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C=TY OF PORT TOWNSEND BUILDER'S PERMIT 6 INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE- Cr~.LL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION. Perot Number 9402-18 Issued 2117{94 Treas. No. Sob Address 2001 Hi 11 Street " Eoninq R-1 Type ~L_-~L- Occupancf R3 Ml Nature of 4brk novelling Usz of 9uiiding(sj a lioq trmer Snsan Leinhach Contractor Kaase +NEW £N£ac7 ~ne~ , !. GnOUNDI~RK: Plumbina_~ rnspecLOr ~7 Lu DaLe~~~ ' L ~t , `- Z. FCOTINGSiSL.-'35: Se*~dc.+CS / FOr75 ~ReinforcaxzL ~~,aD' y(~ ~1~ .3`~9'~y ~~'tt~-~;. 4/ ~S~F!f~% j,""<i~Ibl - " n,~~y~f9~ insPec:ar ~3L2-~T_ 7 3. FOUNDATION BALL: Fotas~~ Reinforcexnt ~ ~iezther -'oarino_ Vents Craz:l aces' _. .InSpeCtOr Da Le I 3.'FbOO>: FRANING:. Ganders Seisis Rrieieim' ex;eta n,.,:e. n,.~«~ ,.___. ..~__.._ " _ .............. . v~a.uo .~- .w~w~ aca~~, •-..wean-uucs=..wcer auoply_,f~ ~aS.Sit~Qly_ : , "~ Inspector Date `. ~ ~ r o. NECEAlRCAL: Pisaace_ Exhaust- Heat Ducks Inspector Date" ?: FHAIQNG: '+1a11s ~Ceilinq ~ Boof : ~: Vents ~ iiindovs: ~r Seal '-'~ In Ra11 Penetrations /Chimney Straps Irsnec1ar ~} - - ~Lr~ 7ate~_ ~` Window Ports o. INSULATION: Floor- ~1 liCzilina l~Baffl?s_J~ Inspector L~.~ _Date.,~.~~ 9. DEYWALL NAILING: Italis_~jCeilinQ~~ Inspector- ~~i/' Date~~j_, 10.' DRALN,16Et' REQUIRED (Plans Attached) Inspector Date T il. ;FINAL A{SP£CTION: ,9uilding_~ Plumb. ~~s Nech/6eatinq~s Smoke Det. t~ House No. / . .,