HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD98-194City of Port Townsend .. t Building and Community Development 640 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98168 BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD TtiiS CARD & APPROVED PINS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: --CONTRACTOR/O W NE VERNON GARRISON 788 P ST PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 1111199 Lot: Block: PERMIT # BLD98-00194 OWNE 81LL WOLCOTT POBOX196 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Single-family Residential: Construct 1032 sq. ft. two-story, heated studio. Cily Contact: JZ Construction TypefOCC UselOcc Load Type of work; NEW Construction Occupancy Type br use; SFR Type t: SN Group 1: R-3 Load 1: 8 Census Category; 101 Type 2: SN Group 2: R-3 Load 2: 3 Estimated Value: 5276,874.54 Type 3: Group 3: load 3: Zoning: R-11 SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ;- I L~ Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424.5555 Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspecto - TEMP EROSION 8 SDM'T CON -Insulation Insp-See Special Conditions #~ -Anchor Bolts -Silt Fence -LIFER -Drive Off Mat FLOOR FRAMING -Sweep Paved Surfaces -Joists -Swales -Blocking GROUNDWORK PLUMBING -Treated Wood to Concrete Insp-See Special Conditions a -Anchor Bolts & Washers or PLUMBING ~ ~<?)~! 1, -Setbacks Insp-See Special Conditions ~,~ ~ -Forms -Rough-In (D-V-T & Cln Outs) -Mon UAY'!~n/ ~ -Water Supply ; reinforcement -Gas Supply Page 1 of 3 City of Port Townsend 648 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 9868 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD TH15 CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION 51TE A7 INSPECTION TIME Coil 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: Issued: 1/11/99 Lot' Block: pE~{~,T # BLD98-00194 Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector -Hose Bibs (bckflw pro. regd) -Wall (R-19) -Pipe Insulation -Ceiling (R-30) -Water Heater -Baffles -Seismic Restraint VAPOR BARRIER MECHANICAL -Paint Insp-See Special Conditions ~ DRYWALL NAILING -Furnace -Walls -Fresh Air -Ceiling -Whole House Fan -Enclosed Space Under Stairs -Source Specific Fan FINAL -Environmental Air Exhaust Insp-See Special Conditions~~ FRAMING Final-Plumbing Insp-See Special Conditions ~~ Final-Mechanical/Heating -Walls Final-Insulation Certificate /' -Ceiling Final-Vapor Barrier Cert. r -Root Final-Smoke Detectors -Attic Venting Final-LPG (Fire Dept.) -Window U Value Final -Building -Window Safety Glazing -Air Seal -Door U Value -Rafter/Truss Pos. Conn. -Fire Blocking -Weather Resistive Barrier INSULATION -Slab (R10) -Under WH (R-10) Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-81)11-424-5555 1 Page 2 of 3 City of Port Townsend Port otwnsendtWA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Issued: v1v9s Parcel No: 985800701 Lot: Block: Project: PERMIT # BLD98-00194 SPECIAL CONDITIONS !RESTRICTIONS 1 . TESC: Temporary sediment and erosion control measures shall be installed on-site during construction; INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO BEGINNING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Measures shall include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance. Existing swales shall be maintained. Adjacent rights-of-way shall be kept clean of dirt and debris; sweeping of paved surfaces shall occur as needed. Overburden stored on-site shall be covered with mulching or plastic sheeting. Once construction is completed, the site must be permanently stabilized with seedings, plantings, sodding, etc. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 2. GROUNDWORK PLUMBING: Hot water pipes buried under the slab must be insulated to R-3. .Heating system ductwork in or under slab shall be insulated to R-5. 3. PLUMBING: If water pressure exceeds 80 psi, pressure reducing valve is required. ~4. MECHANICAL VENTILATION: Integrated option requires clock timer connected to furnace fan and R-4 insulation on fresh air duct if installed inside heated space. 5. FRAMING: Engineered truss plan shall be on-site and available to the Inspector at inspection time. 6. FINAL: Letter required from installer of integrated system verifying testing of ventilation flow rates. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspecticns are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per yearto keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 3 •; City of Port Townsend • i Building and Community Development 540 Water Street Por! Townsend, WA 88368 BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Calt 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: --CONTRACTOR/OWNE VERNON GARRISON 788 P ST PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 1112199 Lot: Block: PERMIT # BLD98-00194 OWNE BILL WOLCOTT POBOX196 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Single-family Residential: Construct 2626 sq. ft. home with 348 sq. ft. of porch area. City Contact: JZ Construction Type/!]CC UsefOcc load Type of work NEW Construction Occupancy Type of use: SFR Typa 1: SN Group 1: R-3 load 1: 8 Census Category: 101 Type 2: 5N Group 2: R-3 Load 2: 3 Estimaled Value: $278,874.54 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: R-II SI Code: Type 4; Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONSIRESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector lnsp-See Special Conditions ~ f -Porch Bay Piers TEMP EROSION & SDM'T CON FOUNDATION Insp-See Special Conditions ~ Insp-See Special Conditions ~' -Silt Fence FLOOR FRAMING -Drive Off Mat -Girders -Sweep Paved Surtaces -Joists -Swales -Blocking FOOTINGS -Shield Under Posts Insp-See Special Conditions 3 -Int. Braced Wall Supports -Setbacks -Positive Connection -Footings -Girder to Concrete -Forms -Beam Pockets enforcement -Treated Wood to Concrete Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 4 City of Port Townsend 540 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: Issued: 1/12199 Lot: Block: PERMIT # BLD98-00194 Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector -Anchor Bolts & Washers -Roof -FDN Vents -Attic Venting PLUMBING y 9 !ZS -Windows: Egress Insp-See Special Conditions ~ -Window U Value -Rough-In (D-V-T & Cln Outs) -Window Safety Glazing -Water Supply -Air Seal -Gas Supply - -Door U Value -Hose Bibs (bckflw pro. regd) -Rafler/Truss Pos. Conn. -Pipe Insulation -Fire Blocking -Water Heater -Weather Resistive Barrier -Seismic Restraint CHIMNEYS ~ S MECHANICAL INSULATION Insp-See Special Conditions -Floor (R-S~yt, -Furnace -Wall (R-19) y 7 -LPG Heater -Ceiling (R-30) ~ ~-?j $ - -Fresh Air -Baffles H(~(9q S y r /~ -Duct Insulation VAPOR BARRIER -Whole House Fan. -Paint -Source Specific Fan z ' ~~ -Crawl Space - 6 Mil Poly -Environmental Air Exhaust DRYWALL NAILING FRAMING ~ Insp-See Special Conditions Insp-See Special Conditions #' -Walls Insp-See Special Conditions ~8 -Ceiling -Walls -Interior Braced Wall Panels -Engineered Shear Walls -Enclosed Space Under Stairs -Alternate Braced Wall Panel FINAL -Ceiling Insp-See Special Conditions ~'~p Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 t- Page 2 or 4 City of Port Townsend P TotwnsendtWA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: Issued: 1112/99 Block: PEKIVI~T # BLD98-00194 Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions ~~ Insp-See Special Conditions ,~~Z Final-House Number Final-Plumbing Final-Mechanical/Heating Final-Insulation Certificate Final-Vapor Barrier Cert. Final-Smoke Detectors Final-Public Works Sign-Off final-LPG (Fire Dept.) :al -Building SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . ALL ELEMENTS OF ENGINEERING AND ALTERNATE BRACED WALL PANELS REQUIRE INSPECTION PRIOR TO COVER. 2. TESG: Temporary sediment and erosion control measures shall be installed on-site during construction; INSPECTION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO BEGINNING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Measures shall include but are not limted to the installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance. Existing swales shall be maintained. Adjacent rights-of-way shall be kept clean of dirt and debris; sweeping of paved surfaces shall occur as neeeded. Overburden stored on-site shall be covered with mulching or plastic sheeting. Once construction is completed, the site must be permanently stabilized with seedings, plantings, sodding, etc. Applicant is responsible for protectidn of adjacent properties. 3. FOOTINGS: Refer to separate permit #BLD98-194R1 for footings. 4. FOUNDATION: Separate permit issued for footing/foundation work, see BLD98-194R1. 5. PLUMBING: If water pressure exceeds 80 psi, pressure reducing valve required. 6. MECHANICAL: Integrated option requires clock timer connected to furnace fan and R-4 insulation on fresh air duct if installed inside heated space. 7. FRAMING: Engineered roof truss plan to be on-site and available to the Inspector at inspection time. 8. FRAMING: Refer to structural talcs and floor plans for engineered shear walls and engineered • Versa-lam connection. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 9-800-424-5555 Page 3 of 4 City of Port Townsend 640 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Issued: 1112/99 Parcel No: 985800701 ~~~~~~ ~ Block: Project: BLD98-00194 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 9. DRYWALUNAILING: Engineering requires drywall screws at 6" o.c. @ edges for wall B-1 on second floor. 10. FINAL: Letter required from installer of integrated system verifying testing of ventilation flow rates. 11 . FINAL: Retaining wall required at NW corner due to proximity of building to bank. 12. FINAL: The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For inspection, call 385-2294, press 3; a minimum of twenty-four hours notice is required. Public Works approval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. • Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 4 of 4 City of Port Townsend Port ownse dtWA 98368 Building and Community Development • BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Parcel No: 985800701 Project: -CONTRACTOR/OWNE VERNON GARRISON 788 P ST PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 12128/98 Lot: Block: PE~M~T # BLD98-194R1 OWNE BILL WOLCOTT P O BOX 196 PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 -PROJECT DESCRIPTIO Single-family Residential: Pour foundation for house. City Contact: JLZ Construction TypefOcc UselOcc Load Type of work: NEW Construction Occupancy Type of use: SPR Type 1: 5N Group 1: R-3 Load 1: 8 Census Category: 101 Type 2: SN Group 2: R3 Load 2: 3 Estimated Value: $19,440.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: R-II Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: 51 Code: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector Insp-See Special Conditions ~f~ FOUNDATION ~ fc.' f ~~-~; ,, '~~ , TEMP EROSION & SDM'T CON Insp-See Special Conditions ~3 Insp-See Special Conditions oZ -Stem Wall ;' -Silt Fence -Forms -Drive Off Mat -Reinforcement FOOTINGS -Vents -Setbacks -Crawl Access -Footings -Beam Pockets -Farms -Alt BWP Holdown Hdwr , ! ~; ~ ~ " ~ ~y -Reinforcement -Interior Footing 1 ~ / /~ " -Porch Bay Piers -- ER Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 2 City of Port Townsend 640 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 88568 Building and Community Development • BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1775 FIR Issued: iv2sJSs Parcel No: 985800701 Lot: Block: Project: PERMIT ~ BLD98-194R1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . SUBSEQUENT STRUCTURE MUST BE COMPATIBLE WITH THIS FOUNDATION DESIGN. 2. TESC: Applicant shall install erosion and sediment control measures as needed during construction per approved Street Development Permit #98-049. Measures shall include but are not limited to installation of vegetative buffers or silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached handouts for details). INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO BEGINNING BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. Overburden stored on the site shall be covered with mulching or plastic covering. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent rights-of-way and adjacent properties. 3. FOUNDATION: See attached engineering and alternate braced wall panel detail (ABWP) for placement of holdowns. ~ENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection peryear to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2 ~~ Waterman & KazzBwlding 787 Qwnry Street Suite 307 Port TowneeM, W A 98368 Phone: (360)379-3208 Fax: (360)379-6923 • r.TTV c~F PORT TOWNSEND CONSTRUCTION PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE Call 385-2294 for Inspection Permit Number: B~,D9t4-194R-2 Job Address: 1775 Fir Zoning: RR=II Total Occupant Load: No Change Issued: 416199 Parcel Number: 985800701 Type: VV_N Occupancy: R-3 Nature of Work: Add Kitchen Nook (485F) w/VVindows and Skylites• Insulation: Floor-R -25 Throughout Structure Ceilings R 30 (Vault) & R 38 (w/attic) Throughout Structure• Rev3s~on Regmred. Engmeermg For Pier & Post Foundation Under Nook Owner: Bill Wolcott Contractor: Vernon Garrison GENERAL CONDITIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE rr r.TTlII~TC+ ePPR(lVF'.ll/1lATF Kr: UIICL.1111N~JYr,l.tlvi~o - -- ----- FOOTING & FOUNDATION Presently pier &post-requires engineering via revision prior to Final Inspection Under floor access re wired MECHANICAL AFUE > 0.78 check HVAC e ui ment) FRAMING ~j ~-/ 7 f 9 Walls 2x4 Floor 2x6 furring req'd for R-25 insulation Windows-. a Sk lites - .68 U factor max. INSULATION See Revision No 2 W SEC Qualification Form Wall R-19 ~ ~ I7 ~q Floor R-25 THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE Ceiling (THROUGHOUT STRUCTURE) W/attic-R-38 Vaulted-R-30 izS ~ 1 DRYWALL & ~ FINAL Per BLD98-00194 Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates I-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 2 Permit q BLD98-79aR--? GENERAL CONDITIONS I. Contractors working on this project are required to have a Labor & Industries contractor's registration number and a City business license. Failure to provide proof of this documentation prior to work may result in job shut down while this is accomplished. 2. Temporary erosion and sediment control (TESC) measures shall be installed on-site and inspected prior to beginning construction; ca11385-2294, press 3. Measures shall include installation of silt fencing and graveled construction entrance (see attached details). Adjacent rights-of--way shall be kept free of dirt debris. Soils exposed during construction shall be temporarily stabilized with mulching, plastic sheeting, etc. Soils shall be permanently stabilized with seeding, plantings, sodding, etc. once construction is complete.. Applicant is responsible for protection of adjacent properties. 3. All elements of engineering including nailing, holdowns, sheathing, and alternate braced watt panels (ABWP) require inspection prior to cover. 4. Owner or owner's agent shall review and oversee correction of any and all deficiencies noted by required inspections. 5. Re-inspection is required after inspection report corrections are completed. 6. The Building Department is unable to pass final inspection on your project until Public Works requirements have been completed and inspected. For Public Works inspection call 385-2294, press 3. A minimum of twenty four hours notice is required Public Works approval must be received prior to scheduling the Building Department's final inspection. 7. Final Inspections are required prior to occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy is required fora non- residential project. 8. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections are done by the Building Department within one year. Cal! for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 9. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. • Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates i-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2