DATE: February 1, 2017 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, Conference Room 1
MEMBERS PRESENT: Abbie Greene, Dominica Lord-Wood, Owen Rowe, Stan Rubin (Chair), Lisa Wentworth
MEMBER EXCUSED: Dan Groussman, Kris Morris
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager David Timmons, Legal Assistant/Deputy Clerk Amber Long
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Changes to the Agenda: There was unanimous approval to add a funding request from
Key City Public Theatre; the funding request from Selena
Espinoza was removed from the agenda.
Approval of Minutes: January 4, 2017 The minutes of January 4, 2017 were unanimously approved.
City Manager David Timmons discussed the recent Staff will come back to the Commission at a later date for input
donation to the City of the "For Willene" sculpture. on site design.
Funding Application: On behalf of VOICE, Kristina The Commission unanimously voted to fund $1,250 for the
Whipple presented a funding application for the OCEAN project.
production of A Wrinkle in Time. She clarified that there will
be two pay-what-you-wish performances.
Funding Application: The Commission discussed a The Commission approved funding of$1,200 in a vote of 4-0,
funding application for the Community Boat Project. with Abbie Greene abstaining.
Funding Application: Judith-Kate Friedman presented a The Commission unanimously approved funding as follows:
funding application for five Songwriting Works projects. True Colors: $500 plus Cotton Building rental
Songs at the Center of Care: $500
Make Music Day: $500 plus Cotton Building rental
Life's a Song Concert: $400 plus Cotton Building rental
All Ages Summer MusicTeams: $600
Alicia Quaini presented her idea for a potential dance Commissioners expressed appreciation for the concept and
project. encouraged Ms. Quaini to determine a specific date and time
for her project.
Funding Application: Denise Winter presented a funding The Commission voted 4-0, with Abbie Greene recused, to fund
application for Key City Public Theatre's 2017 pay-what- $3,000 for pay-what-you-wish performances. The Commission
you-wish performances. She also presented information also voted 4-0, with Abbie Greene recused, to approve a
about Wendy McLeod, the featured playwright for PlayFest. payment of$900 to Wendy McLeod and use of the Cotton
Building for the March 11th playwriting workshop.
Next Regular Meeting: March 1, 2017
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 P.M.