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Tia ' .ou �' , hid o l� indui , and
Members present mere . �
Vary doh
neon. Mr. Clark of Clark-Coleman & upeis was also present.
meeting were read and approved* progress report
The minutes � the previous � � read.
n u elks for the months of July and uut e
from la , ma
letter From �
' lo rden Treatment Center Inion #338 was read ad s i na i &.
Leo Gregory as their representative to the Planning Co nissiOI1.
alk on the first draft of the preliminary plans on
Mx, Clark gs�r brief t committees can late
goals and standards* a stated that if
local planning
their work and present to the co=aission by the holidays they can be included
in the final drafto
a report from the Library Facilities s follows:
Eleanor Nelson submittedu August
e Libra r Facilities Committee present t the"Members of the � � yrs. �m��e�. o .
meeting: I . Harry efts , firs. Allen loyde and
The mayor library facility problems discussed the committee are
o Lack f simple access to the library for the
the following: lo That ► simpler
elder. et . beoa�use o many stains. Suggest
elderly, a from the side or rear of
entrance b constructed perhaps ram
2. Cramped Facilities: especially in the
present building*
children' s di isione Lack of additional space for shelving new
booze, reading and stud areas , exhibits, bulle tin boards, etc.
suggestion:on: ha t the property adjacent t the library is nc i
at the estate is in the hands the City Attorney:
available and h
Glen Abrhahams end that said loer estate consists sts of one uneven
nstitutes two. It s thereby sug ested by this
dot thatalmosto ti on b ur cha se y the city
committee that the property 'n qua Nelson,
tore anion the City library.
tl Signed Eleanor
for fu p
Chairman of the Library Facilities*
ohneon suggested tedthat if the boos
ova ort was discussed and yrs. � n o the
The b b used as a hildren s ad �.tio
question is purchased that stated that since
i e restored*t red. r s. Johnson also library and also that it b bar facilities and
si n is concerned with the fanning Commission h unproved lithe fit Council and library aid
• restoration that a suggest that City Facilities
historic �' eo�nndations o the library act.
give serious consideration to the
subs-committee as submitted .
Mr � e ♦ stated
e he Central Labor Council
will check
with other cities on their buildingides rcinghistorO
e�, in working n
buildings* the also o as ed again for more co aUnity h
t base o the p�.anng and stated
ave a brie' tai n the s he fit.Townsend
Imo. gave is necessary. Colored maps of t
that a. final review meeting
PlanningArea will be avaijmle soon.
. radley, Secretary*