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Vice-Chairmah 14ojt Called the meeting to order. All members were present except
Chairman Charles larsh and Fred Lester. Minutes of September 27, 1976 were
approved as written.
APPLICATIOW N00' 119 -- Louis Buchi 1 l o
19th and Hal or b, Port Townsend
The request is for a street vacation of Oise Street between 19th Street and
Discovery Road of Blocks 61 and 66 of Eisenbeis Addition. The application was
tabled at the September 27th meeting pending approval of the vacation bar the Port
Townsend Fire Department. dames Campbell reported Fre Chief Robert Jones found
the proposal would not cause any fire hazards. Mr. Bu hi l l o confirmed Nor. Camp-
bell 's report. Roger French, as at the last meeting, questioned the landloeking
of Lots 6 and 7 if the vacation were approved.
Cambell/Smith moved to recommend to the City Council they approve the vacation as
i t wo:uTd riot create a fire hard, would Create undesirable turnoffs, and there would
be no benefit in the City retaining the road. Vote- 2 ,yes 3 no. Johnson Wi ghtman
moved to recommend to the City Council they deny the request for vacation as it is
not in the interest of the City to vacate. Vote: 3 ,yes 2 no.
APPLICATION NO. 1.17 - H.J. Carroll
Sims Way,, Port Townsend
PUBLIC HEARING (taped) : The request is for a rezone of P-I and -1I to C-II of
property located at Eis nbeis Addition (Block 31, Lots 1-15 and 29-32- Block 30,
Lots 1-32; Block 19, Lots 1-14 and 17-32; Bl of , Lots 1-32; Block 10, Lots 1-12;
Block , Lots 1--16) and Railroad Addition (Blocks 3, 4, and . The applicant pro-
poses to construct a shopping mall .
Testimony favoring the request was taken. - Olive Paddock, Arthur t rout, Cindy
Morrison, John Madden, and Dol Grahm feltthe location dosigyra lo for a shopping
Center~ and felt the reed for additional commerce in the community. One testified
against the request. Paul Shoe, Co-owner~ of the Safeway plaza , believed a new
shopping center would jepordize his enterprise. Others testifying, Jack Scott, Mary
Murdoch, Janoen' Hayden, Steve Hayden and Allen Denison, felt a decision on the
rezone should be delayed until the Kah Tai Lagoon Development Plan was completed.
Applicant H.J. Carrol l commented, he i an advocate of the fah Tai Lagoon. Devel op-
ment Pl�n and will support any proposals for the area. He would find it a problem
in delaying the project nti-1 the "Plan" was completed.
Wi ghtman CaWbel loved to recommend to the City Council they approve the rezone
request as it will be a suitable land use with the surrounding area. Vote: ,yes
no o.
APPLICATION NO. 122 - Rudy Mall once
633 vain Buri en; Port Townsend
PUBLIC HEARING (taped) : The request is for a rezone of R-I t -III on property
located i n the Original Townsi to of Port Townsend on Block 131 , Lots 1-6., The appli-
cant wishes to construct s i x units as an addition to an existing multi-farml,y complex.
No opposition was noted. ft--was lsuggested the entire-brk -brned t ;- ' -I +� nd
a l4c-_;I h -i ng et Johnson Smith moved to recommend to the City Council they
approve the rezone request as it meets community needs and is in conformity with
zoning in that section of the city and is in conformity with the Comprehensive
Plan. Vote: yes 4 no 0. _
APPLICATION No: 124 - Arthur K. Krout
o Reed street,, Pont Townsend
The request is for a rezone of Block 29, Lots 13-20 of Li senbei s Addition from a
R-1 to a P-I. The applicant intends to construct a dental office on the premises,
dispersing dental services in the community. The rezone will extend existing P-I
.zoning in the area.
Robert Johnson suggested the rezone request include all of Bloch 29 and Block 21.
A public hearing was scheduled for November 29th for the rezone of Blocks 21 and
29, Eisenbeis. Addition, by Vice-Chairman W j t.
APPLICATION NO. 123 - Septhen L. Warner
308 E Street, Port Townsend
A conditional Use Permit was requested so the applicant could manufacture pottery
at his home, 308 E Street. The applicant would not be selling his products at
the said, l ocati on. Johnson Wi ghtman roved to recommend to the City Council they
approve the request as it promotes a useful occupation. Dote: yes 4 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 125 - Bayshore Enterprises, Inc.
1817 Water Street, Port Townsend
A conditional Use Permit was requested to operate an acitiv ty center for the handi-
capped at 232 30th, Haines and Umatilla. Applicant Representative Edward Sasser
answered questions of the members. Wightman Smith roved to recommend to the city
0 Council they approve the request as it endorses a worthwhile program. Dote: yes
no o.
Members felt it was unnecessary at this time to take a position on the terminal ,
more details on the proposal would he needed,
Recommendations of the Steering Committee were distributed to members. The recom-
mendations were discussed at the September 27, 1976 meeting and were now presented
in completed form.
Members were reminded of the upcoming workshop to discuss lard development standards.
The secretary was asked to contact City Councilmen, the Mayor and City Attorney and
invite them to the workshop.
Vice-Cha i rmrtanWo j t: noted the P.A.W. would be holding a conference November 17-18th
in Wenatchee. Wi ghtman/Johnson mored to authorize Kay Woj t to attend the Confer-
ence and use up to $125.00 from the Travel Expense Account ; of the Commission budget.
Dote: yes 4 no o.
Th m�eet�i was adjourned.
Laura soothrayd, Acting dcretaryfor the Planning mr�nission