HomeMy WebLinkAbout103067 Min 0"0 N- 0 PL NNIIG COIiEISSION M1 NUTES Qctobor 30 , 1967 # bors prosont : Laryiou Groon, Mary Johnson, Trod Lostor, Gus Lindquist, Harry Riots , Phil Copps and Bob Clerk. 'rho minutos woro road of tho previous mooting and approvod as corracted, r ro uost from Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd was prosontod roquosting a stroot vacation. Mrs. Groan statod that tho city Council is supposod to act on straot vacations t thoir i ov. 21st mooting and roquost d all Planning Commission mombors to visit tho siwto in quo,,-,.:tion boforc tho abo o dato. Frod L stor mado tho motion - socondod by Gus Lindquist - that action bo postpon :d until. Pugot Sound Povior & Light chocks as to th it franchiso ou tho city stroct stropin quostion. Cwd. Corrospondonco was road including Progross Roports Qcnd Itumizod Exponsos for tho month of Soptombor, and lottors from tho Wash. State highway Commission and tho Olympic Hoalth District s a tine Choy oath vould h vo a roprosonts d o at tho no t Planning Cori, mooting. Mr. Bort Baron of tho Stato Planning & Community a-ffaira goaoy frons Olympia vias introducod . Ho statod th t roquiromonts for tho 701 program had boon drastically cha go3 including a roquiromont that tho oo mnity submit a "Community roconna ssanco plan' and that if was almost a nocossity t form a Rogional Planning Commissiond l r. Baron also statod that his agoncy had airoady sub ittod its racommondations for tho first and s000nd quartor for 1968 and that Pt. Townsend was not includ o . Ho also said ho would Vrid us a copy f m ono of olz is ropo t i us utlino t low. Ho statod that tho Bogional Planning commission should bo ontiroly soparato from tho City and County Planning Commissions and that c loct d officials should bo on tho Board. , along with roposontatios of both the City & Uourity Planning Commissions, Fort district, P.U.D.. , water distracts and othors intorostod in roginal pla.,n .ng. Mrs. Groon sot Monday, l ovornbor 13th, as tho date to got startod on forming gi nal. Planning- Boa.-,!d. Phil Copps mado tho motion s000ndod by Harry Riots to so mo on such a rooting. Cd. Harry DiotB mado tho motion - soc3ndod by Mary Johnson to adopt tho oal.s and standarda as act forth by sub-committoos and tho City Planning o mission and roi sod by Clark Coloan & Rupoiks. Cd. Bob Clark discussod various dotailod maps showing zoning for schools and businoss , industry and rocroation and gonoral land use by tho yar 1985, Ho gavo high.Lightia of thoroughfam plans and community f cilitio plans and also astimated growth ra o for the Pt.Townsond of thoFuturo, loot .ng adjournod. Joan B adl oy ocrota y.