Chairman Deits called the meeting to order. Commissioners present: De ts,
Loomis, Woj t, Graham, Lefler; also attending, City Councilmen Ciprioti and
Black and City Planner Randy Tyler. The minutes were read and approved. The
secretary was requested to mail copies of the minutes to the Commissioners
and to Roger French, City Engineer.
The request of L. Neil and Nancy Wean Slater to vacate that portion of
Seventh Street lying between Hendricks and Sherman Streets has been post-
poned for 60 days, as per the letter request from the applicant.
New members of the planning Commission, Dowell Tiller and Tune Scott, were
introduced by Chairman Deits.
Mr. S. T. Smith was in the audience to discuss with the Commissioners a
reque from himself and Ray H. and Patricia A. Allen, and Darrell E. and
Florence L. Johnson, to vacate that portion of Grant Street between 19th
and loth Streets. on a motion by Kay W j t, seconded by Max Loomis, it was
voted to table this request pending the completion of a street vacation study
made by City Planner Randy Tyler, VO E; yes 4 no 0
Kay Miner, in the audience, reported on the most recent developments of the
Bike Trails project and the funding of it.
A scheduled public hearing was held on the request of City Engineer Roger
French that the following be rezoned from -I to C-II:
Beginning at the intersection of the westerly aright-of-way line of Monroe
S t. and the northerly boundary of the P-I zone, , hence south to the outer
harbor line; hence westerly alone the outer harbor line to the easterly
' right-of-way lime of Scott St. extended; hence northerly along the easterly
right-of-way line of Scott St. to the northerly boundary of the -I zone;
hence easterly along the -I zone boundary to point of beginning,
Chief spokesman in the audience was Ralph Watson, who wished the rezone
clarified with regard to operations of the Union Wharf. After lengthy