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~~ t,a~~ Vii: ~ F~;'"'°`~" C2'SY OF PORT TOWNSEIVD BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SZTE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Permit Humber 9208-11 Issued 8/20/92 Trees, Ho. Job Address 1117 Mater Street Zopinq Ct t t Type 5-N tkxupanc~/ R-2 Harare of Work Comm~ercial addition Dse of Bulldinq(s) Retail 0•mer _ Pnrt Tn~ncPnd Pla a imi d Contractor rcland fnnctrnrtinn Tnc lNFIi OiERGY CODE* Partnershi p ****See attached comments**** 1. GBOQHDWORR: Plumbin4 - Inspector r - Date/~ Y ' `"~, 2. FOOTINGS/SL3,BS: Setbacts_ Forms' Reipforcement% Slab_ Inspector Date ~ <<~' 3. FODIiDA?IDH WALL: fore= Reinforcement- Heather Proofing n f ' Vepts_~ ~' CraHl AceSS,';^_~" Inspector c Date /~-:;~y ~' ~4. FLOOR FRA!@IG:. Girders-' Joists- Bridging- Shield Dnder Posts_~ Positive Past/Girder Conpect_: Girder/Wnccete-1l2° Treated Road toConcrete_ Anchor Bolts v/pashers_, ~ ^~~x~r ~,` dl~ _p3J 22 ~ ~ , e c ~S 1 ~ y'2~ A T ~ x ~ }$ q ~iA~h'x ~'dS% v: X a , ~ .~~" ; ~ ~ -Iapector Yt ^,~= > Date= ~ ;`~~ ` .~5. PLDHBffiG Dtains_ Vents Traps- Clean-o~s_ Hater Supply- Gas Supply- , Lnspector Date ' , 6. HHCBAiICAL: Furnace- Erhaust_ Heat Ducls_ Inspector Date " ~`} t '~i, ~, 7. FRA}QHG: Halls u,/` Cellinc~_~ ~, _ Roof Veers Windovs 5/C c _ n } ,~Y--- ~ In~Nallf t~etia(tf ~ ~ y 7 p _~ Inspector ' ~ `- ~~~"~ Date 1 « ` `, ~ Chlmt:e Sara s 1 ~ ~ ~ " a. IITSDLATIOH: Floor- Wall ~ CeilipcL_'~ Baffles ~ :+ 9. DRYWALL HAILING: Walls- Ceillnq ~,. 10. DRAINAGE: Inspector 4- ~ Date ~ 'L J``f 5 Inspector Date_% `,;= Inspector Date ll. FINAL INSPECTION: 8uildira G"~ Plumb.` Heck/heating- Smoke ~'; 5 5 5 .House Ho.~ ,