HomeMy WebLinkAbout042676 Min MINUTES OF THE PORT T WAT SEND PLANNING CCMMI SI N OF APRIL 2 , 1976 Chairman pro tem Lester called the meeting to order. Members present Lester, Wo j t, Scott, Marsh, Wightman, Smith. It was moved by Woj t/ Wightman that Mr. Lester preside at this evening' s meeting; vote was unanimous yes 4 no 0 . APPLICATION NO, 100 - Jack Ger peau, 1213 Blaine Street Alley Vacation Request to vacate alley between Lots 21, 22 , 23, 2 and 11, 12, 13, and 14 , Eisenbeis Addition in Block 28. Reason for request: to meet requirements of Health Department with regard t sewer pipeline that runs from one side of the block to the other across said alley at the place sought to be vacated. Discussion produced a motion by Wo t/Scott to recommend to the City Council the alley be vacated as requested. VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION NO, 101 - Richard H. Fisher & 0. M. Hendrickson Box 1A, Sequim WA Conditional Use Permit Request (with Environmental Checklist Form attached) . Petitioners wish to build a motel-restaurant complex on property located at that portion of Blocs 3 , 4 , and 5 of Railroad Addition lying south of State Highway 20, commonly known as Sams Way, together with vacated McNeill and Haines Streets and vacated alleys. Adjacent to the above blocks. Request was tabled since petitioners have no property at present as no decision has been made by the Port Commission in this regard. APPLICATION . 102 - Mr. & Mrs. Alan Minish, 1155 Wilson St. Variance Request to enclose existing carport into a recreation room and living area. Discussion produced a motion by Scott/Wo j t to recommend to the City Council they grant this request. VOTE: yes 4 no APPLICATION N . 14 - Paul E, and Jean M. Nol lette, 1240 Cedar St. Variance Request to build a garage with family room over to within 14 feet of rear property line warring zoning ordinance. Discussion produced a motion by Scott/Wightman to recommend to the City Council this application be granted as requested. VOTE: yes 4 no APPLICATION NO, 98 - Melvin G. Black, 2200 Haines St. PUBLIC NEARING on request to rezone from P-1 to M-I property located at 0, C. Hastings Supplement, Block 14 , Lots 5-8 . Proposed use studio for arts and crafts production. The hearing was taped, Mr. Black is now operating a studio on a Conditional Use Permit. He desires the permanence of a rezone. Discussion produced a motion b wightman/woit to recommend to the City Council, this application b denied because of the effects of spot zoning, VOTE: yes 4 no 0 APPLICATION N . 106 Thurman Supply, 1030 Lawrence Variance Request to erect an eight-foot high chain length fence with three strands of barbed wire on an empty lot behind the store. This MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 1976 Page Two would provide security of electrical and plumbing supplies stored i MINUTES of APRIL 26, 1976 a Three for further study; no date was set, APPLICATION NO. l - Roder D, Taylor, 1123 31st Street Street Vacation Request to vacate 5th Street in Sunnyside Park Addition. The request states, "I have 30 lots that I want to build on. I would like 600 feet of 5th Street vacated so that my property is not divided in half. 5th Street deadends in my 30 lots) . " This request was tabled by Chairman pro tern Lester because there isn' t sufficient information on which to make a recommendation. An election was held to choose a Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission, both vacated by the resignations of Del Graham and Lowed Tiller, Charles Marsh was unanimously elected Chairman on a motion by Scott/Woj t. Kay woj t was unanimously elected vice Chair- person on a motion by Wightr an/Marsh. New members welcomed to the Commission are Floyd Wightman and Frank Smith, Jr, Kay Wojt distributed booklets authorized to be purchased by the Planning Commission, entitled "The Job of the Planning Commission" . She will be reimbursed $22 .25 for the seven booklets. Approval of the minutes of March 29, 1976, was postponed until the May 24 meeting. discussion arose with regard to travel expenditures incurred by members of the Commission. Marsh/Scott moved that all expenditures from the budget have the prior approval of the Commission. Vouchers will be turned over to Treasurer Scott, VOTE: yes 5 no Kay Woj t informed the Commission Ron Clarke is a good resource person who can dispense information pertaining to City Planning; he can also set up workshops, if requested. Free information may also be obtained by phoning 1-800-562-5677 in Olympia. The next meeting was set for May 24 , 1976 , The meeting was adjourned. E, nX4 Evelyn Charkow, Secretary