Chairman Marsh called the meeting to order. All members present except
Robert Johnson. The minutes of March 29 and April 26 were approved as
APPLICATION NC. 101 - Richard H, Fisher & 0, M. Hendrickson
Box 175A, Sequin WA
Conditional Use Permit Request to build motel-restaurant complex on
property located at that portion of Blocks 3, 4 , and 5 of Railroad
Addition lying south of State Highway 20 , commonly known as Sirs Way,
together with vacated McNeill and Haines Streets and vacated alleys.
Adjacent to above blocks, This request remains tabled until the Port
Commission comes to a decision on it.
APPLICATION NO, 103 - Eugene R. Woods, 2935 Gise St.
Taken from table. Street vacation Request to vacate 30th between Gise
and Cleeland, so adjacent property owners may restore area to its
natural condition and enhance its beauty . Further study indicated
several developmental lots in that area would be landlocked if this
portion of 30th were vacated, Wightran/Scott moved to recommend to
the City Council this street vacation be denied because it would
landlock several lots and the City Street Department has advised the
street can be developed some day. VOTE: yes 5 no
APPLICATION . 107 - Earnest R. Hails, Administrator for
Jefferson County Public Hospital Dist
Ninth and Sheridan, and
Stanley and Barbara Anderson, 611 Poly
Taken from table. Street Vacation Request to vacate Ninth Street
between Sheridan and Gise; and Cleveland between Ninth and Tenth.
Hails and Mr. Anderson were present and the issue was thoroughly
discussed. Scott/Smith roved to recommend to the City Council this
request be denied., A denial of request appears to be in the best
interests of the City at this time and, further, the Commission would
recommend the City Council review the traffic pattern on those
existing streets and the possibility of changing the stop sign on
Tenth and opening crosswalks on Ninth. VOTE: yes 5 no
APPLICATION NO, 108 - Roder D, Taylor, 1123 31st Street
Taken from table. Street Vacation Request to vacate 5th Street in
Sunnyside Park Addition. After having made a study of the area and
discussion with Mr. Taylor, Wo t/Lester mored to recommend to the
City Council denial of this request. It is unclear as to whether or
not the City will need 5th Street in the future, VOTE: yes 5 no
MEETING OF MAY 24r 1976 Page Two
APPLICATION NO, ill - Richard F . McCurdy (and others)
636 Maine
Street vacation Request to vacate Quincy St. between Taft and Roosevelt.
After discussion, Wojt/Scott moved to recommend to the City Council
approval of the request, providing that a trail easement is retained by
the City. It was determined the area is too steep for a street.
VOTE: yes 4 no o Fred Lester disqualified himself from voting for
personal reasons.
APPLICATION NO* 11 - Anthony E , S troeder, 1730 Hill
Request to rezone from R-I to R-II property located at Eisenbeis Addition,
Blocks 221 and 209 , Lots l thru 8 for the purpose of constructing multi-
family units. Scott/Lester moved a public hearing be set for June 28 .
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
APPLICATION NO, 113 - William Cathcart, 1602 Jackson St,
Conditional Use Permit Request to operate an antique shop at 739Lawrence.
Lester/Scott moved to recommend to the City Council the request be
approved, since a precedent was set in granting similar requests.
VOTE: yes 5 no 0
Chairman Marsh appointed a Steering Committee, which includes Chair-
person Kay Wo t, Frank Smith, and Fred Lester . They will research and
recommend areas of planning the Commission can work on. These would
include updating the Comprehensive Plan and City Zoning Ordinance,
checking minutes of previous years for policies that have been made,
reviewing the y--Laws, and making recommendations on planning in general.
Wightman/ mi th moved the secretary be instructed to write a letter t
the City Clerk' s office, as follows
"It is our desire that applications to be considered be placed in the
mail 10 days prior to all scheduled meetings of the Planning Commission .
Applications received after that time will be considered at the follow-
ing meeting. " VOTE: yes 5 no 0
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow, Secretary