The meeting was called to order by Chairman Miner. Members present:
Miner, Lester, Loomis, Wojt. The minutes were read and approved.
Chairman Miner brought with hien a map which will be an aid in the
formulation of the Street and Trails Development Plan. Prints will be
available from the County Engineer' s office .
The Jack Hensel request for a rezone of property located at Broadway
and Cherry Park Additions from an R-1 to an R-11 zone carne up again
for discussion, as requested by the City Council. Chairman Miner read
a letter with signatures of surrounding property owners who object to
the rezone . Many protesting property owners were present in the
audience . Data resulting from a joint meeting of the City Legislative
Committee and City Planning Commission was distributed to persons in
the audience and they were invited to participate in a discussion of
zoning problems, as well as the Broadway and Cherry Park Additions
rezone. City Councilmen Joe Ciprioti and Bill Black were also heard
from, as well as City Engineer Roger French. After lengthy discussion,
on a motion by Max Loomis , seconded by Kay W j t, it was noted to
recommend to the City Council that this request for a rezone be denied.
Chairman Miner pro to d in order to get a quorum vote,
VOTE: yes 3 no 1
Next under discussion was the street vacation request of Gerald and
Phyllis Rodgers of: that portion AdamsStreet which derides
Block 24 and Block 25 of the Mountain View Second
Addition, beginning at the intersection of Reed
Street and proceeding northwest, said vacation to
apply only to presently undeveloped right of way.
After discussion, on a► motion by Fred Lester, seconded by Max Loomis,
it was voted to recommend to the Cita Council the street vacation be
granted. Chairman Miner voted in order to get a quorum vote.
VOTE: yes 3 no 1
A request was received from Darold T. Martin for a setback variance
for property located at Eisenbeis Addition, Block 266, south of Sims
Way, except the east 50 feet thereof. After discussion, on a motion
by Fred Lester, seconded by Max Loomis, it was voted to recommend to
the City Council the variance be granted. Chairman Miner voted in
order to get a quorum vote. VOTE: yes 3 noo
At the May 13 meeting the Commissioners will delve into the zoning
problem. Roger French suggested that matching funds for Cherry Street
Park also corm under discussion at that meeting.
The meeting was adjourned*
Evelyn Charkow