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Chairman Lester called the meeting to order. All Commissioners were
present except Lowell Tiller. Randy Tyler, City Planner, was also present.
The minutes were read and approved.
There was a short discussion with regard to purchase of a new tape recorder.
No decision was reached at this time ..
A slide presentation was made by Randy Tyler, entitled "Land Planning:
Practice or Promise" . This was followed by comments from Mr. Tyler and a
short general discussion.
Request of Richard H. and Diana J, Fisher and Jerry and Gloria Donahue for
a vacation o "that portion of Sherman Street lying between 6th and 7th
Avenue to . Mr, Fisher was present to submit more information regarding this
request, His plans are to put up a 24 unit apartment building in the
area. After discussion, Wojt/Johnson moved to table the request until
Mr. Tyler completes his study .of a Street Development Plan .
ROLL CALL VOTE: ye s 2 no 3 1 abs ten tion..i-wE ,&f
Mr. Tyler commented it would take about a month to complete his study o
this plan. Mr. Al owyen, in the audience, commented that a look at the
overall picture of the vicinity indicated to him 7th Street should be a
through street to Sherman Street.
Request of Richard H. and Diana J, Fisher and George L. Gunn for a
vacation o "that portion of 6th Avenue lying between Hancock and Sherman
Streets" . Members of the audience who participated in the discussion,
along with the Commissioners and Randy Tyler, were Richard Fisher, Al
owyen, and L. Feil Slater. Johnson/Graham moved to recommend to the City
Council this request be approved. ROLL CALL VOTE : yes 4 no o l abste t...
Alluding again to the request of Richard H. and Diana J. Fisher and Jerry
and Gloria Donahue for a vacation o "that portion of Sherman Street
lying between 6th and 7th Avenue" . oft/Scott moved to recommend to
City Council this request be denied, ROLL CALL VOTE: yes 3 no l 1 absten.
woj t/Johnson roved the secretary be instructed to include the following
In a letter to the City Council:
The Commissioners feel at this time it is not possible to be certain what
the best use 'of Sherman Street is and would like to go into it further
after Mr, Tyler completes the Street Development study this spring.
VOTE: yes
Request of S. T, Smith, Racy H, and Patricia A. Allen, and Darrell E ,
and Florence L. Johnson, to vacate 'that portion of Grant Street between
19th and loth Streets" , which was tabled January 2 , 1975 , As per Mr.
Tyler, this request has been withdrawn by Mr. Smith, Mr. Tyler will
contact the other petitioners to ascertain if all have agreed to withdraw,
and will report his findings to the Commission .
Request of L, Neil and Nancy Jean Slater, d/b/a Sea Breeze Trailer Park,
to vacate "that portion of Seventh Street Lying between Hendricks and
Sherman Streets" . Randy Tyler reported he was unable to uncover data
from the City Council minutes as to the action taken when this site first
became a trailer park. Mr. Slater was at the meeting and again presented
a diagram and explanation of his plans . Discussion followed.
March 31, 19 75 Page Two
Graham/Scott moved to recommend to the City Council that 7th Street be
vacated, with the provision that all fire regulations are complied with
and approved by the Fare Chief. ROLL CALL VOTE: yes 2 no
Treasurer Scott reported a deficit in the Budget Communications Account.
Johnson/Graham moved the Treasurer be instructed to apply for additional
money from the General Fund to reimburse the Communications Account, in
the ao un t of $100 . VOTE: yes 5 no
The meeting was adjourned.
Evelyn Charkow