links I Literature Requests I Press Releases I Technical Resources I What's © Copyright 2006-2008 New I Catalogs I CAD Library I Comparison Guides I Contact Us I Literature Request I News USP Structural Connectors Designed, Produced and Hosted by Buildingonline: Privacy Policy The Building Industry's Web Design and Marketing Agency. 3 of 3 6/18/2008 1:43 P 6-22-08 MEMO TO: Department of Development Services City of Port Townsend 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 FM: John Alt 19 Revell Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-570-4614 Re: Buiidin e Permit Application Please find attached: Check for $150 for initial plan review 2. Residential Building Permit Application form 3. Residential Building Permit Application checklist 4. Washington State Energy Code Residential Construction Checklist 5. Washington State Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality Checklist 6. Prescriptive Approach —Simple Form for Washington State Energy Code 7. Two (2) copies of Drainage Report and SWM Plan prepared by Quadra Engineering.** 8. Two (2) copies of Structural Engineering analysis sealed by John Alt, Architect 9. Two (2) copies of Building Plans prepared and sealed by John Alt, Architect Project Description: A Single Family Dwelling of 1184 square feet on Lot #2 of the Potager Subdivision. (Note: final short -plat approval of this subdivision is currently pending.) ** Drainage Analysis and SWM Plan is for both Lots #1 & #2 of the Potager Subdivision. Thank you for your assistance in reviewing this permit application. l- aI Alt 410-570-4614 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels, and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed. Residential permit application. shington State Energy & Ventilation Code forms wo (2) sets of plans with North arrow and scaled, no smaller than '/4" = 1 foot: t�A site plan showing: 1. Legal description and parcel number (or tax number), 2. Property lines and dimensions 3. Setbacks from all sides of the proposed'structure to the property lines in accordance with a pinned boundary line survey 4, On -site parking and driveway with dimensions 5. If creating new impervious surfaces, indicate measures utilized to retain stormwater on -site 6. Street names and any easements or vacations 7. Location and diameter of existing trees 8. Utility lines 9. If applicable, existing or proposed septic system location ��10. Delineated critical areas boundaries and buffers 9 Foundation plan: 1. Footings and foundation walls 2. Post and beam sizes and spans 3. Floor joist size and layout 4. Holdowns � 5. Foundation venting V Floor plan: 1. Room use and dimensions 2. Braced wall panel locations 3. Smoke detector locations 4. Attic access 5. Plumbing and mechanical fixtures 6. Occupancy separation between dwelling and garage (if applicable) 7, Window, skylight, and door locations, including escape windows and safety glazing Wall section: 1. Footing size, reinforcement, depth below grade 2. Foundation wall, height, width, reinforcement, anchor bolts, and washers 3. Floor joist size and spacing 4. Wall stud size and spacing 5. Header size and spans 6. Wall sheathing, weather resistant barrier, and siding material 7. Sheet rock and insulation 8. Rafters, ceiling joists, trusses, with blocking and positive connections 9, Ceiling height 10. Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation Exterior elevations (all four) with existing slope of the land in relation to all proposed structures f architecturally designed, one set of plans must have an original signature if engineered, one set of plans must have one original signature VFor new dwelling construction, Street & Utility or Minor Improvement application VORT �o City of Port Townsend y Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 ". (360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619 WA' Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) 2001 Residential Construction Checklist Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions: TYPE OF P OJ'ECT: New construction, or addition over 750 square feet Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit regardless of size must also meet these requirements. House addition under 750 square feet Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing building for WSEC compliance, such as increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms. NOTE: A house addition less than 500 sq. ft. does not require whole house ventilation. Spot ventilation is still required. TYPE OF HEATING — Please check all that apply: Electric Wall Heater 'Baseboard 1 Forced Air Furnace 1 Radiant Floor (Boiler) Other Non -Electric: Propane:�Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) ' LPG Stove ' LPG Furnace Other LPG Heat Pump 1 Oil Furnace Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source) VAPOR RETARDERS: Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings: • Floors: 1 Plywood with exterior glue 1� 9 E FJ, Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) „ Backed batty • Walls: 1 Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) X'I Face -stapled, backed. BattsGI h Low -perm paint , • Ceilings: Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above insulation xl Face -stapled, backed batts Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick) Low -perm paint SEE BACK http://ptimaging/DSDBuilding_Forms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page I of 2 WASHINGTON STATE VENTILATION AND INDOOR AIR QUALITY (2000 Code),: 'I'voc ov,entilation used tl�l.•ou hoLit the house: � HVAC Integrated Option � Exhaust Option Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option": • In what room is your whole house fan located? P CO NI • What size is the whole house exhaust fan? i 0-75 CFM (1-2 b droom house) j.'r80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house) 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house) 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house) Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24-hour clock timer with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of final inspection, the automatic control timer shall be set to operate the whole house fan for at least 8 hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge. Spot Ventilation: Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at 0.25 inches water gauge. Outdoor Air Inlets: Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets, separate duct systems, or a forced -air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of '/z inch above the surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through -wall vent, these openings must: • Have controlled and secure openings • Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or window in which they are placed. • Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space. "'ghat type of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below) Window Ports Wall Poets http://ptimaging/DSD/Building_Forms/BuildingPermitPacket/Application-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc Page 2 of 2 Prescriptive Approach — Simple Form For the Washington State Energy. Code (2001 Edition) Climate Zone 1 Site Information Lot: Address: .!Ri\ City r� State: Zip: , �+ Contact:-- �w 0 Phone: ��TT ,, Phone 2: `�1 lwax. '.,G.cS 1 &5 Building Department Use Only i Pernrt * I Motes: Table 6-1 PRE-gCR2TrIrE REQUIREM MM 0" FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CYIMATE ZONE I t°i.Inlin�ite�l �ll�ztt� lion Ox�t) Glazing Glazing U Factor Doo Wall Wall Wall Slab Option Area10 U Ceiliniz Vaulted Above Into Fes' Floors Oh % of Floor Vertical Overhead' I factor Ceiiine Grade Below Below Grade _ ••�• _�..:_" Grade Grade e III 1 lnlimxmited w.- Group R 3 0.40 0.5'8 0.20 qR 8 R 30 (, / R 21 / R-21 R- 0=30Occupancy � /O"t V V V See the code text for footnote references This ✓ project complies with the f. l owing=. • r The project is a sin le farrily residence or duplex. ✓ The_ project is wood frame OR all of the insulation is interior or exterior of the framing. I�"� ✓ All building components meet the requirements fisted in Table 6-1, Option Ill_ , ✓ The project will meet all other provisions of the WSEC and MAQ. The project will take advantage of the following exceptions to the prescriptive option: 0 602.6 Exception 1.,One door, that is 24 ft. or less, that does not meet tie standards is allowed. t Location of the door taldng this exception ❑ 602.6 Exception 2. Doors with a U-factor of 0.40 allowed Wthout calculations, Option III only. Location of the door(s) taking this exception Copyright 200Z wSUCEEP02-o56 Copied by permission from the Washington State University Cooperative Extension Energy Program Prescriptive — Simple Form — Climate Zone 1 5r31 t2002 2001 EDITION TABLE -6-1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS a'•a FOR ROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIMA,rE BONE Glazing Glazing U-Factor Wall wall•. Wall. Slab° Option Area _ Door'. Ceilino2 Vaulted Above in ext Floors on ° /° of Floor Vertical Overhead " U Factor Ceitin 3 9 Grade 2e':ow Below Grade -- Grade Grade L 12% 035 0.58 0.20 R-38 , R-30 1i R15) R i5 R-14 R-30 R 14 iI * 15% 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-38 R 30 1 R 21 R-iO ', R-30 R-14 HL' Unlimited 0.40 0.59 020 R-38 R-30 R-2I R-21 R-10 R30 R-10 Group R-3 Occupancy Only * Reference Case - 0. Nominal R-values are for Wood•frame assemblies only or assemblies built in accordance with Section 6011. 1. ini nun; requirements for each option listed, For example, if proposed design ii~as hglazing ratio to the com itioned floor area of 130K, it shall comply with all of the requiretnents of the 15% gla;dng option or higher). Proposed designs which cannot meet the specific requirenaeiats of listed option abovernay calculate compliance by Chapters 4 or 5 oftlais Code. 2. Requirement applies to all ceilings except single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings. 'Adv' denotes Advanced Framed Ceiling_ ' 3. Requirement applicable only to single rafter or joist vaulted ceilings- 4- Below grade walls shall be insulated either on the exterior to a minimum level of R 10, or on the interior to the same level as walls above grade. Exterior, insulation installed on below grade walls shall be a water resistant material, manufactured for its intended case, and installed according to the manufaa turea's 4pecifj6ations. See Section 6012. 5- Floors over crawl spaces or exposed to ambient air conditions_ 6.. R.:xltfwed slab per"iane¢ur insulation shall be a'w'al rresirvstant material, manufactured for its intended use, and installed ;-according to manufacturer"s s-pec:i cations. See Section 602..4. 7. Eat- denotes standard framing 1.6 inches on center with headers insulated with a minimum of R 5 insulation. 8. This wall insulation requirement denotes R-19 wall cavity insulation plus R-5 foam sheathing. 9. Doors, including all fire doors, shall be assigned default U-factors from Table 10-6C. 10. Where a mox aximuglazing area is listed, die total glazing area combined vertical plus tverhead) as a percent of gross conditioned floor area shall be, less than or equal to that value. Overhead glazing with U-factor of U-440 or less is not included -in glazingarea liniitat-ions, I I- Overhead gla img shall have U-factors determined in accordance with NFRC 100 or as specified in Section 502_) _5- 1 ?. Log nn..d aolid timber vaalis wiLli'a luuauuatlai u v�t�c dtickness of 3-r ark txenipt fiwa this insulation requirement Effective 7101/02 33 City of Port Townsend° Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend WA 98368u (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-4619 MEMO TO: Corena Stern, Finance FROM: Scottie Foster, DSD �7r CC: John McDonagh DATE: May 21, 2010 RE: Release of John Alt/Potager Short Plat deposits As stated in the Memorandum from John McDonagh (copy attached), the $2,984.54 being held in the Outstanding Refundable Deposits account can be released to Mr. Alt at this time. The signed Release Request Escrow/Bond form has been sent to Patty Voelker. A copy of that form is attached for your reference. r RELEASE EQ T MAY 1 1 2Q10 R a ESCR7ND CITY OF PORT TE OWl �, �� Permit # '� a 8 145 -0065 Location/ � Site Address Legal Description fJ 1 7jRD"" Name of Project Requirements of Bond See attached Requirements) Items Completed 2. � VV M Cl"' c (+ M 5-4 'C �] `7 i 2 3. x 9 S 4 . S 5. Requesting Release of S Signatures....__. Print Name JoHN A L— r Mailing Address C-�Vt-� S f�lPc9 The completed im r)vements have Been ins acted and approved by Ci Staff Original Amount $ Z' L g ' Amount Being Released $ a 9, Remaining Balance $ Comments jz M (�wM DSD Inspec ®rR To Financease of f2data/forms/bond.escrow.relcase (5/12/05) a, cL K t ,11'1 11 ' 1 +" qTe�S..D K Date 1�5 z D — l D Date eD - i 0 i5Ce'"'neou Receipt in'nc De a rtr'n e n't rt Townsend WA 0- r- 700 Cash ❑ Check DATE 0,Z24a RECEIVED FROM 6 l t cU� ; �t Gum � Dollars 1" r (i rioz) City of Port Townsend Requirements to Bond )t96-I4-5- - Z- 140 ) SUBMIT A C'ONTRAC"I`OWS BID FOR THE REQUIREME14TS YET TO BE COMPLETED, ALONG WITH A BOND OR CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF 120% OF THE BID Y BENEFIT OF . CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. _..BOND RKLEASEDIN_PORTI;ONS-AS.:W ISCOW"'LE"FED, INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY. SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF BOND WHEN APPROPRIATE. Signature �✓'y Date Print Name 0; City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-4619 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 11, 2010 TO: Scottie Foster, DSD FROM: John McDonagh, DS. RE: Escrow/Bond Refundable Deposits for John Alt/Potager Short Plat Today I inspected Tree Conservation plantings for John Alt's project near the intersection of Hastings Avenue and Discovery Road. In August 2008, Mr. Alt established a City escrow account in the amount of $2,984.54 to cover the cost of these required plantings as well as for installation of a required on -site stormwater catch basin. Alex Angud inspected the stormwater catch basin on January 29, 2010 and approved of the installation. Today, I observed all tree plantings had been installed along with a required drip irrigation system. With these items completed, inspected and approved, please direct the Finance Department to release the $2,984.54 being held in the refundable account. If you or Finance staff has any questions about the above, please let me know. W, r (M M >+ (Q O C 0 � > O U (o C N L a N U c 3 C o a> C ` (1) OL 0 W 0- Q U N ca 0. * N O. 0) O O O Cn toCL O C E O) (D U Q_ 0) U a-c a) N C 7 0 a) N U)C L 0 0> y 0 Y C N-(a w 0) a o L j •� N E` _ (a U •� J U C U a -0 N O > U E a C J la(D a)°�,'�L� C S caa, U r L W>= 0 r � � (q 0 5 0 o 0` al U) v7 N U) 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O Nt 0 0 0 0 0'T 0 o 00 O O O O O O O O O Lq O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O N O O It to O o 0 O C0 r 0 0 O M (D O V) 0 0 0 0 CO N In 0 0 d' 0) 1- ';T CO 0) r 00 0 r-T O r 00 N M O O N O '�t O c- In 00 N O C\F N d' r N N r (4 1 U »% (0 N N a (V C a) L) 0) Y N W L CO COC E E 0 .� E U N 0) ` C �' J a) 7 O to '� a' Q N C 0 "0 = 3 a L 0 03 7 C U > 0) C `- Q) 0) n- _ L cu cu ` O N N 0 � U) a s Q N E c O +� N N O C U C> L C c E� 'C •L 0! (a O O M N U (6 > (6 0 0 7 V1 (L6 (6- N N (0 1--�af22U�-,->CiH22O=U-j mu) Lo000O1--I.-1-0000000)0)O0)O)OO O O O O O O O O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 r r 0 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N CN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - - - - N M M I,-O 1, O 0 (O Lo O Iq O r M O N N (fl NLO r O r r 00 00 00 CO (O 00 N r r r r O r O N M M o O O N M N r C N E 07 7 0 0 co 0) C E a C 0 U 7 L C O U O -0 (0 (V ic C City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360) 379-5095 FAX (360) 344-4619 MEMO Date: August 25, 2008 To: Corena r�From: Scottie Subj : Alt bonding deposit Attached is paperwork and check for John Alt bond for Tree Conservation plan and Storm Water Management facilities for his Potager House Short Plat. My I please have a copy of the receipt for my files. Thank you. ESCROW/BOND !X&Fe Requlrelrlent / V t/J9 , z J Owner/Applicant O �_ _�� �Permit # O W96—I4'17' , _.....��.�_ Mailing Address ILI C* l� U1 S State mp. :a!�i L' 140 i Location/Site Address ;" 11t4E Legal Description IA" "5 3" AWI-n,w t�G »l T4N<4t5_- rlktt? T LLA li�_ Name of Project E62a fflylsc— j I Ib29'7 j Requirements to Bond 2. �r✓ �' 3. r Z 4. x 1 ZO % 5'4 :J SUBMIT A CONTRACTOR'S BID FOR THE REQUIREMENTS YET TO BE COMPLETED, ALONG WITH A BOND OR CHECK IN THE AMOUNT OF 120% OF THE BID FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND. _BOND/ES_CROW_MAY BE_RELEASED-IN PORTIONS AS WO K, 1113-COMPLE'1 ED, INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED BY THE CITY. SUBMIT A REQUEST FOR RELEASE OF BOND WHEN APPROPRIATE. Signature Date Print Name 71- C.it Usc Ong Date Bid Received Date Bond/Escrow Received Amount of Bid $ Plus 20% TOTAL Bid Accepted by Date Forwarded check to Finance by Date Comments err VI /f2datalfonns/bond_escrow.requirement (5/12/05) AUG 2 2 2008 CITY OF PORT TOWNS€ND DSD about:blank EAST WEST TREE BID for John Alt Materials $50.00 Battery Operated Timer $35.00 3/4 Mainline Tubing $60.00 Dripline $25.00 Fittings $280.00 3 Birches Betula jaquemonti 5-6 ft. $150.00 Magnolia stellata'Royal Star' 10 gallon $140.00 Silk Tree 5-6ft. $162.00 2 Shore Pines 5-6 ft. $30.00 Azara 2 gallon $100.00 Landscape Bark & Soil Amendments $70.00 Staking Materials $1,100.00 Materials $300.00 Consultation $350.00 Labor 14 hrs. @ $25.00 $1,750.00 Total 1h1kri Alt agrees to pay the full price for tl ces to Mccomb Rd. Nursery in Sequim (approximately $762 < ` l tax). His recemla qni Mccomb Rd. will nstitute his guarantee for the tree portion of his bond. Mccomb Rd. N 11/ 31/09. purchase the trees by 12/15/ 08 and hold them in good condition until John Alt will per r1"1 the labor hirns John Barr will supervise, and guarantee that the work is done correctly, He will la x tt site when the trees go into�thegn& $ 4400 should cover materials and labor (if it was ht'h-,dput). VM we af ({Rquia-ry I. 0 / A 4,1 Ua 1 of 1 8/11/2008 4:11 PM Moving Fartb Landscaping and Excavation Inc 832 Willow Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Bill To: JOHN ALT Description Proposal Date: Proposal #: Project: Qty, Rate 8/14/2008 2008-007 Total Total $737.12 b 120 II g CO , m V J 0 Ev ir Ln C(3 L11 Ln Ljj LB 0 F rm a v P r J9 Ln 4�4 4 lZ o cc E 0 -0 CL a) 0 OW Cc: C�\-j > LU 7@D 0 LO > U 0 COO ED Qa C A 6 C) 0 w (c) LL 0- cy) ry bk pCYr4T S'�,y� r'gyp w; Sr Receipt Date: 08/22/2008 Receipt Number: 08.0794 Original Fee Aimouunt Fee Permit # parcel Fee Desaip,tion, Amount Paid Balance BLD08-145 957900104 Plan Review Fee $700.54 $550.54 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Technology Fee for Building Permit $21.56 $21.56 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Energy Code Fee -New Single Famil $100.00 $100.00 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 State Building Code Council Fee $4.50 $4.50 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Plumbing Permit Fee per Dwelling l $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Mechanical Permit Fee per Dwelling $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Building Permit Fee $1,077.75 $1,077.75 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Record Retention Fee for Building P $10.00 $10.00 $0.00 BLD08-145 957900104 Site Address Fee $3.00 $3.00 $0.00 Total: $2,067.35 Previous Payment History Receipt # Receipt Date Fee Description Amount Paid Permit 08-0593 06/23/2008 Plan Review Fee $150.00 BLD08-145 Paym ant Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 621 $ 2,067.35 Total $2,067.35 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Receipt Date: 06/2,31 008 Cashier: FROWDES Permit # Parcel Fee Description BLD08-145 957900104 Plan Review Fee Receipt Number: 68-0593 Payer/Page Name: ALT JOHN D Original Fee Amount Foe Amount Paint, Balance $150.00 $150.00 $0.00 Total: $150.00 Previous Payment History eceIpt tt Rec ;lpt Date; Fee Inscription Amount Paid! Permit '. Payment Check Payment Method Number Amount CHECK 597 $ 150.00 Total $150.00 genpmtrreceipts Page 1 of 1 Correction Notice PERMIT NUMBER'( OWNER JOB LOCATION A�k 'A Insp r ect on of this structure has found the following violations: You are hereby notified that no more work shall bf done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise, When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date . ..... !....v� ._._ Inspector._ _ . DSD Main Office (360) 379-5095 INSPECTION REQUEST (360) 385-2294 THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE aH-mGo 01 U) 61 00 V 01 oaUJI �3M HCpWjCA ce Z10 IL u Z O0 � Z 3 1L � LU O vZg001 ion'M N 0 N� Iwo°» O ,,Www vI F�1 J Q m LL LL O W a m LL F�1 W J a H, W W w E w Lw aL--r � Y c '0 ¢ v 11 o y a ¢o u i E z L N al Z �= 3 cg a E } C a m rV W H _ LU Q NLL H u m rn Ln c=U 'j �LU % v) " io C O O Z =) OD' H > j a N o y Y 2 m O 0 4J LU LL o c v 3 Mn O z w U E� fa a++ L �w C > H ` 0da pwLU " o m O w L O �t Sao! �a v C d0 w LU 0 C m� L H d F- w U w m CO O E G�7 co Q a Ln z �-o C 7 0Q zz� LU z VI N N E m C Cc, n n J (n g Z Q w E o v c 'ul aa,, o u Z z a a 3 v `O y a`, Oro m G�z v w 0 Q EY �' � v a - o �� o Q d m a a� H 3 1=i H rn uU H City of Port Townsend Development Services Department Earrection Notice �ry� . PERMIT NUMBER - / OWNER JOB LOCATION... Inspection of this structure has found the following violations: You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted othe'W" e. When corrections have been made, call r inspection. Date,;:. Inspector_.'..��+:_.. _°A DSD Main Office (360) 379-5095 INSPECTION REQUEST (360) 385-2294 THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE City of Port Townsend Development Services Department '.Gors ect-ion Notice PERMIT NUMBER . . ... ... ....... OWNER JOB LOCATION t Inspection of this structure has found the following yj,,,o You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done upon these premises until the above violations are corrected, unless noted otherwise. When corrections have been made, call for inspection. Date 1- Ins pector..' DSD Ma4in Office (360) 379-5095 INSPECTION REQUEST (360) 385-2294 I THIS NOTICE MUST BE KEPT WITH APPROVED PLANS ON SITE I ,� o0 Q C � � A a 3 O O � O OV1 V] PLO C ^ O Wn O AN W .�G 440 LL O ❑w w � Z to � O ❑w Z = a� w Z ❑O aw LU � J Q J Z > Oa w w m a ~ � N Z w U) a, Z �gO ww > J 0 a Ir J Z a w w U a oa Z to m } = U L Q w a > O D U � U w O a ~ O O LL Z 00 w aw O W IL IL J a a Q O Z U O z ao O m En w O U Z a Q N r Z O EE U O LL = LL Q D Q w z Q ❑ Ir a a a O U or U)a 2 Q t- w F H a m C 0 0 N c2 � N a O O J F- Z a U, a U p z O O i� m a a > O L w a a o LL N Z c� O 3 H U OD O O CD z O w U 0 Q O J 0 ~ a o W D U W � o H U n a LO V 00 0 0 J m Of W 0 O Q CD o af a) z Q w Z 0 O am of Z O W W ED W 0 of Z Q 0O O Q z z w O U ° „d w Q T n� Z m 1,y z O `1 F i � W O a z U z J D z z ., LL LL A w w v ®a IL , Z IL Q Z z O 0 3 (7 = a Z 0 Z Y 0 Z O v` o LL J a t7 Q J Z Z J U O 0 O Q m Li z O 0 v 7 Q 00 z W m m Q J w 0 °LL oLL L° U) LL (n LL a a m z c'7 a 0 H W rn Z N � �n O o LL M �a M G 0 J M QO U Z _OIx ~a U W 0 U) Z w Z U Q W w ~ w c co D F- O OH W U w Z O H U w a cn Z fW z PoRT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT z z_ CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. M DATE OF INSPECTION. PERMIT NUBER: ALh 06 SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector'. Date Acknowledgement Date Qcf,c 0 NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. o 'Y Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. ° CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT " INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pin THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CAL LBY3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: 1"), PERMIT NUMBER: lel� SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PHONE: I Ut'2�UL 1 -EO`4 9 f ❑ APPROVED ru cl, tal ❑ APPROVED WITH NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS t C � Ok to proceed. Corrections A] � Call for re -inspection" to j. e Kcrl F p l r S,�L�-�-'"" checked at next inspection 'Inspector � � ....... �IK L.o ° Date ®. ���.�......�� Acknowledgement, Date Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspeeth)n. VORT roCITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: 15 ACV< CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: _....r V'N _.................... . . .... .. .......... . . . . ... . ........ . . ............... ., d 'ZL Ale" . ..... . . ....... . . . . .. ............ . . . . . . . . . ................ . . ............. fj L 0". . . ....... - , > �'_( ...... . . . 0 APPROVED 0 APPROVED WITH [I NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be Call for re -inspection before checked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector Date Acknowledgeinent ..... ----- ------- Date Approvedplans andpermit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re- inspection fee may be assessed i work is not ready for inspection. if CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT `,- INSPECTION REPORT WA CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE . INSE I �" ION..� � BY 3 OOPM FRID Y . R MONDAY INSPECTION CALL DATE OF INSPECTION. � ��e � o PERMIT NUMBER. �.� � . �, �..��� P, .i SITE ADDRESS: x" CONTACT PERSON: TYPE OF INSPECTION: APPROVED � ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed Corrections will be checked at next inspection p .. _ Ins ector � �.......__�.. � _..�_ � Date Acknowledgement Date PHONE: ❑ NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. Approvedplans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready far inspection. VORT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT , INSPECTION REPORT CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INS1'1,criON, CALL BY 3:OOPNI FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION:PERMIT NUM IDL: SITE ADDRESS: 1 �.��� ml„�- � � � � t4 CONTACT PERSON:' ONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION. 'l UJ tom,` ...... _... ...... ivn P. J ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH ❑ NOT APPROVED CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will b) Call for re -inspection before mchecked at next inspection proceeding. Inspector .`, Date Acknowledgement Date Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if'work is not ready for inspection. PORT CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT INSPECTION REPORT VWF' CALL THE INSPECTION LINE AT 360-385-2294 BY 3:00pm THE DAY BEFORE YOU WANT THE INSPECTION. FOR MONDAY INSPECTION, CALL BY 3:OOPM FRIDAY. DATE OF INSPECTION �t PERMIT NUMBER: ..��Iq J� SITE ADDRESS: CONTACT PERSON: PHONE: TYPE OF INSPECTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS Ok to proceed. Corrections will be checked at next inspection Inspector '` �t Date Acknowledgement t Date ❑ NOT APPROVED Call for re -inspection before proceeding. M.... // ello ? Approved plans and permit card must be on -site and available at time of inspection. A re -inspection fee may be assessed if work is not ready for inspection. )jo) 24 March 2009 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street Suite 3 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Re: BLD-08-145 Dear Sirs, I understand the above building permit is scheduled to expire March 28. I have called an inspection for the foundation slab for 25 March, which should extend the expiration date another 6 mos. I am writing this request for extension in the event there is a problem with the foundation slab inspection, and the permit is still scheduled for expiration on the 28t". The project was put on hold due to the financial crisis. We have now determined to go forward with the project beginning the first week in May, and would appreciate —if necessary —an extension to the building permit to reflect that new resumption of the project. 'Revel. Street Annapolis, Maryland 21401 410-570-4614 Department of Labor and Industries Factory Assembled Structures PO Box 44430 Olympia WA 985044430 The Factory -Built unit identified below requires ivlig 4 e completion work at the site asspecified. CO. serial no. 000 d1 0 etsiallation address Type of constructim I Occupancy ETA at site City State 7JP+4 County Plhtaene mtmis r Installation site is in: city county DESCRIBE ITEMS REQUIRING COMPLETION WORK AT THE SITE F623-013-000 notification to local enforcement agency 11-98 o ,e no. wmre - vrympia ornce Green - Electical section Canary - Inspector Pink - Building department Goldenrod - Customer