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HomeMy WebLinkAbout9309-08C S T Y O F PORT T O W N S r.r / -~'• BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SI~ CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION Permit Number 9309-08 Issued 9/14/93 Treas. No. ,lob ?ddress 502 Reed Street Zanina R_1 T•?Pe ~-N ~c'uP~c'I M-t Nature of ;ark Residential remodel Use of Buiidinq{sj Work area o-mer _ day Greer Contractor same as nWner _. i *NE'vl ENERGY.CCDE* 1. Gr".OUNCWOR%: ?lumbina ... FCCTINGSISL;RS: Seuaess_ Forns~ Reiniorcament_ S1ab^ Insoeetor Data Insoeetor 3. FOUNDATION :TALL: Forts; Reiniorcexnt_ Heather ?roafina_ Vents '~ ' ., Cravl Acess^ insbector Date 4. FLGOR FRAMING:: Girders- 7oists_ Bridaing_ Shield Under Posts Positive Post/Girder Connect_ ~~ Girder,/COncete-1/2"____ Treated '+iood to Concrete- Anchor Bons v/iiashers_ Inspector Date 7~ ~ l~ R7 5. PLII}®IItG: Drains- vents- Transi Clean-outs- `dater Supply- Gas Supply_ ~' #~~ 6. NEC9ANICAL: Furnace- Exhaust-, Heat Ducts_ Inspectot Date Date Inspector Date ;. FRA]iIHG: ~alls_ Ceiling- Goof Vents '+lindovs_ Air Seal_ In Stall Penetrations Chimney Strans_ Inspector Date 8. INSULATION: Floor ~ :tall _ Ceiling, Baifles_ 9. DRYAALL NAILING: tialls_ Ceilinq_ 10. DRAINAGE: 11. FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. Nech/heating Smoke Det. Inspector Date Inspector Date Inspector Date Inspector r ~ House No. Date Ca11 48 1~iours 1~e~Eora you dig for u~t i 1 i ty 1 i n a 1 oc a t e s 1- 8 0 0- 4 2 4- 5 5 5 5 L1.1. S vi ~ ~-~ r /CN~''~4 r J~ BUILDER'S PERMIT & INSPECTION RECORD t) h ~ ~) C ~ ~~ ~ , 1 ~~ { ee (See Instructions on Attached S ~ ~ ~ . ~ , { /{~~ ~ ~~~~~ THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE /~/~' ~ III /~`~" CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION ~ - ~ ~ - Pezoit Nun6er 9309-08 Issued 9/14/93 Treas. No•~~Pa7e M- Zanina ~ TYPe t ~_ _ Joo Address 502 Reed Street work area Residential remodel Use of Huiidinq(s) Nature of Work caner Jay Greer Contractor r ,,~;; . +NEW ENERGY CODE* . ~ c~i.~ . !.~: _J ~ ~ , 1. GROUNDIJORK: P1umDina f f ~~ l !° ~' T.nSDeCLOL ~ Date ~~ ~~~ ~ . 2. FCOTIHGS/SLABS: `-ethacks _ FOr~s_ Reinforcexnt_ Slab_ Inspector Date 3. FOUNDATION WALL: Forss_ Reinforcement- ;leather Prooiina_ Vents- Crayi Acess_ ~n~tor Data ~. ~,Opg FEA![IHG:: Girders- Soists_ Bridglnq_ Shield Dnder Posts- Positive Post/Girder Connect -` Girder/Concrete-1/2"= Treated Hood to Con¢ete_ Anchor Holes t/iiashers_ Inspector - _ ~~ 5. PLDIHjIItG: Drains- Vents .Traps= Clean-outs.- dater SupP1Y_ Gas 5aPP1Y_.-- Inspector Date Date 6. MECHAItICAL: Furnace,-, Exhaust- Heat Ducts- Inspector i, FRAHIHG: iialls_ ~~q Roof Vents 'dindovs_ Air Seal- - Date In Wall penetrations- Chimney Straps- Inspector 8. INSDLATIOH: Floor _ Wall - Cailinq_ Bai`les_ 9. DRYBALL HAILING: Walls- Ceiling- 10. DRAINAGE: Inspector ,-Date Inspector Date Inspector Date 11. FINAL INSPECTION: Building- Plunb. j HechJheatinq Smoke Det. House No. ~/~"~"'' ..~,..,.~zt,luh.~- c?/lZji~~j -E'-`' Inspector Date - ~ ~~ ' Ca 11 4S 2yours before ,you dig for ut i 1 i ty l i n e 1 oc a t e s Z- S O O- 4 2 4- 5 5 5 5