HomeMy WebLinkAbout120108 PORT TOWNSEND CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 540 WATER STREET Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. December 1, 2008 I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Changes to the Agenda IV. Comments from the Public (re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda) (Each person has 3 min. to comment – City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.) A. Public comment B. City staff response V. Consent Agenda A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants B. Approval of Minutes: October 27, 2008 November 10, 2008 November 13, 2008 November 17, 2008 C. Resolution 08-046, Initiating a Street Vacation Process (concerning certain Rights of Way between Discovery and Sims near City entrance) and Fixing the Time for Hearing on a Street Vacation (January 20, 2009). Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item from the consent agenda. VI. Public Hearing(s) VII. Unfinished Business A. Ordinance 2994, 2008 Supplemental Budget 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to adopt Ordinance 2994, appropriating the sum of $260,369 to the General Fund; $102,554 to the Contingency Fund; $22,755 to the Library Fund; $6,000 to the Public Works Admin & Engineering Fund; $96,513 to the Lodging Tax Fund; $14,400 to the Community Services Fund; $142,052 to the G.O. Debt Service Fund; $106,539 to the Capital Improvement Fund; $89,350 to the Water/Sewer Fund; $18,008 to the Stormwater Fund; $33,336 to the Equipment Rental & Revolving Fund; $17,000 to the Golf Course Fund and making findings and declaring an emergency. B. Ordinance 2995, Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for fiscal year ending December 31, 2009 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to adopt Ordinance 2995, Budget for the City of Port Townsend, Washington, for fiscal year ending December 31, 2009. C. Resolution 08-047, authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements with certain governmental, nonprofits and other entities consistent with Fiscal Year 2009 approved budget. Resolution 08-049, authorizing the City Manager to award and execute a contract for the purchase and installation of the Granicus System. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action 1: Move to approve Resolution 08-047authorizing the City Manager to execute agreements with certain governmental, nonprofits and other entities consistent with Fiscal Year 2009 approved budget. Action2: Move to approve Resolution 08-049, authorizing the City Manager to award and execute a contract for the purchase and installation of the Granicus System. D. Ordinance 2996, amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 17.72, establishing an off-street parking requirement for residential uses in the C-III portions of the Uptown National Landmark Historic District and rescinding the provisions of Ordinance 2984 which reenacted and extended interim parking regulations for residential uses in the Uptown Commercial District. 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to adopt Ordinance 2996, amending Port Townsend Municipal Code Chapter 17.72, establishing an off-street parking requirement for residential uses in the C-III portions of the Uptown National Landmark Historic District and rescinding the provisions of Ordinance 2984 which reenacted and extended interim parking regulations for residential uses in the Uptown Commercial District. E. Ordinance 2997, amending Ordinance 1225, passed January 20, 1948, to vacate Fifth Street between Cleveland and Wilson Streets 1. Staff presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to adopt Ordinance 2997, amending Ordinance 1225, passed January 20, 1948, to vacate Fifth Street between Cleveland and Wilson Streets. VIII. New Business IX. Presiding Officer’s Report A. Resolution 08-048, urging the next President of the United States to keep the Roadless Area Conservation Rule the Law of the Land. 1. Presentation 2. Public comment 3. Council deliberation and action Action: Move to approve Resolution 08-048, urging the next President of the United States to keep the Roadless Area Conservation Rule the Law of the Land. B. Historic Preservation Committee Appointment Action: Move to accept the Mayor's recommendation and confirm the appointment of James Manier to the Historic Preservation Committee (Position 3). X. City Manager’s Report XI. Standing Committee Reports Minutes included from the following committees: ? General Services (11/18/08 – draft) XII. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session XIII. Comments from Council XIV. Executive Session XV. Adjourn Americans with Disabilities Act In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should notify the City Clerk’s Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.