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HomeMy WebLinkAbout9206-09C=TY OF PART TOWNSEND BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Permit Number 9 06-0 Issued 6/11/92 Treas. No. Job dddress 4946 Bell Street Zoning R_1A Type ~5~- ~~_~ Occuaanct R-3/F1-1 Nature of Work flew hoese and garage Use of Suiidinq(sj ~weTTing P,mer Vantage Homes. Inc. Contractor Same asOwner *NEW ENERG'I CODE* ****Bell Street paving**** 1. GROUNDWORK: Plumbing Inspee~or Date 2. FOOTINGS/SL.;BS: Setbacts` Fors ~ Reinforcement- Slahi ;~'(.i Inspector r Date+'r 3. FOONDATION MALL: Forns_ Reinforcement= Weather Proofing- Vents_~ Cravl Acess ~ ' InspeCipr ~ Ddt2~ ~.'~~~~~~ 4. FLOOR FBAlQNG:. Girders- Joists- Bridoinq Shield Under Posts- Positive Past/Girder Connect GirderlCon¢ete-1/2"_' Treated ',load to Con¢ete_ Amcbo~9olts :~/Washers - ,. Lospector '` ~ pa{e ~" !`, `/C 5. PLiDD31NG: Drains- Vents Transs~ Cleanrouts ". Water SuDply_~ Gas Supply ~ . l Inspector ~- > Date ~ ~ (`;/~t 6. NECHAJRCAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Ducts- Inspector Date 7. FRA1@JG: Walls- Ceiling. Roof Vemts Windovs ~_: ! ,, if... n ~ In Wa1~~Peaetrations~ Chimney Str~ps~ !y Inspector ~ Daie ~' ~~ ~~ 8. INSULATION: F1ooY'~` ~/,Wal1 _` Ceillnq,~,_"_` ° Safffes /~/ Inspector ~-~~ Date ~~~=1c'> 9. DRYWALL NAILING: Walls- Ceiling= Inspector- L/'~ Date ~ y ( ~ 10. DRAINAGE:;` f~ Inspector pate FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. :" Neck/heating / Spoke Det. ~ House Ha. '~ / //i ~,~ C'> Inspector L Dots'/ "_s~ / ~-_ Ca11 48 hours b~f'ore you dig ><or uti 1 ity Z ine locates 2-800-4 Vic.-~~~c