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Planning Commission Meeting March 29th., 1966
Marylou Green Presiding.
The meeting w s called to order by the President, Mrs Green.
In the absence of the secretary Mrs Johnson wps Psked to take
the minutes. h se present were : Mr Clank) Mr Lindquist, Mr Dietz,
Mr Copps, Mrs Green, Mrs Johnson.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and aroved.
It was announced that the Historical Society would like an account
of the proceedings of the Planning Commission to include in the
history which Mr V. .Gregory is editing Mrs Green stated that
gener l i ea of the comprehensive plan could b supplied t �-
includ in Jerry Simpson's chapter on the Planning Comm0
ission to
cover projected plans.
Mr Copps reported on the Jefferson County Planning Commission
meeting in which they discussed sites and locations for parks
and recreption aress for the county. There were 26 persons
present at this meeting, representing everyone who owns large
land holdings in the county. Mention was rade of the fact that
t*were are two county i t`e within the city limits of Port To�.'Tnsend#
The North Beach County Park and the Court House 4 to with block
which now contains the tennis courts, immediately in front of the
Court Hou 3 e.
A report on the public meeting in Peb uary was made, followed by
discussion for further plans for public meetings t Reported that the
film, "No Time for Ugliness" was well received.
Meeting date has been set for the fourth Monday of the month. Next
meeting_ April 25th.
Recommendations for sub-committees were discussed.
Johnson Lindquist
Moved and carried that we draft a statement to be sent
to the city council saying we don t
approve any subdivision i
which the lots measure under the F. .A. minimum frontage of 60 feet s
Commission studied the rem- l t submitted by Bishop, finding some
lots under the mimimum fronts which was not approved.
It wai announced that the 'city ser, project ,has been
accepted by the council. It was suggested that we ask the council
to refer important d-ecisi,ons to the planning commission for
discussion before ore t hey pass on therme
the railroad
It was reported by Mr Deitz that xK cannot vacate their right-wf-way
which presents such a problem on Water Street. and Plong the
Mr Clam, of Clam Coleman and Rupeiks, reported that pppers for
Phase 2 of their survey have not been approved. It seems that
the#papers must be held up in the San F'rr cisco office. He suggests
1 e be sent to our m embers of Congress to check the st tus Of � �..
this phase.
Mr Clark commended the 40 or 50 people who have been working on
committees and the excellent reports which have been furnished him.
Mention was made thent some adjustments should be made
the .inequities of property taxation. The County Assessor has
been cor ing on re-assessment and there will probably be some
changes in the ta.x structure of this County.
He stated that it would be of great assistance if some plan
could be worked ed out for assistance through a qualified architect
in t4ta planning restoration of buildings in PortTownsend;
that we need public fi.i.nds and costs shared by citizens snd city
government. one of the mxxk greatest needs for h stor ical
development as well as other planning projects and the f final
placejs a`Idevel pr en coordin to " o tie in with other agencies ;
to avoid duplication of inters Sts end effort.
Ile must study codes and safety requirements- industrial development-
housing developments and par s�f r recreation and besut ficat