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May 25 , 1970
The meeting of the Port Townsend Planning commission was
called to ordere The minutes of the last meeting were read, and
approved as read.
Under the call for old business
requestle A for a street vacation, by I . Hufford and L. Trantnert
of f street,, between Rose and. Willow, for the purpose of construct-
residence and to connect to utilities. The request was
reviewed and discussed ** A motion was rade by K. Miner rer recommend
council " The vacation of r It Street between Rose and
to the qty
Willow, with the contingency that construction of a residency begin
one year after vacation is granted." This motion was seconded and
approved by the planners.
• r. •, at i on�-o ` •and between 28tthll
�. A � nb errs dor the vac
h or
and 29t � the pose
f access
motion was made K. Miner t
o a � � end �
recommend to the city council That Landes, between
n condition that owners of . t9 bl an
be vacated , o d 10t101 b lk. agree n writing t guarantee access by deed t the
o ert presentlyowned b John Ierril . � �s
motion was seconded
and approved by the planners.
3 A a atop re
ue t from R.E. Porter Fort commission) of an
• bo 35* , for access to utilities baeymotion
sal a . A d iscussi n followed and thereafter a y
ycity council Approve the
H., Diets t recommend t the P. To
vacation as resented by the Port Commission." The
petition for vac the
motion was seconded and approved* Jeff Pedersen asked that
records s shore he abstained from the vo .
by L. and W. E. Harms was read and a motion followed
4. petition
to recommend t 'the P. T. city council t ;ra ipt said petition as
presented. The motion was seconded and approved.
Under the call for now business:
Gillman asked the Planning commission consider the
4 of new ma of the city showing a is in platting and
possibility thereafter
the presently are* Discussion followed and thea*
streets s P
a motion t recommend to the P. o city council that a Plan be
preparednof existing streets as built, and that the Planning
recommends no more street vacations a considered until
om lete and in the hands of the Planning commission*"
this ars s c
his motion was seconded and approved. Mr. French mad
his approval of this project and offered the use of funds available
to hire and said he would approac
the city council for additional
.Mr. French discussed proposed new building permit procedure t
help maintain prospective new homy/business
building- �� tb proper processing o
er� to the field of utilities and building cod.eso
There was
c s s i n f the modular type building in our areas
3 . Mr Hillman reported that the city council is meeting soon to
consider more the building code and will contact the Planning
Commission too.
4. Mr. Preach asked the Planning Commission to consider the
drafting of a possible ordinance recommendation to be considered
against the building of three or more family dwellings on an
unopened street* A short discussion followed .
The meeting was adjournede
respectfully submitted ,
JS Scott
members present: Hillmans Johnson, Diets Miner Wo `tPedersen
members absent Lester