HomeMy WebLinkAbout082781 Min PORT T13WNSENDo WASHIMSTON 98368
Part Townse d Planning Commission
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T. Opening Business
Chairman Floyd-called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Members present were John Floyd,, Julie MCC loch, Larnnison, Jean Camfield'.
and Jim Campbell. Roger French} City Engineer wasm also -present.
Chairman Floyd stated to t he Cmnatisaian that Heidi Rodeghier had resigned
as a Planning C ammi s s i*one r.
Jean Camf ield moved that the minutes be approved as written. Jim Campbell
seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
IT. APPolication N . 'j$1-Q6 David Tarr
Short Subdivis3iiiiiion 2417 Ivy Street
Port Townsend oda 983b$
Chairman Floyd staffed this application was st:'L11 under review va*th the
Legislative and Enviranrnental CV[flM�tees of the City Gat�rtcil.
• Jean Gamf ield moved to table this application until the reports were
back from the Council. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and it passed
Applicatleon No. 781»01 Va].ro�b� hand Company
Street Vacation (Hancock 8t. From Hastings south 120 Applegate Lane
to 25th St.) Sequim� Wa 98 362
ChaiLTM,IVF1--uyu stated that Mr: Hal Ioway., V rob's representative,, wished to
postpone the Coa-un-ission's review untJL1 the September meeting as they had
some more-* work. to-do on it yet.
Larry Dennison moved to table this applicati'on until the September 24, 1981
meeting.- Julie McCulloch seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
IV. Application No. X81-Q1
Street Vacation (10th between McPherson & Thomas} Steven Cooper
Rt. 3 Box 33.-8
Port- Townsend, Wa. 983b8
Mr. Copper stated that with the 20 food set-book quirement the :Lots
were limited to what could be built on them.
Tenth Street between Thomas and Logan was already vacated and beyond that
was unplatted.
410 After a discussion, Jam Campbell moved that as Application tlo,, 481moOl meets the
criteri'*a set forth mn Section 5.20,, paragraphs 2..G of City Ordinance 1802,*
that it be recommended dor approval to the City Council. Jean Cwffield seconded
the motion and 1"t passed unanimously.
V. Appli"Leation No. 681-01 Clarence A. Schaff
Street Vacation (9th St. between wise & Holcomb Sts,, ) 910 G 1*S4B
Port Townsend,, Wa. 98 368
Mr. & Mrs. Schaff requested the vacation as the City never has improved the
street with no intention of ever do ing so and there are steep banks East and
West of the property and the street runs into no ad'oiAIJIMLA,�r,-� streets:
Chai.rumm -Floyd reminded the commission that Mr. Henderson was to evaluate
this vac ati on -m que st and the possibility of vacating the re st of nh towards
the bluff, but since he was unable to attends the cornmission wou].d proceed iiithout
his re- Port on this application.
After a review, of the application, Larry Dermis movvwmed, that App- ication No.
68111w0l be recuimnended for approval as I*t meets the review em'*teri"a set forth
in City Ordinance 1802, Section 5,,20. Jean Camfield seconded the motion and the
nate was unanimous.
Floyd stated he Would talk with the City Attorney abort a-possible way
for the Planni-ne Commission to initiate the vacation of the rest of 9th Street
loam towards ,the bluff.
vie Appli"cati*on No. 881-01 Kah Tai. Carte Center
Street Vacation klawrence St. between Kearney & 751 Kearney St. .
Decatur St.) Port, Ttmnsend, I-Ala, 98368
Mr. Loge, KftI% Tai Care -Center Administratorstated that- the Street Vacation
• was needed to expand the care�hcenter: ' The home' s had x.00 Percent occup cy ,
for some time and local people, in need of this kind of facility have to go
out of the county to find s home -that can admit th�m*
Mr. Shanje%-y:P,,e1t,, Care Center's attorney,-, stated he reviewed the cr:Iteria of the
C ity ordinance and feels the request meets this c riteria.• He stated farther
that there was plenty of access to the -,Fl oon, no -wetlands* wo d be built onb
plenty of -room for lagoon park as care center's building would be built on east
c)f land and the Center would be willing to accept any reasonable condition
the cuffunission 9might make.
Dr., Bloemker staffed he could f zCOMM- entnd not one negative- on this facility.
On a scale of 1-7.0, the Center would rate a 10. Adding additaonal floo was
not feasible for the safety of the elderly residents as well as the structural
Dr. and Mrs, Frenzel stated their approval.
After a lengtl�y discussa,o , J 3*,e McCulloch moved to table this agplltation
until a special meeting of September 3' Z9&1,, to allow time to meed with the
Park Board and a solution to the access be found. Larry Deruuson seconded the
motion d the vote was unanimous.
Applicaticyn Na. 48I-03 Joseph &LYIm Fleming
Short Subdivision p.D. i3ox i55
Port Tcwnsend,, Wao 98368
• This short plat divides fax 1.ot #3�, also known as the McIntyre Tract of the
I?etzygrove -'Donation into four :Lots.
Cha3'*. Fjc�rd explained to the Flemings that Tax lot 153 & 3� are coxrsidered
lip cme.- lot .and have•to beh.reviewed as sucAfter a discussion with the Flem3.ngs
and svmw of their neighbors (to the property}' Chairman Floyd suggested that
they•amend the;..short subdivision•to meet' the regulations:
Mrs French•added that to•f ile a revised p1wr that they ay need another survey:
rl- Dennis on moved to tab]. Application No. 48].-03 until the F:Leming s have a
chaace to amend 3,t. Jean Camfield seconded the motion and it passed unan=ous:LY,
Viiie Adj4'ow__._ent
Chairman Floy%dL adjourned the meeting at 14:3Q P.M.
This meeting toms 'tape recorded.
Vi an3.a Mulkey
• Conn "ssion Secretary
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