HomeMy WebLinkAbout9311-09' City of Port Townsend Port ownsend,tWA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD & APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1609 WASHINGTON 5T Parcel No: 989703301 Project: BARNETT & HOLMES 1609 WASHINGTON ST PORT TOWNSEND, WA 98368 Issued: 817197 9311-09R3 BARNETT VERNON E EMILY D HOLMES 1609 WASHINGTON ST -YKUJCIi VCJIi RIr' I IvIV Revision No. 3: Remodel interior F-1 & F-2 of existing house. City Contact: Construction Type/Occ Use/Occ Load Type of work: ALT Construction Occupancy Type of use: Type t: SN Group 1: R-3 Load 1: Census Category: Type 2: Group 2: Load 2: Estimated Value: $37,SDD.DD Type 3: Group 3: Load 3: Zoning: R-II T SI Code: Type 4: Group 4: Load 4: SPECIAL CONDITIONS/RESTRICTIONS APPLY -SEE LAST PAGE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS --- Date Insp Inspection Inspection ~ __. LUMBING -Window Safety Glazing -Rough-In (D-V-T & Cln Outs) -Air Seal -Water Supply -Door(s) -Hose Bibs (bckflw pro. regd) INSULATION - - _. -_ j-Pressure Reduction Valve - Insp-See Special Conditions ~ -- -Water Heater -Fill Exposed Cavities - _ - - MECHANICAL ~_ _-__ _. j-Source Specific Fan ,~7 b ~ U~ VAPOR BARRIER -- DRYWALL NAILING - ---- ~RAMING ,~ ~~ -Walls - -Ceiling FINAL - ~_ JVlndow U Value 37 j - - - Final House Number -- ---- Final-Building Call 48 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 1 of 2 Date ..arc City of Port Townsend Port ownsend?WA 98368 Building and Community Development BUILDER'S PERMIT AND INSPECTION RECORD THIS CARD 8. APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON CONSTRUCTION SITE AT INSPECTION TIME Call 385-2294 For Inspection Site Address: 1609 WASHINGTON ST Parcel No: 989703301 Project: _ _ - - __ Inspection Date Inspector Final-Plumbing !Final-Mechanical/Heating (Final-Smoke Det. Througout SPECIAL CONDITIONS /RESTRICTIONS Issued: 8/7/97 L Block: tT 311-09R3 1 . INSULATION: Ceiling above garage insulated with initial permit. Allows UA credits for addeld glazing. See energy information on plans. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A separate electrical permit is required for any electrical work. 2. Reinspections are required after any corrections are complete. 3. Final Inspections and approvals are required prior to occupancy. 4. All building permits expire if no progress has been made within six months, or if no inspections have been made by the Building Department within one year. Call for at least one inspection per year to keep your building permit active. 5. POST THIS PERMIT ON-SITE WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. a 611148 hours before you dig for utility line locates 1-800-424-5555 Page 2 of 2 .~' SIG qq C=TY OF' PORT TOWNSEN ~W=~/~~~~ ~L:1~. ~~rQ~ ~ BUILDERS PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD [LW,.~r~ ~~„}~i'~ ~~ !~ J ~~~ , ~JGn!,u~ (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) ~F'ti}N~~~i~j~~~ (, /j` HIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE ` /A~r10U~sg (( ~~, JOi ~ C?,LL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Perait Number 9311-09 Issued 11 /18/93 Treas. Ho. Job Address 1609 Washin ton St. Ionina R-II 1"~pe V-N occtoanc: R3/Nl Nature of ~+ortFoundation x basement storaatnse of 9uiidinq(si t+~ell-Yng Amer Tern Barn & Diane Holme Contrctor same 3NEB ENERGY CODE* t. Gr".OUtIDt+ORK: ?lumbina !/ Insoector_ ,~W Data • 9 1. FOOTINGS/SLABS: Setbac.'cs_/G pyocss_~ Reinionrc/~exnt_~~Slah_ ~~ r~~ ~ie ~UtL' as"(,~A' (%rt~~ th/ Insoector- --~G~(~ ~~-~j~q Da re j~-~-~ 3. FOUNDATION GALL: For;s_~ Reinforcement •!Beather ?roofing <~ 4ents_ Czas:l Acess i~ - i:nsaector !J L~ Data,f~~~ ;• FLOOR FRAHIHG:. Girders- Joists- Bridgina_ Shield Dnder Posts o - ?ositi~e .ost;Girdet Connect Gi der;Concrete-112" Treated '+bod to Concrete- Anchor Bolts -r/pasheLS ''n . !'L. )j Insoector Date 5.//PLIINBING-: Drains / ~ ants ~~ Prams ~ Clean-outs ~/ pater SuODly / Gas ;uool~t o. MECHANICAL: Furnace ~Exh~t Heat Ducts_ t~l "1 c ~ TLS ><. "'^-- ~ ~- v(-l(-Y~IC//1~ Insoector ~ ~~_ Date~;~s~~ Insoector ~ Date a ' FBANIHC: Baalls • _ Cellinq Root vents Bindovs._ Air Seal_ In Mall P<~te trations- rhimrtey Straos_ Insoector ;ata 3. INSULATION: Floor ~ gall ~ Ceilina~ Baifles _ G~~" ~~~ ~" ~ ~ Insoector j~~ _Date~~~ ~, 9. DRYWALL NAILING: Balls - Ceilinq _ ' Insoector Date 10. DRAIHACE: Inspe~or Date lI- FI,YAL I95PECTIOft: euildinq Plumb. Mach/heatinq Smoke pet. House No. _~ Barrier: Insulation Certificate Inspector Date _4 ou! poly _V. B. Paint -Kraft Paper (etnifiute rcquircJ) CaLZ ~8 2'lours before you dig for u t i l i t y Z i n o Locate s L-~ ~ ~- 4 Z 4- 5 5 5 5 . ~~ti~ ~~ ~~ ~~ CSTY OF PORT TOWNSENDt,~~,~~yC ~LyE BUILDER'S PERMIT 6 INSPECTION RECORD ~~~~}) {~(,•~'4y ~~/ (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) ~IJ~~;~(~ THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION '-' Per~it Number 9311-09 Issued 11 /1 S/93 Treas. Ho. Job sddress 1609 liashin ton St. ionina R-II Prne V-N GCCJDdnC: R3/M1 nature of aork Foundation w basement storaa8lse of 9uiidinq(s ~ D1veT1-i ng o-.~ner Vern Barnett & Diane Holmes Contractor same }xEN ENERGY mDe+ .:~ ~ ~ lz~~ y ~ ~ ~ S - I3 -0 3 t. GaOUNDtiORK: Plumbing L/ Inspector , W Date_~,~. c 1. FCOTLYGSr54;B5: Setbacks_~G Farss_~,feinfotcexnt f~Siab_ ~E~ t'Z"r~ ~ie ~r8'L~L' ~Lera~G ~//~1~~ ~ Insaector_ ~~~ Dat, 1. FOUNDATION GALL: Forss_~ 3einfarceeent /Heether ?reafinq~~ "+ens_ tYacl .lcess - inspector CkLe~~ :. FLOOR FRAHING:. Girders- Joists- Bridging- Stueld Under Pass- Positi~re Post; Girder Connect- ,~,~~G1 der;'Canczete-1/2" Treated %bad to Conc:9te_ Snchor Bolts r~~asbers- ~~~~ ~ $j L'3~~5 ~~ . inspecor Date F.~tM ZjS~9~' ~'j~ / i. PLUNBIHG: Drains_~/ 'dents/ lYaos_~/Cleanrouts `~ +at~* Suooly ~/ Gas 3uno ~ ~ ~., ~~ Cnspector DatzE~d~G1F!/ 5. NECHANIC3L: Furnace- Exhaust- Heat Ducts- Insoe~or Date '. FRANIHG: Halls- Ceiliba 4oof Vents ~indovs._ Air Seal, In ~vall Penetrations d. INSU[~ATIOH: Floor _ gall chimney Straos_ Insaeeor ;ate Ceiling- Baffles! 9. DRYNALL NAILING: galls- Ceilinq_ 10. DRAINAGE: inspector Date Inspector Data Inspector Date ~I. FINAL [NSPECTIOtt: Building P!umb. Nech/heating Smoke Det. House No. ,,or Barrier. Insulation Certificate- Inspector Date ,_ _4 mil poly _V, B. Paint -Kraft Paper '~'/ '~ Q~sety~ ~~-~ Q ~l ~y ~j _ 7 ~,-0.~ (certificate rcquircJ) l• Ca 1 Z 4 8 hours before you d i.g for uti 1 ity 1 inP 1oca~as -. r, ,-, .. -. _ ~ .- CSTY OF PORT TOWNSEND ~~~Iia~~-1, ~ BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD ~ ~~I*<~')1~~~1~1~, (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) ~ ~' ~~~1~~~~~' "` THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Perait Number 9311-09 Issued 11118(93 Treas. Ho. Job Address 1609 Nashin ton St. loninq R-II Type V-N xcupancy R3/M7 Mature of ~orkFoundation w basement storageise of Buiidinq~si Uwe~ing Omer Yern Barnett & Diane Holmes Contractor same *NEW ENERG7 CODE* i. Gr".OUND[~RK: ?lambing !~ Inspector ,Uw Date • • 9 L/FyG~OT~INGS~SL.`.AS: Setbac.YS_~ fons!~ Reinforcement S~Slab` /~.~/~q `~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Inspector ~Gl~ Daces--~-,'~ 3. FOUNDAT ON +IALL: Fotms~~ Reaniorcexnt / eeather 3oofinq~' 'venis_ ~Yarl Acess I ~ D _~~ InSpeCtor /~ DnL2~/G~~y„~ 1. FL90A ?RAKING:. Girders- Joists` Bridging, Shield Under Posts- Positi:'e Post; Girder Connect GirderlConcrete-1/2"_ Treated +bad to Concrete- Anchor Bolts r/fiashers_ inspector Date 5. PLUHBIKG: Drains- Dents, TZaps_ Clean-ouu_ water Supply^ Gas Supoly_ Inspector Date b. KECHdlfIC3L: Furnace Exhaust- Neat Ducts` Inspector Date i. FRAKING: ealls^ Ceilinq_ Hoof Vepts 'dindous._ Air Seal In 'loll Penetrations` Chimney Straps` Inspector Date a. INSULATION: Floor _ gall Ceilinq~ Baffles- Inspector Date 9. DRYWALL HAILING: Nalls_ Ceilinq_ 10. DRAINAGE: Date Date FINAL I95PECTIOiI: Building Plumb. Nech/heating Smoke Cet. House Ho. r Barrier: Insulation Certificate Inspector Date _4 mil poly _V. B. Paint -Kraft Paper (certificate required) C2i1_Z 48 hours before you dig For uti]_ ity 1i.n.~ locate 1- 8 0 0- 4~ 4- 5 5 5 5 r