01 embers present: November 28,66
Phil Copps, Gail Stuart, Marry PietB, Mary Johnson
Fred Lester, Marylou Green. Also present were: Mayor
Sullivan and Council member Mike Switzer*
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and "proved,
letter from the Daughters of the &meri an Revolution was read regarding
memorial, in honor of Marvin shields and asking help as what would be
appropriate to honor his memory. It was di.soussed and agreed that a
placue would be appropriate but to list all names of service nen from
this county, No other action was taken e
It was voted to write a letter of appreciation to Crown Zellerbach for
their outstanding leadership in the field of air polution.
Phil Copps gave a report on the last -Port Commission meeting. About Soo
people were present and all given opportunity to express their opinions.
It was an open meeting and no action was taken until next port meeting.
Mary Johnson reported that the Chamber ofCommerce committee passed
resolution pledging their cooperation with the States Art Commission
in trying to have Ft. Worden be the location for the Multipurpose
center, The decision now goes to the Governor and the legislature.
A Resolution from the Planning Commission to the ash$t rate Arts
Commission designating Pt.Townsend for oonsideration for the site o
JWFt.Worden State Park as the ideal and logical site for the establishment
of a state Cultural Center was read.
Gail Stuart stated that a Design for Washington Conference is to be
held on the Olympic Peninsula. Hopefully fort Townsend wi-11 host the
conference whi h will be in February. He stated that Duh help vi ll
be needed to get the pros t off the ground,
Fred Tester suggested that the chairman appoint one member from the
Planning Commission to attend various meetings and give reports back
to the PlanningCommission* The following members were appointed or
Chamber ofCo=erce: Gail Stuart
Port Commission,: Phil Copps or Mary Johnson, sub,
City Council : Harry Diets
County Planning Com. 0o Phil Copps
County Commissioners:
Marylou Green gave a rpport on the status of the 701 program. No money
has been received but of 18 applications from Glark,Cb&eman & Rupecks
Port Townsend is #5 on the list. If no federal money is available by
the and of the year, all planning will have to be at lopal level.
Theft might be money available from the Small Communities Program or the
Farmers Home Administration but nothing definite. There was a discussion
onn how t keep Bob Clark a an advisory Consultant if no money is
available but it was definitely agreed that the planning must go on
at local levels.
Marylou reported that Morris Sterr t wants Planning Com. approval and support
on memorial for the Vane pp
Dover Tending. �o action t be taken til. requested
by Orgenization promoting sane, Meeting adjourned. -,---