HomeMy WebLinkAbout062871 Min June 28, 1971
Members Present: Miner, Diets, Johnson, dot, May, fester,
The regulars meeting of the Port Townsend Planning Commis,-
sion was called to order. The minutes were approved as read .
short discussion of the Council meeting at which the
Proposed Zoning ordinance was tabled indefinately followed .
It was brought out that the City Librarian, Mrs. Wallin,
hay available for public reading, three copies of this
document. The Planning Commission also decided to request
the mayor to make available to them a copy, or copies of
this Zoning Ordinance, AS REVISED* A letter will be seat.
petition was read form the Port Commissioners, of the
Port of Pont Townsend , requesting vacations of:
Benedict Street from the South Boundary of Washington
Street to the South end of Benedict Street
Washington Street between Benedict Street and Prosper
Prosper Street between Washington Street and Jefferson
Street * and
Belle �treet between Washington Streetn
a Jef'f'erson
Discussion followed. Mr. Johnson made the motion that" the
request by the Port Commission as presented , be granted. "
Thio motion was thea amended to read 11 the request by
the Fort Commission be granted as presented , for
that portion of Prosper Street between Washington Street
and Jefferson Street. (The vote was a yes ro � abstain.
, '
Mr. Miner voted yes, as chairman, to break the tie.
Mr. Miner appointed Mr. Deits and Mr. Johnson to serve
s a nominating committ ee to select a chairman, and vice-
chairman for the Planning Commission. They will present
a report at the July meeting.
The secretary was asked to compile a list of terms of
appointment of the Commissioners. Nine copies will be made.
The shor•eland and tide land question, arising from
work on the proposed sub-,division w6rk, was clarified .
Jeff Pedersen gave his verbal resignation to the
commission, and stated he would supply a letter to the
Mayor, and the Commission before next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned .
espectfully submitted
The meeting was called to order at 8 :00 em. by Acting Chairman Kay
Present were commissioners Kay Ping, Ed May,, Bob Johnson, and Kay
WoJt. Fred Lester arrived late.
Communications were read
letter from the DepArtment of Ecologyre : a July 9 meeting o
familiarize public officials with the new Shore lands Management Act
at Longview. I in f r reported that the letter had arrived on July 11.
(A discussion folwd regarding the KXXKXIMKXAM travel fund
providing for travel by Commissioners to such meetings
A letter from Olga Hewett, Secretary ofthe Jefferson County
Planning Commission, sending a copy of a brief prepared by
Ike Clallam County of the Shore lands Management Act. In a summary
of the brief, I inPr stated that it Included the 7ourpose of the law,
the priorities It will enforce and the permit system to be
administered by local governments. Guidelines were to be seat later.
An Advertisement for a book: Law Qf Zonina & Planning.
A letter from the Department of Ecology,, g i i ng the format ofthe
Shore lards Management Act permit requirements.
letter from the City Engineer 4txg enclosing an application
for a variance.from the setback requirements,,
e ports
Fred Lester reported on- his attendance that day at an Ecology
Department meeting at Redmond. He fell that there was confusion caused
by the Shoreline Protection Act's appearance on the ballot of the next
beneral election. The act applies to all lands within Zoo feet o
the water*. Even the city reservoir Is af'f'ected. Permits are required
for home building. Commeric&&l enterprises will be difficult; real
estate developments, he felt, would be nearly impossible*
There was discussion on the city's vacation of all streets reques ted
by the Port. Lester spoke on the public's lass of access to the water
and said we would lure to regret the action.
fffiriSr re orted that the Nominations Committee had a report, but
it was not given,
Min?r reported on Robert's Rules of Order In regard to a question
last time about the a b i i f the chairman to vote to brew a tie.
Robert's Rules states that a chairman is a member of the body, and
s such can vote to make and/or break a tie. His decision is sub e c t
to appeal if he chooses to make and break a tie "Shall the will of the
chairman be the will of this bodyl. " would be the question voted upon. ) .
New Business,,
from Ernest Gunn
The Application for a var ane prom the street set-mback requirements
Wxxximr1wiff was reviewed by the commission. A building permit had been
granted for a garage 25' x 30* on the side street* he Gunns were
directed verbally by someone other than the city engineer to build
It "20 feet back from the street* " This they took to mean the pavement,
and built accordingly. It is actually Just 3 or 4 feet from the street,
by the engineer's calculations. In addition, since it faces the side
street, not the street faced by the front door of the Gunn residence,
the requirements would be to build no closer than 5 feet to the street
line, making the garge just 1 or 2 feet closer* to the street line than
It should be.
The Gunns had decided to enlarge the garage to a 351x 401 structure,
IbMgx 2 t XX without applying for a revised building permit, and
had completed mzzkxz fx:tkwx trig txg virtually all the framing for the
first story before they were called on it,
Two neighbors testified that they did not object to the nearness
to the street as such, but that they objected to the bulk of the
building, which will, when completed, block their water views* one
n ighbor felt it was also objectionable in design, comparing It to a
"warehouse" and pointed out that everyone in the neighborhood could
build similar warehouses" and effectively ruin the looks of the
ne I ghborhood.
The Commissioners were advised by French tit they were not to rule
on the building permit, and a suggestion by Kay Wojt that the garage be
allowed to be built &n the condition that the second story not be built,
would not be within the scope of the Commission to effect,
A prolonged discussion ensued,
A1*ffrXPrW1NXg1dXCkXZZXNN1QM,, Including the fact that the Commission
Is asked to rule on a variance for a law :tar Wx=1xkx3Mxzxff2M for
which they have not seem a copy, and pointing out the fact that If
the Zoning Code were existence, such a case probably would not have
arisen in the first Dlace .
Fred Lester moved that the variance be approved. It was
seconded by Ed May, and carried , Vte : May,, Wt, & Lester - 'es ;
.Johnson - No
Kay Wojt roved that the Commission write a l tter to the Council
urging thea to reconsider the original Proposed Zoning Ordinance ,
Fred. Lester seconded the motion. Discussion proceeded he ` � 5 osq.f
lot size minimum was anayl zed as a potential headache but not insul a le,
with Roger French pointing out that the owners of 301 x 100' lots are
going to be hurt by the 5000 se ft. minimum. It was pointed out that
the Revised ming ordinance is to be taken off the table at the next
Council meeting; some felt It would be best to wait and see what
develops before taking Further action as a Commissbn.
The Motion was defeated.. (Vote i Yes Wojt, fester; No May,,
Johnson, Min?r,, )
Kay Wojt asked the Commission whether they 3wqM thought It
an appropriate time to invite Bob Clam of Clark, Co man & Rupeiks over
fora point meeting with the council, providing the council were in
• favor of the idea. Such a meeting would cost approximfnately X50.
Discussion indicated the feeling of the commissioners as being that
It would do more harm than good at this dime. No action was taken.
Old Business.
In spite of the late hour, the commissioners decided to go over the
last few pages of the subdivision ordinance, in response to a comment
by the City Engineer concerning the urgent need of the ordinance to
prevent some immanent developments. The review turned up no further
questions or problems,
Fred Lester moved that the Commission submit the corrected copy
of the Subdivision Ordinance to the City Council. Kay Wort seconded
the motion. Discussion centered on the problem of reproducing copies
for city officials and the public; at least two dozen dopier would be
required. The consensus was that the Planning Commission secretary
a0eald be asked, ptssibly with additional compensation, to see to the
mater. The vote was unanimous for the motion.
As the business of the evening was concluded, the meeting was
Respecttvelk* Submitted,
Kay Wo Yt
Acting Secretary