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HomeMy WebLinkAbout9211-13r- CSTY OF r'OT2T T0~.~7i~7SENI] BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attacheri Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FCR INSPECTION ' Perait Number 9911- 13 Issaed 11 /?3/97 Treas. No. ~ 3 Job Address 1199 fn rnna Zoning R-1 Type 5-N Occupancf R_3/M_7/M_7 Nature of +krk Resi dential AAclitinn U<_e of Buiidinq(sj farage Omer .lames C_ Gre uell Contractor Same as Owner *!(EW ENERGY CODE* _. .iCOND{+DRK: P!upbino Inspector Data ;.. FCOTINGS~SL.'35: Setbacks L- Fprss~_ 3einiorcexnt_ Siab_ 3. FOUNDATION MALL: fora- Reinforcenent_ tie:*~er ?rcofinc_~/~ , J~„ ~~ r^C~~ ,J Vents- Crawl Acess_ Inspector Dare ~ ~' ;. FLOOR FRANIHG:: Girder5_ Joists- BridginQ_ Shield Under Posts- positive Post/Girder Colfnect_ Girder/COnaete-I!Z"_ Treated '+1oad to Concrete- Anchor Bolts ijtiashers Inspector Date • S. PLDMBISG: Drains- Vents- Traas_ Clean-outs- dater Supply- Gas Supply- Inspector o. MECHANICAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Ducts_ Ddt2 Gate ?. FBAIQNG: Malls ~Ceilipa ~ Roof / Vents ~ `~iindov~_i ~ - .~ In 'Mall Penetrations', ~ Chimmey Strspst; ~f Insperor /~ "-~ tkte , `~~ 3. INSULATION: floor _ +all Cailina_ Baries_ (-fEi1~ L - ~fCC i- ,;; ~ ~~ ~ ~(~~ Insaecicr -Date _ i~ 9. DRYBALL NAILING: Nalls_ Ceilinq_ Inspector Date 7. DRAINAC"c: (Ap wed as Attached FINAL IiiSPECTION: Building- . c!~:'C ~ ~~~ ~~ C a 1 1 4 for. Inspector Date Inspector ~ ~ Cate "_ PL~mb. Necb/heating Snake Det. House No._ ~ ~~ Inspector pate 8 Ysours b.Efore you dig. ut i 1 i ty 1 i.n a 1 o c a t a s 1- 8 0 0- 4 Z 4- 5 5 5 5 C 1- T Y O F P ORT T O WN S EN D BUILDER'S PER"SIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Permit Number 9211-13 Issued 11/20/92 Treas. Ho. Jab Address 11 Co ona r Zoning R-1 Type 5-N Occupancy R-3/M-1 Nature of +brk Rui1d new garage Use of Buiidinq(s) Qarage aJner James C. Grewell Contractor Same as Owner 3NEG ENERGY CODE* 1. GROUNOWORE: Plumbing In Wall Penetrations- Chimney Straps- Insaector Date 2. FCOTINGSiSL.~BS: Se*~acks_ ,orms_ Reinforcement- Siab_ Inspector Date 3. FOOHDATION 41ALL: fotss_ Reinforcement- weather Proofin~~ Vents- Crar:l Acess_ insaector Date 4. FIAOH FHAlIIHG:: Girders- Soists_ Bridging- Shield Under Posts- Positive PostJGirder Connect Girder/Concrete-1/2"_ Treated Good to Concrete- Anchor Bolts r/rtiashers Losaector Date • 5. PLDINlING: Drains- Vents- Traps- Cieanrouts_ :later Suaply_ Gas Supply_ Insaector Date 6. AECHANICAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Ducts- Inspector Date i. FHAIQNG: galls- Ceiling Hoof Vents Nindows_ 8. INSULATION: Floor _ :call Ceiling- Baifles_ Inspector Date 9. DHYBALL NAILING: Ualls_ Ceiling_ 10. DRAINAGE: Data Date Insaector Date 11. FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. Nech/heating Smake Det. House No. • Ca11 48 Ysours before you d.ig f o r ut i 1 i ty 1 i n e 1 oc a t e s 1- 8 0 0- 4 2 4- 5 5 5 5 Inspector pate