The secretary called the meeting to order. There being no Chairman or
Vice Chairman present, Fred Lester was elected Chairman pro tem.
Members present: Scott/Lester/Marsh/Woj t/Johnson. The minutes of the
February 23 and March 15 meetings were approved.
A motion was rade by Johnson/Marsh to formally adopt a recommendation
to the City Council, formulated at the March 15 Study Session - I that
an amendment of the Zoning Ordinance def ine -1 I as no more than
dwelling units per gross acre and, further, that no single structure
shall contain more than 4 dwelling units' . VOTE: yes 4 no
Kay Wojt distributed data of recent changes made in the Zoning Ordinance.
After hearing the Treasurer' s report, Marsh/wojt moved the Commission
purchase seven up-to-date street maps at a total cast of $14 . 00 ,
VOTE; yes 4 no
APPLICATION NO. 98 - Melvin O. Black, 2200 Haines St,
Request t to rezone from -I to M-I property located at 0, C. Hastings
Supplement, Bloch 14 , Lots 5-8 , Proposed use: studio for ants and
crafts production, Marsh/Scott moved a public hearing be set for
April 26, 1976 . VOTE: Yes 3 no 1
APPLICATION NO. 9 - WillisL. Head, Box 421
PUBLIC HEARING on request to rezone from -I to R-II or -I I I property
located at Eisenbeis Addition, Block 287, Lots 1, 2 , 3r 61 7, 8 in
order to convert existing vacant building into a 4 unit apartment house.
The Commissioners had expanded the request to consider the inclusion
of Blocks 281 , 282 , 283, 286 , 288 for rezone, as well. The hearing was
Mr. Head was the only member of the audience who requested to be heard.
Discussion followed. Johnson/Scott moved to recommend to the City
Council. that Blocks 281., 282 , 286, 287, and 288 be rezoned from R-I to
-III. VOTE: yes 4 no
APPLICATION NO. 95 taken from table - San Juan Baptist Church
Box 186
Request to vacate 18th Street between Rosecrans and McClellan Streets
to facilitate access to parking area. Discussion followed with
representative of the church. Scott/Johnson roved to recommend -to the
City Council the street vacation request be granted, VOTE: yes 4 no
PUBLIC HEARING to consider proposed PCD Overpay District of Lincoln
Beach Plat, Section 1 , Township 30 North, Rance l W,W,M. 1.07 acnes.
Proposed Use: Divide site into 5 residential lots, with private road
access. The hearing was taped.
Discussion focused primarily on the private access road and parking.
Following discussion, Marsh/Scott moved to recommend to the City
MINUTES OF MARCH 29 , 1976 Page Two
Council the PUD approved as presented, with a stipulation that
adequate access can be worked out between Mr. I c an and the Building
Committee, VOTE: yes 3 no 2 (Chairman Lester voting)
APPLICATION ISO. 97 - Anthony E. Stroeder, 1730 Hill Street
PUBLIC HEARING on request to rezone from R-I to R-III property located
at Eisenbeis Addition, Blocks 209 and 221 , Lots 1 thru 8, Proposed
Use: Multi-family units. The hearing was taped.
After discussion, Johnson/Wojt moved to recommend to the City Council
the request for rezone to R-III be denied and, in lieu, recommend
subject property be zoned R- I f VOTE: yes 4 no
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Char} ow