HomeMy WebLinkAbout9301-13. ' _ ~7is i t'N4=~. ~~'i=0 ~~,,. ~~" CZ'~`Y.~ OF~ PORT TOWNSEND TC- tr~4sp't~ ~~.~#t. 4M+r". ~~,~kl' . ~.v s ~ j'- :~- x 6~, t a x:i. ,,~~//uu~~ ( ~ c.+.. ^~ ~'~~'~~ ~~~,~s ,Y, - t EE ~ tk wr ~,. N'I14 ~./l{vb,'-y t~~~15 - ~,z'Cr ~ BUILDER S PERMIT ~~ INSPECTION ~_RECORD' ~. ~. b (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) ~:l(~ Lt~~ ~ ~ etc THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE sti.~~~, ~Py~k 3f ~~G~ _ CALL 385-2294 FOR INSPECTION ~'~' SEE F~EV~RS~-13 ?futAk;j,~h~ r7.o~. emit er Issued 1 /?2/43 Treas. No. r j" ;~~ :ur r i Job Address o33 !~>f+TLri2 ST ooninq r.11~ Type 5-N Occunancf R-1 ~: ~" %• Nature of Work _ 11-unit condominium Use of Building(s) Multi-family residential _-~..~er,+~-~.,_/ timer Mark Johnson/Norm Ream contractor Nordland Construction Co., Inc. ~_~~-~ ANEW ENERGY CDDE+ **,w*permit issued contingent upon erosion control measures inspected and approve on-site prior to construction**** ,. 1. Gr".OUNDW0~1C: Pl~.:mbine Inspector Datz ~ ,J ~ ,n~ ~.. is , ..... ~, ~ a ~, ~,a a:: ... _- ---2: FGfl'TINGSlSLAaS: Se*.ba~ks_ Forns_ Reiniorcenent_ Slab_ _ (~ tti i ;! .ti.~ L ~ d~~'r.~ly o , ` ' ' ~~~~ bui 1 di ngs and parking stal 1 s must be Inspector ~`~._- ~? Date __ 3. FoUNDATI(S~~A~~ ~O~ ea t 1 ~teiaro~ceaevtu~ ~d~e_ o,~ro 01~1nQif-whwhichever i 5 greater*** `} ,rw , Vents- CraGl Acess Inspector ~ LCD S' p (.i'3 ~ tp7i C( r+h'jER'. L /:CY ~. NrLc ~~. ~~~, L, 'G.<~~j 4: FLOOR FRAMING:.- Girders- Joists- Bridainp_ Shield Under Posts positive Post; Girder Comect_ Girder;Concrete-L/2"_ Treated Mood to Con~ete_ Anchor Bolts 1/Washers- inspector Date 5. PLUIHiING: Drains~~Vents /~ Traps lean-outs_~ Water Supply.e~v Gas Supply- Inspector % L~ Date J~~~ 6. NECHANICAL:_ Furnace- Exhaust Heat Duds Inspector Dace _ --7~A~! ~ ~" -3 "9'f ****H h l hi **** e g t imlte to t rty-five (35) feet above existing.. grade 'r. FRANIHG: Galls t!` Ceiling vRoof~~ Vents > "aindows~~ - In Wdll Penetrdtlpn5 f/' Chimney $traDS v - InSpeC.pr , ~ ~ Ddte~~ _ ~ J S.ev~I, /-~/ -!a~ BW y >+r>P{' ! /$ ~+~ 9 A// t„d erd I.4t F•ten9 oh /-~-g +t S. INSULATION: Floor / Fall `'- CeiHna ~---baffles ~~F.T _ 9 7 ~ ~SAYrT~ J^~i" y )-1& /~rw J '~ - ~~ Date ~ ~Q` y _ ~ y ~~ ~l~f / s~~~ ~ 9 DRYWALL NAILING W ~~ l ~~~ F ~ . : alls eil inq ~ Insaector ; e iLCJ Date ~ /H~ 10. DRAINAGE: Approved; see "white C-1" page InspeCor Date ~' FINAL INSPECTION: Building Plumb. ~ ' Nech/heating ~"~ Smoke Det . ~ House No. :% ~ r *** see comments/conditions on reverse; Inspector h`~~ 1 ~f Date ~ ( I C~ completed prior to final**** 1~,~~'[ZC% 1t15Q~t. ~-C~~ ( ~~ Ca11 48 hours bafore you dig for uti 1 ity 1 ina locates Public access and viewpoint area at the Calhoun. street-end; Proposed pocket park adjacent to the Bayview Restaurant established; HPC approval for• (eastern side, direct access to beach, no accessory • structures such as dumpsters) ~ k - concrete paving color and finish; ~. - alternatives to use of frosted glass; ~.. - lighting plan for building and landscaped areas. ~ ~' ~' Install sleeving for futur~ndergrounding of utilities; o Install streetlights and parking lot lighting consistent with the Urban waterfront design guidelines; ~e,g, beamed and shielded) Portion of the existing shoreline bank shall be incorporated into the landscaping plan as outlined in the Modified MDNS issued by the City Council on March 3, 1992; CC&R's shall include provisions for the operation and maintenance and repair of stormwater facilities and the shore defense. work and shall be reviewed by Director of P & B; A residential building owners associatsiion shall. be established prior. to occupancy and a separate agreement regarding maintenance and upkeep of the public restrooms, public access walkway and park areas between the Home- owners Association and the City shall be executed; 9.) Residential building and the restaurant shall provide screened areas on site for garbage collection, recycling facilities and any surface-mounted propane tanks; plans to be reviewed by Director of P & B; 10.) No change to parks without HPC approval; 11.)- As-builts of utilities that enter the ROW shall be prepared by an engineer and submitted to Public Works prior to final; 12.) Applicant's engineer shall sign-off on the construction of the stormwater system prior to final inspection by the City, including rip-rap shoreline protection.. Applicant's engineer is responsible to see that construction conforms to plans. - -,__ '~. n~. j~f~~ CSTY OF PORT TOWNS END }}~,,, ~ -I-, ~ BUILDER'S PERMIT 6 INSPECTION RECORD ~~r,^~~I~~_~~. ~' ~;,`[,~~ (See Instructions on Attached Sheet) - V THIS CARD MUST BE POSTED AT CONSTRUCTION SITE L=~ 2! ~ ~~ ~~" - -CALL 985-2294 FOR INSPECTION ~~'~ ~ (pSEE REY~RS F_; ~~ ermt N er~U1 Job iddress .Issued __ 1_ /9T/~_ Treas No ," Zanin4 -CttL'TYpe ~ F_N_,. ' Bature of +brk 11- mi ondominium Dse of Buiiding~s)': Multi-fam~ly~residential ~, " Prner dark John on/Norm Ream Contractor Nordland Construction Co Inc tNEw ENEEGI CODE* ****Permit issued contingent upon erosion control measures inspected `and appr~ on-site prior to construction**** I. Gr"",OUHDF't)RX: plumbing Insnecmr Ddt2 Z. FOOTIYGSiSL.IAS: Setbacks ~ Forms `~ fleinforcement_ Slah_ - ***Rl 1 bui 1 di ngs and parking stalls must -be insoeror ~ ~ Dace /- ~~~~/ J 3. FODNDATi~~ALL~ ~oi'ffieast 1Reiato%m Bltuff's,~ed~e~o~ 01!IHN, whichever is greater*** Dents Ctaai kcess a`" ~ ¢ , Insxctor '' '- ~~ z Data 8. IHSULATIO ~.euluy__ In ball penetrations N: Floor _ wall _ -9. DEYSiALL'NAILING: NalIs_ Ceiling_- ;, m < 3 ~_ ****PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL**** ~" 1.) Public access and viewpoint area at .the Calhoun street-end;, 2.) Proposed pocket park adjacent to the Bayview;Restaurant established;. , 3 ) ~ `" (eastern side, direct access to beach; no eccessory~~p •NPC approval 'for: - - r - ~~- - . ` structures such as dumpsters) ~ ; {~ concrete paving color and.fin~sh; ~ ~' ~~n :, ~ J1 e.T le t+d'~ ~~ ~ ."r li . '"a'~{ a ~ J :~°H '1 Y?FS" °t~' f i T ~ ~1 ~~ ~ t` gtass, ~a " - alternatives to use of frosted X lighting plan for building end landscaped areas. 4.) Install sleeving for futur~Gndergrounding of utilities;" 5.) Install streetlights and parking lot lighting consistent with .the Urban waterfront design guidelines; (e~9, beamed -:and shielded) 6.) Portion'of the existing shoreline bank shell besincorporated into the landscaping plan as outlined in the Modified MDNS issued:. by the City , Council on March 3,'.1992;": 7.) CC&R's shalLinclude provisions for.the'operation and maintenanceNand repair