HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD97-050N City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development 840 Water Street Port Townsend, WA 88]68 BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8 APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Parcel No: 957602601 Project: -CONTRACTOR/OWNE NICHOLAS KIME 1404 30TH STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 4H 1197 Lot: Block: PERII~IIT #~ BLD97-00050 WNER- WARREN ERICKSON 615 22ND ST O T WN D A 98 687 51 -PROJECT DESCRIPTIO Commercial -Interior Remodel/Tenant Improvement City CoMad: JLZ Conslruetion Type/Occ UselOee Load Type of work ALT Constr~xtion Occupancy Type of use: COM Type 1: 5N Group 1: B Load 1: i5 Census Category: 437 Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: Estimated Value: $15,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: C2 SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS V pp~~n N Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 ~~ ~~S~T Page 1 of 2 Inspection Date Inspector Inspection Date Inspector PLUMBING DRYWALL NAILING ~ • Cf, Insp-See Special Conditions #~ -Walls -Rough-In (D-V-T & Cln Outs) T-BAR GRID CEILING -Water Supply -Non-Rated -Barrier-Free Required LIGHTING . 4~ -Water Heater Insp-See Special Conditions ~~- MECHANICAL FINAL 4 S Insp-See Special Conditions ¢~~ Final-House Number FRAMING . Z -97 ~~ Final-Building Insp-See Special Conditions ~3 Final-Plumbing Insp-See Special Conditions ~ Final-Mechanical/Heating Nalls Final-Fire Dept. Sign-Off ~,iling 5~ 9~9~ City of Port Townsend 6'°Wa`ersr'eer ` Port Townsend, WA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Issued: M11/97 Parcel No: 957602601 Lot: Block: Project: PERMIT # sLD97-00050 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . PLUMBING: New barrier-free bathroom plans shall be submitted as a revision to this permit for review and approval prior to occupancy. 2. MECHANICAL: Mechanical ventilation system plans shall be submitted as a revision to this permit, and system installed prior to occupancy, 3. FRAMING: Verification of existing lighting fixtures & wattages and proposed changes shall be submitted as a revision to this permit prior to framing inspection. 4. FRAMING: New door in one-hour occupancy separation wall requires one-hour rated door and assembly; 1/2" maximum threshold. ,n 5 . LIGHTING: Proposed changes amount to less than 60% of fixtures; see revision for existing ~l ~ ` fixture and wattage verification. ~1 ~~~GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2 ' City of Port Townsend P RVTaotwgnaendtwA98368 Building and Community Development . BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Parcel No: 957602601 Project: -CONTRACTOR/OWNE NICHOLAS KIME 1404 30TH STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98388 Revision #1 to BId97-00050 -install ventilation system Issued: 4/28/97 Lot: Block: BLD97-50R-1 WNE WARREN ERICKSON 615 22ND ST OWNS N A 98368 51 City Contact: JLZ Construction Type/Occ UselOce Load Type of work ALT Construefion Occupancy Type of use: COM Type 1: SN Group 1: B Load 1: 15 Census Category: 437 Type 2: Group 2 Load 2: Estimated Value: 515,000.00 Type 3: Group 3: Laad 3: Zoning: C2 SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONSlRESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector MECHANICAL . . R rj S Insp•See Special Conditions ~~ -FirelSmoke Dampers ~5 -Duct Insulation -Environmental Air Exhaust ~~~, p~ ~~ ~~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 1 . PLUMBING: New barrier-free bathroom plans shall be submitted as a revision to this perrnit for review and approval prior to occupancy. 2. MECHANICAL: Mechanical ventilation system plans shall be submitted as a revision to this permit, and system installed prior to occupancy. 3 . FRAMING: Verification of existing lighting fixtures & wattages and proposed changes shall be • submitted as a revision to this permit prior to framing inspection. Catl 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page t of 2 City of Port Townsend fWWaterStreet ~ , Port Townsend, WA 88788 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Issued: azar97 Parcel No: 957602601 Lot: Block: Project: BLD97-50R-1 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 4. FRAMING: New door in one-hour occupancy separation wall requires one-hour rated door and assembly; 1/2" maximum threshold. 5. LIGHTING: Proposed changes amount to less than 60% of fixtures; see revision for existing fixture and wattage verification. 6. MECHANICAL: Manufacturers specifications to be on-site at inspection time. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2 ` ~~ Y City of Port Townsend Water Street Port Townund, WA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8~ APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Parcel No: 957602601 Project: -~ONTRACTOR/OWNE NICHOLAS KIME 1404 30TH STREET PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 4129/97 Lat: Block: ~'E~~~'T' # BLD97-SOR-2 WNE WARREN ERICKSON 615 22ND ST WNS N 8368775 Revision #2 to BLD97-00050: Install accessible restrooms City Contact: JLZ Construction TypeJOec UulOcc Load Type of work ALT ConsWCtion Occupancy Type of use: COM Type 1: SN Group 1: B Load 1: 15 Census Category: 437 Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: Estimated Value: $15,000.00 Type 3: - Group 3: Load 3: Zonirg: C2 Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SI Code: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Inspection Date Inspector PLUMBING ~ : -:i'~ ~ ~, -Rough-In (D-V-T & Cln Outs) -Water Supply -Barrier-Free Required \` I FINAL Final-Plumbing Final-Barrier Free Access SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS ~~~~5 " 1, 22~"..1 1 . PLUMBING; New barrier-free bathroom plans shall be submitted as a revision to this permit for review and approval prior to occupancy. MECHANICAL: Mechanical ventilation system plans shall be submitted as a revision to this permit, and system installed prior to occupancy. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 or 2 City of Port Townsend Building and Community Development 640 Water Street ` ~ ' Port TownearW, WA 98zs8 BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 214 DECATUR Issued: M29/97 Parcel No: 957602601 Lot: Block: Pr°ject: PERM 1T ## BLD97-50R-2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS 3. FRAMING: Verification of existing lighting factures & wattages and proposed changes shall be submitted as a revision to this permit prior to framing inspection. 4. FRAMING: New door in one-hour occupancy separation wall requires one-hour rated door and assembly; 1/2" maximum threshold. 5. LIGHTING: Proposed changes amount to less than 60% of factures; see revision for existing fixture and wattage verification. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. Ali building permits expire if no progress has been made wthin six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2