HomeMy WebLinkAbout9202-01C S T Y O F PORT TO WN S END THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION ~to~ ~e~-~ ~e7L~~P-~. Permit Numher 9202-01 Issued 2/4/92 Treas. No. Job Address 1034-1044 lJater Street ioninq C111 Type 111-1 hr. Occ,7oanc~ A-3 Nature of pork Commercial remodel Use of Buiidinq(sj Pub Amer John Prvor Contractor On the Level--Rob Grave BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheetj *NEW ENEEGY CDDE* 1. Gi00NDI+pRR: plumbing Ins-ector Date Z. FCOTINGS~SL.,BS: Se*_baces_ Foc-ns_ Reinforcenent_ Sia6_ Ins-eror Date 3. FOUNDATION :TALL: Fora- Reinforcexnt_ Feather Proofing, `ienrs_ CraGl Acess - Inspector Data ~. FLOOR FEAIQNG:. Girders- Joists- Bridai7m_ Shield Under Posts- positive Past; Girder Connect GizderiCon¢ete-1/2" Treated .load to Concrete- bnchor Bolts rjiiashers Inspector Date '18IHG: Drains- Pents_ Traps- Cleanrouts, ;later Supply- Gas ;apply- 1715-eCtpI Ddt2 :1L: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Duc'.s_ Inspector 's_ Ceiling Eoof Vents ~iindovs_ •~etrations_ Chimney Straps- Inspector Date call Ceiling Baffles I715-ector Date ng_ Inspector Date Inspector Date ~J~iQ l (h5~BC1.IOCI !J`~"g _ ~ _ Nech/heating Smoke pet. House No. 1JI Inspe~or ~4~ Date % ~C~ "~j 2- before you d i g Z i n o l o c a t e s 4- 5 5 5 5 C S T Y O F PORT TO WN S EN D BUILDER'S PERMIT S INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION f fir" r,::: 1 is Pernit Number 9202-01A Issued 3/4/92 Treas. Ho. sob Address 1038 IJater Street 3oninq 111 TypeIII-1 hourpc~,~pancl - Natuze of +ork Remodel Commerci a Bui ding Use of Buiidinq(sj Public House/pub rimer CJOtrd~.Or *NEW fd1ERG'1 CODE* I. G"r,OUNOGORE: P!umbinc inspector Data 2. FCOTINGSrSLABS: SetbacYS_ Forms- Reiniorcemeat_ Siah_ 3. FOUNDATION BALL: Fora Gents Inspector pate Reinforceneat_ Feather Proofing- CLdSil Aces L75peCtpl Dat2 ~. FLOOR FRAlQNG:: Girders- Joists- Bridgina_ Shield Under posts- positive Past; Girder Connect_ Girder;Con~ete-I/2"_ Treated Food to Concrete- Anchor Bolts rjNashers_ Inspector Date 5. PLOlR3ING: brains - Gents- Traps- Cleanrouts_ ~Jater Supply= Gas ;~pply- inspector l= Date~~, "~ ~~~' 6. MRCHAIRCAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Duc's_ Inspector Date f L`ry'_ 1' i. FRAMING: ~ialls_ Ceilin4_ Roaf Vents +lindours~ `' Ia Siall Penetrations 1 Chimney Straps- Inspector ~ ~ Date ? - l/. % ~' 3. INSULATION: Floor _ gall Ceilina_ Baffles- Inspector Date 9. DRYBALL NAILING: palls- Ceiling- Inspector Date ' ~ ~~ ~, I0. DRAINAGE: Insaector Date 11. FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. Mech/heating Smoke Det. House No. ****Needs approved Sign pernit**** Inspe~or Date C a 1 1 4 8 hours before you d i g f o r u t i l i t y line locate s 1- 8 0 0- 4 Z 4- 5 5 5 5 CST Y O F P O RT T O WN S E N D BUILDER'S PERMIT 6 INSPECTION RECORD {See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Pewit Number 9202-01 B Issued 4/10/92 Treas. No. lob Address 10381038 Wate~treet ioninq C111 Type 3-1 hour Occupancy A-3 Nature of cork Instal l cooki n hood system Use of Buiidinq(s) ~- amer John Pryor Contractor Northern Sheetmeta o ruye eneral *NEW ENEBG'1 CODE* 1. GROUNDWORK: P!umbinc Inspector 2. FCOTiNGS/SLAAS: Setbac.+cs_ fora- Reinforcement- Siah Inspector 3. FOUNDATION FALL: Fors Vents Reinforcement- Weather Proofina_ Cravi Acess - LnSDeCtp7 Dat2 Date Ddt2 4. FLOOR FRAYING:: Girders^ Taists~ Hridginc Shield Under Posts- positive Past; Girder Connect_ GirderrConcete-I/2"~ Treated Wood to Conc:ete_ Anctsor Bolts riWashers Lnsnector pate 5. PLUMBING: Drains- Gents- Traps- Clean-outs- dater Suooly_ Gas Supply_ InsDeCtOT Ddt2 fi. MECS3MICAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Reat pacts- Inspector Date r. FRAMING: Walls- Ceiling- $oof Vents Windovs In 'dall Peaetrations_ Chimney Straps- Inspector Date 8. INSULATION: FIDpr _ Rall Ceilinq~ Barfles_ Inspector 9. DRYWALL MAILING: Walls- Ceiling_ 10. DRAINAGE: Inspector Date Inspector Date il. FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. / Mech/heating ~" Smoke Det. House No. ~.- Inspector ~L` ~ DateL ~ ~ ~ `~r' Ca11 48 Y>LOUZ-s bt-?fore y,pu dig f o r u t i l i t y 1 i n a l o c a t e s 1- 8 0 0- 4 Z 4- 5 5 5 5