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Business Meeting 6:30 p.m. February 19, 2008
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Roll Call
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Proclamation: Patriotism Week
V. Special Presentation: Sister City
VI. Comments from the Public
(re consent agenda items and items not on the agenda)
(Each person has 3 min. to comment – City Clerk will signal at 2 min. 30 sec.)
A. Public comment
B. City staff response
VII. Consent Agenda
A. Approval of Bills, Claims and Warrants
B. Approval of Minutes: January 19, 2008 Retreat
January 28, 2008 Workshop
January 28, 2008 Special Business
February 4, 2008 Regular Business
Action: Motion to adopt the consent agenda or request to remove any individual item
from the consent agenda.
VIII. Public Hearing(s)
A. Muller Street Vacation
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
Action: Move to approve Findings of Fact and Conclusions
IX. Unfinished Business
A. Ordinance 2967, 2007 Comp Plan Update
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
Action: Move to adopt Ordinance 2967, adopting the 2007 Comp Plan Update
consisting of certain amendments to the narrative text, tables, and policies
contained in the Port Townsend Comp Plan (The Plan), adopting four site
specific amendments to the official land use map contained within the Plan;
adopting amendments to the text and tables of Title 17 Zoning of the Port
Townsend Municipal Code (PTMC), adopting specific amendments to the official
zoning map adopted pursuant to Section 17.12.030 PTMC in order to be
consistent with, and implement the land use map contained within the Plan;
directing the Planning Department to prepare revised copies of the Land Use
Map & Official Zoning Map; directing the City Clerk to prepare revised copies of
the Plan and to codify the amendments to Title 17 Zoning PTMC as set forth in
this ordinance; and establishing an effective date; all in a manner consistent with
the requirements of Chapter 20.04 PTMC and the Growth Management Act of
1990, as amended (Chapter 36.70A RCW).
X. New Business
A. League of American Bicyclists Friendly Community Program
(20 minutes plus questions & answers)
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
Action: Move to adopt the Action Plan for Bicycle Friendly Communities.
1. Equipment Purchase
a. Staff presentation
b. Public comment
c. Council deliberation and action
Action: Move to approve Resolution 08-009, Declaring Princeton Server Group
Through Telvue Virtual Television Network (TVTN) as the Sole Supplier of a
Digital Tapeless Server and Network Package for Operation of the PTTV Station,
and Authorizing the City Manager to Purchase the Package
2. Station Manager Contract Extension
a. Staff presentation
b. Public comment
c. Council deliberation and action
Action: Move to authorize the City Manager to execute agreements for interim
production services for station operations as recommended by the PEG Access
Coordinating Committee.
C. Interim Ordinances: Historic Demolition
1. Staff presentation
2. Public comment
3. Council deliberation and action
(Interim Demolition)Ordinance 2969,
Action 1: Move to waive Rules and Adopt
Adopting Immediate Emergency Interim Regulations on the Acceptance of
Applications for Demolition or Alteration of Certain Structures Except as Allowed
by this Ordinance, Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and
Amendment Relating to Demolition and Alteration of Historic Structures; Such
Interim Regulations to be Effective Immediately, Establishing Six Months as the
Tentative Effective Period Until the Council Public Hearing on the Continued
Maintenance of the Interim Regulations, and Declaring an Emergency
Necessitating Immediate Adoption of Interim Regulations.
Action 2: Move to waive Rules and adopt (Interim Bulk and Scale) Ordinance
2970, Adopting an Immediate Emergency Interim Regulation on the Acceptance
of Applications for New Development or Certain Types of Re-Development Within
the City Until the City Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment
Relating to Building Size Limitations, Such Interim Regulation to be Effective
Immediately, Defining the Applications Subject to the Interim Regulation,
Providing for a Public Hearing on the Interim Regulation, Establishing Six
Months as the Tentative Effective Period Until the Council Public Hearing on the
Continued Maintenance of the Interim Regulation, and Declaring an Emergency
Necessitating Immediate Adoption of an Interim Regulation.
(Interim R-III)Ordinance 2971,
Action 3: Move to waive rules and adopt
Adopting an Immediate Emergency Interim Regulation Re-Designating R-III
Zoning Within the National Historic Landmark District to R-II Until the City
Finishes the Process of Code Review and Amendment Relating to Zoning in the
Historic District, Such Interim Regulation to be Effective Immediately, Providing
for a Public Hearing on the Interim Regulation, Establishing Six Months as the
Tentative Effective Period Until the Council Public Hearing on the Continued
Maintenance of the Interim Regulation, and Declaring an Emergency
Necessitating Immediate Adoption of an Interim Regulation
Certified Local Government [CLG])
Action 4: Move for first reading of (
Ordinance 2972
, Amending the Port Townsend Municipal Code Section 2.72.070
- Eligible Property for Special Tax Valuation, to Make the Special Historic Tax
Valuation Applicable to any Property Listed on the Local Register of Historic
Action 5: Move to form a task force to advise on historic preservation issues
related to demolition of historic residential structures (including appropriateness
of R-III zoning in the Historic District); and bulk and scale issues on new
residential construction and re-development, with composition and appointments
as outlined in the agenda bill.
XI. Presiding Officer’s Report
A. Advisory Board Appointments
Action: Move to accept the Mayor’s recommendation and confirm the appointments of
David Speck to the Arts Commission and Chauncey Tudhope-Locklear to the Non-
Motorized Transportation Advisory Board.
XII. City Manager’s Report
A. Ferry Mitigation Strategies
1. Status Report on SSB 6794
2. Move to authorize a letter requesting Sequim Council to support the Ferry
Mitigation Strategies Plan.
XIII. Standing Committee Reports
A. Special Projects Committee
XIV. Suggestions for next or future agenda, regular meeting and/or study session
XV. Comments from Council
XVI. Executive Session
XVII. Adjourn
Americans with Disabilities Act
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, those requiring accommodation for this meeting should
notify the City Clerk’s Office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting at (360) 379-5045.