HomeMy WebLinkAbout073081 Min PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINOTCIN 48368 . Port Townsend. Planning Commission CITY 13F PORT TOWNSENO MINUTES OF JULY 300* 1J$1 I. Opening Business Chairman Floyd called the meeting to archer at 7:30 P.M. Members present were Jahn Floyd, Larry Denni*son, Jim Campbells Jean Camfield, Juli'e McCulloch., and Bill Henderson. Chaimaxr Floyd,declared i*t auoqrwn. After Chairman noy1 asked if there were w iy corrections to the minutes Jean C.vPi.eld moved that the mxnutes be approved as written. Julie McCulloch seconded the moti -and it passed-unan:*Lmous ly,F. II. Petition to Change Zoning Ordinance---Set a Date for Publie Haring Jean Camfield mored to table this Petiti to Changa Zoni'ng -Ordin ce until it coul:d"be reviewed WI* xnth the C�,�y Attaey and then set P�.blic Hearing at the August 27, Z981 Regular Meeting. Zany Dennison seconded the • motion and it- passed unanimously, j!Lpp :Lealtion No. 781-02 Richard E. Lindsey Var-i.ance Request 830 Jackson Port Townsend, Wa. The applicant mc�xests the variance as the ptWsiezrl placement and arrangement on the property of the e *5x. ting house does not all(nf a garage to be, placed any other place:than between the house and the easterly line of Jackson. �n order to accomo te a car, this leaves a 10 food setback from Jackson St. for a garage. After a discussions J±m Campbell moved that this Variance Application be 4h reculfunended0 for approval as �.t camplies with,--City Ordinance 16255 Section 6.1d A., Ttems 1,2,�,,5,b,7�&S, with the condition that it pertains to this specific plan and that there has been no adverse testimony. Jean Camf ield seconded. the motion and i*t passed unanimously, IV. Application No. 781-01 Valrob Land Co111y� Street VacationcocHank St. from Hastings Ave 120 Applegate Lane South to 25th Stqu=,,} Wao 98362 Applicant mquests this Street Vacation to per=lt orderly development of property.1-without disturbing presently st ding improvements in street to be vacated. • Mr. Hollaway, representing V rob Land Company gave sate background on the property and why they wanted a street vacation. After a review of the appcation, Bi Henders moved that this Street Vacation Request be -tabled until the August 27,, ].981 meeting at that time having input from the City Engineer and Street Department. Jean Camf2"'.eld se c onde d -the-motian and the vats W83 umnimous. V. Application No. 7$1-04 Ni er�and Karo Thom Variance Request Po 0.Box 201 Port Townsend, Wa. The aPP1:LcCMt''wishes •ta--constrnct a-b foal hiegh"fence and,- entry gate at' the' Pr aperby line in the front yard. They p1an an extensive garden and the proposed fence is important for the security, maintenance, and protection of the garden, Jeana Camfierld•di.srpualil"ied hei�s@r1f 'froin� thisk application. Mr. Thom explained-it that' they-took a petitaozr around ,-to all their near neighbors that th�:s• fence wou3d not harm neighbarhood� and itlo was �signed by adjoining neiLghbca"3 (with- the exception of the Camflelds, wham they did not ask to sign s3.nce Ms. Camf ield was a Cuimdissoner). Mr. Thom presented their reasons for•this request. Afterq-a lengthy review of this application, Larry Dennison moved that this Variance 'Application No. 78I-Old be rec camnended 'for approval as it meets the criteria iin' sectani6:1Q of 'the ComprehensiveZ oning Ordinance 1625s A. Items 1,2,4,5,b,7,&6 with condition as shown an modified site plan with corner fence angle from L to H. as shown on plan. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unallimouso Vi. APicplata.on No. 781-03 Wi3liam E. Brown Sr. ' Rezone f rom R~I to C-2 1310Clay St.,,, Port Townsend,,Vlas Chairman Floyd stated that this application has not been reviewed with the Ehx.Lronme a]: Checklist'..by the Counc:Ll as yet. Larry Dermison moved to- table Application No. 781-03 untii camnxission Mceir�s report far Envirvimiental Checklist and the Legislat3v�e Cuauinttee C ompletes its work on this rezone_requsst. Bill Henderson seconded the motion and it passed unanimouslyo VTI. Application No. 7810005 Robert & Elaine Grimrm Conditional Use Permit 1112 F St. Port Townsend,, Wa 9$368 The app c q2 Mrs. Grim-f presented �theix •reasans fortional-'a condiuse permit to be•able t o teach *dance classes •at,•their rhome*, 1, The Cumuterci*al rade makes, adequate rentals foo expensive. 2. The,- affordable b dings are- oftine�substandard -type 'and • not -goad for children to be in. ringing3. Parents prefer btheir children to a home than taking they[ d(mt9om : _2_ • The Cami"ssion discussed vith%"the Grinma&their proposed projrect and the• - possibilityonly of having , ofd street parking. The Commiss:Lon was so concerned that the children be pidked up and delivered on premise and that the dance class hours d@- not"extend passed 10:00 P.M. Jim Campbell moved that this application 'for a Conditional Use Pelliff-L-"Lt be re cozrunended-for app-roval as it meets the- c riteria set forth iTr Section 6.08 0f Zoning •{}rdinance A=�G with the follow mO'ngcondita.ons - 1. A17. parking on premises 2. Off-Street pick up and delivery. (on premise] 3. Class hours wit n 8:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Jean Camf*eld seconded the motion and the vote wasp--un imous. VISI. Application No. 48 2-O1 Steven E. Cooper Street Vacation (10th between McPherson & Thomas) Rt. 3 ]BOX 31-B Port, Tcn&msend., 111a. dean Camf 1*e1d moved- that this application be tabled until the August 27, 1981 meeting because no one was present to represent the app cation. Larry Dennison seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. IX. Application No. 681-02 Lebens., Missig.. & Barr Sub vis i*on 19th and Hendricks Port, Townsend.,r Wa. -98368 Chaim rilnv- d stated that nothing was resolved by the City Counci"l and haVWmn1-t+ checked with City Engi:neerts Departm-eirt"on this app lication. lop E� Bi Hende orr mcpve-d-pthat this appli'cation be tabled until all the require- ments of the Subdivision Ordinance are met. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and it passed--unanimously, A. Application No. 681-03 Geoz-ge & Maryanrr Niem:inen Rezone from RII to C SII Rt. 2 Box $46 Quilcene Wa. 983?6 14r, N 1*eminen stated-that -he" wished to open a soup & sandwich establishment and that all buildings an the block should be -Commercial a.n order to be uniform: It would be beneficial, to a17.. Mr. Donovan stated that it had historic ly been used as commercial. property. Mr. Whom stated that Terry Building had been used primarily c at"arcial. Mr. French stated Bi11 Howard said Trans America Title sur=ce Co. was in favor of the block rezone. Bl"11 Henderson moved that this -*rewone from RII'to GIII and in addition VL Block 5?, lots 5, 7, Block 40, -Lots- 4,6;8 of Original 'Tawns3.te- be reevinumnded forlm"appramll- as these lots did e St as col-mere i prior to ttie Comprehensive Plan and are in the public interest. Jean Gamfield seconded the motion and V - the vote was unanimous, • XI. At)pla.cation No. l�81-03 Joseph & Lylu Fleming Short Plat (Preliminary) P.O. Box 155 ' Port Townsend., Wa. 9$3G8 -3- . This short plat divides tax lot #35, also known as the McIntyre Tract of the Pettygrove Donation Claa".M into four lots. Each lot will be greater than the Port Townsend Short Plat requirement. The evitu SSIOn discussed with the applicants the access goad and the water line. Also a possible hydrant additiono Je an C amfield moved to grant Summary Approval. a.n accord, with �ord3.�aance ].806, Subsection 1,207, 2 & 3 provided before any property -is sold they meet conditions of waterline and hydrant to standards set by Engineering Department. Jim Campbell seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. XII. AdijouimumTrt�`, Chairman Floyd adjourned the meeting at 10:45 P.M. Vlrgi-.n--i,a Mulkey Secretary This meeting was tape recorded. •