Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order. All members were present.
The minutes were approved as mailed.
The Commissioners welcomed new member Jiro Campbell, who replaces June
Scott on the Commission,
In response to the Commission' s request for more information about the
National Register of Historic Places, Richard McCurdy attended this
meeting accompanied by Art Skol.nik, Washington State Conservator and
bead of the State office of Archaeology and Preservation. Mr. Skolnik' s
statements were taped. He said Port Townsend is on the National and
the State Historic Registers and is eligible for funding from both.
Grants are available to anyone owning and wishing to restore a historic
structure. Mr. Skolnik recommended the Commission create an historic
district ordinance to encourage preservation of and prevent demolition
of structures in the historic district. He stated ars historic district
review board could be created to oversee work taking place in the
historic district, primarily concerning itself with irreversible actions
which would alter the character of the historic district.
Of primary concern in the discussion which followed was the amount of
freedom which would be extracted from a property owner accepting a
grant, and in the covenant which accompanies such a grant. Concern
was also expressed about government spending and taxpayers ' money.
APPLICATION NO, 11 - Gerald & Alida S ndq is
1024 - 10th Street
PUBLIC HEARING, Rezone request from R-I to R-II for property located
at F i senbe i s Addition, Block 75 , Lots 1-8 . Proposed Use: multifamily
dwellings . The Commission heard opposition expressed by Jack Scott
and Stam Anderson, property owners in the area. They objected to spot
zoning which would set a precedent for other scant properties in the
area being used for multifamily dwellings and would bring about a
change in the character of the neighborhood.
After hearing Mr. Sandqui.st and upon further discussion, Johnson/Lester
roved to recommend to the City Council the request be denied because of
spat zoning and objections of adjoining property owners ,
VOTE: yes 6 no
A letter from the Highway Commission was brought to the attention of
the ConunissionerFs . Its content was advice of a meeting to be held
August 4 , 1976 , ire the King Counter Administration Building in Seattle,
concerning itself with the future service and capital reeds of the
Ferry System. This led to a discussion of the relocation of the ferny
terminal in Pont Townsend and the fact the City Planning Commission
PAGE TWO - MINUTES of JULY 26 , 1976
is interested in making some input into the matter. Chairman Marsh
will write to the Highway Commission in this regard.
letter was received from the Bicentennial Town Hall Forum which is
holding a meeting on July 30 , 1976, In the Jefferson County Courthouse..
Kay woj t will attend. To provide her with its recommendations on
subjects to be discussed by the Forum, the Commissioners put therm to
vote, as follows:
(1) SUBJECT: To establish ars ad hoc committee to develop lop n offer
an ordinance to present an initiative on the November ballot requiring
establishment of ars Architectural Board of Review and Historical
District Review Board. Said committee was created at the Forum.
Motion by ohnson Wightr an that City Planning Commission is opposed
to this. vo TE: y e s 5 no 1
(2) SUBJECT: City undertake study of Randy Tyler Comprehensive Plan
Review of May 1975 and the National Historic District Study .
Motion by Johnson/Lester: The City Planning Commission ion will undertake
both studies. VOTE: yes 6 no 0
Johnson/wightman moved there be no meeting in August. The next meeting
will be September 30 , VOTE: yes 6 no
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow, secretary
Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order. All members were present.
The minutes were approved as mailed.
The Commissioners welcomed new member Jim Campbell, who replaces June
Scott on the Commission .
In response to the Commission' s request for more information about the
National. Register of Historic Places, Richard McCurdy attended this
meeting accompanied by Art Skoln
is interested in Faking someinput into the matter., Chairman Marsh
will_ write to the Highway Commission in this regard.
A letter was received from the Bicentennial Town Hall Forum which is
holding a meeting on July 30 , 1976 , in the Jefferson County Courthouse. '4
Kafir woj t will attend. To provide her with its recommendations on
subjects to be discussed by the Fortm, the Coruaissioners put thea t
vote, as follows:
(1) SUBJECT: To establish an ad hoe committee to develop and offer
an ordinance to present an initiative on the November ballot requiring
establishment of an Architectural Board of Review and Historical
District Review Board. Said committee was created at the Forum.
Motion by Johnson/wig itman that City Planning Commission is opposed
to this , VOTE: yes 5 no l
2 SUBJECT: City undertake -study of Ranch Tyler Comprehensive Plan
Review of May 1975 and the National Historic District Study,
Motion by Johnson/Lester: The City Planning Commission will undertake
both studies. VOTE: yes 6 no 0
John son/Wightman moved there be no meeting in August. The next meeting
will. be September 30 , VOTE: yes 6 no 0
The meeting was adjourned,
Evelyn Charkow, Secretary