HomeMy WebLinkAbout042566 Min Packet PUNNING COLUISSION jM II G April 25, 1966
Membors presort w ro : Mary Lou Gr o g and Gus Lindquist.
The minutos wero road and aPprovod. Mrs . Groep read a
ro ort prosented to tho City Council on April 19th regarding
proposals rade by the Plannine Commission*
Duo to lack of membors prosent the me a ti rig was adjourned.
Joan Bradley
Port Townsend. Planning Commission
gpril 19, 1984
To The honorable Mayor and Members of the Citi Counoii:
At their regular monthly meeting held on Usroh E8, 1988,
the members Qt the Porgy Townsend PlmnniM Commiaeioa voted un-
eaimouely to reoomend to the port Tovraeend City CounoSl the ,
following proposals, to be seriously aonsidered as soon as
1. rho Planning Commieelaa requests the City Council
to adopt a resolution whereby all preliminary plots
and replote mould first be referred to the Planning
Commission for etudyp possible revision and approval
before being sent to �ounoil Gottee. The Planning
Commission would then forward their recommendations
to the proper Counoil Cttee, henoe to the city
Council for final approval*
• 2. 'lhe PlennCsalon urges the City Counoil to
seriously oonsider the adoption of an orflinen.oe that
cmuid require all ner plots and reploEs to consist
of lots with a minimum of no less than ei$tq foot
froatagea hie ordinaaoe would aolacl8e with and
be in aoaorSaaae with 4 requirements*
s. The Planning Csalon urges the City Council to
seriously consider the adoption of e set-back
ordinance requiring nen buildings and reeiflenoes to
be so situated on any liven lot that the riots of
the otty and/or adjoining property owners would not
be infringed upon* snob an ordi.nsaaa would properly
inolu8e requiremente for net-baoke on rear and side
lot lines as well as frontage let linea.
RespeotPully submitted,
Varilou Green
Port Townsend
. Planning Commission