HomeMy WebLinkAbout022271 Min February 22, 1971
Members bers present- Miner , Lester , Pedersen, May, Johnson
The February meeting of the Planning Commission was
called to order, The minutes were read and approved as read ,
Under old business, it was noted that the City Council had
followed the recommendations of the Planning Commission
concerning variance requests from Jack diesel and the
Carroll Mill company. The TEAPI reco=en aon however was
turned down by the City Council . Mr. Miner discussed briefly
his thoughts concerning; a meeting he had attended titled
The Ecological. Use of Power", sponoered by the localAAUW.
Held over from the January 1971 meeting was a request
by the Carroll Mill company for a setback variance. The
Commissioners were to view the site( Lot 3 , Bloc* 6, Denny
Addition) in question and be prepared to makeec mm* endation
at the February meeting. Mr. French offered a photograph of
the site , showing a partially comstructed building. Discussion
followed. Jeff Pedersen made the motion that the Panning
Commission recommend to the City Council to show disapproval
of a variance at Lot. 3 ) lk. 6, Denny Addition. The motion
was seconded and the vote was unanimous '- in favor of the
motion, It was requested of the secretary to make note in
the minutes that this was a unanimous vote by all ambers
present. ) A letter was sent,
Mr. Chuck Wallin requested the floor+. t o rake a request
f- the,.Plan ging Commission. He asked the Commission to rec-
ommend the City Council an open and public meeting with
representatives of HUD, and FHA, for all to attend , rather
than closed meetings of these groups with only council
members and planners present.
Mr. Kimbrough and Mr Farad r were present to request
information concerning zoning codes in Port Townsend , The
showed sketches of a proposed apartment complex in the
Blaine, Garfield, aria Tyler area. They explained they plan
to use HUD 236 financing. They also asked. the Planning Com-
mission to make a recomendation to the Council, The
Commissioners discussed the request, and Jeff Pedersen made
the motion to go on record as finding the site use compatible
with the Comprehensive Plan of Port Townsend; and that the
proposed style of architecture , as represented to us (the
Planning Commission) as being compatible with this area. seconded by L step
The vote was four yes (unanimous) . A letter was sent ,
Mr. Miner~ read a letter from Clark, Colman, and RuPieks answer-
ing questions which arose from a study meeting on the sub--
division ordinance .
The meeting was adjOurned,
Respectfully submitted ,
June Scott, secretary