HomeMy WebLinkAbout062581 Min PORT TOWNSENDo WASHIN13TON 98368 Port To-w-- nse d Plan 1 � CommissioIlan CITY OF PORT TOWNSEND � MINUTES a.'V" JUNE 25, 198i I. Ope Business C hai jLmm Floyd called the meeti*ng to order at 7:30 P.M. Members present were John Floyd., Larry Dennison., Jim Campbell, B1'11 Henderson, Je Camf 1*e1d& Julie McCulloch. Ball Henderson moved that the minutes be approved as written, rry Dennison seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ('The minutes were of May 28, 1981.} Chai'rman Floyd set up for -the regular July meeting three public hearings. 1. Fleming Short* Platy Appli*cation- No. 481-03 2, loebens� Mi ssigp & Barr Subdivisxan� Application No, b$1-02 3. Nieram'* en Rezone, Application No. 6$1-03 YT. Application No. $8Z-01 Harry Hollcrway-- III Variance 1600 Monroe • Port T 01 wnsend,,* Wa. Mr. Holloway--P-would like a variance to- allow him to cons'viLluct h-nne Nsrithin one foot of the side yard boAmdary decreasing- sideyaxu&-set bask fr�arr feifteen feet to eleven feet. The properly that needs the setback' variance xs located at the end of Clallam Street, Al Pettygrovds Addition, Block 18,% Lot 1 & a portion of vacated Foster Street, 0 Mr. Holloway explained to the Cvj7uiiiss3.on tie way his prcmosed home wo d be sit tedr on the lot and that this var3Lance wou:Ld allow him to have more needed office space within home and save considerable costs by being able to have the house square& off at this point. The applicant added that Marilou Greens property ifould be the only one effected by the variance. Mrs. Greer tress not present a t the i ie t ang 4p Jim-* Campbell moved that. this Variance Application Na.-k X81-01 be recommended for approval with the condition that plar� remains the same as reflected in submitted application to the City Council as it is consistent WI*th City Ordinance 1b25, Section b.10, under variances, sub hea ng A., 1,2 4,5,6 &7. Bill Henderson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.. SII. Application No. 483-p2 Robert Vold & E. Pomeroy Street Vacation 12050 77th Ave. S Seattle, Wa. Due to the mistake of one of the petitioners signing under "applicant", the peal applicamts, Coopers Sunbuxg, & Combs, hoped to have this application straightened out M'*thout •having t o reapply.- fey also thought both a section of 10th and a section of t streets wom included. (Application shotra only 10th), Bill Henderson moved that tha'.s appliaata.an be tabled anti]. it can be amended • and re submitted Larry Dennison seconded the motion and, it passed unanimouslyot The applicants instructed-that •thAy needed to apply for tw- o� separate- streets and the applicants d need to be present when the co, iLssiLon reviews it. It also eras recommended that the applicants read the street vacation ordto inance to be prepared for meeting. IV. Application No. 581-01 Mr IP, & I)Iilm:. Clarence' Schaff Street Vacatiom 910 Gise Port -,Town-send,, Wa. Mr. & Mrs. Schaaf wish 'to ha i.-rb r 9th Street, vacated 'betweerr' G i*se and Holemmb, The• Schaff I s view is 'that since -the City hast•never'put' any��znprovemertts 3n' the street and they, as adjoin*.g property owners, would like to improve, it. The area ]*.s steep east and west of property and it runs into no adj*oinb�g streets. . After a scuss 10 on Jim Campbell mvvedm- to table this application fo'rw street vacation �unti]: August 27, 1,981 meeting; thus' allowing` the CunuMISSIOn time to examinep, the possibl"lity of vacating-•more of ninth street as it- does- not- Tmke sense to vacate 1 block up from a dead end and would also like to hear from the Fire DeparTiment to clarify their view. Larry seconded the mations and it passed unanimously. 0• Q. Adiourranent C 10x7noan Floyd adjourned the meeting at 90.00 P.M. •