DATE: May 4, 2016 START TIME: 3:00 p.m. LOCATION: City Hall, Conference Room 1
MEMBERS PRESENT: Owen Rowe, Stan Rubin (Chair), Abbie Greene, Dan Groussman, Dominica Lord-Wood
MEMBERS EXCUSED: Lisa Wentworth, Kris Morris
STAFF PRESENT: Deputy City Clerk Joshua Stecker
Topic Motions/Recommendation/Action
Approval of Minutes: April 6, 2016 The minutes were unanimously approved.
The Commission reviewed an application from Port Townsend School
of the Arts presented by Kerry Tremain to fund a monthly art
experience for Grant Street Elementary students.
The Commission voted 3-0 (with Dan Groussman
recused and Dominca Lord-Wood not present) to
fund $1350 for programming through December 2016 and invite the applicant to submit an
application for further funding in 2017.
The Commission reviewed an application from Jefferson Farm Tour
presented by Aba Kiser to fund a promotional video.
The Commission unanimously voted not to fund the
project and invited the applicant to return with a
redesigned project.
The Commission reviewed an application from Northwind Arts Center
presented by Kathryn Hunt to fund a Reading Series.
The Commission approved funding of $1000 by a
vote of 3-1 (with Dominica Lord-Wood recused).
The Commission reviewed an application from the Port Townsend Film
Festival presented by Janette Force and Jan Halliday to fund the Peter
Simpson Free Cinema.
The Commission approved funding of $2500 by a
vote of 4-1.
Owen Rowe updated the Commission on the plans for Fort Worden’s
Makers Square.
Next Regular Meeting: June 1, 2016
Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m.