HomeMy WebLinkAbout112475 Min i # ■ MINUTES of THE PORT TOWNSEND PLANNING COMMISSION F N OVE MBE R 24 , 1975 Chairman Lester called the meeting to order. All Commissioners were present except R. Harms, Also present: R. Tyler, City Planner, and R. French, City Engineer. The minutes were read and approved as corrected. APPLICATIONS NO, 79 & 80 - Anthony E. Stroeder, 1730 Hill Street There was a public hearing on No. 80 , a rezone request for property Located at Eisenbeis Addition, Block 237 & 238 , Lots 1 thru 8 in each block from R-I to C-II , Proposed Use: General commercial-shopping complex- hotel--motel. The hearing was taped. Mr. Stroeder was present and spoke of his desire to build a shopping center at this location, to be known as Sheridan Plaza. All facets were discussed, with R. Tyler contributing the information which he obtained with regard to this request. Also discussed was Applica- tion No. 79 for a street vacation of "that portion of 6th Street, lying between Sheridan and Hendricks , and between 6th and 7th Streets on rant" which ties in with the rezone request. There were no adverse opinions from members of the audience. Scott/Johnson roved to recommend to the City Council the rezone request be granted. The motion also recommended the application for a street vacation be granted. VOTE: yes 4 no 1 Mr. Stroeder vias asked d to comment on PUD and contract zoning. on ]december 17, 1974 , APPLICATION NO. 59 was submitted by J. Leslie and Barbara F, M, Donovan and Anthony E. Stroeder, 18th & Hill. This asked for a rezone of property located a Glenwood Addition to the City of Port Townsend Blocks 5- --7-8-9-10-11- 12 All in blocks indicated above (Lots) from R-I (A) to M-I , for the purpose of developing a light industrial park. At a public hearing held on January 27 , 1975 , numerous members of the audience opposed the rezone. The Commissioners generally favored this be pint through a PUD procedure and noted to table the application until after the exploration of the PUD concept, and to reopen the application for consideration at that time without bias of a vote then, Mr. Stroeder stated at this November 24 meeting the PUD concept was not clean to him so he did not pursue his request further; however, at this time he feels he would like to explore the PUD concept more fully with regard to APPLICATION NO. 59. APPLICATION NO, 81 - Miller H, Jensen, Box 594 public hearing was held on Application No. 81; the hearing was taped. At the October 27 meeting, Mr, Jensen agreed to drop the request for a Conditional Use Permit and just request the rezone, of property located at E i s e nbe i s Addition Block 276 Lots 7 & 8 from R-I to C-II, Proposed Use: optometric Clinic. k_ PAGE TWO - MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4 , 1975 Due to an error, this public hearing notice was posted as ' a request for a rezone' and should have been worded to say ' to consider an amendment to the City Ordinance making clinics a Conditional Use in Zones -I , -II, -III and P-I ' . In Griew of this fact, the Com- mission reinstated the original rezone request on No. 81 and dropped the proposed amendment. Mr. & Mrs .. Jensen attended the hearing. He stated that since the October 27 meeting, an ophthalmologist had contacted him and would like to share the facilities, to be known as the Port Townsend Vision Clinic. No adverse comments were forthcoming from the audience. After discussion, Johnson/Scott moved to recommend to the City Council the request for a rezone be approved. VOTE: yes 4 no 1 APPLICATION NO. 85 - Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Jefferson & Benton The Church is seeking Variances from the parking, front and rear yard setback, and height requirements ents of an R-I zone, for a remodeling project at the above location. Monty McCoy distributed a list o f surrounding property owners to the Commissioners and discussed with them the Church' s request. Tiller/John son moved to recommend to the City Council the request for a Variance be granted. VOTE: yes 5 no 0 APPLICATION NO, 82 - Merlin 0 & Jean Nelson, d/b/a Port Townsend Motel This request is for a rezone of property located at Hastings 2nd Addition, Port Townsend Section. 11 Township: 30 North Range: l west Block 68 Lots 1, 2 , 31 41 5r 6 , 71 from H--III to C-II . Proposed Use : Motel & Restaurant After discussion, `ohnson/wo t moved to set a public hearing on December 29 , 1975 . VOTE : yes 5 no O APPLICATION NO* 83 - Robert L. Murray, 7willow d/b/a Murray' s Greenhouse This property, which comes under the grandfather clause, is located at the corner of will & 6th Streets . The request is for a Variance to build an addition on the property line . After discussion, o /Scott moved to inform the City Council that, while they find no objection to Mr. Murray' s application for a Variance, under Section 512 of the Zoning Ordinance they don' t feel. a Variance is possible . VOTE: yes 4 no O l abstention (Johnson) APPLICATION NO. 84 - K-Dean Enterprises Ltd. (Canada) Dale Brady, Agent, SR 3. Box 140 , Port Townsend The request is for a vacation of the following streets : That portion of Sherman St. lying between Blocks 1 & 10 , Tacoma Addition. That portion of Logan St. lying between Blocks 21 & 30, Tacoma Addition . That portion of 44th St, lying between Blocks 28 & 29, 22 & 23, 10 & 18, • PAGE THREE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 24 , 19 12 & 13, 8 & 9 , Tacoma Addition. That portion of 42nd S t. lying between Blocks 26 & 27, 24 & 25, 16 & 17 , 14 & 15 , 6 & 7, Tacoma Addition. That portion of 40th St., lying between n Blocks 6 & 7F 5 & 8F 4 & 9r 3 & 10 , 2 & 11, 1 & 12 , the Baker Addition, The east side of Blocks 6 & 7 to even up the streets i n a straight line in the Baker Addition to the Tacoma Addition. That portion of Rosecrans St. lying between Blocks 20 ,. 21, Tacoma Addition. Proposed Use: Residential. Mr, Brady was present. He said the request is for the purpose o eliminating some of the streets and making larger blocks. Said there would be no development there for a number of years ; this project is basically speculative. Nor. Brady produced a letter from City Attorney Glenn Abraham, which favored the request; it was read to the Commissioners. R. Tyler observations: no objection to concept; would create larger blocks; no adjacent residences in the area; would not hinder traffic flow in the future; would get rid of streets that are basically unneces- sary, Tiller/Scott moved to table this until the meeting of January 26 , 1976 . VOTE : yes 5 no 0 It was suggested by Treasurer Scott that stamps, tapes, and stationery be purchased, using the balance of the 1975 budget. Johnson/Tiller moved to instruct the Treasurer to make such expenditures as are required out of the available funds. VOTE : yes 5 no Chairman Lester requested Commissioner Scott to compile an up-to-date list of Commissioners and their teras of office. At the December 29 meeting there will be an election of officers for 1976 . Committee appointed by the Chairman to bring in a list of candidates: Chairman Johnson, Scott, j . The meeting was adjourned. Evelyn Charkow Secretary