Vice Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order. Commissioners
present; Graham, Scott, wojt and Tiller.
Mr. Johnson first commented on Chairman Lester' s hospitalization
and stated he was doing well.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed.
In a report on the budget for 1976 , Commissioner Scott stated that
things were expected to be tight, Points brought out were: There
will be no increases. There will be a cutback on travel. There
is no provision for the salary of a full-time City Planner. The
amount of $500 . has been allotted for the possible services of
a planner on a contract basis'. She added, that quite a few extra
meetings had been held this wast year, No extra meetings, only
the regular eleven scheduled meetings, have been provided for.
Commissioner woj t inquired about the status of the $350. allotted
to travel to date , Scott stated that so far $112 . has been spent.
The travel allotment has been reduced to $200 . in the new budget.
wojt suggested the possibility of buying a tape recorder out of
the remaining travel funds , Another suggestion was made that
possibly the tape recorder of the City Council might be borrowed
for the Planning Commission meetings. No decision was made on this
Vice Chairman Johnson thea brought. up the matter of a Planning
Association of Washington Conference to be held in Vancouver, WA
October and Commissioner of t is attend. d
th e t
ia U Layi h. Tiller brought up the Wr?
point that, since most of these conferences were held during the
week, it was almost impossible for many commissioners to attend
though they might be desirous of zoing so. 7
.R .
Johnson then inquired of City Planner Tyler as to the progress being
made on the proposed street plan. Tyler stated that there would be
a meeting within a► couple of weeks with members of the City Council
Street Committee, Street Supt, , City Engineer, etc.
Since there was time before the scheduled public hearing was to
begin, a discussion began on the applications submitted to the
Commission. Scott stated that she found the form itself incomplete
since it did not include addresses of applicants . Tyler stated
that this could easily be rectified, and would be.
of t then stated that after considerable thought since the last
meeting, she wondered if the Svensson Rezone (Application No.
which had been approved could be reconsidered. A motion made to 4
this effect was not passed. Tiller pointed out that the City
Council was not bound by our decisions, and to try to reopen this
case would be a "real can of worms. " :74� >a
+ + �2,.
Minutes Sept. 29 , 1975 (continued)
PUBLIC HEARING, which was taped, was then held on Application
No, 70, by Kenneth Holmes for a street vacation of
"That portion of Rose Street, lying between S & T Streets"
There were no objections from the audience, A m .'on IkYe
o cted� by o - stat t is rode
b r
ai s vote of.
Three - yes, One - no.
APPLICATIONS were then considered, as follows:
APPLICATION No. 72 - Request from Pacific Northwest Evangelical
Freechurch Homes, Lawrence and Kearney, for a Rezone from R--1 to
R-3, to build a Retirement Complex. Lenghty discussion followed.
Johnson felt that this again care into the area of spot-zoning,
and that the request should be fully covered in a public hearing.
Motion made and carried that a Public Hearin be held at the next
meeting of the Planning Commission. lr&
SEE Addition to the menutes below)
APPLICATION No. 73 - Request by Richard D. Steinke an incomplete
application) for a vacation of the alley between Lots 1, 2, 7 and 8 ,
in Block 27 of the O.C. Hastings Addition, Concerning this request,
Mrs. Paddock, of the Port Townsend Realty Co, , and Mrs, Steinke
stated that the house in question was built on an alley, and that
clear title was in question . Discussion among the Commissioners
followed, with a motion made and carried that this request be
granted. 7417��� �� ls_� 04 --a
Again, the subject of incomplete applications was brought up.
A motion was rade and carried that the Commission, beginning with
Application No. 79 , would not consider any application that was .,
incomplete , The Secretary was instructed to write a letter to
the Mayor t this effect.
APPLICATION . 7 - Variance request by Geor Capr tti, for
Lot 7 less Right of Way of State Highway, Block 30. After dis-
cussion re parking in this area, vote taken: Three - for.
One Abstention - Scott.
APPLICATION No, 75 - variance request by First aptis t Church,
Lawrence and Fillmore, Section S2 , T-30 , Lot 4 less 301 Blk 1,
for additional Sunday School and Nursery Room: Expansion of
Existing Church, Mr. CA de Boland spoke. Motion made and
carried that this variance be granted as requested, W� a
APPLICATION No, 76 - Street vacation request by Jeff Pedersen,
537 Jackson S t. , to vacate the unvacated portion of Franklin
between Monroe and Jackson St. Motion made and carried to grant
this request.
Minutes of Sept , 197 Cont) _3-
APPLICATION No. 77 Variance request by Jake Mahone for . ..
Block 57, Lots One less North 20 ' and East one half o Three, 4.
less 40 ". Proposed Use: Apartment and retail. No objection.
Motion made and carried to grant this request
APPLICATION No. 78 -- Variance request by John Buhler, 1535
Garfield St, , for Block 71, Hastings Second Addition, Lots 1 and 3.
Existing Use: Warehouse. Proposed Use: Warehouse and Sales in
Commercial. use. Capon considering and discussing this application,
of s loners found that they could not grant the request for
ten foot setback variance , since it is in opposition to the
existing zoning code . Also, they are not in a position to request
amendments to the existing code. After bxplaining the situation to
Mr. Buhler, the Commission voted to deny this application,, Mr.
Buhler will possibly appeal directly to the City Council.
The next regular meeting is October 27, 1975o
Meeting was adjourned,
Irene Stancik
Note re plication No, 7
■ i ■�+i ��sir
Request from Pacific Northwest Evangelical Freechurch Holmes.
Following the meeting, slice Chairman Johnson and members of the
Commission decided that this request was not wide enough in scope,
and that a Public Hearing should be held covering the following
"Walker Street to Gaines" and from "Lawrence Street to the
Junior Nigh School Property" R-1 t R-3 ,
This public hearing to be held. October 27, 1975* 91