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Cha i rman Marsh cal 1 ed the meeti ng 'to order. All members were present. Minutes
ofJuly 26th were approved as mailed, f
Floyd lei ghtman reviewed the 1976 budget. As indicated ori the September print--oust
only 4% of the total budget has been expended.
APPLICATION NO'. 101 - R. Fisher and O.' Hendrickson
Box 175 A, Sequ i m, CdA 98382
The reouest for the Conditional Use Permit is still pending. Le ter W g t an
moved to continue tabling the application (see minutes of April 26th) . Vote
yes 6 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 117 - H.J. Carroll
Sirs Way, Port Townsend
The reouest is for a rezone of P-I and -I I to -I I of property located at E i ser-
b iAddition Block 31, Lots 1 -15 and 29-32; Block 30, Lots 1-32; Block 19, Lots
1-14 and 17-32; Block 20, Lots 1-32; Block 10, Lots 1-12; Block 9, Lots 1--16) and
Railroad Addition (Blocks 3, 4, and for the purpose of a community shopping
center and motel sites. Chairman Marsh set a public hearing date of October 25,
1976 for the application. Roger Preach, City Engineer, noted he would see if an
Environmental Impact Statement and a Shoreline Management Permit would be required.
APPLICATION NO. 122 - Rudy Mallonee
633 lean Burien, Port Townsend
Copies of this application were not available. The request is for a rezone of R-I
to -III on property located at the Original Townsite of Port Townsend on Block.
131, Lots 1, 2, 32 4, 5, and 6. The purpose of the request was explained by appli-
ppli -
cant Rudy Mai 1 once; to add a. si -pl enc apartment units to an existing apartment
complex. Chairman Marsh set a public hearing date of October 25th for this app l 1-
C.:a t i
cati n.
APPLICATION NO, 118 - Clyde and Louise Kendall
P.O. Box 596, Port Townsend
The request to vacate 2nd Street between Sherman and Hancock Streets of Blocks 290
and 309 of Eisenbeis Addition is to continue landscaping, to insure'the safety of
children at play, and to maintain the natural drainage for Hancock Street between
2nd and 3rd Streets. Roger French reported, there is no indication by the City
the street would ever be used. Smith/Campbell roved to recommend to the City
Council they approve the request for the street vacation. o t Smi th amended the
motion to note a trail easement be retained by the City. vote: yes b no 0
APPLICATION NO. 119 - Louis Buchillo
19th and Hal comb, Port Townsend
The request is for the vacation of Gise Street between 19th Street and Discovery
Road of Blocks 61 and 66 of E i senbei s Addition. The purpose of the vacation is t
allow r o e desirable access, without hazard, to both properties involved. Roger
French objected, the two middle lots of 6 and 7 would be landlocked. A written
covenant insuring access to all lots adjacent to the vacated street should be
provided. James Campbell objected, adequate fire protection could not be provided
unless continued access across that p rti on of Gise to be vacated could be guaranteed.
Lester Woj t- roved to table the appl i cats n until further information on fire
access was received by the fire department. Vote: yes 6 no 0
APPLICATION NO. 120 - City of Port Townsend Park Board
540 Water Street, Port Townsend
The request is for a street vacation of C Street, from Cherry to Willow, and Rose
Street, from Q Street to R Street, of Blocks 8, 9, 43, and 44 of Pettygrove's ,
and Pettygrove's Park Addition. Wightman Wojt moved to table the application
until ' a representative could be present to clarify the request.
APPLICATION NO. 121 -- Herbert J. Heinle
1135 .3rd Street, Pont Townsend
The request is for a setback :variance of an R-I zoned area on property located at
Fi senbei s Addition, Block 294, Lots 7 and 8. The proposal is to construct a
garage addition and a deck. After the Commission discussed the request Johnson/
1 ightman moved to recommend to the City Council they approve the variance. Vote:
yes 6 no 0
Kay Woj t reported on the recommendations proposed by the steering committee. one
recommendation war- ;. "A current zoning map be prepared; that we consider hiring a
person to do the map in association with the City Engineer, Funds could be used
from the allocation- for a Planner's sal ry. i n the city budget. Further, the reap,
when completed,. be kept current by' the secretary for further honoraria. " The
recommendation is in the process of being accomplished through the initiative of
City Engineer Roger French and will be budgeted through his department. The secre-
tary will be asked if she wishes to keep the map up-to-date.
Another reco nendatiori was; "A list of documents and materials which Commissioners
should keep and pass on to their successors be compiled, officially adopted by the
Commission, and Dept up-to--date by the secretary as ammended, so that newCommis-
sioners can check to see that they have the necessary information. Further, ar
Planning Commission member be appointed to contact each neer member prior to his/her
first meeting n to familiarize him/her with proceddres, regulations and materials.
The new member should be encouraged to seek further help from the City Attorney if
desired. " It was agreed, when said l i s of documents and material s i s compl eted the
recommendation would be considered for adoption as a policy.
Three additional .recommendations were reviewed, Johnson Wi htm n moved to adopt the
following as policies of the Planning Commission: 1 "A Planning Commission member
represent the Commission at all City Council meetings. Said representative would be
expected to find ar substitute ifhe/she could not attend any Council meeting. it
was decided Chairman Marsh would be the representative. Further, the Mayor and
City Council be .no{ti fi6d . - �. representative would be present. Further, Planning
Commission minutes be available prior to the following City Council meeting for the
use of said prepresenati e. Further, a City Council agenda be mailed to the Plan-
ning Commission Chairman. We seek periodically to see that proper Planning
Commission maters al is in the library. 3 Letters of recommendation to the Counil
should state the number of members voting for and against any proposed action, "
Kay o J`t reviewed recommendations of the steering ommi ttee on proposed projects
(1) a current zoning reap be prepared, 2 alternative development standards such
as contract zoning, density zoning, and performance standards be investigated, and
(3) Rob Clarke of the office f mu' nit Development be asked do workshop
for the Commission onoptional development standards. Members agreed to a Wednes-
day night workshop.
Recommendations of the steering committee on the proposed 1977 Commission budget
was reviewed. An increase was made in Personal Services due to secretarial
increase addition of consultant fees, and addition of clerical to maintain the
zoningmap) . Operating Supplies increased s cost of supplies has increased.
p pp
An increase was made in other services and Charges as postage, tr%ansportation3
and advertising costs increase and an increase in other t cover any mapping costs
incurred. Thep roposed 1977 budget would b forwarded to the City Council for
heir approval .
Th hetiwas adjourned.
Laura southmayd Icting Secretary for the Pl anni n Commission