HomeMy WebLinkAbout032416 CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR SESSION OF MARCH 24, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The Port Townsend Planning Commission met in regular session on March 24, 2016, in the Council Chambers at 540 Water Street. Chair Frick called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present at roll call were Kirit Bhansali, Nan Evans, Douglas Frick, Rick Jahnke, Monica MickHager, Dwight Nicholson, and Paul Rice. Staff members present were Planning Director Lance Bailey, Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber, City Attorney Steve Gross, Public Works Director Ken Clow, City Engineer David Peterson, GIS Coordinator Tyler Johnson, and Deputy Clerk Amber Long. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA Motion: Rick Jahnke moved to accept the agenda with the change of moving the Capital Facilities Element discussion (VILA) to immediately follow the Transportation Element discussion (VLA). Monica MickHager seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 17, 2016 Motion: Monica MickHager moved to approve the minutes of March 17, 2016, with the change of deleting the second sentence under Old Business - Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element and replacing it with "Staff offered a clean draft at a future meeting."Dwight Nicholson seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE OLD BUSINESS GMA Periodic Update - Comprehensive Plan Transportation Element City Engineer David Peterson led the discussion on the Transportation Element (Goals 8-12 only). The Commission discussed the draft page by page and had questions answered by staff. Follow-up issues for staff include: Page 6-1: In the first paragraph, staff believes that the six-year requirement refers to the time period after development completion, but staff will research and clarify if Planning Commission Meeting March 24, 2016 Page 1 of 4 needed. Page 6-3: In Policy 8.7, staff will rework the language to be more broad and will look into whether the City has the authority to set a level of service for Transit. Page 6-3: Staff will work on the language for Policy 8.8 to give more information about the end goal for the policy. Page 6-8: The Commission expressed concerns about the "Implementation" table and questioned whether it actually needs to be included the Comprehensive Plan and how it will be interpreted by the public with no timelines or dates attached to the projects. Staff will look into options, such as moving it to the appendix or putting the information into a map. The Commission generally agreed to strike the word "Implementation." In response to a question, staff clarified that the Housing Element has an Implementation Strategies section, as required by the Countywide Planning Policy, but the other elements do not. The functional plans provide information on how the Comprehensive Plan policies will be implemented. Public Comment: Liz Berman inquired about the meaning of the word "drainage" in the Transportation Element, and staff provided a response. GMA Periodic Update — Comprehensive Plan Capital Facilities Element — First Touch Staff intends to separate Utilities from Capital Facilities to create two separate elements. One focus for the upcoming draft will be telecommunications, which did not exist 20 years ago. Staff will provide a draft of the Utilities Element for the next meeting. The meeting went into recess at 7:43 p.m. and resumed at 7:48 p.m. GMA Periodic Update — Comprehensive Plan Land Use Element—Wrap Up Planning Manager/Senior Planner Judy Surber discussed the wrap-up item--the request to add "and maintain" to Policies 4.1.2 and 4.1.3--made at a prior meeting by Debbie Jahnke on behalf of the Parks, Recreation, and Tree Advisory Board. Staff has discussed and believes that the language in Policy 5.3 covers what was requested. Staff has agreed that the requested change does not fall under housekeeping and cannot be added to the docket at this time. Public Comment: Debbie Jahnke expressed thanks. GMA Periodic Update — Comprehensive Plan Housing Element— Core Topic Ms. Surber discussed the memorandum from E.D. Hovee (Attachment A to the staff memorandum), which contains proposed housing strategies and next steps that had been pulled out of the inventory. The appendix to the Comprehensive Plan will include the Hovee housing inventory without the strategies. Planning Commission Meeting March 24, 2016 Page 2 of 4 Motion: Kirit Bhansali moved to accept the revised memorandum separating the strategies and recommendations from the housing inventory data. Dwight Nicholson seconded. Vote: motion carried unanimously, 7-0 by voice vote. Ms. Surber gave an overview of changes to the Housing Element since the previous draft. The Commission discussed the element draft page by page and generally agreed on the following: Page 4: Staff will rework the list for style consistency. Number 3 on the list should be changed to something like "Balancing the needs of year-round residents with tourism." Page 5: In the first paragraph under Housing Supply, the sentence beginning "Through the recession and subsequent..." should be deleted entirely, as well as the "However" at the beginning of the following sentence. Page 6: Delete the first sentence of Policy 1.2 as a housekeeping matter. Page 7: Staff will do some research to determine whether the data in the table under "2010 or later" is current. Page 10: In the second sentence of the second paragraph under Low Income & Special Needs Population (starting with "Compared with"), the words "even as" should be deleted and substituted with "however." Page 11: In Policy 5.1.3, change "Housing Authority" to "public housing authorities." Under Jobs/Housing Balance, add "2008" before "recession." Page 12: Delete the text under Permit Processing/Regulatory Reform. In Policy 8.6.1, end the sentence after "renewable sources." Page 13: Reinstate the last sentence of the struck-out first paragraph in the Introduction (beginning "An affordable housing strategy is needed...") and have it be the new first sentence of the Introduction. In the second-to-last paragraph, insert "increased" before "city" and strike "in housing and delivery." Ms. Surber gave an overview of the strategies on pages 14 & 15, which will be discussed in more depth at the next meeting. The Commission generally agreed that the existing strategies (#1-8) are still valid and that strategies suggested by Hovee should be incorporated into the existing element strategies, but further discussion is needed. Staff will look into incorporating code audit language into #4 of the Hovee suggestions. Public Comment: Liz Berman spoke about her request for a change to the zoning code and about the challenge of trying to preserve neighborhood character in development. The Commission asked questions of Ms. Berman and agreed that the issue needs more discussion. Staff suggested two potential options: add as a bullet to #4 of the Hovee suggested strategies or add to the running list of issues to be addressed later. The Commission generally agreed to both options; however, Commissioner Rice later clarified that he was uncomfortable with the idea and had been silent during the vote. Staff will let Ms. Berman know that there are some concerns and will ask for more information. NEW BUSINESS Planning Commission Meeting March 24, 2016 Page 3 of 4 GMA Periodic Update — Temporary Encampments (Docket Item #24) — PTMC Amendment Ms. Surber requested the Planning Commission's input on the questions posed in Attachment G, and the Commission generally agreed on the following: 1. Do not limit to religious organizations. 2. The number could be based on demand or the size of the camp relative to acreage; there was a suggestion that 50 might be a better number. 3. Existing code is adequate. 4. Applicant should wait 60 days to renew a permit; no more than one camp in the City at a time. 5. Staff will look into the issue of pets. 6. Need more public notice than Type I. Staff will look at other options for public input besides a hearing examiner review (such as requiring the applicant to hold a public meeting). 7. There was a brief discussion about requiring an organization to use property it owns, as opposed to leases. Staff will consider and discuss at the next meeting. OTHER BUSINESS - NONE UPCOMING MEETINGS Staff will be coming to the Planning Commission before July 1st with interim regulations regarding marijuana based on the passage of Senate Bill 5052. Ms. Surber gave an update on arranging for the planning short course with Jefferson County. The new proposed date is the evening of May 11th. Commissioner MickHager reported that she and Commissioner Evans had recently met with the County Planning Commission to discuss the Comprehensive Plan update process. COMMUNICATIONS - NONE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Attest: l oma- Planning Commission Chair City Clerk's Office Planning Commission Meeting March 24, 2016 Page 4 of 4