City Hall, 250 illadison Street, Suite 3 o y�
Port Townsend, WA 98368
Phone: 360-379-5095 Fax 360-344-4619 _
Property Owner's Names)
Mailing Address%
City, State, Zip +fa
43 L s3
Phone 5 -- {0,5
Permit No.
Property Street Address
Zoning District Parcel # _ 5,®o `lf
Legal Description: Addition MW -pe( (UJD Block MrLot(o
General Contractor's Name
12C. C",'4(M
Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:
Mailing Address r-7-0 tiurI f
New Garage or Carport
Phone .. > s , v S
Repair/Remodel Garage
Cell Phone` — p
State License Number 6"
C�_(j0 � A City Business License Number 6)06
Authorized Representative/Contact Person: lI
Phone:' 5-- 41 5'
Estimated Value of construction $O
Q t AC'
Other (please describe):
Financed By6
yt l�1rC�-/Q� —
Date Work is to Begin ( (�� Date Work is to be Comp etedL-77
Scope of Work:
Please check all items that apply for the tvpe of building permit you are requesting:
Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for:
Finished Heated Space sq. ft: ®
Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:
Unfinished Basement sq ft:
New Garage or Carport
Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:
Repair/Remodel Garage
Storage sq. ft: 1'2-0
Repair/Remodel House
Accessory Dwelling Unit
Manufactured Home
Other (please describe):
Floor Area: the proposed structure is to be used for:
Finished Heated Space sq. ft: ®
Garage sq. ft:
Unfinished Heated Space sq ft:
Carport sq. ft:
Unfinished Basement sq ft:
Porches sq. ft: �-
Semi-Finished Basement sq ft:
Decks sq. ft:
Storage sq. ft: 1'2-0
Other (please describe):
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 1 of 2
Site Area/Coverage Information:
1. The total area of the property in square feet: -7 0+2-
2. The total area covered by existing and proposed structures in square feet:
(total ground coverage from the outside of walls or supporting members) 0
Percentage of lot coverage: (2=1)
Impervious Surfaces:
Please provide the square footage of the roof area of the proposed and existing structures, and the square footage of the total area
covered by porches, walkways, patios and driveways. Do not include decks allowing drainage to earth below.
Proposed House Roofprint sq. ft:
Site Plan
Existing House Roofprint sq. ft:
Proposed Garage Roofprint sq. ft:
Existing Garage Roofprint sq. ft: 1\
Proposed Porch/Walkway sq, ft:
Existing Porch/Walkway sq. ft: i F^
Proposed Driveways sq. ft:
Existing Driveways sq. ft: e
Other (describe):
Floor Plan
Other (describe):
Total Proposed Impervious sq. ft:
Total Existing Impervious sq. ft -
Total Proposed + Existing sq. ft:
WSEC Construction Checklist (Washington state Energy Code)
Percentage Impervious: * 7
(Impervious surface _ lots . ft
*if total impervious surface is equal to or greater than 40% of the lot area, you must submit a written stormwater plan to address run
Please check which plans you are submitting with this application (2 sets needed):
Site Plan
Interior & Exterior Wall Bracing (panel locations shown
or, floor pian')
Drainage Plan (if 40% or more impervious)
Typical Wall Framing Details (section from foundation
through roof)
Foundation Plan
Floor Plan
2003 WSEC* Compliance: Prescriptivezc-omponent_
Floor Framing Plan
WSEC Construction Checklist (Washington state Energy Code)
Roof Framing Plan
Installing Manufactured Home Yes V No
Was the manufactured home originally constructed within three (3) years of proposed placement? Yes No
2) Manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation with the space from the bottom of the home to the
ground enclosed by either load bearing concrete or decorative concrete or masonry blocks so that no more than one foot of the
perimeter foundation is visible above grade; and
3) Roof must be composed of composition, wood shake or shingle, coated metal, or a similar roof material; and
4) Title to the manufactured home must be eliminated as a condition of building permit approval.
PADSMFormskBuilding Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 2 of 2
Special Conditions
Please check YES or NO as applicable
1. Is the property within 200 feet of a fresh or saltwater shoreline?
2. Is the property within the Port Townsend Historical District?
3. Is the property located within or adjacent to an environmentally sensitive area?
4. Will this proposal involve any sewer, water or other utility extensions that will, or could serve vacant
properties other than the project site? If yes, please attach information identifying the utility extensions and
5. Have any special conditions been placed on this property, or has the property been subject to any
conditions on any prior action of the City (if "Yes" to any of the following, attach copies of appropriate
Subdivision/Short Plat/Boundary Line Adjustment?
SEPA (environmental review)?
Conditional Use Permit?
Street Vacation?
Planned Unit Development?
Restrictive Covenant?
6. Are any properties within 800 feet of the site owned or controlled by the applicant, any relative or
business associate, or any pa rhip, co oration, or other entity affiliated with the applicant? (If }es,
attach list.)
7. Have any of the roperties listed in item #6 been developed within the last two years? (If yes, attach list.)
8. Have you previously discussed this project with a City staff member? If yes, who and when?
The applicant hereby certifies to have knowledge of those sections of the International Residential Code and the Port
Townsend Municipal Code pertinent to the above project and that the applicant is responsible for constructing in conformance with
these codes; the applicant understands that the permit, if issued, expires in six months unless work is started; that the permit, after
construction has started, will expire after one year if an inspection is not made to show significant progress on the t acture; the
applicant agrees to abide by the ordinances, codes, regulations, restrictive covenants, deed or plat restrictions, and water and sewer
plans attached hereto; the applicant certifies that all information given above and on accompanying plans s complete and accurate to
the best of their knowledge; and the applicant understands that this information will be relied upon in granting permits and that if such
information is later found to be inaccurate any permits may be withdrawn.
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 3 of 3
The undersigned hereby saves and holds the City of Port Townsend harmless from any and all causes of action, judgments,
claims, or demands, or from any liability of any nature arising from any noncompliance with any restrictive covenants, plat
restrictions, deed restrictions, or other restrictions which may have been established by parties other than the City of Port Townsend.
Port Townsend Municipal Code, Section 16.04.140, Vested Rights- Substantially Complete Building Permit Application:
applications for all land use and development permits required under ordinances of the city shall be considered under the zoning and
other land use control ordinances in effect on the date a fully complete building permit application, meeting the requirements 4entified
in this section, is filed with the Development Services Department. Until a complete building permit application is filed, all
applications for land use and development permits shall be reviewed subject to any zoning or other land use control orlinances which
become effective prior to the date of issuance of a final decision by the city on the application.
An application for a building permit shall be considered complete when an application meeting all of the requirements of
Section R105.3 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, is submitted which is consistent with all then applicable
ordinances and laws. In addition, to be considered complete, such an application must be accompanied by complete applications for a
subsidiary land use or development permits needed, such as a complete shoreline management permit application and/or complete
applications for other discretionary permits required under the ordinances of Port Townsend. An application for a partial permit under
Section R105.3.1 of the International Residential Code, 2003 Edition, shall not be considered complete unless it meets all requirements
stated above and contains plans for the complete structural frame of the building and the architectural plans for the structure.
3 A
Signature Applicant or Authori d Representative Dare
For Official Use Only
Permit No.
Building Official Approval
Date Issued
Balance Due $
Validation Stamp below:
Owner/Representative Signature
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit.doc Page 4 of 4
pORr rO City of Port Townsend
Development Services Department
y 250 Madison Street, Suite 3
Port Townsend, WA 98368
(360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619
9� -
� WA
Washington State Energy Code (WSEC)
2001 Residential Construction Checklist
Complete this form in addition to WSEC forms. Please answer the following questions:
New construction, or addition over 750 square feet
Must meet whole house and spot ventilation requirements, and show full WSEC compliance as
a stand-alone project. A detached, habitable structure such as an Accessory Dwelling Unit
regardless of size must also meet these requirements.
❑ House addition under 750 square feet _
Possible trade-offs are allowed with the existing building for WSEC compliance, such as
increasing ceiling insulation. See WSEC component performance forms.
NOTE. A house addition less than 500 sq. ft. does not require whole house ventilation.
Spot ventilation is still required.
TYPE OF HEATING – Please check all that apply:
Elec is
Vf Wall Heater ❑ Baseboard ❑ Forced Air Furnace ❑ Radiant Floor (B -oiler) ❑ Other —
Non -Electric:
Propane: ❑ Radiant Floor/Baseboard (Boiler) ❑ LPG Stove ❑ LPG Furnace ❑ Other LPG
❑ Heat Pump ❑ Oil Furnace ❑ Woodstove (can only be used as secondary heat source)
Vapor retarders shall be installed toward the warm surface as represented below. Select one
option for floors, walls, and appropriate ceilings:
• Flop:
LK Plywood with exterior glue
❑ Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick)
❑ Backed batts
• Walls:
❑ Poly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick)
❑y/d(ce-stapled, backed batts
'Low -perm paint
• Ceilings:
❑ Not required where ventilation space averages greater than or equal to 12 inches above
❑ Face -stapled, backed batts
❑ bly plastic (greater than or equal to 4 millimeter thick)
Low -perm paint
PADSMDepartment Forms\Building Forms\Applicafion-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc
Page 1 of 1
Type of ventilation used throughout the house: ❑ HVAC Integrated Option WExhaust Option
Whole House Fan for "Exhaust Option":
• In what room is your whole house fan located? bGl�
• What size is the whole house exhaust fan? ❑�?-10-75 CFM (1-2 'bedroom house)
1/80-120 CFM (3 bedroom house)
❑ 100-150 CFM (4 bedroom house)
❑ 120-180 CFM (5 bedroom house)
Note: the whole house fan shall be readily accessible and controlled by a 24-hour clock timer
with the capability of continuous operation, manual and automatic control. At the time of finial
inspection, the automatic controlth
tier shall be set to operate the whole house fall for at least 8
hours a day, and have a sone rating at 1.5 or less measured at 0.10 inches water gauge.
Spot Ventilation:
Source specific exhaust ventilation is required in each kitchen, bathroom, water closet, laundry
room, indoor swimming pool, spa and other rooms where excess water vapor or cooking odor is
produced. Bathrooms, laundries or similar rooms require fans with a minimum 50 cfm rating at
0.25 inches water gauge; kitchens shall have a fan with a minimum 100 cfm rating at 0.25 inches
water gauge.
Outdoor Air Inlets:
Outdoor air shall be distributed to each habitable room by means such as individual inlets,
separate duct systems, or a forced -air system. Habitable rooms include all bedrooms, living and
dining rooms but not kitchens, bathrooms or utility rooms. Where outdoor air supplies are
separated from exhaust points by doors, undercutting doors a minimum of %2 inch above the
surface of the finish floor covering, distribution ducts, installation or grilles, transoms or similar
means where permitted by the Uniform Building Code. When the system provides ventilation
through a dedicated opening, such as a window or through -wall vent, these openings must:
• Have controlled and secure openings
• Be sleeved or otherwise designed so as not to compromise the thermal properties of the wall or
window in which they are placed.
• Provide not less than 4 square inches of net free area of opening for each habitable space.
What pe of fresh air inlet will be installed? (See figure below)
Window Ports
❑ Wall Ports
PADSMDepartmentForms\Building FormsUpplication-Residential Energy Code Checklist.doc
Page 2 of 2
City of Port Townsend
Development Services Department
Permit applications are reviewed by our staff to make a preliminary determination of the presence or
absence of a Critical Area on the property, pursuant to Chapter 19.05 of the Port Townsend
Municipal Code. To help us make this determination, please supply the following information.
General Information:
Applicant Name: Phone: :r ( S'
Mailing Address:Sf I p.i,k
Property Address (if different):
jl 1
Description of Proposa (include site plan): „
The proposed new construction creates '2 -WPO square feet of impervious surface. What best
management practices are proposed? ikyN ,, ,, " i
ti p ` V'—
Critical Area Questions:
1. Is any portion of the property within or near a mappedCritical Area?
(Maps are available at t Development Services Department)
2. Is there any standin r running water on the surface of the site at any time during the year?
Yes No If YES, please describe:
3. Has any portion of the site beenidentified as a wetland? YES _VNO
If YES, please describe:
4. Is the site characterized as:
Forest Meadow Cleared Mixed
P:\DSD\Forms\Land Use FormsiApplication-Critical Areas Questionnaire.doc
5. Is the slope of the property: flat
Critical Slope — 40% or greater
1/ gentle slope cteap clnrna
(5%- 15%) (15%-40%)
The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statements and the information contained in any other
transmittals made herewith are true, and the applicant acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port
Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement
or other information contained herein is false.
The applicant understands that the determination of the Director may be appealed by the applicant or by any
other party by following the appeal procedure outlined in Chapter 1.14 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code.
Any appeal must be filed within seven calendar days from the Notice of a final decision.
Signature of Applicant Date
Reviewed by: Date:
Site visit Required? NO YES Site visit made on:
Exempt per PTMC 19.05.040 (C)? NO YES
Threshold Determination (presence/absence of Critical Area, type of Critical Area):
Shorelines Jurisdiction? NO YES
P:\DSD\Forms\Land Use Forms\Application-Critical Areas Questionnaire.doc
' X40%
Critical -Slope
40% or greater
Steep Slope
Gentle 50A - 15%
Flat - 0 - 5%
The applicant hereby certifies that all of the above statements and the information contained in any other
transmittals made herewith are true, and the applicant acknowledges that any action taken by the City of Port
Townsend based in whole or in part on this application may be reversed if it develops that any such statement
or other information contained herein is false.
The applicant understands that the determination of the Director may be appealed by the applicant or by any
other party by following the appeal procedure outlined in Chapter 1.14 of the Port Townsend Municipal Code.
Any appeal must be filed within seven calendar days from the Notice of a final decision.
Signature of Applicant Date
Reviewed by: Date:
Site visit Required? NO YES Site visit made on:
Exempt per PTMC 19.05.040 (C)? NO YES
Threshold Determination (presence/absence of Critical Area, type of Critical Area):
Shorelines Jurisdiction? NO YES
P:\DSD\Forms\Land Use Forms\Application-Critical Areas Questionnaire.doc
RESIDENTIAL CHECKLIST (For 1-2 Family Residences)
Date Received with all necessary paperwork:
Zoning = -rT
Impervious Surface % _
Lot Coverage OK w/zoning?
Septic? If yes, contact County Env. Health
In a PUD? Yes/No ky inne
Parking — need dimensions on site plan
Site Plan, all setbacks shown
Address needed?
Completed Plans Checklist
ADU? Prepare Notice to Title
Energy Code Checklist & Compliance Form
If architect/engineer, plans wet stamp/signed
2 Sets of Plans Submitted?
I b
Attached Detached
Type of HeatIf
F-') ectrl G
a new detached garage or ADU, give copy
of site plan to Francesca
Floor Plan: Number of bedrooms
Number of bathrooms
Typical framing details/section
Foundation plan; if calcs, holddown symbol
& verbiage must be shown on plans
framing plan; if calcs, shear wall
symbol & verbiage must be shown on plans
Floor framing plan
Roof framing section plan
Critical Area Map checked. If in CA, what is it mapped? Slope: %
Within 200 ft of Shoreline Ordinary High
Water Mark?
In Flood Plain? Fill out FEMA forms if yes
Lots of Record review (all 3 must be true): 9 or fewer lot(s), plat created pre -1937, AND
development requires water, sewer, or street to be extended; OR if a block is owned with one SFR &
wants to build another residence. CHECK for prior Public Works permit if it was already issued!
PUBLIC WORKS REVIEW MIP# 07-()p ($53 due) or SDP # ($330 due)
Submittal Checklist attached
8-1/2 x 11 Site Plan reviewed for all items
All trees in ROW identified
Septic? Need County OK FIRST
Pre -app Conference? Date held: PRE #:
Impervious Checked
Any work in ROW beyond a driveway apron needs Engineered Plans. DO NOT ACCEPT PERMIT
WITHOUT THEM! Water, sewer, and/or streets being extended? Need 4 sets of engineered plans.
Any existing or proposed easements for shared utilities or driveway w/ adjacent property owners?
We must have the licensed contractor's name and information for ANY right-of-way work.
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Checklist-Residential Building Plans -Front Counter Sep 06.doc Revised 9/27/06
Fess B _ F a:x lyx :; 't 17-1-44— aluuil ui SiiuiiiitWu A111"U1H v'aiiiativii =
Plan Review Fee (2010)
MIP $W (2164)
QQ MIP Record Retention Fee (9992) ®C>
STIP Fees:
Street $62.50 (2164)
Water $62.50 (1201)
Sewer $62.50 (1361)
Storm $62.50 (1401)
SDP Record Retention Fee $10 (9992)
PW Inspection Fee $70 (2140)
Building Permit Fee (2000)
Propane Tank/Piping Inspection $47 (2000)
State Building Code Surcharge $4.50 (2005)
Plus $2/unit for multi -family
House Number $3 (2200)
$3 per unit if multi -family
Hamilton Heights Recreation Fee $200 (5030)
Hamilton Heights Transportation Fee $156 (2167)
Lynnesfeld Off-site Transportation Fee $231 (2168)
Record Retention Fee $3 to $10 (9992)
Notified Permit is Ready to be picked up (Who/Date/Initials):
0 Impervious calculation to Finance sent (Date):
PADSD\Forms\Buildiug Forms\Checklist-Residential Building Plans -Front Counter Sep 06.doc Revised 9/27/06
Residential i • • Plans Checklist
Qoar ro City of Port Townsend
Development Services Department
0 250 Madison Street, Suite 3
r Port Townsend, WA 98368
(360) 379-5095 Fax: (360) 344-4619
Name ) Permit#
This checklist is for new dwellings, additions, remodels and garages. The purpose is to show what you intend
to build, where it will be located on your lot, and how it will be constructed.
In addition to this form, please submit:
• Residential Building Permit Application form
. Sensitive Areas Questionnaire
. 2001 Washington State Energy Code forms. Use either prescriptive forms, or component performance
forms with calculations.
. Washington State Energy Code Construction Checklist
. Two sets of plans. 18- x 24- plan sheet size is preferred. Plans must be to scale. 1/4 " = 1 ft. is preferred.
• If an architect has signed your. plans, one set must have an original signature and wet stamp on each page.
• For structures that require engineering (including pole structures, sunrooms, dormers of a certain size,
"irregularly shaped" structures) provide two copies of calculations from a Washington Licensed Architect
or engineer. One set must have an original signature and wet stamp.
For New Residential Dwelling Construction also submit:
. Street/Utility Development Permit application, or Minor Improvement Permit application if water and
sewer are already stubbed to the property. For any utility extensions, provide engineered plans.
. Two additional copies of the site plan for Public Works (three sets if a septic system is proposed). Please
also include one reduced 8-1/2' x 11" size site plan.
NOTE: Electrical Permits are required by the State of Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I).
Contact L&I at (360) 417-2 700for more information.
P:\DSD\Fomns\Building FornLs\Application-Residential Building Penn it Plans Checklist.rtf Page 1 of 4
Rev. 8n106
List *hm nnnn .._. ho=. ' +1... 1..I'* I F .. t_ •a,._... a,.— L.,___ .__� f•••s ••••::1•••.• Colin in, n ,v, each IMM UML yUU 1121YC 111c1UUell U11 yUur pla nS.
Legal description, parcel number, name, address and telephone number of property owner/applicant,
including cellular phone if available.
Property lines and dimensions, including all interior lot lines.
Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends.
Ali building lines and exterior dimensions in luding all dwelling and accessory structures).
Floor joist size, material grade, layout and spans.
Setbacks from property lines and buildings including structures on neighboring lots. (Indicate roof
Foundation venting and calculations (1 square foot of vent/150 square feet of crawl space).
overhang. Overhang may extend into setback area a maximum of two feet.). The setbacks shall be
Crawl space access & dimensions.
drawn in accordance with an accuratepinned bounda1y line survey IBC 106.2).
Plumbing sizes and locations of foundation penetration.
Driveways, walkways, patios, decks and porches.
Vapor retarder on crawlspace ground (6 mil black polyethylene).
If engineering, show holddown symbol and verbiage on the foundation plan itself
On-site parking (Two 9' x 19' spaces required for new residential construction. These spaces may be
providedin a garage.)
Trees: Diameter, species name, location and canopy of existing significant trees in relation to
proposed and existing structures, utility lines, and construction limit line.
"Significant trees" are those with a minimum diameter of 12 inches measured at 4-1/2 feet above average grade.
Identify all significant trees to be removed by placing an "x" on them, and circle those trees that will remain.
Significant trees removed in relation to and necessary for the construction of buildings, parking and driveways in
connection with the issuance of a building permit are exempt. Exempt activity requires a written exemption issued by
the Development Services Director.
,� j:E
Street names, road easements and easements of record.
Existing and proposed utilities, service lines and i e size.
Slope of land rade and direction).
an impervious drainage plan, indicating sizes of drainage areas, method(s) of detention, depth
of detention areas, and what materials used.
Waterfront property: indicate bank height, setback between building and top of bank or bluff, all
creeks, drainage corridors, etc. For new exterior construction, include all structures on either side
within 300 feet and their setbacks.
Existing and/or proposed septic system, if applicable. Please provide an extra set of plans for the
County Health Department.
Footings, piers, and foundation walls (including interior footing or pier locations).
Post and beam sizes and spans; detail beam/post and post/pier (or footing) positive connection.
Beam pockets or method of securing beam ends.
Floor joist size, material grade, layout and spans.
Foundation venting and calculations (1 square foot of vent/150 square feet of crawl space).
Crawl space access & dimensions.
Plumbing sizes and locations of foundation penetration.
Vapor retarder on crawlspace ground (6 mil black polyethylene).
If engineering, show holddown symbol and verbiage on the foundation plan itself
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rlf Page 2 of 4
Rev. 8/7/06
Room use, dimensions, size and square footage by floor level.
Braced wall panel locations.
Smoke detector locations.
Stairways: width rise run handrails guardrails, landings, etc.
Window, skylight and door locations and sizes, with egress and safety glazing, if applicable. (Include
brand/model and U factor on energy application.)
Rafter and ceiling joist size, material grade, layout and spans. Roof framing plan required if rafters,
optional if trusses.
Floor sheathing, type and size.
Attic access location and dimensions.
Wall stud size grade andspacing.
Plumbing fixtures.
Hot water tanks furnaces fireplaces, solid fuel appliances and combustion air ducts.
Header, size grade, spans and insulation if applicable).
Location of whole house ventilation fan controls and timer.
Location and cfm of all other exhaust fans i.e. bathroom kitchen and laundry).
Type of exhaust duct material, duct path and exterior termination point of appliance vents and
environmental exhaust ducts.
Type and location of all WSEC outside fresh air inlets.
Sheetrock: thickness type and location.
Fire blocking.
1 -hr. construction between dwelling & garage on garage side.
Rafters ceiling joists trusses with blocking and positive connection of roofs stem to wall.
If engineering, show shear wall symbol and verbiage on the floor plan itself
Footing size, reinforcement include vertical rebar depth below natural and final grade.
Foundation wall height, width and reinforcement rebar hold-downs if applicable.
Anchor bolts washers 2 x 2 x 3/16 square, steel and pressure treated plates.
Thickness of floor slab.
Floor joist size andspacing, under floor clearance from crawls ace grade for joists and beams.
Floor sheathing, type and size.
Wall stud size grade andspacing.
Framing to be used: standard intermediate or advanced.
Header, size grade, spans and insulation if applicable).
Wall sheathing and siding and material.
Type & location of weather -resistive barrier.
Type and location of vapor retarder (WSEC 502.1.6).
Sheetrock: thickness type and location.
Insulation material and R -value in walls above and below grade, floor, ceiling and slab.
Rafters ceiling joists trusses with blocking and positive connection of roofs stem to wall.
Ceiling height.
Roof sheathing, roofing material, roof pitch, attic ventilation(provide calculations).
P:MSDTorms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Pennit Plans Checklist.rtf Page 3 of 4
Rev. 8/7/06
Ex1terior views- on front, d sides; 1�. 11 ,1 d .7...._..
<iwalva rav rro vat coils rear ailU J1Ul<J show Q.11 windows Q.11U doors.
Decks steps, handrails guardrails, landings.
Height of building
Chimneys: show required height above roof.
Final grade.
Retaining walls, if applicable.
P:\DSD\Forms\Building Forms\Application-Residential Building Permit Plans Checklist.rtf
Rev. 8nM6
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