HomeMy WebLinkAbout021075 Min • MINUTES OF PORE' TOW SEND PLANNING COMMISSION OF FEBRUARY 10 , 1975 Chairman Lester called the meeting to order. All Commissioners were present except Lowell Tiller. Also present were Councilmen Ciprioti, Canfield, and Black, City Attorney Glenn Abraham, and City Planner Randy Tyler. The minutes, which were mailed to the Commissioners, were approved. June Scott broached the subject of renewal of Membership in PAW, on a motion by Kay Wojt, seconded by June Scott, the secretary was instructed to write to PAGE requesting a clarification of the benefits of PAST membership. VOTE: yes 6 no O Request of L. Neal and Fancy Jean Slater to vacate that portion of Seventh Street lying between Hendricks and Sherman Streets Mr, Slater was at the meeting. He expressed the desire to have Commission members (along with surrounding property owners he would invite) visit the site so he could explain what he is planning to do. June Scott and Kay Wojt comprise the committee which will see the property and they will report hack to the Commission, On a motion by Lee Lefler, seconded by June Scott, this matter was brought from table and will be taken up at the meeting of February 24 . VOTE: yes 6 no Request of S , T, Smith, Ray H, and Patricia A. Allen, and Darrell E. and Florence L. Johnson, to vacate that portion of Grant Street between 19th and 20th Streets: On a motion by Kay Wojt, seconded by Robert Johnson, this request remains tabled until. April or until Randy Tyler completes his report on street vacations and makes a recommendation to the Commission. VOTE: yes 6 no Variance request of Ivan Hickenbotton, 1818 Landes Avenue, to resolve setback problem: Roger French explained the reason a variance is needed is because the addition Mr. Hickenbottom plans to build onto the house would take it out of the grandfather clause. After discussion, on a motion by Lee Lefler, seconded by Robert Johnson, it was voted to recommend to the City Council this request for a variance be granted. VOTE: yes 6 no Randy Tyler advised the Commissioners that the new application forms for rezones, etc, , are now in use . Request of Robert E. DeWeese, 1919 Lawrence Street, for a proposed amendment to the Zoning ordinance No. 1625 3,03 TABLE OF PERMITTED USES Shall be deemed amended to permit the following in all residential areas as a conditional use sale of rare and used books 4` t i MINUTES S F 2-10-75 PAGE TWO After discussion, a motion was made by Lee Lefler, seconded by Kay Wojt, to set a public hearing on February 24 , 1975, on Mr. DeWeese' request to amend the City Zoning Ordinance to permit in all residential areas as a Conditional. Use the sale of rare and used books. VOTE: yes 6 no PUD Section 4 .05 - a continuance of the hearing on nonresidential uses under PUD, tabled at the meeting of January 27, 1975: On a Motion by Lee Lefler, seconded by Robert Johnson, it was voted this be taken from table and discussed, VOTE: yes 6 no Randy Tyler has made a study of this Section to determine if i would cover other uses than residential under PTD. Copies of this Section, with suggested changes by Mr. Tyler marked in green, were furnished to the Commissioners. Mr. Tyler, together with the Commissioners and Glenn Abraham, City Attorney, thoroughly reviewed Section 4 .05 , including the proposed changes. On a notion by Del Graham, seconded by Robert Johnson, it was voted to reconu end to the City Council that the changes in Section 4 .05, indicated in green by Mr. Tyler (excepting 10 .?) be effected in the City Ordinance. VOTE: yes 6 no 0 Mr. Tyler will provide copies of Section 4. 05, with suggested changes, to members of the City Council, The request of J, Leslie and Barbara M. Donovan and Anthony E, troeder, for a rezone of property located at Glenwood Addition, Blocs 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12, all lots in blocks indicated - which is tied in with a determination on PUD Section 4 ,05, has been tabled until after the City Council takes action on 'It. City Attorney, Clean Abraham suggested the Commissioners try to avoid continuing hearings and other matters brought before them. He felt the public would be better seared if these were carried thu s expeditiously as possible. He also stated, the burden was upon the applicant to provide all data required to make a recommendation. A three day session at Fort Worden, Feb. 20, 21, and 22 , "Heritage for the Future" , sponsored by the Centrum Foundation, will be attended by Kay Wojt and June Scott. Fred Lester and Kay Wojt plan to attend a session on "Land Use Planning in Action's on Feb. 26, 1975 , at the Hyatt douse, Sea Tao Airport. A motion was made by Kay Wojt, seconded by June Scott, that the Planning Commission devise an environmental worksheet to Delp determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement is needed or not. This would be given to an applicant at the time of his request application. VOTE: yes 3 no 2 The meeting was adourned. 3 Evelyn Charkow Secretary