HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Townsend Paper Corporation - Statutory Warranty Deed AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO:
Scott B. Osborne
2900 ON
SEATTLE, WAION 981001UARE :'8,:199
Statutory Warranty Deed
corporation, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS` , QTHER
GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION in hand paid, onve-j d rrants
the following described real estate, situate 'n Je f rson•
County, State of Washington:
That portion of the Northwest Quarter f(Sectio 15. Township 30
North, Ranga 1 West, V.M. , in Jeffer ori t ashington de-
scribed as f%llows:
Se inning at a eoint which is 5cuth 87' 59' 39" East 228.07 feet
an� South 0' 44 22" Vest 5304
et from the Northwest corner
of said section being the point ersection of the East margin
of County Road No. 44, with th So h ne of Eastview Industrial
Plat, as per plat recorded i Vo a Plats on page 38, records
of Jefferson County;
thence continuing Sou 0' 44' 2 We t along said East margin
600.00 feet;
thence North 87° 59' 4' t 0 et;
thence South 0' 44' 22" 'es 4 con inuing along said East nargin,
44,15 feet to point te: se tion with the Northerly boudary
of railroad rigght o
thence South 58° 2 44'�Ea t, along said Northerly boundary, 17E.37
feet toppoin f c z e thr in;
thence alor. "5P rye to the left an arc distance of
84.70 fae
thence le v idortherly boundary and running thence South
87' 53' 't�Et 6.,62 fret;
thenc N r 4 57 4b" East 921.74 feet;
thenc S t ° ' 20" East 445.40 feet returning to said North-
erly b nd v o r !road right of Lay;
thence *t 52' ' 16" East, along said Northerly boundary, 60
feet, re r ss, to intersect the Southwesterly boundary of a
tra of n scribed in real estate contract wherein Robert F.
S5 u are purchasers which is dated July 31, 1976 and recorded
un a Aud't i s File No. 251836, records of said county;
th nc No t 49' 02' 20" West, along said Southwesterly boundary
03 4 e to an angle point in said Sahli tract.;
th c rth 89' 12' 04" Vest 145.40 feet to the Southeast corner
ihd Eastview Industrial Plat;
North 89' 12' 04" Vest, along said South line, 779.00
the point of beginning;
CEL 2:
Shat portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 15, Township 30
North, Range 1 West, W'.M., in Jefferson County, Washington, de-
scribed as follows:
V;L 1 S3 !;..r 177
D4 ec.21,1983. y
A parcel of land lying South of the Port Townsend Railraid r
of way line, East.and Borth of County Road 44 right of way, \
(more commonly known as Paper Hill P.oad) and North of�� ne 1
bearing North 87 53 36" East from a point which is(N
49' 40' East 731.28 feet, and North 49' D2' 20" West! 99. eet,\
and North 40' 57' 40" East 516.25 feet, from Brigg�Ho ume t in
the Northwest Quarter of said Section 15. \�
�\ \?
That portion of the following described t whi�e South-
east of the Southeasterly right of way ine of i e Po Townsend
Beginning at a ppoint which is Sauth BBBB,, 5:.t
3V ast 2,285.14
feet and South 00' S3' 26" Wct 364. t8r m he Northwest
corner of Section 15, Township30 Nor h, ,Ran e 1 est, W.H. in
Jefferson County, Washington;
thence South 46' 35' 39" West 128.94 fe�
thence South 47' 35' 33 West 80 feet;
thence South 43' 35' 36" West 34,q feet;
thence Horth 49' 02' 20" West 1W.66,'
36,.66 feet;
thence Northeasterly along the Sou etisterly right of Lay line
Of said Port Townsend Railroa78�55�eet, more or less, to the
point of beginning;
PARCEL 4: /\ \
That portion of the follg4ln s ibfd property lying Southerly
of the Southerly margin of���t of w of the Port Townsend and'
Puget Sound Railway:/ 1)
Beginning at a poi t(in c ion 15, Township 30 Korth, Range 1
West, W.Y. inMfe to C n y. Washington which is North 34'
30' East 10 s f m a stain stake which stake is North 35'
22' East a d(1 3"t a distant fror a copper bolt set in a
squared st n N ho, ke S uth boundary of Briggs Donation Clair;
thenCo ' t 5 30 .eee t 130 feet to a point designated herein
for de cr�p p pox s as "Point A"; thence North 39' 30' East
to the o rl ms in of said right-of-way of the Port Townsend
and Puge So d Raay and the true point of beginning; thence
continui or 39' 30' East to a point which is North 39' 30'
East S +fin fr a said "Point A". thence South 50° 30' East
5 ch ns t�re� less, to the government meander line; thence
Sou 2e t, along said meander line, 950 feet, more or less,
to n ngl ' point on said meander line; thence South 32° 48' West,
alon m ander line, to the meander corner between Section 15
oo„I id township and range; thence North along the West
lines said Section 15, a distance of 1850 feet, more or less,
o a ke marked "T.J.C.” which stake is 20 chains North of an
;di a e on the South boundary of Albert Briggs and wife's Dona-
\ tfon C aim, said old stake referred to of record as bearing West
eb ins and 30 links from a certain stone monument set to replace
a ake torking, the Southeast corner of said claim; thence East
o said Southerly margin of right of way of Port Townsend and
get Sound Railway; thence Easterly, along said Southerly margin,
o the true point of beginning;
� 1
That portion of Tidelands District No. 113, as(shor)
p t�/
official maps of Port Townsend Tidelands fie e office of
the Commissioner of Public Lands at O1 pia, Wa idescribed
as follows:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of aid Dist�i�t No. 113;
thence Southwesterly, along the meand line�t the meander
corner of Sections 15 and 16 of Townsh1 30 rrth, Range 1 West, W.M. :
thence South 24' 30' West, al 'hg said mean er line 205 feet;
thence South 50' 30' East 33�fee't�o the Northerly margin of "E"
Street shorn on vacated J.G. CIIsOge s Addition to the City of Port
Townsend, as per plat recorded in Vot e 1 of Plats, Page 27, records of
Jefferson County; thence Eas er on said Northerly margin, to
the inner harbor line; theret 'art er along said inner harbor line,
to the North line of @aid et'on 1 thence West, along said North lire,
1020.32 feet, more o �ss, t th point of beginning;
PARCEL 6: \�\�/f
fo_�Owihf, described tract in Section 15,
That portion of tl�e�
Township 30 North auge ese, W.M. in Jefferson Count•, Washington;
lying Southe y a daterly of the right of way of the
Port Townse dpd u �id Railway, to-wit:
Beginnin t \oiorth 35' 22' East, 728 feet distant
from a A per sin a squared stone on the South line of
the BrI.Sgs Don tion aim; thence North 50' 30' West, 499.60
feet; tgfi or 3 ' 30' East, 1440,10 feet; thence South
50' 3 E t, Q0. 0 feet; thence South 39' 30' West, 380.20
feet t he rue point of beginning; thence South 50' 30' East, 324.70
feet, r or ess, to the meander line; thence Southwesterly following
sai e e li, a to a point on the Notheasterly of a tract of land
co v b i strument recorded in Volume 19 of Deeds, page 54;
t e ce 1 rt 50' 30' West along said Northeasterly 130 feet;
t n e N r east to the true point of beginning.
vas 183 A.S70
That portion of the following described tract which Is,intion 16,
Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W.M. in Jefferson hington
described as follows:
Begginning at an old stake on the South boundar d� Alpe t Briggs' and
wifes Donation Claim, said stake (using iatt iiZ� / ast) bearing
West 3 chains and 30 links from a certain sone �umetit set to re-
place a stake mark:.ng the Southeast co7chainstan4,
r- f s claim; thence along
the South boundary of the claim, East S 65 links to the
meander line, being the Southeast cor aof the said Donation Claim;
thence along the shore of Port Townson B No t 31° East 7 chs r.s;
thence West 9 chains and 25 links to a tak cbains North of the
place of beginning; thence North 14 chain o stake marked "T.J.C.";
thence West 36 chains to a Garkgd stake; thence South 20 chains to the
South boundary of Albert Briggs(' 'and wifes Donation Claim; thence
East along the South boundary hiae 38 chains to the place of beginning
EXCEPT County Road right of ways, co ;eyed by instrument recorded
November 25, 1936, under Audito Fi N . 85715; Also except the
Port Townsend Water Gravity Wa er Sy�ted3 tight of way, as con-oeved
by insiruwent recorded under Nos. 61102 and 830b0.
PARCEL 8: �.
That portion of theca to J; linger Donation Claim lying within
Section 16, Township 0 ort ,Range 1 test, W.M. in Jefferson
County, Washington.
d s rite s follows:
Beginng at a `¢ ar alae",on the edge of a marsh marked T.J.C.
(Terry & Jac s or } eing on the South line of a tract of land
conveyed to o b, deed recorded in Volume B of Deeds, page 43,
said stake sin variai n 22' East), bearing South 63° 30' West
660 feet � to e.,monument with a copper bolt in center set to
replace a staYce ma in the Northeast corner of the Donation Claim of
J.G. Cling a wi�said monument being West 155.1 feet from the
meander li f t� shore of Port Tuwnsend Bay; thence South 16'
West 5:11.3' to 6t�}ce; said point being the true point of beginning;
thence S th ' eft 469.92; thence North 40" West 1237.5' to the
North 1 n a id Clinger Donation Claim; thence East along said line
to the a t li a of said Section 16; thence South along said East
line 51 to meander corner between Section 15 and 16 of said
Township t en along said meander line South 24' 30' West 231' ;
th ce ou_ 9' West to a point which is East of the true point of
be g; hence West 415.8' plat to the true point of beginning.
.153 ISO
Dec,21,19R3 ._ -
That portion of the vacated J.C. Clingers Donato Clai n Section 16,
Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W.M. in Je_fers'pn o t , Washington,
described as follows:
beginning at point which is South 63' 0' West a d distant 660 feet
from a copper bolt set in a squared st e\\at the No theast corner of
said Donation Claim; thence South 16 ' est�,531. eet to the point of
intersection of the South line of land f er o ed by F.M. Terry
with the westerly line of-Fourth Street of lingers Addition
to the City of Port Townsend, as./pkr plat recorded in Volume 1 of
Plate on page 27, records of Jef-fergup County, being the true point
of beginning; thence South 72' lies 464. 9. feet; thence South 480.3
feet; thence East 300 feet to the 1.'e erly line of said Fourth Street;
thence Northeasterly along said, •e er }.,,1 ne of Fourth Street to
the true point of beginning I//
Except that portion lyin with CiA mat o_` Cove Addition as per
plat recorded in Volume1429f Ma s( n�a .e 27, records of Jefferson
County, Washington
That portion of the va a ed 4! ."Clingers Donation Claim in Section 16,
Township 30 worth, Ra e 1We t, W.M. in Jefferson County, Washington
described as fo s:
Beginning at o��h t h i outh 63' 30' West and distant 660 feet
from a topper b � i a squared stone at the Northeast corner of
said Donaci lal tRa c South 16' West 531.3 feet to the point of
intersecti n o he out line of land formerly owned by F.M. Terry
with the es r y ne f Fourth Street of J.G. Clingers Addition
to the Cit of ort send, as per plat recorded in Volume 1
of Plats on a records of Jefferson County; thence South 72'
West 469.9 et, th ce South 830.3 feet; thence East 179 feet; more
or less, o t We erly line of Said Fourth Street; thence North-
eastarl ft o e Westerly line of said Fourth Street, 63.9 feet to
the tr a oint o beginning; thence Northeasterly along the Westerly
line o sd o th Street, 298.6 feet; thence West 103.8 feet to
a li wn 1 feet Westerly from and parallel with the Westerly
li e o a ourth Street; thence Southerly along said parallel line
2 1 to thence Southeasterly 119.2 feet to the true point of
v,. 183 181
All that portion of vacated J. G. Clingers Addition, as er p a
recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 27, records of Jeers nty,
Washington; which lies vest of the Inner Harbor Lipa Sect ppr.s :5 and 16.
Tor.snhip 30 North, Range 1 West. W.M. and which Iles So therly\gf the
following described line "A" and Northerly of C v Ad t on,�per
plat recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 27, re os o Jefferson
County, Washinton. Except those pportion ng i e dedicated
:.treets, as said dedication is delinea d u n th off' ial maps of
Port Townsend First Class Tidelands da er1,arch 9 , on file in the
office of the Co=issioner of Public a ds o_` Washington
and any reversionary rights in favor f the Sta e f Washington.
except therefrom those portions convey d $ dee s recorded as
Auditors File no's. ld47b and 14436.
beginning at a point which is So th�6�3° 30' West and distant 660
feet from a copper bolt set in a s �rar stone at the Northeast
corner of said Donation Claim;� �nc Sob�h 16' West 531.3 feet to
the point of intersection oM' ov*Y�n?ent
Sa acne of '_and formerly owed
by.F. M. Terry with the Wesy }gif Fourth Street of said
J. G. Clingers Additio satng the true point of beKinning;
thence East 415.6 fee�y rwander line; thence t:orth-
easterly along said Cove nr, t canline to a point which is Sovth
24' 30W' along the slid . e -)dE e a d'_stance o`_ 205 `EEC from the
reander corner betwE � i- ct; s'�15 and 16, Township 30 -t:,. Range
1 l;Est, ti;.iJ. ; thtnc th 59 Last 620 feet more or less to the
Inner l:arber Line a d the �{e r.:inus o: said line.
That porta n o Se tIdn 16, Toa:,ship 30 North Range 1 West, W.M.
in Jeff r o Co ty\W� hington described as follows:
Beginn g a th So hwest corner of Cove Addition as per plat re-
corded Vo me f Plats. Page 27, records of Jefferson County,
W'ashin t , th ce South to the Southerly Section line of said Sec-
tion ,—the e asterly along said Southerly line to the Government
mea a in ence Northerly along the meander line to the South
lin �4)
s id Cove Addition; thence Westerly along said Southerly
lin th oint of beginning;
EXC ortherly 70 feet thereof;
E the Cove Addition County Road right of way as conveyed
truments recorded in Volume 1 of Road Waivers on page 92 and
on ag 93;
0 EPT the following described tract:
eg ning at a portion of the meander line which is South 409.2
f4* and East 2235.42 feet from the Southwest corner of Cove Addi-
tion as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, Page 27, records of
/}Jefferson County, Washington; thence Southeasterly along the meander
line to a point which is 80 feet North as measured along said
/ meander line from the Southeast corner of a tract of land deeded to
Fred J. Bailey on March 12, 1917, by deed recorded in Volume 84 of
Deeds. Page 144; thence West along the South line of said tract
100 feet; thence Nort'ierly parrallel to the meander line to a point
(Jest of the point of beginning; thence East to the point of beginning
" 1 sib
Dee.2I 1983
That portion of First Class Tidelands District 113 s s},own u�jon he
official maps of Port Townsend Tidelands on file in e���es
� of the
Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia. Washingt wh ch Southerly
of the South line of Cove Addition as per plat icor Volume 2
of Plats, Page 27, records of Jefferson County / asYr'ng ons
EXCEPT the North 70 feet thereof; Also except h folo�ing described
Beginning at a point on the meander 1 ne Secti37r-�6, Township 30
North, Range 1 West, W.M. , North 23° ' West 3 .6 feet distant
from the meander corner of fractional S ctions 16 and 21 ; in said
Township and running thence along the af�resai Bander line Korth 23°
1' West 111.4 feet; thence East 466 feet, os less, to the inner
harbor line; thence along said inner hsrboT_ Ijoe South 10° 43' East to
a point due East from the init'-aI point; thence West 462.5 feet, more or
less, to the place of beginning.
That portion of First Claesnd istrict No. 114, as show—,
upon the official wars f Pro os d Tidelands on file in the
office of the Corn.ias � c Lands at Olympia, Washington
described as follows:
Beginning at the mean o�yer'gf the line between Sections 16 and
21 of Tow.r.ship 30 No tk Ra e\1' West; thance along the continuation
of said Section lin ast 0 .6 feet to the low water line as shown
on the plat of-;he i Ian rvey on file in the office of the
Auditor of Jeff ifKkon Cou y; thence along said low water line South
46' 48' Ea.3f Ee a point due East from the meander corner
on line be w io 21 and 22 of the aforesaid Township; thence
West 415 t t th of esaid meander corner of Sections 21 and 22;
thence n� alaag t meander line of said Section 21 North 46° 45'
West 33 fid t\to e point of beginning ,
Gov* m L is and 2. Section 21, Township 30 North, Range 1 West,
W.M. n J f rson County, Washington, together with that portion of
the o thea t Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 21 lying
Nott o d ort Townsend State Park as granted by Jefferson County
us 8876.
Gornment Lots 1 and 5 in Section 22, Township 30 North, Range 1 West,
in Jefferson County, Washington, together with that portion of
the orthwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 22 lying
rth of Old Fort Townsend State Park as granted by Jefferson County
\ C urt Cause #8876,
Dec,21,1983 �
The following portion of District No. 114 as shown up the
official maps of Port Townsend Tidelands on file i he�OQffi e
of the Commissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, shingio?r�_
described as follows:
Beginning at the meander corner between Section 2�� 2,
Township 30 North, Range 1 lest, W.M. , t enc al r`g t meander
line by the following courses and dist c South 49° East 1158..9b feet;
South 57° East 1350 feet South 43° Eas 92.0 f e South 36° East
330.00 feet; South 30° 30' East 127.6 e t; thecce East 417.1 feet to low
water line; thence along the line of 1 w seer, /by the following
courses and distances, viz: North 11° 6' -V 3 5.0 feet; North
45° 25' West 840.5 feet; .worth 60° 49West 147y.2 feet; thence
North 58° 22' West 1083.6 feet; ence West 16 to the point of
beginning. \
PARCEL 1 E: \\�\
First Class Tidelands District No.
PARCEL 19: ~ 112 v shown upon the official naps
of Port Tou-isend Tidelands in J f son}County, Washington on file
in the office of the Cotissi�nl� lit Ltnds at OI»pia, Washington.
A leasehold estate in tOe—jollowibg described real prcperty created by
an unrecorded lease fr r
L S OR: The State of Washington.
� S EE: Crown Zellerbach.
F A TERM OF: 30 years.
ATED: August 8, 1971.
That portion\of t e h bo area in front of District Nos. 112 and 113,
Port Town a Tide and ging Southwesterly of the West line of Hill
Avenue Wat ei bounded by the inner and outer harbor lines and
the Narth lin of aid District No. 113 produced across the harbor area
to said W t e o ill Avenue Waterway as shown on the official maps
of Port To s d 'de Lands on file in the office of the Commissioner of
Public t ia, Washington.
va 183
Dec.2111983 - '
A leasehold estate in the following described real p pee r aced
by an unrecorded lease from:
LESSOR: C iy P t" Tend.
LESSEE: C o Ze 1 rbac
FOR A ?ERM OF: 4 ,arse,
DATED: 7 Ma ch 55 1956.
The real property interest being an e e enc for th ity of Port
Townsend Water Gravity Supply line as r ferenc n the City of
Port Townsend ordinances No. 947 and 31 and delineated and
shown by Clark and Associates aerial p of rap a d sketch dated
June 19, 1981 and on file at Port Towns d L� y all.
An easement and right of way as de rfbEd in instrur.ent recorded
under Auditor's File No. 2582y ai ea event pore particularly
described as follows! /
A pernerent, assignab3e\ no v easenent and right of way to
use, inprove, operatetp, -,and t, air existing 40' wide haul'y
over, across and througa � et ide parcel being 20 feet on
each side o_` the followin \ ri ed tract:
Beginning at the "B Mo ua+�t" as found by John U. Wright
survey in 1974 in t e Sou w st corner of the Northwest Quarter
of Section 15�. h 30 N rth, Range 1 West, W.M. , in Jefferson
County, Was t he outh 59' 58' 21" West 697.77 feet to a
point kno s S S thwest base in Section 16 of said township;
thence So t "1 8 4" West 1264.88 feet; thence South 09' 16' 04"
West 15 feet( mo o less to the North line of Block 23 in Cove
Additi n ' sai sec n and the true point of beginning; thence
Conti i with 16' 04" West 0.13 feet; thence South 28' 58`
20" We 1 .96 e thence South 24' 45' 09" West 189.85 feet;
thence o th 3' 18" West 148.85 feet to the terminus of
said cente 'ne.
Lo , Block 4, Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 6; Lots 1, 2, 3. and
ck 4, all in Gise's Addition as per plat recorded in 'Volume 2
Ipf ats, Page 18, records of Jefferson County, Washington, together
( Zw hose portions of vacated Lake Avenue, Carroll Avenue and Fifth
\ \ Str abutting upon said lot which would attach by operation of law.
183 195
D`1, 983 — - _
That portion of the following described tract, d a d-8
� ,ax S;
being a 90' strip of land lying Westerly and m�a ure p rpenZl2cular
from the existing Port Tow-nsend Gravity Water u ly i e, as it
existed on August 24, 1954, EXCEPT that/,- co y d to the
City of Port Townsend in deed recorde "i Volume 4 Deeds, Page 447;
Tax 5;
That portion of Section 16, Township 30 North, Ra ge 1 West, W.M. in
Jefferson County, Washington, describ7d s fol ow :
Beginning at a point on.the West line\olthe Tgtry Tract in the Brigg's
Donation Claim which point is 2g rods Sout-h--6f the Northwest corner of
said Terry Tract (said Terry�Ir t is described in deed recorded in
Volume 8 of Deeds, Page 74) th"oiuth 330' ; thence West 264' ; thence
North 330'; thence East 264' to t e p int of beginning.
That portion of Lot 141,
L t 1, 2, 3, 37, 39, 39, 40 and L1
in Block 5; and Lots �id B iBlock 8 of D.T. Danny's Sec-
ond Addition to Fort s d fps pe z` plat recorded in Volume 2 of
Plats, Page 86, records � J . rr- n Cou:ity, Washington, Iving
Westerly of the TightLec
�o?? the Port Townsend Gravity tater
Supply line and East a ne 90 feet Westerly from and parallel .
to the existing wat rv line of said city;
EXCEPT that p tion o &ter supply line right of way a's described
in Volume H K o s over Proceedings, oases 254 and 255, and
pages 528 &1 Szewe1y.
PARCEL 25:� (��
That p G Lo 1 and 2 in Block 7; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12 in Block
8; Lots 1, �1 n 12 in Block 21; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12 in Block 22;
Lots 1 a d 1 n B ck 35 and Lot 1 in Block 36, of Phillips Bay View
Addition o or Townsend as per plat recorded in Volume 2 of Plats,
Page 8 in Wg terly of the right of way of the Port Townsend Gravity
Wate S;ppppl ince and Easterly of a line 90 feet Westerly from and
ppara el � o, the existing water supply line of said city;
EXC P tba p rtion of said water supply line right of way as described
in lu nd K of Commissioner Proceedings, pages 254 and 255, and
psBEs 28 d 531, respectively.
Dec,21,198J " �
That portion of Lot I in Block 7„ Lots 1 and 12LA�' r
° .-Boc S„ •,'~o`s
6 and 7 in Block 20; Lots. 1 and 12 in Block 21ts d It in
Slack is 6 and 7 in Block 23; Lots 6 and B ® 34and Lot in Block 37, o the Eisenbeis av 'ie ,Ad-dit n to 'Port
Townsend, as per plat recorded in 4°olu e,2 f Plats-;...- age 54, records
of Jefferson. County, WasHngton, lyin esterly the right of way
of the Port Townsend Gravity Water Su p y linen Easterly of a
line 0 feet Westerly from and par-all I 'to they sting water
supply line of said city; \ w
EXCEPT that portion of said water supply`,Jine °glrt of way as
described in Volume H & K of Commissioner PY eedings pages 254
and 255 and pages 526 and 531 �eip ,ctively.
ALSO, that portion of Lots 2 1�r, ~aid 15 o Kearney's Plat„ as per
plat recorded in Wolune 1 of t pi a 6, records of Jefferson Covnty,
i+ashingt.on® lying test r y o t r ht of way of the Port Townsend
Gravity Water Supply I"'�`a a� s`c y of a line 90 feet Westerly fror.
and parallel to, the exi jngyw: 4 supply line of said city,„ tXCEPT
that portion of saidwa tr r¢plw line right of way as described in
Volume H of Commissio O-Ir roes, nss, pages 254 and 255® ALSO EXCEPT
that portion o said w ,, x p y line right of way as described in
Jefferson County Su E Dior 0u t Case Nos. 3675 and* 3869,
easeTe t dSs rib d, 1rr�� Instrument recorded der Auditor's Pile
ow 143 ore g+,artic4�larly described as follows.
An easet o cost ct, alter, repair, improve, operate and maintain
an eleiF, tkapsmi ion line over that poriton of Lot 7, Kearnev®s
Plat® as er-,plat,recorded in Vol of Plats on page 6, records of
Jeffe son un Washington, lying Westerly of the right of way of
t o t_-..T
end Gr vity Vater Supplyy Line and Easterly of a line 0
feet Wl stea`jy from, and parallel to ttwa existing water sup ply line o
said c tv
xt `t tr nt described in instrument recorded under Auditors Pile
Isms,, 143044, more particularly described as follows:
",e" ement to construct, alter, repair, improve o eratt n maintain
w„ n ectrical transmission line over that portion o_ Lots 4, 5, and 6,
lock 1:, Dm T. Denny's Second Additionto Port Townsend, as per plat
w, corded in Vol 2' o lata n page $6, records of Jefferson County,
ashington, lying Westerly of the right o way of the ort Townsend
-evity Water Supply Line as it existed n September 2, 1954 and
Easterly of a line O feet tlesterly from the parallel to water supply
line of said city 4s it existed on September 2, 1954,
w, I Sad
PARCEL 30: \
An Easement described in instruments recorded under di ' F"le
Not. 143086, 143087! and 143089, more particularly de ibeas follows:
An easement to construct, alter, repair, improv apgra e ai aintain
an electrical transmission line over that port' of \ he Sout east
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and the East If ofCh Southwest
Quarter in Section 21, Township 30t'Orth ge 1 CJesf, W.M. , in
Jefferson County, Washington, being tdes erl of t t Townsend
Gravity Eater Supply line and Easterly o a lin 0 feet Westerly
from and parallel to said water suppl Mine as 't xisted on September
2! 1954. \
An Easement described ininstruTyn�,�s recorded under Auditor's File
Nos. 143090, 143092, 143093, 143156-,,and 143084, mere particularly
described as follows:
An easement to construct, altersrE�\si 4,prove, operate and r.aintain
ar. electrical transr..iEsion li er hcs-C portions of the hest Half
of the Southeast Quarter of
e .o es Quarter, and the kelt }alf
o_` the Northeast QLerter ` t E o t st Quarter, Govkrnr..ent Lets 5
and 6 in Section 28, To 0 lc Range 1 t:ESC, t:.t'. , in 3e_`erson
Gounty, Was'nin ton, wiic �'l,i`e F cte of the Fort Tow^�send Grav: y
i:ater Suppl and which lie as r y of a line 90 feet Westerly :roz
and parallel to said 1:2• li aS�it existed on September 2, 1954.
An easement des qb d it t-r Hent recorded under Auditor's File
No. 143084, m /p r u ar.Ly described as follows:
An easement cn tr \alter, repair, improve, operate and tr.aintain
an electri a rar.. issi line over that portion of the Southerly 100
feet of G Lo 5 in Section 28, Township 30 North, Range 1 hest,
W.M., in f e on un y, Washington, which lies Vesterly of a line
90 feet Wet erly�from nd parallel to the Port Townsend Gravity Water
Supply line s t misted on September 2, 1954.
An ease e t de c ibed in instrument recorded under Auditor's File
No. 143 91, r particularly described as follows;
An iso t to construct, alter, repair, improve, operate and maintain
ana ri 1 transmission line over that portion of Government Lot 6
ectt rt S. Township 30 North, Range 1 float, W.M., in Jefferson
t Washington described as follows:
tr f land 100 feet in Width extending along the Northerly boundary
f e U. S. Military Reservation in said Lot 6 and continuing to a point
f 1 eet Westerly from the produced West line of said Reserve; thence
So t erlyy along the Westerly boundary of saidReserve to the South line
� id Kot 6.
183 198
An easement described in instrument recorded under Au it is File
No. 143085, more particularly described as follows:
An easement to construct, alter, repair, improve, op at maintain
an electrical transmission line over the East 10""t f e Southwest
Quarter of the Northwest Quarter in Section 33,/Towns p 0 ' rth,
Range 1 West, W.H. , in Jefferson County, 1-lashi on, E CEP t e South
208.71 feet.
An easement described in instrument E orded nr Auditor's File
No: 143096, more particularly descrie as fol o •s;
An easement to construct, alter, repai i ov , operate and raintain
an electrical transmission line over tha on of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southwest Qua ter�in Section 33, Township 30 North,
Rangge 1 hest, W.H. , in Jeffer3�n 6Qunty, Washington, described as
Beginning at the intersects o he W _terly line of the right-of-way
of the Puget Sound Power ad pjht o. with the Northerly right-of-way
line of permanent hi a, 'o� hey?ce Northerly along said PLge:
Sound Power b Light o 1: t in to the East and Fest center line of
said Section 33; then ti t lon said cen:er line 100 feet; tY.ence
Southerly parallel to s 'd get ound Power and Light Co's hest line
to the Northerly Ri f- 'ay ine of said highway; thence Easterly
along said Norther y n;e te point of bEginning
An easem �d cr`bbe instrument recorded under Auditor's File
No. 1430 6, ln7r pa'r iicularly described as follows;
An ea e e t <o onstYuct, alter, repair, improve, operate and maintain
an e1 1 a ra mission line over the South 208.71 feet of the
East 8. fee the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter in
Sectio owns ip 30 North, Range 1 West, W.H. , in Jefferson County,
Was on.
P �L 7:
e se described in instrument recorded under Auditor's File
/ 0. 430 . more particularly described as follows:
Q�ae ement to construct, alter, repair, improve, operate and maintain
n�ctrical transmission line over that portion of Government Lot 4,
ction 33. Township 30 North, Range 1 West, W.H., in Jefferson County,
\ Washington described as follows:
\ A strip of land 100 feet in width extending along the Westerly boundary
J of the United States Military Reservation in said Lot 4 and continuing
to a point 100 feet Southerly from the produced Southerly line of said
Reserve; thence Easterly along the Southerly line of said Reserve to
the East line of said Lot 4; thence Southerly along the Eastern boundary
of said Lot 4 to the Southerly boundary of said Lot 4.
An easement described in instrument recorded, de Au4 is
File No. 144043, more particularly descri e�as,10 lowst
An easement to construct, alter, re �provo, perate and
ma in an electrical transmissrGravi
h ova t portion of
the Northwest Quarter of the SouQua er in Section 33,
Township 30 North, Range 1 West, yi westerly of the
Right-of-Way of the Port Townset W ter Supply line
and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of of said
Northwest Quarter of the uthwest Quarter and the Southerly
boundary of the Right-oWa of permanent Highway No. 7;
thence North 800 36' West�-
5�Lt, 1 inch; thence Southerly
parallel to the Eastern u dart' of the said Northwest
Quarter of the Southwestuart , 'h distance of 279.fi feet;
thence Easterly 252.4 f e nce/Northerly 238.0 feet to
the boundary of above H g w�kyND7. 7; thence Westerly on a
line North 80° 3�Wes g4ig ove Highway No. 7 to the
point of begirnni
That portion of F' t lis\� tidelands fronting Section 16,
Township 30 No t , R g 1 West, W.M. in Jefferson County,
Washingto de r'bed /s follows:
g nirigLyJY the meander corner between
44 do 15 and 16, Township 30 North,
R ng Zest, W.M., thence along the
m nde �, ine with the following courses
/end istances viz:
Sou 24°30' West 231.00 feet; South 19'
at 924.0 feet; South 4° West 148.00
fe which is the true point of
b inning; thence East 338.0 feet to the
inner harbor line; thence South 10`43'
East 82.2 feet; thence West 410.0 feet
/J to the meander line; thence North 4°
East along said meander line 82.1 feet
16/769 1
to the true point of beginning; EXC
that portion, if any, that may lie wiin��
Block 23, Cove Addition, as per pla't--,,
recorded in Volume 2 of Plats, peg
27, records of Jefferson C u
Washington. As conveyed by dee ecor e
under Auditor's File No. 258275
1. Easement and terms and c n itions th reof affecting
portions of Parcels 7 and 8 to 1 pic P w r Company dated
December 12, 1911, recorded ce r 8 1911, under
Recording No. 34306;
2. Easement and termsa conditions thereof affecting
portions of Parcels 4 and anted to Puget Sound Power and
Light Company, dated Octobe 14, 1931 recorded November 18,
1931, under Recording No 73 4
3. Easement and ter s a d^ca ditions thereof affecting a
portion of Parc��-�12, a Rainiey Von Lossow and
Ryllen Von Gossc(w,/ us a wife, and Wilfred Easterbrook
and Sarah Easter o h sba d and wife, dated August 31,
1943, recorded Sept et`1, 943, under Recording No. 100541.
4. Easement n termsl,#nd conditions thereof affecting a
portion of Par a 12, g anted to Rainey Von Lossow and Ryllen
Von Loa w, h s and a.d wife, and Wilfred Easterbrook and
Sarah st br ok, s and and wife, dated August 31, 1943,
recor a ep L/1943, under Recording No. 100542.
S. Ea e en t nd terms and conditions thereof affecting a
p r i o Par 12, granted to R.G. Von Lossow and
it Easterbrook, dated May 7, 1951, recorded May 11,
1 51, nde ,Re oyding No. 126912;
6, se ent and terms and conditions thereof affecting a
on f arcel 25, granted to City of Port Townsend, dated
ua 2 , 1929, recorded February 21, 1929, under Recording
0. 0 50;
sement and terms and conditions thereof affecting a
or on of Parcel 25, granted to City of Port Townsend, dated
March 13, 1929, recorded May 10, 1929, under Recording
�g 61099;
D`21,1987 _. i
8. Easement and terms and conditions thereo�ffecti g a
portion of Parcel 25, granted to City of Pot` To s d dated
July 2, 1929, recorded July 3, 1929, 'n R cor 'n
No. 61550;
9. Easement and terms and condi on t�@ reo fecting a
portion of Parcel 24, granted to if Pornsend, dated
June 18, 1929, recorded June 8 1929, a der Recording
No. 61508;
10. Easement and terms and con 'ti s e eof affecting a
portion of Parcel 7, granted to CS�y o Pyt Townsend dated
January 30, 1956, recorded March 8,'143"6 under Recording
No. 148873;
11. Easement and terms aann24�ckitions thereof affecting a
portion of Parcel 22, set ford 1n` instrument recorded under
Recording No. 250088;
12. Restriction as C nga. n i resolution vacating Lake
Street affectinrc / 2 a set forth in instrument
recorded under R yd'ng 0. 0088;
13. Right to yake n esiary cuts and slopes as granted to
Jefferson Count �5y ee �e orded under Recording No. 145192,
affecting Parc 1
( c
14. Res ati s\co lned in deeds from the State of
Washing co ed uurr) er Recording Nos. 57964, 57965 and
7946;15. y p ohil3'tiq, of or limitation of use, occupancy or
im r event fE land resulting from the right of the
p 1 f�pa an owners to use any portion which is now or
he fo erly e n covered by water;
16. a ' o t rights and easements in favor of the United
e to ryegulate commerce, navigation, fishing and the
r ct n of power.
1 Mjt ers as follows as disclosed by Survey recorded under
ec 1 g No. 272050 and affecting a portion of Parcel 22:
r (a) Shop building encroachment
(b) Fence line on northerly boundary
18. Matters as disclosed by Survey recorded anuary 3,
1977, under Recording No. 239472; C J �
19. Classification of a portion of Parceis-l5nd ,�6 as
forest land pursuant to notice recorded Dere r 1, �76
under provisions of RCW 84.34. C \
20. Lease dated June 1, 1979, r ed \Juz�e--Y, 979, under
Recording No. 258611; %
21. Lease dated August 1, 19 8, recon ed August 11, 1978,
under Recording No. 251966;
22. Reservations contained in d ds corded under Recording
Nos. 143084, 14305, 143086, 14308 088, 143089, 143090,
143091, 143092, 143093,1143094, 143095, 143096, 143156 and
144043, affecting Parcel 24 through 38;
23. Lease dated May 19, 19'T� corded May 19, 1978, under
Recording No. 284608;
24. Unrecorded leas d e -,Sep ember 18, 1972, for a term of
fort (40) yea s, be e C n Zellerbach Corporation and
Sarah L. Easta fe i g a portion of Parcel 12;
25. Unrecorded ea dated June 9, 1981, for a term of ten
years with an pt on enew annually thereafter, between
Crown Zeller Co ra ion and Florence Hos, affecting a
portion Of PP r Is a d 22;
ashipy Jy o ;,cis OF xczrls
9 9. 00 = kcvctiuc Pautis _---
E Q, ,j
Il�fO 3'1 _--fIX-- = iECO,ROE81f VOLUME
9 9 9.0 0 = Of OFfiG►fit W�T�-,
4RLv VF PB 1',411 _ 'L."L
\ r: 'r:C: N Mei.1,
�` .. . T�7:t'r 3r
1Et�tD'0._t10[li�-/P7Df Zt4._.
V L 1 IF 3 •�.r 1.913
26. Unrecorded Lease dated April 1, 1983, for a term f one
(1) year with annual renewal periods, bet o n
Zellerbach Corporation and Allen D. Level;
27. Easement and terms and conditions thereof ffe ng a
portion of Parcels 7, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27—gr it t City
of Port Townsend, dated October 28, 1 ec de
October 27, 1983 under Recording No. 286 4
DATED: December
Aft. No. 1 (\ p
` E A, tchell
TREASURER ExecutI Vice President
On this - y f December, 1983, the
undersigned, a pqtar i n and for the State of
California, dul mi i a
� ow d sworn, personally appeared
E.A. Mitchell, to to a the Executive Vice President
of Crown Zellerbaa ration, the corporation that
executed the foFe-? nein �rument, and acknowledged the said
instrument to life a rEe✓'and voluntary act and deed of said
corporation, f r the s s and purposes therein mentioned, and
on oath stat d he l,•a authorized to execute the said
instrumnnd tha h seal affixed is the corporate seal of
said o p a 'o
S my hand and official seal hereto affixed
t a, an yea�irst above written.
ut SFI�i
ADEI E CRAVOTTA cirL ",cL=.��Cat
ARV YU81rC-OMJ,ORNIA NOTA P LIC in and for the
C �ss.onF.ore�Ac�n�e.� State o WaphX)igton, residing
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