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BUILDER'S PERMIT S INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION a Permit Number 9201-15 Issued 1/26/92 Tzeas. No. Job Address 2115 Vic-toria Avenue Zoning R-1 Type 5-N occumancf M-1 Nature of Work Build carport Dse of Building(s) carport o-iner Hank Kimball Contractor Same as Owner *New ENegcr coDe* 1. GgODHDWORK: Plumbing Inspector Date 2. FOOTINGS/SL.1&5: Setbac.'ts~ Farms ~ Reiniorcement_~ Slab- ,,. Inspector _ i~ ~> Date ~."rte 3. FODNDATION MALL: Fo->,s- Reinfarcexnt_ Weather Proofing l Vents- Crawl Acess - - inspector Date ~. FLC08 FRAMING:: Girders- Joists- Bridging- Shield Dnder ?osts- Positive Post; Girder Connect Girder; Concrete-!/2"- Treated Wood to Concete- Anchor Bolts riWashers imspector pa{e ~5. PL0IIDING: Drains- Vents- Trans- Clean-outs- :later Supply- Gas Supoly- Inspector Date 6. IlECRANICAL: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Dues- inspector 7. FBANINC: :tails- Ceiling- goof Vents `~iindovs Date In Wall Peaetrations_ Chimney Straps- Inspector Date a. INSDLATION: Floor _ call Ceiling- Baffles- 9. DRYtiALL NAILING: Walls- Ceiling_ inspector Date Inspector 10. DRAINAGE: Data Insaector Date ,~ ~; 11. FINAL INSPECTION: 8uildinq F Plumb. Xecb/heating Smoke Det. House Ho. _ ,~ - -' ~ - ~ _ y ~~ Inspector I!_~' Date ~ _S -<~ _~ ~~`I ~~ .,~ ~ ~~~~ "4~ ,~ -. _'~ ~. Ca11 . 48 Yiours before you dig f'o,r utility line locates 1- 8 0 0- 4 2 4- 5 5 5 5 .1M . \ ~L t~i~,