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March 25 , 1968
Members persent : Fred Costo, lorry Simpson, Harry Dicts,
Go r e Brovin, Mary lohnson, Phil Copps.
Byron Ruby of tho City Council and Uayor ami th • oro also pro c rpt.
In tho abso eco of a por anont chairman a motion was made by Fred
Lostor, secondod by D ots that Phil Copps act as chairman for tho
mooting until now chairman is cl.octd. Owd.
Tho minutos of tho provi us mcotin w ro road and approvod.
'horn vias no old businass,
discussion vas hold on baso maps. A mooting was schodulod for
it 4th at tho Fort for all mobors
work n tho map vith tho
ovorlays. Harry Diots quostionod toxo nou roads on tho ovor lay
map as to whothor our torr in would bo practical, Jorry bimpson
roportod ho has somo sower raps that right bo holpful and will bring
samo to next mooing. Each mo bor is to havo tho baso map with
ovorlays to work on individually ono ovoning prior to tho Aptil 4th
h :ro woro sovoral nominations mado for now chairman of the Planning
board but oath nomination was rofusod. It vas docidod that tho
Vico-Chairmen, Gus LindquistL., will carry on as Chairman until
such timo as a _pormanont chairman is oloctod. Gird.
Frod iso for pros nt od a phamphlot on Organization and dmini s t o t i on
f a City Planning Commission in tho Stato of liashington put out by
tho Buroau of Govrnrnontal Roscerch at tho Univorsity of lashington.
Phil Copps, chairman pro tom, diroctod tho socro ary to ordor 12
copios of tho phamphlot so that ouch mombor may havo a copy and
furthor study of it vill thon bo mado*
onoral discussion was hold on Croon bolts, tourist industry and
variancos of tho building colo,
Phil Copps reported that the bounty �6: viring
on wator and swwor projocts and that a comprohonsivo study has to b
i ni shod by October 1 to qualify for fddoral money,
Now businoss for noxt mooting: kppoint somoono to roprosont tho
City Planning Commission on tho Ro ional Planning Board duo to T&rylou
Croon' s leaving who had previously boon appoointod to thct Board.
of mooting the last xmonday in April - the 2 .
Mootine adournod,
loan. Bradloy, be c.