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C S T Y O F PORT TO WN S EN D BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL ?BS-2294 FOR INSPECTION Penit Humber 9401-10 Issued 1 /24/94 Treas. No. Tab Address toning R-1 Type V-N Occ.:nancl R3/Ml Nature of :cork Garage/Apartment Woodshop Use of Buiidinq(s~ Dwelling/Storage O,~ner Jack & Wanda Hutton Contractor Q D }yEW ENERGY CDDE~ ***PUBLIC NORKS REQUIREMENTS ATTACHED*** Develop Cass St. to & thru property - No Protest Agreement Required i. GcDUtfDSiORK: P!unbinc / inspector ~~ Data,~Jl-'1H Z. FOOTING;iSL.=.BS: Se*_ha~+cs_ Fors- 3einforcenent_ Slat / A7~ a-»~~1~ insoectnr ~ ]ate - Y" 3. FCUNDATION '+tALL: Form 3einforcenentf~ 'weather ?r:otinq_ n ,.' Tents !/ Cram Acess L" ~.spector !7 w Data ~- -9y 4. FLOOR FRAIQHG:: Girders 1/ Joists ~ Bridainq_L Shield Dnder Posts v pasiti're Past/Girder Connect- . Girder/Concrete-1/2"_ Treated hood to Concete L Anchor Bolts r/dashers ~"' rnsaector ~.-~.~' Date~~ 5. PLUIBIHG: Drains- Vents- Tra~_ Clean-outs- 'dater Sapply=JJ `Gas Supplyi_ (/ ~- ) Inspector ~;a 6. NECHAHICAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Ducts- Inspector Date i. FRAHIHG: 7ialls_ Ceilina'`~ Roof ~~ Vents ~ °aindovs~ Air Seal Wall Ports In bail Penetrations " '~ 1- Chimney Straps ti/ 7~ Inspector '~ ~ Gate ` ~"` 8. INSULATION: Floor _~ gall _~ Ceilina~/ Baffies~_ Inspector ~ `V Date ~ r~ `9y 9. DRIIiALL NAILING: iialls_~Ceilinq~ InsoectOZ_~~ Data JF 3 q~ .~~ tint ice'-- ,_[ 1< .. ' !'R"l ~ ~ 10. DRAINAGE: Inspector ~ J ~ ~~ +~• ` Date ~INAL INSPECTION: Building L Plumb. ~' I Neck/heating '~Smake Det. 4~ House No. y zt q ~r Bazrier: y~ Insulation Cercificata„ ~' Inspector vl/ Date~~ 1;' _4 mil pulp XX V.`B. paint _Staft Paper _ . (~tk,~ rcw~ LPl3 (Fire DepaRmwt) Date Ca11 48 hours befor~a you dig for ~u-ti 1 sty 1 ine locates 1- 8 0 0- 4 2 4- 5 5 5 5