HomeMy WebLinkAboutBLD07-015r_1 Pat LL LL LL! OF 0 N W m Z0 0 � v> w 0= Z z w0 Lu am �Q w Qa z Q Ow m �F U N w� a � m Z !n O z wa ga So LU -1 IL �a z0 LU ma wQ U F - ON z0 N Z m H = W 0 U U 00 wo 00 ZLU OO 0 m LU CL Q Q W J N a0 z 00 U m Ow OF D 0 OZ U Q a� z Z O o= U F Ld LL Q yLu F - z �a 00 Qa. UQ Nw H } 0 m O a 0 • z N 0 0 N co N N 0 W Q W Cl) N O O, 00 rn O z J W U a a W (7 Z H U Z W O p U a w W I.- Z LU O Z- ❑ U Z d W J Q' U N W ❑ F -- U LUO a w CL Y 0 WU U O w m Y Z O Q O Co Z }Z a Z S H ❑ N O w L Z a o ° LU Q n a U) z z O F- U W 0- U) Z F - Z W O U W a n a z Z O H U w a N Z ii N Q ❑ X Lu �z N W Lo 00 U. M2 oa co M CoO J o Q F- U Z O O—a, H d aw cn > zW Z U Q W Q' ~ W N m W d Cj) LU ON W a LU w z O F- U LU IL U) Z Z to W Q W 0 O j U UO Z_ � m d' O LL a XC2 LU z U) N 0 0 N co N N 0 W Q W Cl) N O O, 00 rn O z J W U a a W (7 Z H U Z W O p U a w W I.- Z LU O Z- ❑ U Z d W J Q' U N W ❑ F -- U LUO a w CL Y 0 WU U O w m Y Z O Q O Co Z }Z a Z S H ❑ N O w L Z a o ° LU Q n a U) z z O F- U W 0- U) Z F - Z W O U W a n a z Z O H U w a N Z ii N Q ❑ X Lu �z N W Lo 00 U. M2 oa co M CoO J o Q F- U Z O O—a, H d aw cn > zW Z U Q W Q' ~ W N m W d Cj) LU ON W a LU w z O F- U LU IL U) Z CITY OF PORT TO UWSEND PERMIT ACTIVITY LOG PERMIT # 6L(3077-015 DATE RECEIVED: 7 SCOPE OF WORK: DATE ACTION INITIALS -2/7/07 Entered into C Ff-e_T ESA — to Planning -no vidence of ESA - Vested Date Checked for Completeness 1\Bcd_permits\forms\BUILDING\Permit Activity Log.doc • • RT r°may BUILDING PERMIT City of Port Townsend `gam Development Services Department �w 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend, WA 98368 (360)379-5095 Project Information Permit # BLD07-015 Permit Type Commercial Miscellaneous Project Name Site Address 215 TAYLOR STREET Parcel # 989704001 Project Description NEW PROJECTING SIGN FOR BUSINESS Names Associated with this Project License Type Name Contact Phone # Type License # Exp Date Applicant Kitsap Bank Owner Mount Baker Block Copr Contractor Hanson Sign Co Randy Hanson (360) 613-9550 CITY 422 12/31/2007 Contractor Hanson Sign Co Randy Hanson (360) 613-9550 STATE HANSOI*2213 05/08/2008 Fee Information Project Details Entered Bid Valuation 1,100 DOLL Project Valuation $1,100.00 Technology Fee for Building Permit 5.00 Building Permit Fee 50.00 Record Retention Fee for Building 3.00 Permit Total Fees Paid $58.00 Call 385-2294 by 3:00pm for next day inspection. Permits expire 180 days from issuance if work is not commenced, or if work is suspended for a period of 180 days. Work is verified by obtaining a valid inspection. The granting of this permit shall not be construed as approval to violate any provisions of the PTMC or other laws or regulations. 1 certify that the information provided as a part of the application for this permit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that I am the owner of the property or authorized agent of the owner. Print Name Date Issued: 02/26/2007 Issued By: PWESTERFIELD • City of Port Townsend • BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SIGN INSTALLATION Name (Legal Owner(s)) PAOY— Please check YES or NO as applicable Mailing Address AR -4- -1bWlq2ff!;D Phone Permit # a t- DQ 7- Q ( S Property Street Address S Zoning District Parcel # Legal Description: Addition Block Lot(s) Contractor's Name co , Mailing Address Bm R2S6 OR Phone J - ctSs State License Number 7,'Z%:3 \ City Business License Number:(Doo417__ 5/010D " Valuation: $ t Rg-_npt4 of Work - Please check all that apply for the type of sign you are installing: Please check the Information that you are submitting w Projecting Sign - if the sign projects over a Please check YES or NO as applicable Other- pl( public right -of way area or sidewalk, i.e. where 2. Do you have the property owner's approval to install the sign(s)? the public walks under it. l b 1 .OD Monument Sign - if over 5 feet in height. Please check the Information that you are submitting w Site Plan fes- Sign Attac.....V... vctau rvca.uvi. ✓ Sign Locate Plan (Elevation View) Bolting Specifications, if applicable Special Conditions YES NO Please check YES or NO as applicable co 1. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District? If yes, HPC # 2. Do you have the property owner's approval to install the sign(s)? l b 1 .OD Site Plan fes- Sign Attac.....V... vctau rvca.uvi. ✓ Sign Locate Plan (Elevation View) Bolting Specifications, if applicable Special Conditions YES NO Please check YES or NO as applicable 1. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District? If yes, HPC # 2. Do you have the property owner's approval to install the sign(s)? 3. Do you have an authorized sign permit? If yes, please indicate SNP # NXM_p .r VV \8 LDU4 BLPA ean.Aw ivnim BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA' SIGN INSTALLATION The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the Uniform Building Code and the Port Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with these codes. The applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans is - �- —I-- 777 this information will be Miscellaheous Receipt NO. any permits may be wr Finance Department Port Townsend WA 360-385-2700 Cash ❑ CheckX DATE TJ 0 The undersigne RECEIVED FROM nf action, judgments, Clairt restrictive covenants, K �`''�a �D, Dollars ($ parties other than the Pr i1 Complete Ap licatiol..... / a (11102) City of Port TAnsend I An application requirements of Uniform Building Code as adopted by PTMC Section 16, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable ordinances and laws. In addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a sign and/or complete applications for other discretionary permits Arequirnd r he ordinances of Port Townsend. (for example: Historic Preservation Design Review) of pplicant or Authorized Representative Date For Official Use Only X%BW p-miAf .%BI RUt4CFALPAPP•io..d- =102 2of2 0 City of Port Townsend Development Services Department 250 Madison Street, Suite 3, Port Townsend WA 98368 Phone 360.379.5095; Fax 360.344-4619 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION u� Qoer row o mmmompow.- DO NOT CONSTRUCT SIGNS UNTIL YOU HAVE A SIGN PERMIT Please review Port Townsend's sign regulations before applying for a permit FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Application # S N p D 7 - nn 1 .Sign Permit Fees (TC 2123): ` S ($35 first sign; $10 each add.) :Record Retention Fee: $3 (TC 9992) ;Building Permit Required, (TC 2001): � 60 . GYM I� ❑ HPC Administrative Review XHPC Review Required - # Business/Organization: Kc S?�p BBV- ]_—Phone: one: Owner/Contact Name: Tim G4R�i 6%A£L Site Address: 15 TANL0fZ ST RT Ttrw's3SF N n Mailing Address (If different from site) State/Zip: Site Parcel #: GJSq'Zp g W ( City Business License #: 0MAI-L Expiration Date: Property Owner's Name (If different from Applicant) M , wm Q1o& (!bM Address: 1 A 160 411 _ A ._ _ Phone. Do you have the Property Owner's permission to ins i ll,tihe, sign?Ys ❑No Sign Maker Name:r st (gip, rhe: �t3, qSS� 92 Address: (b BOK q-Lfb Siiunzc-FEB - 7 2001 'State/ZipiZA --Q838 ZONING DISTRICT: Please provide the following with your application: _ 1. Location Drawing. Site plan including location of all existing signs (if applicable) and the proposed new sign(s). • Freestanding or Monument Sign: Include the setback distance from public rights-of-way. NOTE: If the sign is over five (5) feet tall, you will need a sign installation building permit. The Building Permit fees, $76.50, are in addition to the Sign Permit fees, and include an inspection fee. • Projecting Sign: A detailed drawing of how the sign will be attached, what kind of wall material it will be attached to (wood, brick, etc.), type of hardware and pieces used (bolts, screws, etc.), hardware size and type of metal. NOTE: A sign installation building permit is required if the sign will project over a public sidewalk or right-of-way. 2. Sign Drawing. Dimension(s), height(s), lettering, colors, structural and footing detail(s), material specifications, method of attaching proposed sign(s), illumination (if applicable), and front and end views of awning signs. 3. Insurance Rider: If you are applying for a Sandwich Board sign, an insurance rider is required in the amount of $1,000,000 showing the City of Port Townsend as the insured. The owner of the property where the sandwich board sign will be placed must sign this application if the owner is different from the Applicant. C Ooeuments and Settings\Randy Hanson\Local Settings\Temporary Intemet FileAOLMAppiication-Sign Permit.doc / 1/17/2007 rI Ah w 0 0° o .� O o wH� a� 375! G o N O tN y c0-� o an o �'b w a+ � ..r N A U q 0 O ca 8 O N nN wH •+Oa V! zzz°zzO° �O pr qN pp �y .S W C °% qN �-C-5 a� i rib 6)rA O Ja•r3 a�a��a�a��� F, �� 3333333 V ^'oil q o c p i s a i i •L A a d Q q O OBD � q O OBD bI i 3 O d L V] Z O' as d da OZia,o d O 15 be Q aqk Q � w 0 0° o .� O o a� 375! G o N O tN y c0-� o an o �'b w a+ � ..r N A U r• 0 O ca 8 O N nN F+y � •+Oa V! A pr pp �y .S W C °% �-C-5 a� �+ rib 6)rA O Ja•r3 a�a��a�a��� �� 3333333 JAN.1c.2007 1::55 36G :io 7801;� K_Jnf .n?v'K n`i•13N #5345 F'.GC% G0. FROM : HAh+SON SIGNS FHX NO. : 360 61; 9515 ,tan. 16 2007 Q : 03PM P2 4 0 All sabjeet aQf cants and n Wrty owners musjaim aonuCSfiud WOW to signify axreem nt vim' U,tbr. proposed ana ice f". The Applicant below hereby certifies than: all of the above statemOnts and inforrnation contained in any exhibits, plot plans, or other transtnittals nWe nerewtal tic 4µc and Frvvide an aCrurata TWASC"tation Of the proposed project. The Applicsnt(s) acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port Townsend based in whole or in part of this application nray be reversed if it develops that any such statement or other information contained herein rs false. The undorsignod hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments, claims; or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which Mq%have Xvvl, catabli3hcd by paetavc other than the City of Port Townsend. Signature Property Owner Signature Date Date Date Signature of Property Owner, of off-site location Date where Sandwich board sign will be placed (if applicable) C.�l)o�wmurty eod SeednPUxAndy fkrjQd%LM1 SettictPY"CUPUMY IMQW Fi103\0LXEV VVHGVj0R-&P 6'am11 doe i 1,1712007 a z T 7 C v� CL fi q O 76 J A 70 70 C) Z73 O CT1 m 713O Z 70 C7 Cn z, 70 v 70 T O z a z r vg° CL fi O > O O A 70 70 C) Z73 O CT1 m 713O Z 70 C7 Cn �p 70 v 70 T O z a z N D O z O C) b O Y z cp r n 7a n m N J r m n (J1 Z a z r vg° 30 " X 70 O > O O A 70 70 C) Z73 O CT1 m 713O Z 70 C7 Cn �p 70 v 70 T O z a z N D O z O C) b O Y z cp r n 7a n m N J r m n (J1 Z T, m a � a z