HomeMy WebLinkAbout092567 Min Soptombor 25 , 196 PUNNING COMSSION MINUTES Idembors r sunt : Marylou Croon, Phil Copps , Gus Lindquist, 'rod Lostor , Uary lohnson. Bob Clark and Mayor Sullivan v ore also pre sent. Tho minutos were road by Gus Lindquist , Sccrct ry pro-tem, of tho provious meoting and verc; approvod. Corrospodcnco vas read including Progross Reports and Itemized Expenses for Tiny and August , also a letter from Dob Clark t votato Warks #i asking about r t,Wordon as a site for a � le from the City Clork stating that the City Council could liko a dctaiod roport rog rding Building and Firo Codos from the Planning Co.amission. X11 mombors are ro u sted to be at no t Council mooting whon Firo & 4ldg. codes aro pro entod to a nswor c uo sti ons as a group. Bob Clark stated that tho Park Dopt. plans aro c uito limited at tho pre cont time and that future logislaturo s will do cido on all future parks. talon &brahem gavo a talk on bldg. and fico colo ordinaneos and stated that all now dodos bo sub oct to tho comprohonsivo plan. �rY10 goon mado a motion socondod by -us Lindquist that tho Planning Commission moves that the City Council adopt a Uniform iirc and JJldgo Coda sub o ct to rovision at timo of tho Zoning Ordinanuo in tho Comprohonsivo an. Cwd. discussion as hold on ui ding Pormits , Mary Xohnson stated that thoro should bo a waiting period betwoon tho pormit and starting work. ar lou Croon stated that permits are not legal until tho City Council votes on it but that there is no 1 opal way to ref use a pormit o Copt in the 1st First Fi. o District, Old Business : Planning Goals and Standards as mdo up by tho various Bub-committees have boon drawn up and givon to tho consulting firm, Bob Clark gavo a talk on tho Planning, Goals and Standards of Pt.Townsond and stated that ho hopod to havo portions of the Proliminary Flan to proscnt to the Planning Commission aithor at tho Octobor or Novombor meeting, Ho also gavo highlights of tho growth potential of Fort Townsond rAth tho past, procant and future growth prodictod, Ho s tat d that vio now have a population of 5 ,580 and could o poet 6 ,660 n 1985 but that the community could handlo 22,000, Bob Clark stated that tho 3rd pheso application is still in Olympia but wo should h vo an answor in a fow wo oks as to whoro Pt.Townsondls application stands in the stato priority list. Chuck Viallon stated that lic viould liko the Planning Commission to roto and Ao tho City Council that a uniform set-back ordinanco bo adopted. hir. Clark statod that it would be included in tho compro onsiva plan. ooting adjournod. do t me tier Uctobor 30 1967. Joan Bradley Socrotery,